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James Files

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Jim Marrs sometimes does answer emails.

Hemming what is the reasons for breakfast at the closing of each writing you do?

Love to ask questions to you but not on any forum? Rather get into conversations but you are wrong on a few points? Not going into them on any forum any more. Not worth the hassels. My say is probably on purpose you are posting some wrong points. Just a guess here?


Ms. Nancy:

My father was born an Englishman, but he was more a Gallagher Irishman, and grew very unfond of the Brits by WWII. His siblings, and others [Hemming, Coleman, et al.] retained their English accents and proper diction, "Eh Wot, old man -- cheerio, bloke, "Shed-yule", prO-gress, bloody well, old chap, etc. -- and as a child I thought some of it was quite interesting, and some extremely "humouring". Especially "cheerio", which immediately caused me to think "Christmas CHEER" [during mid-summer ?], and later it always brought up the vision of a box of the cereal Cheerios.

Everybody needs a logo, or a phrase, metaphor, famous quotation, etc. -- but, I just got tired of Alfred E. Neuman's "line". Real chuckle that a thread on MAD Comics popped up. I must confess, I too was one of those subversives who read MAD, Terry and the Pirates, Steve Canyon -- and most certainly caught every show of "I Led 3 Lives [Herb Philbrick, FBI snitch].

Moi, wrong on just a FEW points ??!! Then you must send a missive, and I'll try to make either corrections or bald-face excuses. I never expected to get everything right, and especially when, during the early years, it appeared that "getting it right", might be hazardous to one's health -- you know, like the Flu or something ??!!

Anytime you feel you have the time to correct some of my petty or gross errors, or curious about some not too widely known anecdote -- drop me a line.




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Getting to know your personal ways is a very upbeat thing. COOL and refreshing. Thanks a bunch.

OK I went to NARA to look up what Jimmy Files was under. Now, just image I expected to find something at least. Yeah, right, try major cover up of a whole year of nothing of 82nd airbourne div. Just gone. Like they never existed when they did that year. In fact I do have the name of the commander and you know the last time I tired posting it on Lancer when I could that is before they kicked me off that is. Well it was given to me by one who was also in military and now maybe why he told me to keep this to yourself. Yeah, they sure don't like the names out that year of 1959 in that area do they?

Back in time they were there. All up to 59 and nothing not even in the books. In 60 there was something at least a very thin folder with a few things good that someone knew they should put down some notes. In NARA they considered this a cover up and you know it sure as heck is.

Guess I frightened them down there that day. Took out every single cover up in JFK area and then did that also with a whole year of records that should have been there that were not there. Made it clear on the nose this is all I am looking at today. Can one actually look up cover ups OH YEAH one can. They have pink slips in where materals were supposed to be there and it is not and reasons why it is not there. Most is now to be looked at for reason as HOG WASH. National Secuity is only considered Nat. Sec. reason at the time of issue and now it is NOT THAT ANY MORE WELL one paper went even further to over ride all of that down in NARA and that was this. "REASONS THIS PAPER WILL NEVER BE COMING OUT EVER INTO THE FUTURE. Gee, don't know what it is but it sure must be HOT or someone decided to destroy it so they have nothing there and someone was afraid to not tell on it because of who must have destroyed evidence. That is usually what is the bottom line on that.

Now, Files thinks a lot of you Mr. Hemming how I know is he told me.

So, somewhere along the lines you two met? have any idea of where that might be? When?

Just wondering on it? Tosh Plumlee ran into this too? Since Jimmy won't give out his MO number that makes it harder. Tosh does not know if he ever met him. Files said a couple of times only.

Now, as far as Wim forget it. He is odd and you know I started to give him some of Files letters that he wrote to me and he stopped me and said to me never to write to him again. I guess Jimmy and his newer version of what really happened was a bit overwhelming on him. See, there is another side to every coin here, really. Especially when Wim knows these are for real letters and straight from Jimmy to me. I would think if it was his investiment he would wish to get them. At that time Vernon was wanting all of them and give them to me and really wishing to read them to see if I miss anything important. yeah OK well enough said for now.

Thanks for answering and hope this might shed a bit of light onto this subject.

Peace & Cheers from New England,


I went to Boston once and "Cheers" is not what it looks like on TV never is in person you know.

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Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!


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Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!



It's been a while... Interesting to see your comment regarding the propensity of Dankbaar et al. to "believe everything they hear." Dankbaar has also swallowed Dangerous Dan Marvin's claims, as did you in posts on another forum. Marvin recently changed part of his story (not for the first time): he now says that his CIA-instructors-in-assassination told him in 1964 that President Kennedy was assassinated by two US mafiosi and two Corsican mafiosi. This stands in stark contrast with what he stated in his 1995 article in The Fourth Decade. Marvin also now says that he "believes" that the man on the GK was Files. I'll leave it to you to judge the extent to which this belief is linked to the fact that Marvin's chief supporter these past few years has been Wim Dankbaar. Marvin authors the foreword in Dankbaar's book on James Files, by the way.


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A prison library is where I found David Lifton's Best Evidence, which turned me into a "conspiracy buff." (I resisted reading the book for a couple of years, because I figured that "the disguise and deception" in the subtitle simply couldn't be true.)

INteresting that prison liabraries have books on this case. In 1975 when I was writing my first reasearch paper on the assassination I searched the stacks at Harvard's Widener liab. in vain. Not a single book on this case, but they had the 22 WC volumes. (Fortunately I had a friend who had every book on this subject and he kindly lent them all to me).

I wonder if college liabraries now have books critical to the WC.


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Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!



It's been a while... Interesting to see your comment regarding the propensity of Dankbaar et al. to "believe everything they hear." Dankbaar has also swallowed Dangerous Dan Marvin's claims, as did you in posts on another forum. Marvin recently changed part of his story (not for the first time): he now says that his CIA-instructors-in-assassination told him in 1964 that President Kennedy was assassinated by two US mafiosi and two Corsican mafiosi. This stands in stark contrast with what he stated in his 1995 article in The Fourth Decade. Marvin also now says that he "believes" that the man on the GK was Files. I'll leave it to you to judge the extent to which this belief is linked to the fact that Marvin's chief supporter these past few years has been Wim Dankbaar. Marvin authors the foreword in Dankbaar's book on James Files, by the way.




Clarifying [if I might be so bold?] what Lt. Carrier was stating reference to "optics" and "tracking":

I have never liked using scoped rifles, and this was even before becoming a teenage Marine; sniping with a scope is extremely uncomfortable to say the least -- because you have usually had a very close-up visual of the target's face, and when that extends beyond seconds to minutes, you have already gooten to know the person a little too much !! When it becomes hours [stalking or "hide-place"] it is a truly horrible event.

Even when you have been briefed on the target's vicious history, and the fact that even friends or family wouldn't be overly disturbed to do a "New Orleans Style" jazzy funeral over him/her in the near term.

The use of "Iron Sights" makes it considerably more impersonal, plus you aren't constantly wiping the lens clear of moisture from sweat and fear. The saving factor when using a scope is that upon firing, the recoil throws your visual away from the target, thus you NEVER see the horrendous damage done by you "deed".

Moreover, if you have the safety margin of doing a "shoot & scoot", you are spared witnessing the agonized writhing and death throes.

Therefore, any "teller-of-tall-tales" who claims that he saw a target's head explode, etc. [through his scope and just after recoil] is totally "out-to-lunch" !!

Tracking at a moderate distance is difficult enough with "iron-sights", but to hear one claim that he was "tracking" through a scope at close range is full of xxxx.

As far as "Dangerous Dan", I think that in "finding Jesus" his cranial CPU "downloaded" and "crashed". This poor old man, who never once held a Special Forces "Team M.O.S." [Crypto/Comm -Intel - Wpns/Demo, etc.] should have been offered therapy for what apparently is some "civilian incident" causal factor P.T.S.D.

The SFers at the Fayetteville "Team House" sure don't ever want to hear his name repeated; that is, until they hear there has been a successful outcome from the lawsuit filed against [publisher, et al.] on behalf of just some of the Green Berets maligned and dishonored by him. Shades of Tony Po being thoroughly dishonored by Coppola in "Appocalyspe Now" !!

While I regularly correspond and speak with Mike Sallah [Toledo Blade], and congratulate both he and Mark

on their 2004 Pulizter for the "Tiger Force" expose' series -- I have pointed out that these were just 57 "men??", mostly just kids [and draftees] who rampaged in a "Free-Fire Zone" after exposure to VC/NVA atrocities.

So, big deal, welcome to the real world, where 24/7 extreme fear is the diet, coupled with city boys suffering the effects of a harsh climate which they were never prepped for. Abu-Ghraib and GITMO is almost a tasteless joke when one views a couple of the beheadings, women and children, their bodies shredded by VBIED/IEDs, or by "Islama-Kazes" using the vests or packages.

Over the years I have witnessed infrequently [fortunately] the scenario of a pacifistic "bleeding-heart" being

suddenly morphed into the most vicious animal you might imagine -- and this after a singlular event where this "wimp" was unexpectedly exposed to extreme gore and his/her mortality -- coupled with the expectation of imminent death at the hands of total strangers !! Today, somebody should erect signs in Kuwait, Kabul, Baghdad, and Kandahar: "NO WIMPS BEYOND THIS POINT -- VIOLATORS FOUND INSIDE THE AOR [War Zone]

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Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!



It's been a while... Interesting to see your comment regarding the propensity of Dankbaar et al. to "believe everything they hear." Dankbaar has also swallowed Dangerous Dan Marvin's claims, as did you in posts on another forum. Marvin recently changed part of his story (not for the first time): he now says that his CIA-instructors-in-assassination told him in 1964 that President Kennedy was assassinated by two US mafiosi and two Corsican mafiosi. This stands in stark contrast with what he stated in his 1995 article in The Fourth Decade. Marvin also now says that he "believes" that the man on the GK was Files. I'll leave it to you to judge the extent to which this belief is linked to the fact that Marvin's chief supporter these past few years has been Wim Dankbaar. Marvin authors the foreword in Dankbaar's book on James Files, by the way.




Clarifying [if I might be so bold?] what Lt. Carrier was stating reference to "optics" and "tracking":

I have never liked using scoped rifles, and this was even before becoming a teenage Marine; sniping with a scope is extremely uncomfortable to say the least -- because you have usually had a very close-up visual of the target's face, and when that extends beyond seconds to minutes, you have already gotten to know the person a little too much !! When it becomes hours [stalking or "hide-place"] it is a truly horrible event.

Even when you have been briefed on the target's vicious history, and the fact that even friends or family wouldn't be overly disturbed to do a "New Orleans Style" jazzy funeral over him/her in the near term.

The use of "Iron Sights" makes it considerably more impersonal, plus you aren't constantly wiping the lens clear of moisture from sweat and fear. The saving factor when using a scope is that upon firing, the recoil throws your visual away from the target, thus you NEVER see the horrendous damage done by your "deed".

Moreover, if you have the safety margin of doing a "shoot & scoot", you are spared witnessing the agonized writhing and death throes.

Therefore, any "teller-of-tall-tales" who claims that he saw a target's head explode, etc. [through his scope and just after recoil] is totally "out-to-lunch" !!

"Tracking", even at moderate distances [ranges] is difficult enough with "iron-sights", but to hear one claim that he was "tracking" through a scope at close range translate to: He is full of xxxx and should scrub the brown off of his dentures.

As far as "Dangerous Dan", I think that in "finding Jesus" his cranial CPU "downloaded" and "crashed". This poor old man, who never once held a Special Forces "Team M.O.S." [Crypto/Comm -Intel - Wpns/Demo, etc.] should have been offered therapy for what apparently is some "civilian incident" causal factor P.T.S.D.

The SFers at the Fayetteville "Team House" sure don't ever want to hear his name repeated; that is, until they hear there has been a successful outcome from the lawsuit filed against him [publisher, et al.] on behalf of just some of the Green Berets maligned and dishonored by him. Shades of Tony Po being thoroughly dishonored by Coppola in "Appocalyspe Now" !!

While I regularly correspond and speak with Mike Sallah [Toledo Blade], and congratulate both he and Mark

on their 2004 Pulizter for the "Tiger Force" expose' series -- I have pointed out that these were just 57 "men??", mostly just kids [and draftees] who rampaged in a "Free-Fire Zone" after exposure to VC/NVA atrocities.

So, big deal, welcome to the real world, where 24/7 extreme fear is the diet, coupled with city boys suffering the effects of a harsh climate which they were never prepped for. Abu-Ghraib and GITMO are almost tasteless jokes compared to when one views a couple of the beheadings, women and children, their bodies shredded by VBIED/IEDs, or by "Islama-Kazes" using the vests or packages.

Over the years I have witnessed infrequently [fortunately] the scenario of a pacifistic "bleeding-heart" being

suddenly morphed into the most vicious animal you might imagine -- and this after a singlular event where this "wimp" was unexpectedly exposed to extreme gore and his/her mortality -- coupled with the expectation of imminent death at the hands of total strangers !! Today, somebody should erect signs in Kuwait, Kabul, Baghdad, and Kandahar: "NO WIMPS BEYOND THIS POINT -- VIOLATORS FOUND INSIDE THE AOR [War Zone] WILL BE PERSECUTED !!

Back in 1967, just after arriving and settling the family in the Los Angeles area [in anticipation of 2 tours in the RVN with USAID/DPS], one of my uncles called me to his home -- and shortly after greeting "auntie", et al., he took me aside and said: "...You are no doubt aware that your cousins are up for the Draft ??...what do you think of this Vietnam business...I was informed that you are enroute there...and I would like to hear your recommendations..." I responded: ".....We are going to lose this one...and my advice to you is to go out and purchase some handcuffs...or I will loan you mine.....cuff the guys...throw them in the trunk of your car...and drive like a bat-out-of-hell for Canada...I don't see any justification in the sending of wetnosed kid-draftees into that mess...and I sure as hell don't want them in-country with me...!!"

Wouldn't you guess that one retired as a Marine "full-bird" Colonel !!

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda -- enough already !!

Semper Fi,



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INteresting that prison liabraries have books on this case.

True crime books are popular in prison. They weren't as popular as Jackie Collins, Harold Robbins, or Longarm (a series of sex-filled paperback Westerns), but popular. One of the most requested books in my experience was Helter Skelter. It's as if Charles Manson is some kind of patron saint to criminals.

My favorite request, though, was from an inmate who was trying to find a certain book. "I don't know the name of it," he said, "but right toward the end this guy says, 'Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.'"

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I should address this to all...Does anyone know the whereabouts of Antonia Veciana on 11-22-63? James Files claims Veciana was in Dealey plaza. Jason


That's AntoniO Veciana - but "Tony" will do. I know !! But, pass this on to "Snidley P. CONvict" and Wim:




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Yes. I have a masters degree and still spell things wrong. You're the second person to correct my spelling on this forum. I'm not a messenger boy for Wim. I don't know who Snidley P. CONvict is.

You know where Tony was on 11-22-63?

Files says Tony was in Dealey Plaza. I say Files is full of it.

Do you care to let me know if I'm right or left on this one or are you just gonna yank my crank? Jason Vermeer

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Yes. I have a masters degree and still spell things wrong. You're the second person to correct my spelling on this forum. I'm not a messenger boy for Wim. I don't know who Snidley P. CONvict is.

You know where Tony was on 11-22-63?

Files says Tony was in Dealey Plaza. I say Files is full of it.

Do you care to let me know if I'm right or left on this one or are you just gonna yank my crank? Jason Vermeer


Just yanking your chain Jason [on the spelling] just like others do to me every now and then.

As I told James Richards [perhaps you missed it] -- that is a rude, insulting, and scandalously disrepectful question to ask anybody who name has surfaced reference the JFK/RFK/MLK/M-X cases.

It is accusatory to the extreme, and sure as hell wouldn't be asked "in person" of even the most timid of the "subjects/usual suspects" involved herein !! I would suggest a "Masters" in the martial arts, coupled with a CCW firearms permit if you ever chance doing it in person -- because they WILL damage you !!

It is up to the individual to "out" himself/herself as to locale during said event. And especially so since it IS absolutely meaningless whether a person was in DP and witnessed the murder. And it is up to them to discern whether they were lured or placed there for nefarious purposes -- and moreover, their call what to do about it. Years ago, some DID -- and got away clean with their acts against specific evil-doers.

I remain shocked that wimp Sturgis didn't shoot Weberman for doing same. But, then again, either the Khazar ran out the door, did it as his last telephone call, or as usual -- is lying through his teeth !!

Asking for an alibi statement from high-profile "subjects-of-interest"; Jesus H. Christ [not AJW's CIA Christ]

Get real -- we are trying to get these people on the Forum for Intel sharing; not Trolling or proving that the wing-nut CTs are alive-and-well !!

I can't comment on CON(man)vict Files' references to the (Nov. 22 '1963) 10-20 of these folks !!

Keep up the great work,



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Ok, Mr. Hemming. I understand what your saying.

Personally, I think Veciana was likely sitting in front of a t.v. somewhere in Florida just before, during and after the assassination. He mentions recognizing Oswald on the t.v. but I can't pinpoint the locale or time frame. I'm not trying to implicate Veciana, I'm trying to nullify Dankbaar's hypothesis of Files seeing Veciana in Dealey Plaza. This is in all due respect of him. If someone want's to thump me for that, they better do it from a distance or when I'm not looking. I don't look like your average researcher in all likelyhood.

You know where he was and you 'aint gonna say squat about it. Well, I guess I'll live with that. I just can't believe Fonzi never mentions WHERE Veciana was or WASN'T. He HAD to have asked. Veciana claimed Cesar Diosdado visited him too but seemingly didn't ask him "the question" either. Diosdado doesn't talk to anyone.

Anyway, thanks for the info. I'm going to put the question up in general to the forum in case anyone else has a drop on this. I'm not going to call the Veciana household just to have his son hang up on me anyway.

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