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My New Book, A Heritage of Nonsense: Jim Garrison's Tales of Mystery and Imagination

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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I agree Jean Paul, That is a very insulting response. Particularly from a moderator.


You have to keep in mind W. Most of us don't necessarily worship everything Jim says. Much less, use it for an excuse to insult another member.


     It isn't "insulting" for a moderator, or any forum member, to tell the truth and set the record straight about WCR/LN disinformation on the Education Forum.  IMO, it's a matter of social ethics and honest historiography. 

     Have you studied James DiEugenio's articles reviewing Litwin's work since 2018?



Edited by W. Niederhut
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40 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

 It isn't "insulting" for a moderator, or any forum member, to tell the truth and set the record straight about WCR/LN disinformation on the Education Forum.

And once again, you appear to be appointing yourself as the judge and jury about what's "disinformation" and what isn't. Why didn't you ever speak up when people spammed this forum for years with "disinformation" about a decades-long secret government doppelganger scheme involving Lee Oswald, which has been debunked over and over again? Or the idiotic body alteration theory peddled by David Lifton? Or when Robert Groden passes off fake autopsy photos as real ones in his books? The double standard is abundantly clear to any serious researcher of this case.

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

And once again, you appear to be appointing yourself as the judge and jury about what's "disinformation" and what isn't. Why didn't you ever speak up when people spammed this forum for years with "disinformation" about a decades-long secret government doppelganger scheme involving Lee Oswald, which has been debunked over and over again? Or the idiotic body alteration theory peddled by David Lifton? Or when Robert Groden passes off fake autopsy photos as real ones in his books? The double standard is abundantly clear to any serious researcher of this case.


     I joined this forum in 2017, so I'm a relative newbie compared to some of you old timers.

     Are you someone who believes the WCR/LN narrative hasn't been definitively debunked by the evidence?

      For example, do you believe that Oswald fired the shot from the Grassy Knoll area that knocked JFK's head violently backward and to the left, as observed?

      If so, how could he have been positioned simultaneously in the TSBD and on the Grassy Knoll?

      Doppelganger?  🤥

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35 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I joined this forum in 2017, so I'm a relative newbie compared to some of you old timers.

     Are you someone who believes the WCR/LN narrative hasn't been definitively debunked by the evidence?

      For example, do you believe that Oswald fired the shot from the Grassy Knoll area that knocked JFK's head violently backward and to the left, as observed?

      If so, how could he have been positioned simultaneously in the TSBD and on the Grassy Knoll?

      Doppelganger?  🤥

You have a very bad habit of answering questions with other questions. So I'm not going to answer yours until you answer mine.

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32 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

You have a very bad habit of answering questions with other questions. So I'm not going to answer yours until you answer mine.

        My answer to your above questions was implicit in my response-- i.e., I wasn't around for the controversies you mentioned, nor have I studied those cases in depth.

       Now, how about answering my question?

       Are you someone who believes the WCR/LN narrative hasn't been definitively debunked by the evidence?

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While the WC narrative about LHO appears to be a prosecution brief, or a type of posthumous show trial (like many government "investigations")...whether LHO participated in a conspiracy on Nov. 22, wittingly or unwittingly, is an open question. 

LHO's whereabouts during the JFKA are not provable. 

Why LHO went home and armed himself in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA, and then decided to watch movies at the Texas Theater, and then drew a revolver when apprehended...all this does not suggest complete innocence, and in fact suggests complicity in the day's events. 

Some members of the EF-JFKA believe that the JFKA was a CIA or CIA-related execution. I happen to suspect as much (although it may have been an Army Intel-Alpha 66 job).

But LHO is also suspected, on solid grounds, of having been a CIA or intel asset.  So we have a CIA-related plot to perp the JFKA and...CIA asset LHO in the TSBD, but invisible, at the very moment of the JFKA. 

Gee, you think LHO might have been involved in the JFKA, role unknown? 

So...did LHO wittingly, or unwittingly, participate in a CIA-linked JFKA on Nov 22? 

The WC did present a mountain of evidence of LHO's involvement in the event. Even a biased investigation can have shards of truth. 

I know of no LHO co-conspirators that have been verified. 

However, the GK smoke-and-bang show strongly suggests at least two participants in the JFKA. I strongly suspect there were three, which I will explain another post. 

However, given such a murky understanding of the JFKA, the blank dismissal of this or that narrative of the JFKA is likely unwarranted. 

Strong suspicions are not facts. Truth is often stranger than fiction. 



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56 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Are you someone who believes the WCR/LN narrative hasn't been definitively debunked by the evidence?

That "narrative" has not been definitively debunked by the evidence. Are there reasons to doubt that conclusion? Yes. Are there just as many reasons to believe the "WCR/LN" version of events is correct? Yes.

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

That "narrative" has not been definitively debunked by the evidence. Are there reasons to doubt that conclusion? Yes. Are there just as many reasons to believe the "WCR/LN" version of events is correct? Yes.




      The Warren Commission Report conclusion that a "Lone Nut"-- Lee Harvey Oswald-- assassinated President John F. Kennedy has been definitively debunked by a wide array of contrary evidence.

      Oswald could not have fired the fatal bullet from the Grassy Knoll area that knocked JFK's head violently back and to the left, as observed in the Zapruder film.  The Grassy Knoll gunshot, and smoke, were also described by multiple witnesses.

      Parkland Hospital physicians also described the occipital skull exit wound corresponding to the frontal skull entry wound.

      The frontal skull bullet fragment trail documented on extant X-rays, by Dr. Michael Chesser, is further proof of the right frontal entry wound.

      Furthermore, ballistics testing showed that a Carcano shot fired by Oswald from the TSBD would have blown off the right half of JFK's face.

      The U.S. Congress, itself, concluded-- on the basis of the acoustical evidence-- that more than one sniper was involved in the JFK assassination.

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

That "narrative" has not been definitively debunked by the evidence.

Factually incorrect.  

The bullet holes in JFK's clothes are too low to associate with his throat wound.

If you want to make a fool of yourself try arguing otherwise.

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9 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

And once again, you appear to be appointing yourself as the judge and jury about what's "disinformation" and what isn't. Why didn't you ever speak up when people spammed this forum for years with "disinformation" about a decades-long secret government doppelganger scheme involving Lee Oswald, which has been debunked over and over again? Or the idiotic body alteration theory peddled by David Lifton? Or when Robert Groden passes off fake autopsy photos as real ones in his books? The double standard is abundantly clear to any serious researcher of this case.

Which ones were the fake JFK autopsy photos in Groden's book?

David Lifton told me once he thought Lyndon Johnson himself went down into the underbelly of Air Force One and performed body alteration on JFK's corpse! Lifton said you are gonna think I'm crazy....

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55 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Factually incorrect.  

The bullet holes in JFK's clothes are too low to associate with his throat wound.

If you want to make a fool of yourself try arguing otherwise.

Ha.  For Cliff as he's from Frisco, where I have other friends I've never met.  For Jonathen as well.



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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

David Lifton told me once he thought Lyndon Johnson himself went down into the underbelly of Air Force One and performed body alteration on JFK's corpse!

Did Lifton also theorize that Lady Bird (as LBJ's assistant) went down into the bowels of SAM 26000 too? She's the one who handed Lyndon the scalpels, right?


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If JFK was shot from the right-front, or from the GK on 11/22...where is the exit wound?

The medical crew in Parkland seems on board with the right rear lower occipital area as the site of a large wound. 

How would gore exiting such a wound then be spread towards the motorcycle cops to JFK left? But not backwards much? 

If JFK was shot from the GK, should we expect to see an exit wound on the left side of JFK's head? 


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