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Glaze Letters

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kinda looks like the same bulbous nose to me...

and I think you'd be surprise Bart...  Shelley knew much more than he let on...

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The ridge on his nose is a give away.

And I would want to see more proof before Shelley gets his agency credentials. Up till now it is merely conjecture.

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I'd imagine like many of the CIA's informant assets, we're not going to find much at this point... but I'll keep looking...



Does his saying he is not in the Altgens photo yet standing next to Loveladay make him PrayerMan?

I had assumed that tie man was Shelley since he was wearing a suit and tie and said he was standing next to Lovelady...
PM could not possibly be Shelley since he walks off...  I don't have that image handy... where does Shelley appear first as they go toward the RR yard?



By way of example.. Clay Shaw was thought to be a CIA asset at a much higher level of involvement than Shelley...

This comes from a Survey of CIA records from HSCA...  I just found it interesting that the only other name named than DAP and MLK,

is Clay Shaw whose ITM these people (including Shelley IMHO) are standing by...




Edited by David Josephs
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Bart and David,

Apparently William Hoyt Shelley really was in uniform during WWII, albeit in the ROTC. It is not inconceivable that he was some sort of informant while working at a defense plant. In any event, the picture tells us he viewed himself as a soldier/patriot from a young age.


Bill Shelley ROTC.PNG

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56 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Bart and David,

Apparently William Hoyt Shelley really was in uniform during WWII, albeit in the ROTC. It is not inconceivable that he was some sort of informant while working at a defense plant. In any event, the picture tells us he viewed himself as a soldier/patriot from a young age.




Would you happen to know if Shelley was still in the Reserves as late as 1963?


Steve Thomas

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This is getting kind of interesting .

Malcolm actually found the letter.

Is there any way to track down this Glaze guy now?


BTW, what about Blakey just sending the guy a form letter on something as intriguing as this?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Well you have a point there.  But the responsible thing to have done was to assign it to someone and say, give me a report in two weeks.

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How about does anyone live in or near Austin?

Drop in on him.

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12 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

There is a Dean E. Glaze at 11322 Alhambra in Austin, aged 62, who is related (son?) to an Ellie Dean Glaze, according to the site “Been Verified”.

Could anyone make a call to Mr. Glaze and see?

There also was a Elzie Glaze in Deninson,TX who passed away at 67. Looks like he has 2 daughters.

Edited by John Kozlowski
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5 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

There is a Dean E. Glaze at 11322 Alhambra in Austin, aged 62, who is related (son?) to an Ellie Dean Glaze, according to the site “Been Verified”

Could anyone make a call to Mr. Glaze and see?

The women I found also connect back to that same address you found. I also came across this one.


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I'm not sure I am looking at the correct individual, but it appears that an Elzie Dean Glaze married a Sylvia Sattawhite in Texas.  If that is the correct Glaze, then Elzie Dean Glaze's father-in-law was a pilot who worked for General Dynamics in Fort Worth, per Mr. Sattawhite's obituary in 2014.  The Glaze couple was listed as still married in 2014 and again in a 2015 obit when Mrs. Sattawhite passed away.

And if that's the correct person, Mr. Glaze may prefer to go by Dean rather than Elzie, again per the listing in the obit.  Might help for searching, again assuming that's the right person.

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