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James Jesus Angleton

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On 5/15/2017 at 10:55 AM, Thomas Graves said:


On March 2, 2005, Tim Gratz posted:

" [...] Angleton's concern that the Soviets had "moles" in high stations in the U.S. intelligence community was probably correct even if he was unsuccessful in locating them.  The "reforms" of the [1975] Church Committee and the CIA itself following the revelations of the CIA abuses decimated Angleton's counter-intelligence operations with tragic results.  Several CIA "assets" lost their lives as a result of the betrayals of Aldrich Ames.  A. J. Weberman states on his website that had the Angleton operation been in operation, Ames would have been discovered before he had wreaked all of his damage.  [...] "


I agree, Tim.  

Interested readers should google the 35-page (2015) PDF "Ghosts Of Spy Wars" by Tennent H. Bagley, or better yet, google his free-to-read 2007 book "Spy Wars - Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games"

In the latter, Bagley (who was the first CIA officer to interview Nosenko in Geneva in May, 1962) insists that Nosenko’s contact with CIA at that time was designed to conceal the presence of Soviet penetration agents and U.S. "moles" who, operating in US intelligence since at least the late 1930s (George de Mohrenschildt comes to mind; Edward Ellis Smith starting in 1957), and that Nosenko's "defection" to the U.S. in January 1964 was a risky-for-the-KGB change in that concealment operation to include a denunciation of the idea that KGB would have at least interviewed Oswald during the 2.5 years he lived in the U.S.S.R.

Bagley challenges those who believe Nosenko was a genuine defector to answer 30 (iirc) questions about the Nosenko v. Golistyn "case," claiming that a “no” to any one of them would be enough to discredit Nosenko and to substantiate Angleton’s view that the the former was dispatched (i.e., fake) defector.

Shall I list the questions here or would ya'all rather read the book and the follow-up PDF?


...crickets ...

--  Tommy :sun

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Edited by Thomas Graves
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Interested readers should google the 35-page (2015) PDF "Ghosts Of Spy Wars" by Tennent H. Bagley, or better yet, google his free-to-read 2007 book "Spy Wars - Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games"

I have the article download.  Can you steer us to the link for the free book?

Edited by David Andrews
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16 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Interested readers should google the 35-page (2015) PDF "Ghosts Of Spy Wars" by Tennent H. Bagley, or better yet, google his free-to-read 2007 book "Spy Wars - Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games"

I have the article download.  Can you steer us to the link for the free book?



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16 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


You're welcome.

--  Tommy  :sun

PS  (It's almost certain that josephs found the link on one of the several other threads I've posted it on.)

No Tommy I didn't cause you don't post links or evidence very often...

I searched for it like everything else I find...  get over yourself already as you're transitioning from cute and witty to desperate and annoying...


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22 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

No Tommy I didn't cause you don't post links or evidence very often...

I searched for it like everything else I find...  get over yourself already as you're transitioning from cute and witty to desperate and annoying...


Good on you, David.  You must be very proud of yourself.  The fact remains, however, that I have posted that link on this forum in the past. Too bad you missed it!

Regardless, thanks for helping to spread the word about it!  (Although I must say that I feel incredibly "dirty" and "compromised" now.  LOL)

--  Tommy  :sun

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34 minutes ago, David Josephs said:



34 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


Hopefully now it's worth the read...  I'll let you know



With all due respect (which ain't much), what makes you think anyone cares about your opinion, least of all me?

--  Tommy  :sun


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Oh Tommy...

your inferiority complex is showing signs of expansion...

e.g. you bump the thread yet you had zero to add or offer....  as usual.


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On 2/22/2018 at 3:46 PM, David Josephs said:

Oh Tommy...

your inferiority complex is showing signs of expansion...

e.g. you bump the thread yet you had zero to add or offer....  as usual.



Keep it up, Josephs, and maybe, just maybe you can get your you-know-what kicked off the forum, again!

Edited by Thomas Graves
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