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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Yes, Armstrong believes that Oswald got on that bus despite all the evidence to the contrary and years of discussion. We don't agree on everything while we work to make each other more aware. Our article on the killing of Oswald and how Ruby actually got there, at his site, was a 5 month journey of discovery. https://harveyandlee.net/Oswald_Killed/Oswald_Killed.html You will learn about the history of the buildings involved, Sgt Dean, Westbrook and Croy, and the cruel manner in which Fritz delivers Oswald to his death. Now, you keep bringing up the library as if you give it some significance. I'll circle back - did you already explain this significance in this thread? If not can you summarize? From our discussions I don't recall our ever giving the library a second thought beyond the boy who was found there. The mistake was the broadcast of 1:16 Dispatcher Attention. Signal 19, police officer, 510 E. Jefferson. 1:19 105 (Ptm. J.M Poe and Ptm. L.E. Jez) Was 519 E. Jefferson correct? (Siren) 1:19 Dispatcher We have two locations; 501 East Jefferson and 501 East Tenth. 1:19 Dispatcher Subject just passed 401 East Jefferson. Michael, this is WEST of 510 E Jefferson on the way to the theatre. Can you explain the significance of the library which occurs 15 mins later and 30 mins after Oswald was already in the theater? ALSO, YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT IT WAS ALSO CB OWENS WHO SEES THE HIDELL ID IN THE WALLET AND EVEN ASKS OSWALD ABOUT THE HIDELL ID DURING ONE OF THE INTERROGATIONS. Yu may also notice that Fritz does not ask Oswald any questions about the Tippit murder. Or the wallet found there with the HIDELL ID. Hmmm. 1:34 22 (Ptm. L.L. Hill) They've got him holed up, it looks like, in this building over here at the corner. 1:34 22 (Ptm. L.L. Hill) . . . where you be? 1:34 85 (Ptm. R.W. Walker) 85, library. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. 1:34 211 (Ptm. R. Hawkins) 211 out that location. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. 1:34 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) 19 1:34 Dispatcher 19 1:34 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) We're all at the library. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. 223 is supposed to be there. 1:34 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) We're in front of the building now. 1:34 Where is it? 1:34 Dispatcher Marsalis and Jefferson. 1:34 What and Jefferson? 1:34 Dispatcher Marsalis. 1:34 10-4. 1:34 221 (Ptm. H.W. Summers) 221 1:34 Dispatcher 221 1:34 221 (Ptm. H.W. Summers) Might can give you some additional information. I got an eye-ball witness to the get-away man. That suspect in this shooting is a white male, twenty-seven, five feet eleven, a hundred sixty-five, black wavy hair, fair complected, wearing a light grey Eisenhower-type jacket, dark trousers and a white shirt, and (. . . ?). Last seen running on the north side of the street from Patton, on Jefferson, on East Jefferson. And he was apparently armed with a 32 dark-finish automatic pistol which he had in his right hand. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. For your information, 221, they have the suspect cornered in the library at Marsalis and Jefferson. 1:34 221 (Ptm. H.W. Summers) 10-4. This man can positively identify him if they need him. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. They do have the suspect under arrest now. 1:34 221, hang on to your witness. 1:34 Dispatcher Hold on to him. 1:34 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) 19 1:34 Dispatcher 19 1:34 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) It was the wrong man. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. 1:34 Dispatcher Disregard all the information on the suspect arrested. It was the wrong man.
  2. Much appreciated Ken... at some point certain things in this case have to move from theory to facts
  3. How does his being CIA, or not, change anything - in your view?
  4. Stay with me for a second here Tom. Feldsott's company buys rifles from Italy These rifles are packed in cartons of 10 and master cartons of 10-10 packs The only entity buying these rifles at this point is Feldsott's. The shipment arrives at Crescent... If you look at the "Customer Invoice" copy and the "Office copy" copy they are identical, as in they are carbons of each other with the same carton #'s and Slip #'s Feldsott is the only customer of these rifles when these slips are sent to him. The "Customer Invoice" copies are the property of FELDSOTT, not Klein's. Yet the FBI uses these to imply that KLEINS did get a shipment of these rifles in FEB 1963 and here, these are the slips. Simply: There never was a shipment of 100 rifles to KLEINS in FEB 1963 including C2766. Sorry if that's a shock. Those slips had nothing whatsoever to do with KLEINS other than to justify the bogus FEB shipment which never occurred. Feldsott himself states that C2766 was shipped JUNE 18, 1962 to KLEINS a full 2 months before the first batch of these rifles are even removed from Harborside. We can banter about anything you like but if the C2766 rifle is stored at Harborside from 1960 until the first orders are pulled from that 5200 lot in AUGUST 1962, and FELDSOTT's affidavit states C2766 was sent to KLEINS in a JUNE 18, 1962 order. That means C2766 was not part of the JUNE order. The 2 sets of slips: Customer and Office were both Feldsott's. How else can C2766 show up at KLEINS, labeled the international 38E but via these slips as proof. Using these slips the bogus VC pages are created and the VC#, in pencil, is put onto the HIDELL order blank. Full circle, self corroborating evidence as we are NEVER allowe3d to see any other orders for that rifle, any order for any of the other 99 rifles or any of the other 99 rifles are even seen physically. I hope that's enough of this as I'm done debating 10 years of my life's work and countless hours with John, who dug up most of this rifle info in the first place and from which I have numerous of his notebooks providing much greater detail than we go into here. === I'm not sure if you're aware or not but FBI SA DOLAN signs a report stating he TAKES the microfilm from WALDMAN. Next to this exhibit is one signed by DOLAN and 2 others (WCD7) stating that Waldman keeps the microfilm... cant be both Tom. This is followed by the revelation that a copy of this film was made. John, having gone to the archives informed me that the microfilm canister which used to contain an actual film, was then empty.
  5. Simple question then... We both know that Oswald wore a button down BRIARLOOM shirt to work, which AFTER THIS SUPPOSED BUS RIDE he changes into a different shirt. This new shirt, let's call it the Arrest Shirt vs the Work Shirt, has torn elbows and 3 buttons missing from the scrap in the theater. I find it very hard to fathom how Ms Bledsoe could describe a shirt that Oswald had yet to change into, nor had yet to have gotten in a fight where the buttons are torn off. Mr. BALL - Now, what color shirt did he have on? Mrs. BLEDSOE - He had a brown shirt. Mr. BALL - And unraveled? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Hole in his sleeve right here [indicating]. Mr. BALL - Which is the elbow of the sleeve? That is, you pointed to the elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, it is. Mr. BALL - And that would be which elbow, right or left elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Right. Mr. BALL - Did he have anything on. Was the shirt open or was it buttoned? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes; all the buttons torn off. Mr. BALL - What did he have on underneath that? Mrs. BLEDSOE - I don't know. Mr. BALL - Do you know the color of any undershirt he had on? Mrs. BLEDSOE - No. But that's not all. While McWatters does claim in his testimony it was Oswald on the bus he is one of the only people to come back to the commission and "advised the President's Commission that he was mistaken, and that the young man who was the subject of his testimony is a "teen-ager" named MILTON JONES" John and I spent 2+ years going thru his sources and footnotes together. His book, by his own admission, is a starting point from which to clarify and expand. A snapshot of his knowledge at the moment. He and I now stay away from this subject as he simply refuses to accept CE2641 as contradictory evidence. Oswald could not have BOTH gotten into a Rambler with a dark complected man driving AND walk down ELM away from the TSBD only to get on heading back, one, and two - the bus wasn't even the one he would take to go to his room on Beckley. You wont find anyone on this forum who knows more about that book that I do, with all due respect to Jim Hargrove. We can talk about the red herring bus transfer too if you'd like, its origin and provenance... but I'll leave that up to you. When the community finally understands that MOST of the information provided about what occurred is double-speak spy-craft, it may be easier to move forward in conversation. The bus transfer was the counter argument to CRAIG seeing the actual Oswald leave with the help of another... not allowed in this scenario.
  6. @Cory Santos https://harveyandlee.net/WandC/Westbrook_and_Croy.html Again.. John and I diverge on some of his H&L stuff but not on the core understanding of the extensive record of a second man. This article delves deep into the wallet and HIDELL ID issue. My caveat is that John makes certain assumptions about the involvement of LEE vs HARVEY with which I don't necessarily agree. Doesn't change the substance related to the Wallet, Westbrook and Croy. Now back to our regularly scheduled programs
  7. Hi Cory, I think you may be combining the "pickup outside the TSBD" and the Tippit murder by the way the statement is written. "After the shooting" must refer to the JFK shooting and not Tippit. FWIW, Oswald did not get on any bus.. the entire McWatters bus transfer baloney were more red herrings. WESTBROOK was one of a handful of DPD co-conspirators - a very important one in fact - so be very wary of what he said and did that day. The pistol and the wallets ran thru the office of the Chief of Personnel... with the result of 5 wallets becoming 1 with HIDELL ID John and I have written extensively about WESTBROOK and CROY as they were key to the killing of Oswald as well.
  8. I'd have to think this was the MARTEL incident as told by Philippe de Vosjoli in Life many years after the fact. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP70B00338R000200170118-8.pdf But I've only started to research this - had never been asked this and you being who you are probably knows exactly what this refers to... dont ya?
  9. @Leslie Sharp thanks Leslie... btw, we got some talking to do 🙂. send me a note when you have the time to catch up. Ben, I'm all for differing viewpoints and interpretations... but with some level of confidence derived from some acceptable level of source materials. I must take the time to go back to your profile and read thru your posts and your explanations. As to LHO a CIA asset. The Russian infiltration project which began in the late 50's was designed to get Americans into Russia for the purpose of gathering information. side note: after WW2 the Americans enlisted the Gehlen: The Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org (often referred to as The Org) was an intelligence agency established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities in the United States zone of post-war occupied Germany, and consisted of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General Staff (Foreign Armies East, or FHO). It was headed by Reinhard Gehlen who had previously been a Wehrmacht Major General and head of the Nazi German military intelligence in the Eastern Front during World War II. "Operating until 1956, when it was superseded by the BND, the Gehlen Organisation was allowed to employ at least 100 former Gestapo or SS officers. ... Among them were Adolf Eichmann’s deputy Alois Brunner, who would go on to die of old age despite having sent more than 100,000 Jews to ghettos or internment camps, and ex-SS major Emil Augsburg. ... Many ex-Nazi functionaries including Silberbauer, the captor of Anne Frank, transferred over from the Gehlen Organisation to the BND. ... Instead of expelling them, the BND even seems to have been willing to recruit more of them – at least for a few years" By the late 50's any access to Russian intelligence was basically gone. Gehlen had also played many a dirty trick to his US CIA benefactors. The CIA was in essence blind in Russia. So begins the Russian defector program of 1958. Does this constitute "being a CIA asset" for as we know many CIA assets are under cover of US Military. I firmly believe it does although it may have looked more like a military asset to anyone looking closely. Furthermore, the manner and stories related to Oswald getting to Russia is an area of study unto itself and one I've discussed in other threads on this forum. Is LHO a CIA asset as he is driving from New Orleans to Dallas with 2 Cubans? or is that FBI? The FPCC charade could also have been either group. He gets jobs he should never have a chance at... Jaggers being one. Working for Reilly in New Orleans screams CIA side note: in Chicago, "a few days" before Nov 2nd when JFK is due to attend a football game, the Secret Service informs the Chicago police about one ARTHUR VALLEE who is stopped on a traffic violation and is found to have a small arsenal including an M-1 and 2500 rounds. The violation comes as a result of the Chicago police watching VALLEE based on the SS tip (a tip for which there is no source info) and a SS interview of VALLEE on Oct 30. FBI reports bend over backward to include the name OSWALD in a number of VALLEE reports We can debate endlessly regarding MX - which I will get to - or whether Oswald was CIA - but with what goal? The complete lack of concern over this incident in Chicago, with yet another disgruntled Marine on JFK's motorcade route with an arsenal makes me once again wonder what being a CIA or FBI "asset" means. In this one report we have VALLEE, OSWALD, KLEINS, WALDMAN, FPCC & ROSSEN. Now add this FBI report: DENIAL DENIAL. "One of the men was NOT Oswald" "4 men were NOT arrest" So what's going on here... who is protecting who? And why were the SS travel records for Oct/Nov 1963 destroyed? So I have to ask Ben... what does LHO being an FBI or CIA asset mean to you? How does it change/enhance the conspiracy to implicate him? I mean it's one thing to just say he was a CIA asset... I'm asking "So what"? This is why I see the MX they showed us in the evidence left behind as a complete red herring to the assassination. That Bill Simpich and others are much closer to the non-assassination related activities exposure than an easily seen planting operation to keep the FBI in line when it was needed. In my mind, Mexico City is akin to Hannukah. For those not Jewish, Hannukah is perceived as some huge, present-giving mega celebration due to it's timing relationship to Christmas, Rugrats Hannukah and Adam Sandler's song. 🙂 In reality, like MX, it's not all that. It's a minor holiday about a specific event in history which is celebrated with some level of festival... but nothing like Purim or Sukkot. Let alone Passover or Yom Kippur. We have 2 different events... whatever was going on down there, and the ripple effect of his name after 10/8. Looking carefully at 10/8 thru 11/22. What is the ripple effect and who is it most affecting? Why does the FBI produce a mountain of conflicting paper to hide the fact they knew he wasn't there? Why, when they learn one avenue of travel was not possible, they simply drop it for the next logical one? This report for example tells the FBI that the manner in which they claimed he returned, would not have gotten him to where he needed to be when he was actually there. So they changed the journey to what was needed... if you read these chapters - which I admit are heavily laden with detail - it will certainly amaze you what the FBI did to support the CIA claiming he was down there. https://www.kennedysandking.com/content/mexico-city-part-4-leaving-mexico-part-1
  10. Please explain... as these rifles are to match to the 10 packing slips and I've done the analysis of how they were recorded, by slip, and one would expect and entire 10 pack of rifles to be recorded as they are removed, and then on to the next 10 pack. If you do the analysis, you will find this not to be so. I think this is the essay you're referring to above... https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf go to page 26. The order of these rifles is completely unrelated to the packing slips. IOW it's as if they simply wrote down the 100 SN's next to (the now whited out area of the old SNs). You tell me what you think. The point of that mention was that WALDMAN also turned over these same 10 packing slips as evidence of receipt of said shipment. the exact same slips that went to Feldsott. You may remember that RUPP first inspects and replaces rifles which are defective - which in this case was plentiful. The problem with these 10 slips from Waldman is that first, not a single original rifle in the original 10 packs of 10 was replaced, second Waldman claims these slips were mailed to him separately in a memo while RUPP sends them - corrected - with the shipment, and finally the designation at the top of each slip is "38 E" which is the international item reference for the 40" FC rifle. If you look at all the other DOMESTIC reference to these rifles, they are "T-38" This paper will present the evidence to show there is no way to connect a specific rifle to a specific carton since Rupp** usually removes these rifles from their original cartons to fix and clean and prepare them (Adams stopped paying Riva claiming he was not doing his job and many of the rifles were arriving in bad repair). They are then repackaged in the same or new cartons with updated packing info, not necessarily (and in most cases not) the same as those that came from Italy, when they are shipped to Klein’s. (The FBI via Waldman – VP Klein’s - erroneously claims these packing slips from Italy are in fact the packing slips sent as memos from the February shipment of 100 40” FC rifles to Klein’s of which C2766 is supposedly one of them.) Fred Rupp tells us via his FBI interview reports that he will use the same cartons if not mutilated and that if a rifle is replaced it will be recorded on the packing slip which Rupp sends with the shipment - “WITH the shipment” ok. One would expect the man who received the shipment from Italy to have the correct packing slips for those rifles. My contention is that these 10 identical slips across Feldsott and Waldman is not possible given the RUPP process and the terrible condition of the rifles upon arrival. Even more importantly, Kleins supposedly rec'd these 100 rifles in FEB 1963 with ads for the 36" and 40" rifles running virtually all year thru Nov 1963. Don't you find it odd that not a single soul who would have gotten any one of these other 99 rifles AND now a published list of these infamous rifles - has ever come forward. It's as if C2766 magically appears at the TSBD while the other 99 rifles simply never existed in Klein's inventory... Also in the paper linked to above, I go into the Harborside warehouse and the records which shows the earleist removal of ANY of these rifles was AUGUST 29, 1962. Feldsott's affidavit claims C2766 was shipped JUNE 18, 1962. How dat? There are a number of Rifle threads that we can resurrect and I'd be happen to discuss any aspect of the Rifle with you... FWIW - have you seen my analysis of the rifle DAY removes... I am of the conclusion this was NOT the rifle ultimatley placed into evidence... along with the strange story of NAT PINKSTON Look forward to it, just start a post with @David Josephs and we're off. Namaste
  11. If my grandmother had balls, would she be my grandfather? Ben, we have mountains of evidence. None of which state Oswald was CIA in any capacity, anywhere. What do you think they are doing in the memo below, Ben? ODESSA was only part of the 9/27 morning calls with Helms virtually removing it from circulation to focus on the calls of the 28th and 1st. At what point in the transcripts of calls is there mention of his HIJACKING AN AIRPLANE TO CUBA? The OP here Ben was to corner the FBI, Hoover, into having to support Oswald in MX since he was working with the FBI with Cubans at the exact same time. Well, that may not have been THE Op, but a side benefit of whatever it was they were doing down there. AZCUE and DURAN specifically state it was not him. Grandma's balls? I have documents describing the creation and planting of call transcripts within LIENVOY to implicate one thing or another to get certain people to do as they're told. EH HUNT was an expert at this. What are you really after here Ben as I'm a bit perplexed that all of this (and much much more) is TRUMPED by 3 KGB officers saying he was there years after the fact.
  12. @Benjamin Cole Appreciate the admiration Ben... yet what's the point of your softly backhanded compliment? What have I provided that you don't see reducing these three KGB to what they always were... Disinformation specialists? What of all the things I've offered adds strength to his actually being there? Do you claim LITAMIL/9 is lying? a CIA double agent who only need say he saw him there in passing to add validity? I don't really care if you want to put yourself on that island, surrounded by water and sharks... have at it. You are more than entitled to have whatever opinion suits you. I for one would trade some admiration for comprehension
  13. So wouldn't one expect to hear within the ongoing tapping programs these same Russians and Cubans making some mention of this American coming after hours and somehow getting into the compound? Or making the ruckus he did in front of AZCUE and DURAN? Contemporary reporting DENIES he made these calls One tact I took was believing that there may have been contemporaneous reporting of OSWALD in MX without the CIA really being aware of what they were doing. If the CIA wanted him in MX Sept 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and had picked up his voice/name in their LIENVOY operation, would that not have given even more credibility to his being there? At bottom right is a summary report excerpt showing the kind of response an ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSON would have received within LIENVOY. Can you offer any explanation for why his exaggerated presence was not mentioned anywhere until the day after Phillips arrives? Look at your sources again Ben: Russian, Cuban and CIA memos One has to wonder why these groups would toe the company line and insist he really was there and not traveling with Cubans in the US and speaking to a woman whose family was connected to JURE? There's naive and there's head in the sand ostrich junk. The Russian memos only talk about confirming what is said, not contradicting. We can talk about the Cubans another time if you like. Why is it you don't accept the FBI's search coming up empty during all of November as more reliable than the Russian KGB? Or Hoover literally spelling it out in his own hand in Jan 1964?
  14. @Tom Gram C2746 is shipped to KLEINS per FBI report posted above from an order on MARCH 27, 1963 N2766 is shipped to KLEINS per FBI report on JUNE 18, 1962 Agreed? Now can you please tell me what you are trying to say? C2766 was placed on an order from FEB 21, 1963 with 99 other rifles, arriving Feb 22 This critical page matches serial #'s to VC #'s. and while there are copying artifacts all over the page, there are none behind or around any of these serial #'s. Furthermore, the actual original order "1259" is shown at the top right. This document was created by Michael Scibor.. you might read up on him a bit. Point I was making was that on the 2 orders that ACTUALLY EXISTED IN REAL LIFE, the June 1962 and March 1963... the rifle they were looking for was not sent to KLEINS. Since this thread is about the Money Order I'd like to bring this to a head by mentioning "self-substantiating evidence" The "blank form" uses the VC#=Serial# to match back to this document to PROVE they are the same and was C2766 The prove each other yet prove nothing else. The Money Order is also a piece of self substantiating evidence as there is no PMO book from which it was pulled despite Holmes' statement. and there is not a single record ANYWHERE of any one of the other 99 rifles from this FEB order winding up in the hands of ANYONE ANYWHERE in the world. Century International Arms (CIA) on the other hand shipped a 2766 40" rifle to ALDENS of Chicago July 5, 1962 after having received such rifles on an invoice dated June 29, 1962. There never was a FEB 1963 shipment of FC rifles. There never were 100 rifles received, 50 of which listed below. There are 5 more serial numbers on the Century order which match 5 rifles in this bogus Feb order... And finally Tom, please read about how those men at Klein's that night went about finding this order blank... you can read about it in one of my articles at K&K. Everything related to the rifle is a PROP with one of the most crucial connections in all the case - HIDELL. A man walks up to Ken Croy at the Tippit murder scene, hands him a wallet (per Croy) and says he found this at the scene. Croy gives this wallet to WESTBROOK at the scene. WESTBROOK opens said wallet showing FBI BARRETT the names OSWALD and HIDELL asking if he knows either one. That wallet disappears, is not in inventory and is never mentioned again... but the HIDELL ID - which is the only thing connecting OSWALD to the Money Order and Rifle - becomes part of the infamous "wallet inventory" as recorded by the FBI on the 22nd and 24th. As Sandy would say... "Easy". Edit: I've also traced the italian shipment of those packing slips and find that it was actually C2765, NOT 2766 The owner of Crescent in NY signs an "after the fact pre-written affidavit" stating C2766 was sent on JUNE 18, 1962
  15. I too noticed how your post was fluffed over Pete.... and really too bad as these are THE critical question if you'd like to understand a little bit regarding the "patsifying" of LHO. Thanks for the refreshing - cut to the point - post. And we need to deal with people who continue to claim the different aspects of this case are "easy" to understand.... as long as you don't add in too many conflicting bits of evidence or bother them with facts. Ralph Yates has to be one of the saddest unknown stories of the assassination next to Abe Bolden. Ralph Yates was institutionalized for 11 years A crucial transition in the psychic health of Ralph Yates seems to have occurred at the FBI office on January 4, 1964. Something the FBI said after Ralph's polygraph test puzzled and disturbed Dorothy (his wife): "They told me that he was telling the truth [according to the polygraph machine], but that basically he had convinced himself that he was telling the truth. So that's how it came out. He strongly believed it, so it came out that way." Ralph was picked up and returned to Woodlawn. He was soon transferred to Terrell State Hospital, a psychiatric facility about thirty miles east of Dallas, where he lived for eight years. He was then transferred to the Veterans Hospital in Waco for a year and a half, and finally to Rusk State Hospital for the final year and a half of his life. While a patient at all three hospitals, he spent intermittent periods of from one to three months at home with his wife and children. He was never able to work again. In the course of Ralph's psychiatric treatment, Dorothy said, he was given the tranquilizing drugs Thorazine and Stelazine to the point where "they made him walk around like a zombie." He learned to resist the process. Just as Abraham Bolden had done in the Springfield Penitentiary psychiatric unit, Ralph faked swallowing the pills. More difficult to avoid were the shock treatments. He received over forty of them. The impact of the shock treatments on his long-range memory was, his wife said, "evidently nothing, because he didn't forget what he was there for," his encounter with the hitchhiker he had dropped off at Elm and Houston.
  16. LHO did not make the trip, nor was in of the locations, nor on any of the tapes, offered up as evidence. Alvarado was a DAP asset telling a lie starting 3 days after the fact. If there was a photo of Oswald - our Oswald - in MX on those dates, do you really believe THAT would be withheld when the entire point was to prove he was there? The FBI's own reports proved he was not "there" nor traveled to or from. AZCUE, DURAN, LITAMIL/7 & 9 all state on record the man was not there. THERE (if he was at the LUNA with Davis, prove it) The hotel registry was provided by OCHOA as was the FM-8 and summary reports putting OH LEE in the "O" slot alphabetically @Benjamin Cole Sum up the #1 item of evidence in support of that conclusion please... what do you have that proves he was there - and THERE meaning that hotel and those embassy/consulates. What say you about this my friend? why would they need to "fudge" actual incriminating phone calls? maybe kinda why they needed to FUDGE the ZFILM. Y'know... I realize that my articles on this bogus trip is long, detailed and has a ridiculous # of documents which are then cross-referenced with documents trying to reinforce Oswald being there. Members of the Gobernacion who are used to testify they were on this or that bus with these or those people going from here to there... So maybe you produce the evidence which actually puts the man there, or admit you've made a terrible mistake and the actual mountain of evidence proving the CIA "fudged" the entire thing is real. NOW - did they fudge it becasue he was actually flown in and out and had a meeting at the LUNA, OR is this a paper trail as the CIA had done 100's of times in order to keep a lid on Hoover? Up to you. You want to hang your hat on 3 KGB men... I think you're being played as a fool and then doubling down here on the forum with people who know better. Not "Oswald wasn't there" but instead Hoover says "there is a second person" since OSWALD was in DALLAS working for the FBI ANAHUAC? what happened to Del Norte and the original Flecha Rojas? THAT day at the consulate in New Orleans ACTUAL FM-11 monthly recap: The infamous bogus bus ticket found in a suitcase a month before publishing. Ticket proven to have never been issued or used. LITAMIL/9 - one of the most effective double agents we had - a close friend of AZCUE Doesn't matter if it was closed, he was there. FBI master list of reports with 5 that are undated and without description - and the 5 reports they refer to below
  17. @Bill Fite @Jean Ceulemans @Joe Bauer Just spoke with John. This is the front and back of his Easton ID or Lib card... something like that and has nothing to do with split bills. He sees the front says "Warren Easton" in block letters on back: "Lee Oswald Adm (left)" Could be wrong about "Adm"
  18. Really glad you caught that Gene. I did a deep dive into the witnesses at that consulate. this is on the back of the FM-8 or is it 5? This is the actual application with Oswald signature with the top front of the visa superimpsed "VALIDA POR 15 DIAS" To add some potential backup to the fact GAUDET created this application and garnered the visa we have this interview. I have serious reservations as her story contradicts the story of the other people there that day... AND she claims Oswald was there... I have to find a follow up with Ms ORTEGA mentioned at the bottom. It is possible Oswald was there, yet not according to other investigation I've done although the most important thing to me is her claim THE APP WAS DESTROYED IN 1965. The APP in question is shown below
  19. @Tom Gram @Jean Ceulemans I believe that's HIDELL written under Oswald. I have a note out to John. ==edit - but do see the "folder" as you mention... give me some time
  20. And no... the image of the torn bill was not one of the bills as written which Oswald had in his posession. "NOTE: After his arrest, the police found two halves of two different dollar bills in his wallet (see below). This was a CIA method of clandestine contact (review CIA memorandum of 7/9/63 below). Wherever and whenever Oswald met his contact, this person would provide confirmation of his identity with the other half of these dollar bills. Curiously, neither of these items were listed on the police inventory of 11/23/63, the joint FBI/DPD inventory of 11/26/63 (Oswald's so-called possessions), nor were they photographed. At the National Archives, in Adelphi, MD, I inspected and handled each item of inventory listed on the joint FBI/DPD inventory of 11/26/63. These items were not among the inventory." https://harveyandlee.net/November/November_22.htm Only the handwritten note describes the bills found in Oswald's possession
  21. Jean... do you have any idea of the source? What is the file name of the image?
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