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Robin Unger

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  1. Cancellare photo showing the Newmans on the ground, we also see Altgens standing on the curb, and just to his right we see the the "Yellow Curb" stripe.
  2. Altgens6 standing location in relation to the "YELLOW" curb stripe
  3. Willis Slide #21 appears to be a similar Timeline.
  4. Jackies "White Glove hand flip" which can be seen in the Nix GIF shown above Zapruder GIF
  5. Nix film GIF showing the Limo "slowing down to a crawl" at the time of the headshot.
  6. Martin / Hughes film sync. Credit: Gerda Dunckel
  7. Hughes Film Hughes GIF Lovelady raises his right arm to shield his eyes, as he leans forward from the shadow into the sunlight. Credit: Gerda Dunckel
  8. Towner Film GIF "slow Motion" showing the TSBD entrance as the JFK Limo drives past it. The Lost Bullet Towner by Robin Unger.mp4
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