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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. _________________________________________-- What about the people who are "still with us" who did not observe the rules and resorted to name calling and profanity? What about the Paul Tequala's (sp) who ask the same LN question repeatedly? Or the Tim Gratz insistance that Castro did it, regardless of the evidence against this, which John has pointed out, as had "some who are no longer with us" before that? So, we who care about this event are obsessive. I don't mind being called either "weird" or "obsessive" when it comes to trying to solve this case. Personally I think it's the people who don't care about this who are "weird", but I don't blame them when the CIA- controlled media has so successfully cover-up the truth. Dawn
  2. __________________________________ Very strange, Steve. especially in Dallas, at Christmas, so soon after 11/22. Dawn
  3. _______________________________ Shanet, I totally agree with you that search engines are sanitized. I heard about a month ago that there is an effort on in government circles to "regulate the internet" much the way the media is "regulated." This, the net, is the last bastion of freedom and you know they are monitering us, and yes, "sanitizing". When I am researching a particular subject I will get a bunch of hits but the most interesting pages that I try to open usually come up "page does not exist"....I long ago noticed this disturbing pattern too Shanet.
  4. ________________________ Oh please Tim. You know way too much about Life mag to believe they seriously wanted a real investigation. Are you for real? I don't mean this as an insult, but your level of knowledge and the things you post are often so in contradiction.???? Dawn ps Yes, Operation Mocking bird JOhn, you have nailed it. The press knows today that the critiics are highly educated very stable people. But they publish to the contrary. The press is run by the CIA. Period. And by CIA I mean more generic, as we really don't know which branch of the invisible government controls what, especially these days.
  5. __________________________ Our present Congress? Ya sure? And our current president would say it IS a matter of national security. (IMHO) But such a law would be great and something to seek if things ever change. Now there is one task we could take, each of us pick a single member of congress and write to this person, educate he or she...just a thought. Dawn
  6. This information just helps to explain the fact why a government led investigation is useless. It sounds like the issued task is: "find out the truth, but in case you find part of the truth or the whole truth don't ever write about it or discuss it with anyone". Therefore the decision from the outset is: there is no conspiracy, and even if there is we won't look into it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________________ That is not how HSCA begun. Under the first atty, Richard Sprague (not the Richard Sprague John mentioned) they were going after ALL leads wherever it took them. The CIA-controlled media attacked Sprague, and he was forced to resign. He and Gonzales got into it, but the media made sure from the start that this investigation would not lead to the truth. The people hired initially were going to get it, period. But our government will not allow such a thing. (Castro again, eh Tim Gratz ) Fonzi's book is GREAT, one of my favorites on the subject. I doubt he goes on any forums, which would be why he refused. Dawn
  7. Well, for one, thank you. :] Everyone I know knows that I'm fascinated by the Kennedys ( including the assassination ), the second they see me. I always have a notebook with me to jot down random things that might pop into my head, I have 2 bookcases in my room of nothing but Kennedy books, and misc. notes taped to the wall to look at and see if anything else pops up in my head. My parents know that I'm on here, and my friends do as well. In fact, one friend told me, "If it was something useless, your knowledge would be disturbing. Instead, it's interesting." I don't even know how much of the research community thinks of me, though, some of them seem to like me on Monday and dislike me on Tuesday. Thank you again for all the kind words. :] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________ Sorry, I put my post right in the middle of John's and before Nic's, that's what I get for always being in such a rush. Dawn
  8. Well, for one, thank you. :] Everyone I know knows that I'm fascinated by the Kennedys ( including the assassination ), the second they see me. I always have a notebook with me to jot down random things that might pop into my head, I have 2 bookcases in my room of nothing but Kennedy books, and misc. notes taped to the wall to look at and see if anything else pops up in my head. My parents know that I'm on here, and my friends do as well. In fact, one friend told me, "If it was something useless, your knowledge would be disturbing. Instead, it's interesting." I don't even know how much of the research community thinks of me, though, some of them seem to like me on Monday and dislike me on Tuesday. Thank you again for all the kind words. :] <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  9. Hi Jim, Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was the exploration of his possible connection to the governement was done by the Warren Commission and referred to in the Warren Report. They concluded he was not on the payroll and not an agent of the US governement. Paul <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________ Paul: THEY LIED. An as to SBT, I say 0% chance of that. Also to same bullet hitting JFK and Connolly because I assume that a person hit by a bullet would REACT to being hit and there is no reaction by Connally til 1.5 seconds after JFK was hit. This is clear on the Zapruda film. (Unless you buy into the "it hung in mid air for 1.5 seconds then went on to hit the Gov. school of "thought")) CE 399 did not hit anyone, ever. (IMHO). During HSCA only the great Dr Wecht stood up for the truth on CE 399. Idiot Dr. Baden actually held up this bullet and asked them to notice "how flattened" it was. I was so blown away by this testimony that I immediately wrote to HSCA about this, but got some stock response from Stokes. Dawn
  10. _____________________________ Thanx Bernice. I was just about to give Shanet this information. In fact I make reference to it on another thread, the three censored hours from TMWKK. The John Ligget hour is fantastic. Also The Guilty Men, which is what got the show pulled, as it features Barr McClellan and his book, Blood Money and Power, How LBJ killed JFK". Walt Brown is on, Ed Tatro, Nathan Darby, (who made the print match). Ladybird and Jack Valenti went nuts over this and got it pulled, BUT why all three hours??? The Ligget hour is the key!!! Shanet I might be able to get you a copy of this. I will PM you. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ******************************************************** Hi Dawn: If you have this information all compiled, I did but cannot find my typed article. Then please post it for all the members, as I more than likely may have left out bits of information.... I do have the sets on tapes and CDs....but thankyou for the thought. Another thought re the information on this program, was perhaps it was not so much pulling the three complete hours, as perhaps obtaining all ,and therefore ending the series, which their actions apparently seems to have done....? ****************************** For those who have followed along.... One other bit I have beem reminded of, was that John Liggett would disappear at times, for maybe several days at a time....His co-workers also stated that they had to be at work, as usual each and every day...but John would simply inform whomever that he would not be in, and simply leave.....he never lost his job, nor was reprimanded in anyway..and the others did wonder why he was allowed to.......Lois also comfirmed this.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________________ B. No I don't have it all compiled, but I just happened to watch that hour the other nite, to be sure I actually have it, as a dear friend wants to see it and I needed to find the darn thing. So, I was just going to summerize, but you did a great job. Dawn Gary Mack: I will respond to your PM on this after my expert has had a chance to view it. I am aware that the family has sued over this. I will have a full response by Sat.
  11. Mr. Hemmings, We have never met. I worked with and researched Tosh Plumlee's story for many years. Most of it was [as far as I could tell] truthful. Some items I can not prove and perhaps he [Plumlee] is not 100% truthful or has forgotten...but over 90% of his tale [perhaps 95%+] is truth. He [as you] worked in Black Ops. It is a shadowy world. I welcome your participation here. I would personally ask, however, that if you have personal vendettas with Tosh to settle you not do it here. Truth would be helpful. If you are [and I hope not!] working for some one or entity to spin dis-information about Tosh or others - or anythings he or they were involved with, I would hope you would not. All that having been said, please tell us what YOU know about the anti-Castro operations in the late '50s and through the '60s and how that crowd fed into the assassination of JFK. Who do you think killed JFK? [Fellow-black op Oswald?] Sincerely, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _______________________________________ Larry: Re your question re my source on Tosh. I am not at liberty to divilge this information at this time. I will be later on, but not at this time. Dawn
  12. The fact that one mobster says that another mobster made a threat against JFK is hardly very good evidence of Mafia being involved in his assassination. If the claim is true it says nothing about if the threat was carried out. We know that a whole range of people made threats against JFK. This in itself tells us very little. As I have said several times, Trafficante had no real motive to kill JFK. Nor is there any history of the Mafia in America being involved in the killing of politicians. Hundreds of people can be associated with Jack Ruby. That in itself means nothing at all. I cannot see why you are linking with Cubela with Trafficante. Cubela was involved in a plot to kill Castro, not JFK. The reason that the CIA leaked this story about the Mafia being involved in the plot to kill Castro was an attempt to get people to think that there was a connection between the two assassination plots. However, I have yet to discover any evidence at all to show that these two conspiracies were linked. I agree there is evidence to suggest that Eladio del Valle might have been involved in the assassination. However, it is not enough just to show links between Trafficante with del Valle. We all know about the existence of these plots but were they really serious attempts to kill Castro? Rosselli admitted very early on that it was pointless organizing the assassination of Castro unless it was part of a plan to invade Cuba. David Atlee Phillips and other CIA agents made the same point. When JFK made it clear he would not support an invasion of Cuba, the plots against Castro was a waste of time. It is of course ridiculous to claim that just because Giancana and Rosselli were murdered they must have been killed on the orders of Giancana in order to silence them. It is of course not unusual for mobster to be murdered. It is impossible to obtain any evidence that Giancana was responsible. There is of course another possibility. Giancana and Rosselli were murdered by the CIA in order to persuade people to believe that they were involved in the JFK assassination. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _______________________________________ Good possibility John: That the CIA killed Giancana and Rosselli ...to persuade people to believe that they were involved in the JFK assassination. Dawn
  13. Wrong of course? Can you be so positive? I noticed you didn't cite sources as to the CIA's connection to the 1960 election. Seems to me that the CIA would have wanted, indeed expected, Richard Nixon to be President. RJS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________________________ Given that the Bay of Pigs was planned by Richard Nixon, and that Nixon had ties to the Mob, who were in turn enlisted to kill Castro by the CIA, I concur with you once again Richard, that the CIA would have wanted Richard Nixon as President. (INMO) Dawn
  14. Excellent idea! Wow! We should start on putting it together. Perhaps we should start with an index (e.g. Angleton (A) to Zapruder (Z) then people could be assigned to write articles about the people, events, etc. One problem, of course, is the difference of opinion within the research community re the people involved. For instance, some people claim Angleton masterminded the assassination whereas I consider him a patriot and I believe the destruction of the counterintelligence and human intelligence areas after Angleton was "booted out" of the CIA directly contributed to the intelligence failures leading to 9/11. There's obviously a way around the issue of differing opinions: simply include the differing opinions. It would certainly be a massive job, but can we begin? Shouldn't the encyclopedia be "on-line"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________-- Tim: You "consider (Angleton) a PATRIOT???? WOW!!! Dawn
  15. _____________________________ Thanx Bernice. I was just about to give Shanet this information. In fact I make reference to it on another thread, the three censored hours from TMWKK. The John Ligget hour is fantastic. Also The Guilty Men, which is what got the show pulled, as it features Barr McClellan and his book, Blood Money and Power, How LBJ killed JFK". Walt Brown is on, Ed Tatro, Nathan Darby, (who made the print match). Ladybird and Jack Valenti went nuts over this and got it pulled, BUT why all three hours??? The Ligget hour is the key!!! Shanet I might be able to get you a copy of this. I will PM you. Dawn
  16. Greetings: With the help and assistance of many good researchers in this case, too many to personally acknowledge in this short reply, I have managed to assemble a collection of proofs respective of the physical evidence which shows beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of evidence tampering and criminal obstruction of justice. The alledged kill-shot rifle currently in the National Archives is an out and out forgery. The Mike O'Niel Photo shows a very rare and valuable Moschettieri del Duce Carcano as opposed to a standard military field Carcano. That there were at least three other Carcanos submitted at different times and presented as the kill-shot weapon. That WC CE-399 and HSCA-399 are two different bullets fired from different weapons. That two of the spent cartridges are in fact 6.5x54mm Mannlicher Schoenauer cartridges which cannot be chambered or fired from any Carcano rifle. That the recovered unfired cartridge is in fact an Italian made cartridge and that it could or would not have been produced by the Western Cartridge Corporation. That no standard military FMJ bullet fired from any position would produce the wounding consistant with the initial Parkland MD's evaluations. That Dr. Guinn's NAA examinaton of CE-399 is hopelessly flawed and innacurate. That the .38 Special alledgedly owned by Lee Oswald did not kill J.D. Tippet. That the spent cartridges recovered at the Tippet crime scene were in fact rimless cartridges which had been fired from a Colt .38 caliber Super-Auto. Such are the facts of the case that I am prepared to plcae in front of a grand jury should one ever be convened. Respectfully: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________________ Great post John. I am continually impressed with your posts. I disagree with the poster who said no new evidence since 63-4. There has been a ton of new evidence. Just a couple of examples here:1975 CIA and Mob work together to off Castro. Proof of either surgery on JFK's body (Lifton's Best Evidence) so that the autopsy photo's do not match what Parkland hospital docs found, or in the alternative, the autopsy photos are just forgories. In the censorced thee hours of TMWKK there is one extremely interesting hour, the whole John Leggit matter, the mortician who "fixed" JFK's body. I happen to also believe Judyth Baker, who was also censored. And the Mac Wallace stuff in the "Guilty Men" segment, (the 3rd censored hour)- is a case near and dear to my heart, as it is the one I have most studied, the Tx connection. Now whether or not Mac Wallace actually fired a gun that day is not yet proven to me, but he was there, on the 6th floor. The fingerprint match is proof, and a latent print only lasts about 10 days, so it is doubtful that someone was framing Wallace to frame LBJ (As John suggested sometime back). John did not believe LBJ would use a man like Wallace, but he did, over and over. The Grand Jury investigation into Henry Marshall's impossible "suicide" is just one of the many murders Wallace did (allegedly) for LBJ. All the proof that John Newman came up with in JFK and VietNAM, and Oswald and the CIA connection. And on and on. Dawn
  17. John, While I may agree that the vision of Camelot was and is blinding to some, I strongly disagree with many of your statements. It is true that during the campaign of 1960, JFK was a bigger hawk than Nixon. This changed immediately after the election. JFK talked the talk as politicians do to get elected. His reluctance to support the Bay of Pigs invasion less than 4 months after he took office, and his refusal to provide US military support was not the action of a typical cold warrior. His willingness to compromise with the Soviets really stuck the hawks in the administration and in the military. The decision to use a quarantine during the missile crisis was the least hawkish move he could have made, and did not stand well with the more rightist views of his advisors. In fact, Kruschev thought JFK was a pushover, and couldn't wait to meet with him to wipe the floor up with him. I also disagree with your civil rights comments. JFK not only had to play the political game, he was being unduly influenced by his father. Joe Sr was so afraid that JFK's stance on civil rights would doom his political career, his son listened enough to attempt to stall the efforts of Martin Luther King and others, simply to keep the peace. He changed significantly after seeing the water hoses and dogs in Birmingham Alabama. JFK didn't buy the votes in 1960, Joe Sr did. Generally speaking, Bobby was the one who convinced his brother to go against their father's wishes. If there was a boogeyman in the whole Camelot scenario, it was Joe Sr. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________________________ Richard: I concur 100% with this post and thank you for posting it. I assume it is ok to disagree with the administrator, or point out his/our contrdictions in posting. ANd point out each other's flaws in thinking, it makes us think more critically if done constructively as your post has just done. Dawn
  18. With every post you make, I adore you more and more. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ___________________________________________ Great posts all, I hope Paul, that you are taking this seriously. I too have noted that you just keep starting threads, do you read the replies you receive? If so why do you ask the same questions repeatedly? I know you are a Geroge Bush guy from your bio, but you are not stupid. So what is it? Are you here to really learn, or just to try to turn John's forum into yet one more LN forum? Dawn
  19. Ron, Gives me the creeps, too. Not because JFK and Tippit resembled each other, but because somebody thought it necessary to make such a picture. I think the photo is solid proof that Oswald was nuts. He thought he missed Kennedy at the Depository and had to shoot him again when he saw him in his cop outfit. Makes as much sense as some of the other theories on this site. PT <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _______________________________________ Ron you are correct it is on Morningstar's website. I happened to see it about a month ago. An interesting theory, and much to back it up. BUT I have a friend who went to Tippit's funeral and says it was an open coffin with Tippit IN it. So an interesting theory. I like a lot of his other work tho. (Morningstar, I mean). Dawn
  20. ______________________________________ I totally agree Ron. Not much has been written on Lennon's murder as a conspiracy. But Fenton Bressler's "Who Killed John Lennon" is a MOST interesting work. Dawn
  21. I dare say that most people will be very careful when addressing Mr Hemming, as in what might be construed as beating around the bush so to speak. Happened already in the first few posts. Mr Hemming's name has come up in nearly every informed conversation regarding Dallas. I don't have any doubt the participants were compartmentalized, so certain groups were not aware of what the others were doing or what their assignments were, but at the risk of sounding blunt, my question would be "what was your part in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, or what did you know, and when did you know it? Not that it would be answered, but I don't think there's any question that Mr Hemming had/has first hand knowledge. If he was not directly involved, many of his former associates surely were. Another question would relate to the Miami to Dallas "caravan". Mr Hemming said in an interview in Marita Lorenz's documentary on her return to Cuba that the trip did take place, but he didn't go. Sturgis, Marita and the others(according to Marita, Lee Oswald) made the trip and carried weapons, allegedly used in the assassination. What are the details surrounding the trip, who was there, and how would Marita have confused Oswald. Was there an Ozzie lookalike? Isn't it about time the truth was known? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________________________________________ Interesting discussion. I await Mr Hemmings response to these questions. Tosh is not online at this time, whether he will be back remains to be seen. I have had his "story" as Hemmings calls it personally verified by someone who has known him since the 50's. So, Tosh needs no "defense" as far as I am concerned. I too welcome you to this forum Mr Hemmings. After reading about you all these many years it is great to see you here in cyberspace. Dawn
  22. __________________________________ I have always suspected they MUST have had something on Warren to force him to do head this commission/. Ya, I know the whole nuclear war story, but...I don't buy that one. The WC is the major cover up of the century. He was a very liberal Supreme Court Justice. I know very little about his past but having read many of his decisions, (in law school, and since) it just struck me as odd. Too contradictory, but he may have been one way on social and other areas of the law, but as a pol. totally corrupt. ??? Dawn
  23. Please specify if this is opinion or if you have a reference for this. Thanks. There is enough evidence to suggest that Lee ordered the rifle, received the rifle, and possessed the rifle. Marina has never wavered in her testimonies and statements that she saw the rifle, and while in New Orleans, saw Lee cleaning the rifle. Whether he fired the rifle on November 22 is another matter. RJS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _______________________________ Richard, re the LHO print being planted after his death: this is not an opinion, but I do not have time to cite sources, except two, Garrison, in his Playboy interview in 1967, and a second source who was a Dallas police officer that day and wishes to remain annonymous. There are other sources for this and I will get them when I have more time, I have an all day work commitment today, so cannot at the moment, but I will. Dawn
  24. _____________________ Great info in this thread. The truth is out there and is emerging. Dawn
  25. _______________________ HI Nic, I disagree, by 63 JFK was a much loved president and I think he would DEFINATELY have been reelected. That is why he had to be killed. Otherwise, I agree with your other points. Dawn
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