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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Craig.... you're willing to take the word of 3 KGB agents despite there not being any evidence of this man's existence outside the Cuban Consulate... We are not "bashing" anything. Anne Goodpasture working with the Russian desk officer, Win Scott and for David Atlee Phillips sends a cable from MX to HQ on Oct 8 suggesting the image she KNOWS is not Oswald, is LEE OSWALD because the translation reveals it. The photo is from Oct 4th at 12:22 not the 1st... and is not the same as the photo on the 2nd... this message stemming from the Tarasoff translation starts the ball rolling... you notice how often his entire name is used whenever referred to: Lee Harvey Oswald yet in this case, LEE OSWALD leaving the necessary room for the HENRY 201 file to do its thing. If you have ANYTHING to corrocorate these three KGB agents... please post... thanks. DJ From State Secret: The last time Goodpasture was interrogated about this phone call, her interrogator referred to the caller on September 28 as “Oswald or an Oswald substitute”. Goodpasture didn’t even argue with him. She herself had referred in the past to “the man calling himself Oswald”, and “the ‘alleged’ Oswald”. The American translators of the tapes were not interviewed for 13 years after the assassination The Americans report that an audiotape of the September 28 call was delivered to the CIA’s Boris and Anna Tarasoff. This wiretapped call contained three different languages – as Boris translated Russian and Anna translated English while the monitors provided a Spanish translation, they worked on it together. Boris Tarasoff testified fifteen years later that he thought the Russian speaker as probably an officer named Konstantinov - although the Mexico City station prided itself as identifying all callers whenever possible, no intelligence officer or Warren staffer ever sought the identity of the Russian who spoke with Duran and Oswald. This flat refusal to identify which Soviet spoke with Oswald falls into the same category as the Agency’s failure to question Duran or the Tarasoffs. The only reasonable explanation is that they knew what would they would find out and they didn’t want to know. Media consultant Brian Litman interviewed all of the Soviet officers, and by the end of this year we may know if a Soviet officer ever reported receiving this call. Stunningly, as we will see, neither of the Tarasoffs were never interviewed by anyone about their transcriptions of Oswald until thirteen years after the assassination, even though Boris’ transcription - under his pseudonym of “Douglas Feinglass” - was presented as authoritative evidence to CIA headquarters on November 23, 1963. No American ever interviewed Sylvia Duran for 13 years after the assassination The FBI couldn't find a shred of evidence he was there... and why would Hoover specifically call out the CIA for the "FALSE STORY re: OSWALD in Mexico"... Win Scott and Clark Anderson both write that there is no evidence of him other than the transcripts and the word of those at the Consulate... Why would Lee Harvey Oswald sign his name correctly on the Visa... yet simply copy the Visa order for the hotel registry? You can WANT him to have been in Mexico City..... but desire sadly does not make it true. The trinkets he supposedly brought back from Mexico were not sold in Mexico... the exchange ticket is found in Aug 1964... Does it serve the CIA to show a photo of THE Oswald in Mexico City, regardless of a conspiracy or Lone Nut conclusion? Of course it does.... Does Lee Oswald know his name enough not to sign it "Lee, Harvey Oswald"? The hotel Manager personally writes in the names of guests each day they stay in the room other than for their check-in... as the manager repeats each name in rooms 1-17 the handwritting is identical... but then we get to room 18 and Oswald... Like the rest of the evidence - one FBI asset in the Gobernacion handled all of this....
  2. And we're supposed to believe that this man was a trained Radar Operator when everything in his Marine files points to him being an unskilled mechanic... Which in turn means the training HARVEY rec'd was not the same as LEE. Oswald was a non-citizen alien who had an Alien Identity card... why they switch the name around and use "Citizen" may simply be clerical BS.... Not sure if you ever saw this Steve but I found this pdf containing reports related to his Marine Service and something as strange appears... The FBI writes that the SELECTIVE SERVICE NUMBER for LEE HARVEY OSWALD 43-354-39-37 is actually his Social Security number 43-354-3937 Now Steve Gaal posted this a while back - which makes this number even more suspect... what IS going on?
  3. Thanks Mike... If I remember correctly it was JURE who worked with RFK and DRE who was linked with CIA... Not sure if you've seen these, given your focus on Joannides....
  4. DSL - what is their motivation to be truthful? The only mention of NAMES begins with the faked calls on OCT 1st... At 10:45am on 10/1/63 a call came into the Russian Consulate (despite this man using the Soviet Military Attache # for call #1 on the 27th... and then again incorrectly on Oct 3rd. anyway... "LEE OSWALD" and "KOSTIKOV" are introduced into the conversation by an Oswald impostor and a Russian KGB agent... Until that transcript there is no information as to who is meeting with Duran and Azcue... It is then Win Scott and Amb Mann who reinforce the KOSTIKOV story.... if theirs were the only evidence to consider, okay... but that's not the case. No reason not to discuss it right here David. Bus the FBI put him on leaves New Orleans at 12:20pm on 9/25 (a Sept 1964 report on MAJOR GREEN , Terminal Manager Continental Bus and this 12:20pm bus, is back-dated to Dec 1963 to appear as if the 12:20pm bus was always an option.... Here is the original report: WCD183 p22 there is no 12:20pm bus.... yet and here is the report from September 21, 1964 - only days before the WCR is released... WCD1553 p6 And the revised and back-dated report which mirrors the 9/21/64 report... The info about the 12:20pm bus was not initially considered... yet the two buses bound for Mexico City would not get Oswald to Houston in time.... 1st stop Houston where he supposedly arrives after midnight... Testimony from the Twifords becomes relevant http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/twifor_e.htm Using the route offered the bus heads south after Houston... There is a record of a single ticket sold in Houston https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11039#relPageId=7&tab=page yet on the very next page Marina states that the clothing HAMMETT described is not anything Oswald owned (white/brn pullover, white dungarees and dirty white canvas shoes - pretty good description given the timeframe - no?) Thru Corpus Christi - YET; there is compelling evidence that Oswald was seen in Austin at the SSS office on the 25th... which would make sense since Oswald was on the way to Dallas....When shown a photo of HARVEY, both Ronnie Dugger and Mrs. Stella Norman claim the person they met was “identical with Oswald”. As corroboration we have Olin Hamilton in Dallas who claims to have gotten an application from a "Lee Harvey Oswald" just after Sept 23, 1963 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672#relPageId=511 Neuvo Laredo is Next.... Then the claimed FLECHA ROJAS trip to Monterrey leaving at 2pm to travel 3.5 hours in order to catch the FLECHA ROJAS bus in Monterrey leaving at 3:30pm. Then the Aussie girls supposedly climb aboard yet they took DEL NORTE buses... as did the McFarlands... So how about you lay it bare David... if I'm wrong here I'll fix it... what is it about this map is "seriously incorrect" ?
  5. And thanks B.A. for remaining one of the most thoughtful of posters... You in the same thread as PT is... IMHO ... an example of the absolute extremes in on-line posting... Aint gonna learn what you don't wanna know
  6. No Paul.. it does nothing of the sort. your use of pronouns is also a bit weary.... who is "they" ? As for PROOF... you still have yet to offer any. all we ever get is your "humble" opinions. When do we get the meat that supports the opinions?
  7. Bill did an amazing job... Like Armstrong, filled with info and sources to make one's own mind up... With a million different ways to put the puzzle together, is it no surprise the finished image looks so different in everyone's individual mind's eye?
  8. First off Paul, the man's name was Jack WHITTEN. aka John H Scelso. The CIA decided early on that to protect the LI- tapping programs they would only use Duran's info. Maybe actually READ State Secret, y'know? Jack Whitten, who was the CIA’s original investigator of the assassination, wrote in the days after 11/22 that “no source then at our disposal had ever actually seen Lee Oswald while he was in Mexico". That is remarkable, as the CIA’s sources inside the Cuban compound later told House Select Committee on Assassinations staffer Ed Lopez that the man who visited them was not Oswald.[ 111 ] Last sentence 2nd paragraph The first investigator of the JFK assassination for the CIA was C/WH/3 John Whitten, the chief of the Central American desk for the Western Hemisphere division. low-level flunky? Secondly... please stop... your posts insult our intelligence. Bill writes: Others who may have known some kind of operation was in place – but not necessarily the details, which would have been provided on a need-to-know basis – include WH head JC King, John Whitten at the Mexican desk, Whitten’s assistant Charlotte Bustos, Soviet officers Stephan Roll and Bill Bright, and Angleton’s liaison Jane Roman. Scott was described as a “fanatic” about running a “remarkably compartmentalized station”. It’s hard to imagine Scott being cut out of the molehunt, and it’s equally hard to imagine Scott wanting more than a couple of the Mexico City personnel in the know.
  9. For a historically factual presentation of Jack Ruby please read thru this before accepting anyone's "IMHO" conclusions http://harveyandlee.net/Ruby/Ruby.html NOTE: the preceding document concerning Jack Rubenstein, of Chicago, working as an informant for the HUAC is based upon a memorandum signed by “L.S.” on 11/24/47. In 1982 Nixon told his former aide and confidante (Roger Stone), “The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray (Chotiner) brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of 'Johnson's boys' and that LBJ wanted us to hire him as an informant to the Committee. We did.”
  10. Azcue was most definitely Cuban intelligence Brendan... and the object of plans to get him to defect.... it was non-stop down there at this time... Agents trying to turn doubles who in turn triple the recruiter... Castro's intelligence ran circles around the US since we were and are a free society... As I read history it seems to me he knew of the assassination plans against him before most anyone. It was believed that even among those who spoke with Bobby there were double-agents reporting back to Fidel... From State Secret: I have no reason not to accept the research and docs offered.... On the other hand, when one of Castro’s double agents entered the country, Harvey treated him with kid gloves. Other CIA officers were not so careful. During December 1962, Cuban housing leader Jose Ricardo Rabel stole an airplane from an agricultural agency and defected to the USA. Rabel had been running the peasant housing program Viviendas Campesinas for the past three years. Harvey knew that Rabel was preparing to defect. Rabel was debriefed for some time. He had grown up with Fidel. He said he was now being hounded by the Cuban Communist Party. Rabel’s predecessor at the housing program was Eusebio Azcue, a famous architect and the Cuban consul. Just weeks after Rabel’s defection, Harvey proposed that Mexico City make a play to recruit the Cuban consul Eusebio Azcue. Such a bold move, if successful, would reveal a great deal about the inner workings of Castro’s leadership team. --- There was a Cuban informant that was central to the effort to recruit Azcue during the summer of 1963. This man was LITAMIL-3, a diplomat of more than 30 years in Mexico A successful recruitment of Consul Eusebio Azcue would have been an intelligence bonanza. Azcue had a colorful history that attracted the Mexico City station. Azcue had been active in the Spanish Civil War.[ 71 ] Before Castro came to power, Azcue was in a pro-Castro group that had sent guns and ammo through Venezuela into the Sierra.[ 72 ] As mentioned earlier, Azcue had even served as a bodyguard to the Communist journalist Teresa Proenza. But there was another side to Azcue, a side that American intelligence officers were hoping to exploit. While sitting as a consul at the Cuban embassy in 1962, Azcue said that he would leave the embassy if Cuba were to become a terrorist state.[ 73 ] Jose Antonio Casas felt free to confide to his old friend Azcue that he planned to defect from Cuba, and Azcue did not turn him over to the authorities.[ 74 ] --- Although Bill Harvey may have used a lead from Rabel to probe Azcue, Harvey was a stickler for security. Harvey claimed that he was always worried that Castro agents had penetrated his assassination plans.
  11. Understood.... if he simply went to Mexico as an innocent man (at the time) the travel details would not have needed 1500 documents to prove it - no? The exchange ticket at the border was the one and only exchange ticket process that night.... the same man who typed up the cards for US Consul HARVEY CASH is the man who processed LEE's exchange ticket.... the one and only exchange order and one of the very few white people traveling.... and NO ONE remembers him... Not sure if you ever have seen this... After consul HARVEY CASH tells HQ that there is no indication of mode of transport (despite the impression he has form the evidence that Oswald was in a car)... STATE and CIA were on the same page re: Oswald from the start... Amb MANN even sends info thru non-state Dept channels The "SAME SOURCE" also provided the hotel registry, the immigration records, the tickets, and every other item of evidence to the FBI... Question then becomes - is "HARVEY OSWALD LEE - H.O. LEE" the same person, if real at all, as the man Ruby shot? I also found that GAUDET's description about the people at the I&NS office that morning... does not jive with other, non-CIA affiliated people who were interviewed.
  12. Nice stuff Mike.... A question. The men at Odio's claimed they were representing JURE, if you do... how do you see that intersecting with DRE info above?
  13. Hi there Brendan... welcome to the forum and thanks for your thoughtful response. Duran tells us the person she saw in person was not the man Ruby shot. Same as Azcue. Maybe they're lying. CORNWELL - Correct?... Did you look at the photos when he brought them back, careful about to be sure that it was the same man who was standing in front of you?TIRADO - Yes. (Why not ask whether the man returning with the photos was Oswald?) ---------------- CORNWELL - Then what did you do with the application?TIRADO - Well, I used to put it in a file, and uh, I used to keep one copy, another to send (2), the original (3), we used to send to Cuba. And I think I have another file (4). That's 4 copies - yet she only said she typed out and had the man sign 2 of them (with different signatures)... how can there be 4 copies? I've dropped a few things into the post to consider... but asking whether someone did something in Mexico City when the evidence which places him in Mexico City at the time is not authentic is kind of a non-starter... PROVE he was in MX first, THEN talk about what he did or didn't do there... lol. Duran claims the application was typed with a carbon... Despite the WCR getting the original mixed up with the carbon we notice a few things 1 - there are no staples on the photo on the carbon 2 - no matter how you line it up, you cannot create a carbon copy of the original on the right 3 - we literally have no info on the origins of these 2 photos or the Chain of Custody for these applications....
  14. And therein lies the entire problem Paul... What you believe and what you can support are similar like apples and tires.... The CIA was surprised by the JFK assassination.... ? This is your POV now... ? THIS is how Mystery Man was created.... from the wrong day...
  15. Changing subjects when you have nothing to support your voodoo analysis is nothing new Paul... That you can't grasp the evidence for H&L is also expected from you and your limited abilities to understand the subject matter. You haven't... not a single thing yet here you are... vapidly and voraciously defending your right to be so wrong... I applaud your persistence in the face of insurmountable odds.
  16. Under that theory then David... why isn't the travel info simple and neat...? All the man needed to do was buy a 4-part ticket in New Orleans... and he would be done with a provable record of his travel.... This did not happen... this traveler, we are told, bought a ticket at each and every stop along the way... yet left no evidence of doing so. thousand and thousands of FBI documents to prove he was... Arturo BOSCH changed the Frontera manifest in front of busline workers... The report superimposed is under Hoover's signature.... Flecha Rojas on the way down? Used as FACT until proven not to be possible... Frontera? Proven a fake but used until another option could be found... HARVEY CASH American Consul lied about what the information in front of him said.... EUGENE PUGH also lied about what the I&NS knew... I've put over 300 pages on that trip online at K&K... if the idea was to leave a provable trail of evidence for that trip... "they" failed miserably.
  17. Prove it please Craig.... Oswald was never there... how can there have been photos taken? A photo of Oswald in and out of the Cuban/Soviet Compound would be the nail in the coffin in terms of evidence of his state of mind... What reason can you offer for them NOT providing an image of our Ozzie down there? btw, Mystery man is a non starter... Scott and JC seem to know who this person is.... are you aware of the ODUM situation with Marge and Ruby in Mexico related to this image? Goodpasture even lied about when the photos were taken... a women with a steel trap for a mind conveniently misdates the photo to coincide with the phone call... As for CIA personnel testifying to anything... the same phantom evidence was used to put Duran and Oswald into bed together... never happened but the legend grows. Some of the new releases include JUNE COBB's who was instrumental in creating the myth... I guess - if you're going to make a definitive statement of "FACT"... I'd like to understand from where it originates and why you believe it.
  18. Thank you Paul for the most inept analysis of the JFK situation I've ever seen... The "Dallas Police" did not have the assassination rifle... the FBI did. And it was returned the following week only to be taken again by the FBI. I've shown how the rifle DAY carries from the TSBD is not CE139. The few members of the DPD whop can safely say were "involved" are Stringfellow, Westbrook, Hill, Sawyer, Roscoe... and a handful of others.... In concept I accept that even if LBJ got out of the car and pummeled JFK with a bat right on Elm street... Oswald would have been guilty. But not due to your simple sentence... the DPD was TOLD not to proceed with Conspiracy accusations.... how "in on it" do you think they were if they too were fooled by the faked conspiracy with Castro evidence? If you want to preface that sentence with "In my limited and not very humble opinion....." we'd wait for your supporting proof.... which, of course... never comes.
  19. The part about the CIA watching everyone as they too we're watched is accepted. 1963 Mexico city is spy central. Doubles, triples .... That's where Bill Simpich has few equals... I ask myself 1st and foremost... Why does Hoover cover for the CIA? Professional courtesy? Ha. 2nd Q. Why wasn't Alvarado stopped before he told his story? He only comes forward days afterward with the 17th as the date... He claims torture was threatened if he did not change to the 28th.... But still held to the 17th. All a show? Why would Phillips allow an asset to come forward with a conspiracy story well after the Lone Nut story, unless he too was doubled.... Last and the reason for my work.... Why wasn't this a simple trip to mexico then to Dallas? How is it that they found evidence of the names for every other person on the bus, at the border, at checkpoints, worked at a bus station, etc... Yet the evidence for Oswald is contradictory, altered, accepted then dropped, changed again... And still no concrete evidence he made any portion of the trip. And then read Odio's July '64 testimony and the 2 pages in the wcr about her... Bottom line? CIA knew where Oswald really was so they could use him... They were indeed very keen on Mr. O as he tattled on their Cubans....
  20. You will never see a photo of Oswald in MX. He was in Dallas. I respect Bill and his excellent work... I don't see how Phillips is not the top of this particular food chain. Alvarado is his creation and goes to the core of the plan. Trace money back thru Oswald to Castro... Phase 1 PDScott. So Oswald is there but Alvarado's story is fabricated? It had to be since phase 1 was now Phase 2, Lone Nut Oswald alone. The FBI could have put Oswald into a car... The original faked evidence had him in a car. With these cards in hand in Nov 22/23, CASH is Nuevo Laredo consul and conveys that there nothing in evidence showing the mode of transportation. Notice too how Lee, H Oswald on the 26th becomes Lee H Oswald despite the return trip evidence claiming he was H.O. LEE. These we're typed from the FM11 that the FBI asset "amended for clarity".... The CIA and STATE where pushing the Castro angle while the FBI and INS where developing the narrative.... Flecha Rojas gives way to del Norte while records are "borrowed" from border towns, Monterrey and MX city, never to be seen again. FBI SOP in the 60's
  21. I find it still amusing that every report about Oswald is based on the Oct 1 call which has already be proven NOT to be Oswald... It's a non starter.... Like Hoover saying it's not his face or voice so there must be ANOTHER man down there.... Not that Oswald is not the man we're talking about. The FBI had no other choice but to back the CIA story... In January we learn the truth about Mexico from the horse's mouth... Oswald was as much in MX as he was in that window shooting at JFK
  22. With respect DSL, Duran recommended the photo shop for theses visa pictures... Something her job would require. Yet she cannot say which of the few locations these photos could be taken it was... She doesn't know where she sent this man? Two, she staples 1 photo to original and the carbon... Yet there are no staples in the carbon version... Furthermore, there is literally nothing that corroborates those were the photos originally used. The FBI created fake evidence to support the CIAs story... Why? Cause Oswald was doing FBI work with 2 men at Odios and then around Dallas during that period. Does it not seem strange to you that there are no FBI reports on Oswald between the end of Sept until Nov 1st when they finally report he is at the Pained. Have you seen the FBI reports looking for traces of Oswald in MX starting Nov 4 up thru Nov 23rd? Finally, the FBI asset at Gobernacion who no one has ever written about until I did admits on the 8th that they too have no proof he was there. It is this asset who provides the FBI with ever item of MX evidence... He touches the hotel registry, visas, tickets, manifest, FM11....etc. The man Ruby shot was not in MX. He was in Dallas and the Odios, who are not Cuban intelligence or CIA or DFS are much more reliable a witness than the den of liars in MX... ?
  23. No I don't Jim.... I was told this was bought from the Star Telegram... Multi-generation copying?
  24. On thing I find strange is that all the notes I've seen about Oswald after the left ear operation was he never had a problem with them again... the notes on this guy state he had a left ear problem, operation and "ears have ached since childhood" They note the left side surgery scar.... I wonder then why ROSE didn't... while noting other things down to 1/16th of an inch...
  25. On page 411 of CE985 it says that Oswald wrote " I have no PASSPORT ... given to American Consul in Moscow" He was given a National Passport and ID card...
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