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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Thanks Andy. I was wondering why my "UPLOADS" were being blocked.
  2. James. That's a hard call, my gut feeling is that those two guys are DPD officers going about there job searching any suspicious cars in the Car Park. Notice in the pic below, two cops have there heads in car windows, the one at the front doesn't appear to be wearing a hat either. ?
  3. Hi James. Here is a "Large Blow Up" i have been working on, of the carpark image. Click Here:
  4. John. Very nice job. I have been trying to pin down that "cop and his 3-wheeler" for some time.
  5. Lee. How many Picture theaters ARE there in Dallas. ? Where were those kids eating there Popcorn. ? Seems Oswald wasn't the only one watching the movies that day.
  6. Hi Robert. That version of the hughes film is in (AVI) format not Quicktime. ? This normally would open up automatically in "Windows Media Player" providing you have ticked AVI under Options. An alternative: If you go to the link and right click on your mouse "Save As" then save the file on your computer. Then by using a small but powerfull program called "IRFANVIEW" which is free to download on the net (750kb.) You will be able to watch the film, then using the batch function "Irfanview" automatically splits ALL the individual frames from the film and saves them to a folder you specify on your computer. You can then use (irfanview) to flick "forward " and "backward through the frames one at a time too view each frame individually.
  7. J. Thorton Boswell, 2-26-96 ARRB Testimony. Describing what he sees in the" F8 photo", which is described here as "view no 7" Boswell Quote: This looks like part of the "CHEST FLAP" that's down here: That statement in regards to the "F8" photo orientation has bothered me for some time. F8 Orientation Testimony continued here:
  8. This colored photo is from page 26 of Groden's brochure, showing the skull from the rear. Tim Thanks Tim. Exellent: that is the fox8 photo.
  9. Hi Stephen. Yeh, the lady in blue is a grown woman. not a girl. Lee. Not sure what i see in your dorman, the resolution on the image is too low. I can't even lighten the image without it turning in to black blotches.
  10. Women with Large "Zoom lense" on her camera as identified by Gary Mack. Lee. Linda moves forward when Rosemary moves.
  11. Robin, No problem! I was wrong. Soon... Thanks Marcel. Your help is always appreciated.
  12. Gary Mack has informed me that this is "Linda Willis" in the Gold dress. Thanks Marcel. Nice spot in the Nix and Bell frames. Sorry but i am going to have to go with lee on this one: Looking at the old lady's shadow and body, i beleive that she is actually holding her bag out in front of her just out of view, hidden behind the mans back.
  13. Not sure Lee. I see what you mean by the "hood pulled down shape" at the back of the neck. !
  14. Is this our "Lady in Blue" seen in the Dorman film next to Rosemary Willis. In Dorman she was seen carrying a camera,which was fitted with a large Zoom lense, as confirmed by Gary Mack. The woman appears to have a camera up to her eye in ths Z-frame. OR, could this be her sister, who i beleive was wearing a gold dress on the day, yelling for Rosemary to come back.?
  15. QUOTE: I've looked at her in those frames with the gamma ramped up slightly. I don't think it shows her with the hood down at all. I think that her head turn puts her face at times where it makes it look like the side of the hood isn't there. John i tend to agree, it appears that she is looking back to her right, and it is her FACE that can be seen where you would normaly see part of the hood had she been looking forward in the direction in which she was running.
  16. Thanks Marcel. Marcel while you are here, is this a camera. Credit Lee:
  17. In this "Skaggs" photo below i beleive this to be "Rosemary willis" standing across from the houston and main corner. Her father "Phil Willis" was in a similar position when he took this photo below. Crop from "Willis2" showing his Camera position. This is "Skaggs" with his camera up to his eye showing his Camera position.
  18. Thanks Pat. I slightly refined the image, i beleive the right temple "ENTRANCE" wound at the hairline is possibly a little lower and too the right of where i have put the red box.
  19. I could not access the forum for 2-days. It may have been worth the wait, the forum looks more streemlined and clean with the new look, and it is loading a lot quicker than it did previously.
  20. James your archives are unreal. You seem to be able to put your hands on a pic at the drop of a hat. Hey i remember hearing something about that Bradnt guy some time back. Wasn't he releived of his duties at the TSBD, something to do with pushing his own brand of LN theory to visitors, instead of acting in an unbiased way.
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