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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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8 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

I live in France.  

Neighbors have made similar comments.

Here documentaries on the history of the 1914-1945 period in Germany and France run on television quite often.

Europe sneezes, America catches a cold, or vice versa??  

Has the Rachel Maddow podcast series ULTRA seeped into the collective in France?  She focuses on individuals to emphasize that the resurgence of fascism isn't simply existential; a human face, be it Sylvester Vierick, Francis Parker Yockey, Willis Everett, Rudolf Aschenauer, drives home the threat of today's fascists Orbán, Erdogan, and wannabes Le Pen, Hocke, et al, and our very own proto-fascist agitators Bannon, Stone, Carlson, Flynn, Gorka, Miller et al who see Europe as the prize. Naming names –– regardless of the contempt it draws from some on this forum in particular –– is essential if we're to unearth the root cause. 


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6 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

There’s too many political arguments with tenuous links to the assassination discussed. Pretty boring watching insults and insinuations being slung so wantonly. I visit and donate to find answers to the actual assassination, not watch an argument unfold akin to disgruntled schoolgirls pulling hair.

and….some people’s posts are soooooooo long and boring. Less is more.

The insults usually fly when facts are laid out in context  requiring thoughtful consideration which can be frustrating for those who prefer their information spoonfed in soundbites ... or as infotainment by Carlson, Jones, Rogan, Tate, et al.  I saw recently that Trump is now saying, "well, uh, well . . . uh, I think probably THE C.I.A. did it."  Case solved!  And this is the guy who some insist saw the final traunche of JFK assassination files?

Is it possible that those who resist the history presented in the lengthy contribution here might have concerns other than "boredom."  

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I couldn't find my thread response post from many months ago regards Tucker Carlson getting resurrected as some JFKA truth revealing "good guy" by many on our forum. 

The plaudits came so quickly after Carlson claimed he was informed by a highly credible source that the CIA was involved. And he strongly inferred that he might very well reveal his source.

I felt the opposite about Carlson and his astounding claim. I immediately sensed a false flag story scenario based on everything I have seen and heard from this guy in his years of over hyped rightwing/Trump propaganda spreading.

I predicted that nothing would come of Carlson's claim and that those who were posting defending and even praising comments about him were in for a big let-down.

Sure enough...this reality came to pass. Carlson's conversion and claim was as phony as I felt it was and just faded away and out of the news cycle and became nothing more than an overly blown-up balloon pop story.

It was all a typical Tucker Carlson big claim parlor trick ( he has done this before ) the motive of which I would guess was a kind of sadistic joke tease of weak minded susceptible "JFKA" buff folks? 

Carlson definitely does have this type of sadism in his sense of humor make-up imo. 

I never hype myself on this forum as I have always considered myself as one of the least educated in the true deep research hierarchy here... but in this case of accurate Tucker Carlson phony claim fade-out assessment I will allow myself a modest lapel stroke crow "I told you so."


Edited by Joe Bauer
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12 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Someone in the past few years put in a FOIA request for all FBI documents relating to DON REYNOLDSDon B. Reynolds (spartacus-educational.com)

The reply was there are 17,000 pages of FBI documents relating to DON REYNOLDS and we, the government, are not giving you ONE PAGE.

Don Reynolds was testifying before a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee on Lyndon Johnson's corruption at the very second a bullet or bullets go into JFK's head in Dallas. Republican minority counsel was taking his testimony because the Senate Democrats were too close to LBJ.

Don Reynolds had to leave the USA because he was told Lyndon Johnson will have you killed if you stay in the USA.

I have no doubt that LBJ was using the full powers of the FBI/CIA to spy on, harass, intimidate, wiretap, threaten Don Reynolds who had been a good friend of Bobby Baker, LBJ's right hand man in the Senate for kickbacks and governmental corruption. Think of Batman/Robin doing good and LBJ/Bobby Baker criming as much as they good, making dirty money hand over fist.

Lyndon Johnson also used national political columnist Drew Pearson to slur Reynolds in the public sphere.

[“A Primer of Assassination Theories,” Edward Jay Epstein, Esquire, 12/01/1966]


In January of 1964 the Warren Commission learned that Don B. Reynolds, insurance agent and close associate of Bobby Baker, had been heard to say the FBI knew that Johnson was behind the assassination. When interviewed by the FBI, he denied this. But he did recount an incident during the swearing in of Kennedy in which Bobby Baker said words to the effect that the s.o.b. would never live out his term and that he would die a violent death.


Web link to Esquire article: https://classic.esquire.com/article/1966/12/01/a-primer-of-assassination-theories

[“A Primer of Assassination Theories,” Edward Jay Epstein, Esquire, 12/01/1966]




There's always another step in the analysis.  Epstein was being fed this by Moynihan.



Soon after Pat Moynihan had been appointed Ambassador to India by President Nixon, he learned that a vast sum of Indian rupees had accumulated in a US government account from the sale of American wheat to India. These "PB 484" fund, as they were called, could not be exchanged for dollars, but they could be used to purchase business-class air tickets. So Pat instituted what he called the "Star Series" through which the State Department would buy tickets for his friends willing to give lectures in India. I qualified.


I had first met Pat in 1966. He had come to Harvard as director of the Joint Center for Urban Studies, where I was studying with James Q. Wilson and Ed Banfield. Instantly, he brought joy to what had been heretofore a dull funding mechanism for a few professors and students in the government department (including myself.) Pat has everything it needed: intellectual brilliance, ineluctable charm, a love of history and a great sense of the media. A few weeks after his appointment, he was on the cover of Life magazine. So was the Joint Center.


What impressed me most about Pat is that he is an incredible learning machine. He listen and reads relentlessly, and integrates what he garners into new and provocative concepts. It was Pat, after all, who found Ralph Nader in the Labor Department, encouraged him to write his book Unsafe At Any Speed (Pat wrote the introduction), and, in doing so, created the consumer movement in America. His generosity toward me, including giving me a party for the completion of my thesis— with guests seating at tables according to whether they liked their steaks rare, medium or well-done— and inviting me to India for Christmas as part of the Star series.

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There's a new RFK Jr song that I'm sure Classic Rock fans like @Ron Bulman will enjoy

Apparently @Benjamin Cole you might want to watch the Dr. Phil because there might be something shocking coming like RFK Jr running with Biden as VP? 

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574433/RFK-incredible-offer-Biden-blown-2024-presidential-race-wide-open.html Video in link 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has revealed an offer to Joe Biden that he believes would shake up the 2024 election and help one of them defeat Donald Trump.

The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy has kept running as a third-party candidate after losing to Biden in the Democrat primary.

Recent polls show him garnering nine percent of the vote as an independent in a multi-way race with Biden, Trump and other candidates. 

Kennedy has consistently cited a Zogby Analysis poll that shows Trump beating Biden if he's in or in a two-way race, while RFK Jr. would defeat the Republican or Biden head-to-head. 

The independent has his doubts about whether Biden would accept the deal, which he says is still on the table, and claims it proves he's not trying to throw the election.

'Do I expect that he will take that deal? No, but I'm not a spoiler. A spoiler is somebody who cannot win and they stay in and disrupt the expectations of somebody who can,' Kennedy clarified.

He says that Biden has not even given his deal a response at this stage. 

Kennedy covers a wide range of topics on Dr. Phil Primetime, including what he believes he's learned from his presidential uncle in times of crisis.

He  specifically details JFK's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the nearly two-week confrontation between America and the Soviets over nuclear missiles deployed near Cuba.

Dr. Phil asks whether tensions between the US and Russia are at their worst since the crisis, with some lawmakers believe Biden is 'sleepwalking' America into a repeat

'I'd do the same thing my uncle did. My father had gone to the Justice Department and negotiated a deal.' 

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8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

There's a new RFK Jr song that I'm sure Classic Rock fans like @Ron Bulman will enjoy

Apparently @Benjamin Cole you might want to watch the Dr. Phil because there might be something shocking coming like RFK Jr running with Biden as VP? 

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574433/RFK-incredible-offer-Biden-blown-2024-presidential-race-wide-open.html Video in link 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has revealed an offer to Joe Biden that he believes would shake up the 2024 election and help one of them defeat Donald Trump.

The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy has kept running as a third-party candidate after losing to Biden in the Democrat primary.

Recent polls show him garnering nine percent of the vote as an independent in a multi-way race with Biden, Trump and other candidates. 

Kennedy has consistently cited a Zogby Analysis poll that shows Trump beating Biden if he's in or in a two-way race, while RFK Jr. would defeat the Republican or Biden head-to-head. 

The independent has his doubts about whether Biden would accept the deal, which he says is still on the table, and claims it proves he's not trying to throw the election.

'Do I expect that he will take that deal? No, but I'm not a spoiler. A spoiler is somebody who cannot win and they stay in and disrupt the expectations of somebody who can,' Kennedy clarified.

He says that Biden has not even given his deal a response at this stage. 

Kennedy covers a wide range of topics on Dr. Phil Primetime, including what he believes he's learned from his presidential uncle in times of crisis.

He  specifically details JFK's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the nearly two-week confrontation between America and the Soviets over nuclear missiles deployed near Cuba.

Dr. Phil asks whether tensions between the US and Russia are at their worst since the crisis, with some lawmakers believe Biden is 'sleepwalking' America into a repeat.

'I'd do the same thing my uncle did. My father had gone to the Justice Department and negotiated a deal.' 

Did Joe Kennedy personally fund payment of Castro's ransom demands?


Donovan is the constant in the triangulation between Moscow, Havana and Washington. Deal made to get Powers back; deal made to get BoP prisoners back. Kennedys don't like Donovan, according to Mary McGrory. "Heavens, Mary. We'll laugh again. We'll just never be young again."





That Donovan was able to successfully build a relationship with Castro during the Cold War, and specifically the Cuban Missile Crisis, is no small feat and speaks to his extraordinary character.

A short while after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Donovan brought his 18 year old son with him to Cuba to demonstrate his trust in Castro. This gesture was well received by Castro who, among other fun activities, took Donovan and his son fishing in one of his favorite spots: the Bay of Pigs.

The Offer

On a casual Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, Donovan found himself playing a friendly game of gin rummy with the president of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. The subject of the Cuban negotiations came up. As the cards were dealt, both men pondered what the US could offer in exchange for the prisoners. They needed to come up with something that would clearly benefit the Cuban people.

As they wore away the afternoon, shuffling cards and ideas, it struck them. Cubans were suffering from a serious lack of pharmaceuticals and food. Over a game of cards, Donovan decided to exchange the prisoners for the two most important ingredients needed to sustain life.

The Exchange

On December 21, 1962, Castro and Donovan signed an agreement to exchange the 1,113 prisoners of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion for $53 million in food and medicine. Three days later, on Christmas Eve, the prisoners received the best present anyone could ask for: freedom.

Four days later, President Kennedy greeted the freed members of Brigade 2506 at the Miami Orange Bowl stadium in Little Havana, Florida, in front of thousands of spectators. The stadium was packed and there were people lined up outside unable to get in.




Does RFK Jr actually want the full story out?  Or his his candidacy in fact an attempt to broker a deal, between either nominee, and insert himself into the disclosure process?

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Rather than having multiple redundant threads regarding the JFK Assassination Records Act, we are now combining those threads into THIS ONE. 


Any further threads on the topic will be merged into this thread.

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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Watching the debate, I'd be embarrassed if I had voted for Joe Biden.. Yikes!



Thanks for your report

I am busy with farm-work, so can only duck in---tell us if CNN asks any questions about the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act, and about Trump's recent (likely fake) bluster he would actually open up the JFK Records. 

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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for your report

I am busy with farm-work, so can only duck in---tell us if CNN asks any questions about the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act, and about Trump's recent (likely fake) bluster he would actually open up the JFK Records. 

It's pretty bad, I stopped watching because it feels like elder abuse. Biden is sorta talking and looking like a corpse.. 

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

It's pretty bad, I stopped watching because it feels like elder abuse. Biden is sorta talking and looking like a corpse.. 

For once we agree, Mathew.

Biden looks hopelessly feeble, and his voice is hoarse and faint-- a disastrous showing.

Trump is lying his ass off, as always, but Biden is simply too feeble to respond appropriately to the nonsense.

I've watched every U.S. Presidential debate of the past half century, and this one is the absolute worst-- an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party.



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for your report

I am busy with farm-work, so can only duck in---tell us if CNN asks any questions about the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act, and about Trump's recent (likely fake) bluster he would actually open up the JFK Records. 

Subject was not broached by the CNN moderators. 

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1 hour ago, Charles Blackmon said:

Subject was not broached by the CNN moderators. 



Thanks for your collegial comment.

Well, I had my hopes up...but dashed. Not the first time.

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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