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Trump just announced a new commission on assassination attempts

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Rather than re-hash the usual anti-Biden/Harris or anti-Trump arguments....

Shouldn't the JFKA research community, or the MFF, try to seize this opportunity to extract an equal promise from candidate Harris? 

Yes, every effort appears futile...but worth a try....

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9 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Rather than re-hash the usual anti-Biden/Harris or anti-Trump arguments....

Shouldn't the JFKA research community, or the MFF, try to seize this opportunity to extract an equal promise from candidate Harris? 

Yes, every effort appears futile...but worth a try....

Has Trump pressured his MAGA factotums in Congress to release the JFK Records this year?

He successfully pressured Mike Johnson and the MAGA House to kill the bipartisan Senate Border Security bill, so he has that kind of leverage.

And, as I recall, Larry Schnapf was in contact with some members of the MAGA House to legislate the release of the records.

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2 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Has Trump pressured his MAGA factotums in Congress to release the JFK Records this year?

He successfully pressured Mike Johnson and the MAGA House to kill the bipartisan Senate Border Security bill, so he has that kind of leverage.

And, as I recall, Larry Schnapf was in contact with some members of the MAGA House to legislate the release of the records.


AFAIK, Trump has not done much more than his usual, which is to bluster. I have not been contact with  Schnapf in months, and I can put an e-mail into him. 

But that seems to me all the more reason to extract, if possible, a vow from candidate Harris to open up the JFKA records. 

I think Harris is going to win. 

Are you of the view the JFKA research community should not raise the issue of opening up the JFA Records Act with Harris? 

Or should the issue be vigorously raised with both candidates, within our meager powers? 


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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:


AFAIK, Trump has not done much more than his usual, which is to bluster. I have not been contact with  Schnapf in months, and I can put an e-mail into him. 

But that seems to me all the more reason to extract, if possible, a vow from candidate Harris to open up the JFKA records. 

I think Harris is going to win. 

Are you of the view the JFKA research community should not raise the issue of opening up the JFA Records Act with Harris? 

Or should the issue be vigorously raised with both candidates, within our meager powers? 


It's worth raising, IMO.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Comport with clowns, and you get a circus lol

Based on a real place in Eastland Texas.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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I think this is a good way to pressure Harris.

Unfortunately she does not do interviews.

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22 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Rather than re-hash the usual anti-Biden/Harris or anti-Trump arguments....

Shouldn't the JFKA research community, or the MFF, try to seize this opportunity to extract an equal promise from candidate Harris? 

Yes, every effort appears futile...but worth a try....

Thank you for the constructive idea.

I enjoyed the light-hearted back-and-forth on page 1, but then inevitably the thread got toxic, so I very much appreciate your effort to elevate.


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I think that is an excellent idea, I've reached out to a couple of people on just that, including Jeff M., but unfortunately I have no connections into the Harris campaign.  If anyone does, please do an outreach and appeal to her to issue a statement about transparency, access to records and support for freedom of information.   It could even be broader than just JFK, with the new Cold Case Board now operational there is ample opportunity in the MLK assassination as well as other areas.

Its going to be hard for any President to overcome the established agency and law enforcement practices of CYA but perhaps Harris could focus her remarks on legislation to be proposed, the proactive rather than reactive role of the Justice Dept and possibly even more funding for NARA, the FOIA process etc.

Open investigations records should apply nationally, she might even call for an advisory group to push that sort of agenda.

  -- if anyone has connections now is the time to use them,   Larry




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1 hour ago, K K Lane said:

Thank you for the constructive idea.

I enjoyed the light-hearted back-and-forth on page 1, but then inevitably the thread got toxic, so I very much appreciate your effort to elevate.



I have noted over the years that your contributions are collegial in nature, even if you disagree with me (or others) on a particular issue or event. 

May other participants and moderators take note. This is how you do it. 

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2 hours ago, K K Lane said:

Thank you for the constructive idea.

I enjoyed the light-hearted back-and-forth on page 1, but then inevitably the thread got toxic, so I very much appreciate your effort to elevate.


Deflection isn't "elevation," K.K.

Nor is intellectually honest, reality-based commentary "toxic," except to people who fear the truth.

Aren't we here to explore and discuss the truth?

Ben Cole posted his above comment in response to my comments about a sexual (and racist?) slur directed at Vice President Harris.

Rather than deleting the slur, I viewed it as a "teachable moment"-- an opportunity to discuss misogyny and racism in American politics.

That's a new topic on the forum-- the precise opposite of "re-hashing" political arguments, as Ben implied.

(For a good example of actual re-hashing of a political argument, see Ben Cole's numerous, redundant "Biden Snuff Job" threads on the forum.)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I'm also pissed at the CIA for this even being an issue; they brought this on themselves by not being open about Joannides, and thus they've given a talking point to a true adversary to America and a national security threat, Donald Trump.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Deflection isn't "elevation," K.K.

Nor is intellectually honest, reality-based commentary "toxic," except to people who fear the truth.

Aren't we here to explore and discuss the truth?

Ben Cole posted his above comment in response to my comments about a sexual (and racist?) slur directed at Vice President Harris.

Rather than deleting the slur, I viewed it as a "teachable moment"-- an opportunity to discuss misogyny and racism in American politics.

That's a new topic on the forum-- the precise opposite of "re-hashing" political arguments, as Ben implied.

(For a good example of actual re-hashing of a political argument, see Ben Cole's numerous, redundant "Biden Snuff Job" threads on the forum.)


Surely, the Biden Administration actions regarding the JFK Records Act are indefensible, and presently in the news. 

Ask anyone at MFF, or on their legal team. 

The term "Biden snuff job" may be colloquial (or, in days gone by, in the "vernacular of the street") but...at bottom is truthful. That is not a political statement. Ask Jim DiEugenio his views. He breathes fire a lot hotter than mine, on this topic. 

Perhaps you are in error to politicize the JFK Records Act issue. This is not a red v. blue kool-aid topic. 

In fact, I am reduced to supporting no one in the pending election, since RFK2 has dropped out. I only supported RFK2 reluctantly, as I have lost faith in the two major parties, and RFK2 seemed the best of the Hobson Choices available. Vote against Trump, and many times, to your heart's full content, for all I care. 

David Talbot and Dick Russell, btw, were far more earnest supporters of RFK2 than I ever was.  AFAIK, they are not big Trumpers. They are both JFKA scholars. 

My view: We are better off seeking new political parties and alignments. 


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     I'm responding to your comments in red (below.)

Ben Cole wrote;


Surely, the Biden Administration actions regarding the JFK Records Act are indefensible, and presently in the news. 

Ask anyone at MFF, or on their legal team. 

The term "Biden snuff job" may be colloquial (or, in days gone by, in the "vernacular of the street") but...at bottom is truthful. That is not a political statement. Ask Jim DiEugenio his views. He breathes fire a lot hotter than mine, on this topic. 

Ben, at issue is your post (above) suggesting that we shouldn't "re-hash anti-Biden/Harris" or anti-Trump arguments, etc.

Was this posted without intentional irony?

How many redundant "Biden Snuff Job" threads have you started (and re-hashed) on this forum during the past year? 15? 20?

Talk about re-slinging the hash... 🙄

Perhaps you are in error to politicize the JFK Records Act issue. This is not a red v. blue kool-aid topic. 

Huh?  You are accusing me of politicizing the JFK Records issue?  That's rich.

You've been trying to politicize the issue for months, as everyone on the forum knows.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "blue kool-aid."  There is one political cult in the U.S. today, and they drink the red stuff.

Nor is there any meaningful policy equivalence between the Trump/GOP and the Democratic Party today.

That has been explained to you several times, in detail, and you still don't get it.

In fact, I am reduced to supporting no one in the pending election, since RFK2 has dropped out. I only supported RFK2 reluctantly, as I have lost faith in the two major parties, and RFK2 seemed the best of the Hobson Choices available. Vote against Trump, and many times, to your heart's full content, for all I care. 

That makes no sense at all, Ben.  Study the Koch/Heritage Project 2025 and the major policy differences between the Trump/GOP and the Democrats on climate change, the EPA, tax policy, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, voting rights, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, etc.

These are huge issues for the American people and for the planet.

No equivalence.

As for RFK, Jr., he's a confused, egomaniacal, self-contradicting, substance-abusing loon with no legislative or executive experience in government. 

His own family has denounced him.

David Talbot and Dick Russell, btw, were far more earnest supporters of RFK2 than I ever was.  AFAIK, they are not big Trumpers. They are both JFKA scholars. 

My view: We are better off seeking new political parties and alignments. 

When?   In reality, we have to make a choice in 2024 and it's a no-brainer.

We can vote for the highly intelligent, educated, ethical lady, or for the corrupt, poorly educated salesman-- the worst POTUS in American history.

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