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Tink T. Explains GK Gunman, Mentions Bowers

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On 9/14/2024 at 7:42 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Tink Thompson makes his case for a gunman near the junction of the wooden fences atop the GK, on the north side of the fence. Excellent presentation. Thompson notes the credible witnesses who thought shots had come from the GK. 

Thompson is very believable, but then adds there was a fourth shot from behind that also struck JFK's head, shortly after the shot from the GK. 

It is true that some witnesses, including SM Holland, and Amos Euins, said they heard more than three shots. But no one in the limo recalls another shot hitting JFK. 

Thompson does an excellent job in laying out the splatter pattern from the putative GK shot, largely falling upon motorcycle officers Hargis and Martin, who were to the left side of the limo, and Thompson says the splatter pattern indicates a shot from the right-front. 

Yet, if there were a shot from the right-front to JFK's head...where did it exit? Would we not expect to see an exit in the left side of JFK's head, and through that exit the flesh and other matter splattered the two motorcycle officers? 

(I apologize for the gore in this comment). 

But, the most-clear copies of the Z Film appear to show a volcanic-type eruption from the right side of JFK's head. For me, that suggests a shot from the rear that exited right-front.  Bullets coursing through human bodies do not always take a straight line, confusing matters. Of course, a shot from the rear also does not explain why the gore on the motorcycle officers. 

Thompson doesn't really talk much about the throat wound (btw, did Parkland doctors ever probe the throat wound to found out if it actually penetrated the throat, or did they assume that?). 

Thompson only briefly mentions Lee Bowers, and makes mysterious reference to the "Bowers Tunnel."  I surmise this refers to Bowers' tunnel-like view onto Elm St. 

Thompson notes that Bowers would say he saw two strangers in the area of the wooden fence. 

But in his 11/22 affidavit, Bowers makes no reference to strangers in the area, only to possibly suspicious slowly cruising automobiles, the last of which left the lot about 10 minutes before gunfire. 

Only later did Bowers expand or embellish his observations, depending on your point of view. I cannot fathom any sane person, having seen men with guns in the area of the fence on 11/22 before the JFKA, not relaying that info in a same-day affidavit.  

One speculative possibility is that Bowers was actually hired as a lookout by the gunsels, and later felt remorse, and began to spill the truth. Then he was murdered. That is entirely speculative, of course. 

Anyway, Thompson is a serious researcher and this session worth watching. As usual, the more you know, the less you know. 






I am not impressed with Josiah Thompson. About 4-5 years ago at a CAPA conference I asked him "Who killed JFK and why?" And Josiah Thompson told me "I have no idea."

Decades and decades of JFK assassination research have trucked on endlessly and a lot of amazing new material keeps coming out and Thompson's bottom line is HE HAS NO IDEA NOT EVEN A WHIFF OF WHO KILLED JFK.

That's just pitiful. I don't care what work Thompson did in the 1960s. To turn your brain off for decades on the most important questions of the JFK case and that is all you come up with - like I said just pitiful.

BTW a few months ago I heard TV historian Michael Beschloss on the MSNBC and he also said he subscribed to "no particular theory on the JFK assassination" which actually is an improved position for court historians who are often "Lone Nutters."

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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

I am not impressed with Josiah Thompson. About 4-5 years ago at a CAPA conference I asked him "Who killed JFK and why?" And Josiah Thompson told me "I have no idea."

Decades and decades of JFK assassination research have trucked on endlessly and a lot of amazing new material keeps coming out and Thompson's bottom line is HE HAS NO IDEA NOT EVEN A WHIFF OF WHO KILLED JFK.

That's just pitiful. I don't care what work Thompson did in the 1960s. To turn your brain off for decades on the most important questions of the JFK case and that is all you come up with - like I said just pitiful.

BTW a few months ago I heard TV historian Michael Beschloss on the MSNBC and he also said he subscribed to "no particular theory on the JFK assassination" which actually is an improved position for court historians who are often "Lone Nutters."

AFAIK, Tink Thompson has limited his research to a forensic examination of the physical event. No crime in that.

My preferred suspects are Alpha 66 or other JM-WAVE, Cuban exiles, American mercs, of which there thousands in the US at the time.

But that is what a forum is for, to see different views.

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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After 61 years of unprecedented, high academic plane, courageous even heroic independent research investigation I believe the case has been very credibly made that the JFKA was a conspiracy.

An effort made even more heroic when one acknowledges the massively powerful impediment forces the JFKA research community has had to wrestle with all that time...90% of our national media and the entire apparatus of our federal government with unlimited funds and influence.

As Dallas PD homicide captain Will Fritz once shouted to the world press just 2 days after Oswald's arrest..."This case is cinched!"

Yes, cinched alright imo ( without a specific ground action guilty party identification ) in that the JFKA was a conspiracy ... AND American born.

So many reasons I don't feel any foreign adversary was involved.

Here are two main ones:

Does any rational person think that if Cuba/ Castro, or the Russians were the perps, and our highest levels of government ( agencies, military ) knew this to be the truth, ( and they would have discovered this truth ) that we would not have carried out punitive actions against them, just short of all-out war?

If either of those two entities "took out our sitting President" and in such a brutal way, we would have done so much more in retaliation against them than we did. We would have crushed Castro. No way we just embargo him and leave him alone for the next 55 years.

We would have taken a tack of crippling aggression against the USSR beyond any other we had previously taken in decades of the cold war.

The murder of our president by a foreign power would have been looked upon as an act of war by our military...as it should have. LeMay might have finally had his crazy all-out first strike way...if he and the rest of the military knew "for certain" that these usual suspects were behind this act.

No, Castro and the USSR did not take out JFK.

And no other foreign nation and power did either.

No foreign power groups hated and felt more threatened by JFK than those in our own country.

Someone or group in a great position of power, wealth and influence in our own country did JFK.

And it was a conspiracy.

We know this. 

It's so naive to think that so many highest level cabals of power, wealth and influence in this country in 1963 ( that were seriously threatened by JFK's presidency ) could not be so corrupt and ruthless to plan, okay and carry out something as diabolical as the JFKA.  Folks...anyone of them or all of them were.

Please see the film "Seven Days In May" again ( which JFK himself wanted to be made and seen ) to understand the all too plausible and possible dynamics of such a proposition.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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30 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

After 61 years of unprecedented, high academic plane, courageous even heroic independent research investigation I believe the case has been very credibly made that the JFKA was a conspiracy.

An effort made even more heroic when one acknowledges the massively powerful impediment forces the JFKA research community has had to wrestle with all that time...90% of our national media and the entire apparatus of our federal government with unlimited funds and influence.

As Dallas PD homicide captain Will Fritz once shouted to the world press just 2 days after Oswald's arrest..."This case has been cinched!"

Yes, cinched alright imo ( without a specific ground action guilty party identification ) in that the JFKA was a conspiracy ... AND American born.

So many reasons I don't feel any foreign adversary was involved.

Here are two main ones:

Does any rational person think that if Cuba/ Castro, or the Russians were the perps, and our highest levels of government ( agencies, military ) knew this to be the truth, ( and they would have discovered this truth ) that we would not have carried out punitive actions against them, just short of all-out war?

If either of those two entities "took out our sitting President" and in such a brutal way, we would have done so much more in retaliation against them than we did. We would have crushed Castro. No way we just embargo him and leave him alone for the next 55 years.

We would have taken a tack of crippling aggression against the USSR beyond any other we had previously taken in decades of the cold war.

The murder of our president by a foreign power would have been looked upon as an act of war by our military...as it should have. LeMay might have finally had his crazy all-out first strike way...if he and the rest of the military knew "for certain" that these usual suspects were behind this act.

No, Castro and the USSR did not take out JFK.

And no other foreign nation and power did either.

Someone or group in a great position of power, wealth and influence in our own country did JFK. And it was a conspiracy.

We know this. 

It's so naive to think that so many highest level cabals of power, wealth and influence in this country in 1963 ( that were seriously threatened by JFK's presidency ) could not be so corrupt and ruthless to plan, okay and carry out something as diabolical as the JFKA.  Folks...anyone of them or all of them were.

Please see the film "Seven Days In May" again ( which JFK himself wanted to be made and seen ) to understand the all too plausible and possible dynamics of such a proposition.




Or maybe it was Alpha 66, angered by what  they perceived as JFK perfidy and fecklessness, regarding Cuba. Maybe they had an assist from Army intel, a password or half-dollar bill. Or maybe the CIA JM-WAVE station. 

The WC cover-up was to prevent the public from finding out it was CIA-Army assets that perped the JFKA. And to sandbag any speculation about LHO's visit to Kostikov. 

In fact, for about 36-48 hours after the JFKA, there was chaos in power centers. "JFK shot in the throat," conspiracies and so on.

After 48 hours, a story line was settled on. People fell in line. 

Well, maybe. 




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Alpha 66? Or some other rogue element of our agency founded and funded covert action teams?

Not without approval from the top. Executive, military and agency.

They would never plan and carry out something as big as the JFKA on their own. You don't do something the people that pay you don't want you to do.

Simple reality.   IMO anyways.


Curious coincidence.

The new national figure behind the ET presence discloser agenda "Luis Elizondo" said in an interview shown on You Tube, stated his Castro expelled Cuban expatriate father was a member of Alpha 66. The younger Elizondo "was" raised in Miami.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Alpha 66? Or some other rogue element of our agency founded and funded covert action teams?

Not without approval from the top. Executive, military and agency.

They would never plan and carry out something as big as the JFKA on their own. You don't do something the people that pay you don't want you to do.

Simple reality.   IMO anyways.


Curious coincidence.

The new national figure behind the ET presence discloser agenda "Luis Elizondo" said in an interview shown on You Tube, stated his Castro expelled Cuban expatriate father was a member of Alpha 66. The younger Elizondo "was" raised in Miami.

Alpha 66 was known for not following US direction, in fact so much so the CIA stopped working with them.

Alpha 66 did not regard itself as part of the US government, and had little reverence for US power elites. 


Has a few insights into the Alpha 66. 

Just IMHO. 

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On 9/17/2024 at 5:34 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


Do you have any evidence that Alpha 66 was infiltrated by Castro supporters? I don't doubt that it was possible, but that specific organization? 

You are correct about DPD'er Smith. He was the DPD'er who approached a man who flashed evidently phony SS credentials near the GK.  Seymour Weitzman was the Sheriff who also saw the ersatz credentials.  Sure seems like a man had phony SS credentials and was near the GK when JFK was shot.  

Since Mr. Phony Secret Service was not carrying a rifle...that made me think about a snub-nose .38. I suppose he  could have lit off a cherry bomb. 

Bowers did testify that it was difficult to tell where sounds came from, the triple overpass or towards the TSBD. 

No specific information. But Castro’s ability to plant infiltrators among the Cuban exiles is pretty well established. Castro was well aware of the BoP from his sources. We still uncover the occasional Cuban spy in our intelligence agencies which are notoriously bad at counterintelligence.

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16 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

After 61 years of unprecedented, high academic plane, courageous even heroic independent research investigation I believe the case has been very credibly made that the JFKA was a conspiracy.

An effort made even more heroic when one acknowledges the massively powerful impediment forces the JFKA research community has had to wrestle with all that time...90% of our national media and the entire apparatus of our federal government with unlimited funds and influence.

As Dallas PD homicide captain Will Fritz once shouted to the world press just 2 days after Oswald's arrest..."This case is cinched!"

Yes, cinched alright imo ( without a specific ground action guilty party identification ) in that the JFKA was a conspiracy ... AND American born.

So many reasons I don't feel any foreign adversary was involved.

Here are two main ones:

Does any rational person think that if Cuba/ Castro, or the Russians were the perps, and our highest levels of government ( agencies, military ) knew this to be the truth, ( and they would have discovered this truth ) that we would not have carried out punitive actions against them, just short of all-out war?

If either of those two entities "took out our sitting President" and in such a brutal way, we would have done so much more in retaliation against them than we did. We would have crushed Castro. No way we just embargo him and leave him alone for the next 55 years.

We would have taken a tack of crippling aggression against the USSR beyond any other we had previously taken in decades of the cold war.

The murder of our president by a foreign power would have been looked upon as an act of war by our military...as it should have. LeMay might have finally had his crazy all-out first strike way...if he and the rest of the military knew "for certain" that these usual suspects were behind this act.

No, Castro and the USSR did not take out JFK.

And no other foreign nation and power did either.

No foreign power groups hated and felt more threatened by JFK than those in our own country.

Someone or group in a great position of power, wealth and influence in our own country did JFK.

And it was a conspiracy.

We know this. 

It's so naive to think that so many highest level cabals of power, wealth and influence in this country in 1963 ( that were seriously threatened by JFK's presidency ) could not be so corrupt and ruthless to plan, okay and carry out something as diabolical as the JFKA.  Folks...anyone of them or all of them were.

Please see the film "Seven Days In May" again ( which JFK himself wanted to be made and seen ) to understand the all too plausible and possible dynamics of such a proposition.


I know Dulles is the number one suspect here in the JFK assassination. But the evidence is that the Kennedys held Dulles in high esteem after the JFK assassination. Ethel Kennedy extended an invitation to Dulles to attend RFK’s funeral. RFK asked Dulles to participate in the Oral History program for the Kennedy Library within months of the assassination. Dulles coordinates with RFK on which Cuba topics he can discuss. There is a recorded conversation between LBJ, RFK and Dulles where Dulles is recruited to go to Mississippi in June 1964 to act as the White House eyes and ears in the investigation of the missing civil rights workers. RFK displays no sign of animosity toward Dulles. RFK as a senator makes a speech regarding the proposed Constitutional amendment for presidential succession and refers to Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State Robert Lansing’s actions during the waning months of the Wilson administration when Wilson was largely incapacitated (Wilson or his wife fired Lansing for usurping presidential powers). RFK seeks Dulles’s opinion on the matter as Lansing was an uncle of Dulles.

Nixon, on the other hand, thought Dulles sandbagged him by briefing JFK on the BoP during the 1960 campaign. JFK was hitting Nixon hard on the fact that nothing was being done to use the Cuban exiles against Castro. Dulles did brief JFK during the campaign but never mentioned what would become the BoP until after the election. Dulles thought briefings that touch on covert activities should only address those actions that could erupt during the campaign in order to preclude any candidate from making rash statements.

Further, the CIA was running Mockingbird at this time. While not all the JFK marital infidelity accounts are true, several were true. It would have been an easy matter to leak these through their controlled assets in the media. Or the secret deal to withdraw Jupiter missiles from Turkey to resolve the Cuba Missile Crisis.

At the time of the JFK assassination, Castro and probably several others in his government and intelligence apparatus were no doubt pissed at JFK for the continuing sabotage and assassination attempts and at the Soviets for throwing them under the bus to resolve the CMC. If the CIA can be posited to have rogue elements, why not the Cuban intelligence services?

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2 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

I know Dulles is the number one suspect here in the JFK assassination. But the evidence is that the Kennedys held Dulles in high esteem after the JFK assassination. Ethel Kennedy extended an invitation to Dulles to attend RFK’s funeral. RFK asked Dulles to participate in the Oral History program for the Kennedy Library within months of the assassination. Dulles coordinates with RFK on which Cuba topics he can discuss. There is a recorded conversation between LBJ, RFK and Dulles where Dulles is recruited to go to Mississippi in June 1964 to act as the White House eyes and ears in the investigation of the missing civil rights workers. RFK displays no sign of animosity toward Dulles. RFK as a senator makes a speech regarding the proposed Constitutional amendment for presidential succession and refers to Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State Robert Lansing’s actions during the waning months of the Wilson administration when Wilson was largely incapacitated (Wilson or his wife fired Lansing for usurping presidential powers). RFK seeks Dulles’s opinion on the matter as Lansing was an uncle of Dulles.

Nixon, on the other hand, thought Dulles sandbagged him by briefing JFK on the BoP during the 1960 campaign. JFK was hitting Nixon hard on the fact that nothing was being done to use the Cuban exiles against Castro. Dulles did brief JFK during the campaign but never mentioned what would become the BoP until after the election. Dulles thought briefings that touch on covert activities should only address those actions that could erupt during the campaign in order to preclude any candidate from making rash statements.

Further, the CIA was running Mockingbird at this time. While not all the JFK marital infidelity accounts are true, several were true. It would have been an easy matter to leak these through their controlled assets in the media. Or the secret deal to withdraw Jupiter missiles from Turkey to resolve the Cuba Missile Crisis.

At the time of the JFK assassination, Castro and probably several others in his government and intelligence apparatus were no doubt pissed at JFK for the continuing sabotage and assassination attempts and at the Soviets for throwing them under the bus to resolve the CMC. If the CIA can be posited to have rogue elements, why not the Cuban intelligence services?


My answer on whether Cuban rogue groups perped the JFKA is found in the extensive train of snuff jobs executed on JFKA-related information ever since. 

1. The murder of LHO, by Jack Ruby. 

1A. WC (The Grandaddy). 

2. The snuff job on Jim Garrison (1967-WC's son)

3. The RFK1A (1968)

4. The RFK1A "investigation." 

5. The CIA snuff job on Nixon's demand to see the "Bay of Pigs" files-1972 (and likely some of the reason for the Watergate caper). 

6. The snuff job on Richard Sprague-HSCA (1976) Inserting the compliant Blakey. 

7. The Scott Enyart photo heist (1996). 

8. And the caboose, the grandson the WC: The Biden Administration permanent snuff job on the JFK Records Act (2023-present). 

For me, these are the real Rosetta stones of the JFKA. Only the US intel community could execute such a series of snuff jobs. 

Cuban intel? Mafia? The LBJ crowd? Russians? 

Just IMHO....


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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


My answer on whether Cuban rogue groups perped the JFKA is found in the extensive train of snuff jobs executed on JFKA-related information ever since. 

1. The murder of LHO, by Jack Ruby. 

1A. WC (The Grandaddy). 

2. The snuff job on Jim Garrison (1967-WC's son)

3. The RFK1A (1968)

4. The RFK1A "investigation." 

5. The CIA snuff job on Nixon's demand to see the "Bay of Pigs" files-1972 (and likely some of the reason for the Watergate caper). 

6. The snuff job on Richard Sprague-HSCA (1976) Inserting the compliant Blakey. 

7. The Scott Enyart photo heist (1996). 

8. And the caboose, the grandson the WC: The Biden Administration permanent snuff job on the JFK Records Act (2023-present). 

For me, these are the real Rosetta stones of the JFKA. Only the US intel community could execute such a series of snuff jobs. 

Cuban intel? Mafia? The LBJ crowd? Russians? 

Just IMHO....


I would add 6A.  The CIA bringing in George Joannides to 'help' with the HSCA.

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


My answer on whether Cuban rogue groups perped the JFKA is found in the extensive train of snuff jobs executed on JFKA-related information ever since. 

1. The murder of LHO, by Jack Ruby. 

1A. WC (The Grandaddy). 

2. The snuff job on Jim Garrison (1967-WC's son)

3. The RFK1A (1968)

4. The RFK1A "investigation." 

5. The CIA snuff job on Nixon's demand to see the "Bay of Pigs" files-1972 (and likely some of the reason for the Watergate caper). 

6. The snuff job on Richard Sprague-HSCA (1976) Inserting the compliant Blakey. 

7. The Scott Enyart photo heist (1996). 

8. And the caboose, the grandson the WC: The Biden Administration permanent snuff job on the JFK Records Act (2023-present). 

For me, these are the real Rosetta stones of the JFKA. Only the US intel community could execute such a series of snuff jobs. 

Cuban intel? Mafia? The LBJ crowd? Russians? 

Just IMHO....


I don’t dispute the fact that the intelligence agencies covered up the JFKA. They wanted assassination plots against Castro covered up. The Kennedy family had an interest in this as well. That explains the cordial relations between Dulles and RFK following the assassination.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/22/2024 at 3:39 AM, Joe Bauer said:

After 61 years of unprecedented, high academic plane, courageous even heroic independent research investigation I believe the case has been very credibly made that the JFKA was a conspiracy.

An effort made even more heroic when one acknowledges the massively powerful impediment forces the JFKA research community has had to wrestle with all that time...90% of our national media and the entire apparatus of our federal government with unlimited funds and influence.

As Dallas PD homicide captain Will Fritz once shouted to the world press just 2 days after Oswald's arrest..."This case is cinched!"

Yes, cinched alright imo ( without a specific ground action guilty party identification ) in that the JFKA was a conspiracy ... AND American born.

So many reasons I don't feel any foreign adversary was involved.

Here are two main ones:

Does any rational person think that if Cuba/ Castro, or the Russians were the perps, and our highest levels of government ( agencies, military ) knew this to be the truth, ( and they would have discovered this truth ) that we would not have carried out punitive actions against them, just short of all-out war?

If either of those two entities "took out our sitting President" and in such a brutal way, we would have done so much more in retaliation against them than we did. We would have crushed Castro. No way we just embargo him and leave him alone for the next 55 years.

We would have taken a tack of crippling aggression against the USSR beyond any other we had previously taken in decades of the cold war.

The murder of our president by a foreign power would have been looked upon as an act of war by our military...as it should have. LeMay might have finally had his crazy all-out first strike way...if he and the rest of the military knew "for certain" that these usual suspects were behind this act.

No, Castro and the USSR did not take out JFK.

And no other foreign nation and power did either.

No foreign power groups hated and felt more threatened by JFK than those in our own country.

Someone or group in a great position of power, wealth and influence in our own country did JFK.

And it was a conspiracy.

We know this. 

It's so naive to think that so many highest level cabals of power, wealth and influence in this country in 1963 ( that were seriously threatened by JFK's presidency ) could not be so corrupt and ruthless to plan, okay and carry out something as diabolical as the JFKA.  Folks...anyone of them or all of them were.

Please see the film "Seven Days In May" again ( which JFK himself wanted to be made and seen ) to understand the all too plausible and possible dynamics of such a proposition.


From the Australian paper The Daily Telegraph of Nov. 25, 1963: Dallas Homicide Chief Captain William Fritz – telling the world “This case is cinched” and that Oswald killed JFK without any doubt. And the Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade (who happened to be LBJ’s crony & Texas Governor John Connally’s college roommate!) was saying Oswald killed JFK and he had no accomplices. LBJ had called Det. Fritz on Saturday afternoon (or Sunday morning) and told him to quit investigating (see Noel Twyman’s Bloody Treason for that).


 In Australia, Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph is known as the “Tele” and it was founded in 1879.


NOVEMBER 25, 1963: Authorities “are con­vinced without any doubt” they have caught the cold-blooded killer of John F. Kennedy, as world leaders fly into Washington for the President’s funeral tomorrow.

Mr Kennedy was shot in the head and neck with a high-powered rifle on Friday as he and his wife, Jackie, took part in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas.

The President was rushed to the Parkland Memorial Hospital but was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after the shooting — sending shockwaves across the globe.

Prince Philip and British Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home will join France’s President Charles de Gaulle, Crown Prince Akihito of Japan along with Australia’s President of the Senate Sir Alister McMullin and other VIPs at the funeral.

Police say they have an airtight case against his assassin, 24-year-old former Marine Lee Harvey Oswald, including photos of him holding the rifle that killed Mr Kennedy.

The photographs were found at Oswald’s home and show him with a pistol strapped around his waist, holding a rifle in his hands.

He was arrested within an hour of the President’s death and dragged screaming and struggling from a tiny picture theatre in Dallas’s shopping district. Oswald is believed to have also shot and killed police officer J.D. Tippitt minutes before slipping into the cinema.

The District Attorney has charged Oswald with Mr Kennedy’s murder and says he had no accomplices.

“This case in cinched,” Homicide Chief Captain William Fritz said. “The man killed President Kennedy. We are convinced without any doubt he did the killing.”

Police gave further details about Oswald, saying he was employed in the building from which the shot that killed Mr Kennedy was fired. He was in the building at the time and was seen to leave.

In addition, Oswald’s wife told police her husband had a rifle similar to the one used to kill Mr Kennedy and he was seen entering the building on Friday, carrying a wrapped package about the size of a rifle.

Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President two hours and eight minutes after JFK was killed.

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I think I read one time that JFK's assassination was the first time in American Presidential assassination history, that the President was taken out by long guns. In every other Presidential assassination attempt, the assassin used a pistol - up close and personal.

No, this was an assination by snipers, and that's where one should look - at people trained as snipers. Perhaps at Fort Benning.

It involved military precision with enfilade and triangulation of fire.

I have always felt that the first shot, described by many as a crack, rather than a boom, was fired by a lower caliber gun - perhaps a .22.

I live out in the country where there are many hunters sighting in their rifles in preparation for deer season. You can tell the difference between the crack of a .22 and the boom of a 30.06.

Steve Thomas


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21 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

I think I read one time that JFK's assassination was the first time in American Presidential assassination history, that the President was taken out by long guns. In every other Presidential assassination attempt, the assassin used a pistol - up close and personal.

No, this was an assination by snipers, and that's where one should look - at people trained as snipers. Perhaps at Fort Benning.

It involved military precision with enfilade and triangulation of fire.

I have always felt that the first shot, described by many as a crack, rather than a boom, was fired by a lower caliber gun - perhaps a .22.

I live out in the country where there are many hunters sighting in their rifles in preparation for deer season. You can tell the difference between the crack of a .22 and the boom of a 30.06.

Steve Thomas


Bingo Steve.  22, throat shot.

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