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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. Why would I bother? Arguing with a xxxxx is like debating a drunk, only less rewarding.
  2. Yes, you are playing a game. You demand answers from people to whom you and your opinions mean nothing while contributing zero to the current body of research and knowledge. The members of this forum have zero obligation to answer your rants. Frankly, I am surprised that they have put up with your rants as long as they have. Were you ever disbarred? Were you ever involved in the Florida hospitality industry? Your atttitude is rather reminiscent of another xxxxx we used to know.
  3. How does two patsie shooters further the LN gunman lie? There were two actual patsies, the second was Jack Ruby. IMHO, poor or inadequate research, or an overwhemling mental bias, leads to inadvised, even down right silly questions.
  4. Perhaps because the plot had been penetrated by Soviet and Cuban intelligence who let their US counterparts know what would occur if they used the assassination as a pretext to invade Cuba? You might want to read "The man who knew too much".
  5. Regarding Ford's abilities, there is a LBJ quote alledging that the Ford was unable to urinate and chew gum at the same time.
  6. I highly reccomend 'Day of Deceit' for those interested in this subject.
  7. According to the book 'Day of Deceit', in 1939 the U.S embarked on a campaign to compel the Japanese to attack the US, thus forcing the US entry into WWII. The book states that the US military and portions of government were aware that a British defeat was ultimately a huge risk to the US and Britain had to be protected by finding a way to bring the US into the war. Who knows what cousins Roosevelt and Churchhill had discussed and when they first had that chat?
  8. Mr. Caddy and others; A question that has lingered in my mind for a long time, Why was Watergate necessary? What did RN do that so offended the 'powers that be' to decide that he had to go? His plans to create an American Police state? His actions toward Red China and away from Taiwan? The actions of the DEA? I can come up with a long list of reasons why some folks felt that JFK had to go, what was RN's sin(s)? Thank you.
  9. Yes! In fact, I think he's got one more book due in his Kennedy trilogy, along with AMERICAN TABLOID and THE COLD SIX THOUSAND. While I don't remember the title, the book came out last year. I thought it was a let down compared with the other two.
  10. In his new book, Phil Nelson claims to have witnesses that state that LBJ hit the floor as much as 40 seconds prior to the first shot.
  11. Have you read the book 'The Rasputin Files?' As I recall, it was written by an American and a Russian. The Russian claimed to have access to all the Cheka files related to Rasputin. As I recall, (it has been years since I read it) the Prince and his buddies did kill the mad monk, but most of the drama described by Yusopov, like the poisoned cakes, didn't happen. The authors claim that Rasputin didn't eat sweets, so the poison just sat on the plate. Yusopov apparently supported himself for the rest of his life by telling his "How I killed Rasputin" stories again and again.
  12. re: "When Lee Oswald said "I'm just a patsy", it is obvious he is using sarcasm". Oh really? I have that same quote on tape, he does not sound sarcastic at all. If anything, he sounds bewildered and a bit desperate. I have lived in the U.S. all my life, American English is my first language, and I have (within my native language) a bit of an ear for accents and tones of voice. Just how well do you understand American English, its nuances and slang? While I can understand a bit of French, I wouldn't begin to know how to interpret sarcasm in that language. Are you a linguist? How can you be so sure of yourself? You still have yet to explain how a man who fired a rifle three times then fails a test for gun shot residue, or any of the other questions everybody has raised. In that you share a key trait with Grand xxxxx of Key West - always agitate, never answer, never be accountable for anything beyond your beliefs.
  13. I do not understand a single word of that paragraph. That is not my problem. Other members clearly do. Whatever do you mean ? Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions regarding the evidence at hand in the Kennedy assassination case ? You remind some folks of another xxxxx who used to live under this bridge. Or are you confused about who I am ? Maybe Pat Speer set the record straight, then (though I don't know the guy he mentions). In any case, my answers to you three strange questions are : No, no, and no. Who are you calling strange? Is this yet another of your insults? /F.C./
  14. re: "At the very least, you can acknowledge that there are lots of signs, reasonably convincing signs, that Lee Oswald might very well have been the lone assassin after all ! " No, none, not a chance. He failed a GSR test, what more do you need to know? If you want more, there are thousands of reasons, all available if you look for them. Have you ever met Donald Segretti? Were you ever disbarred from practicing law? Did you ever manage a hotel in Key West?
  15. Despite the high level of circumstantial evidence, I have a strong reason to disbelieve that ET Cesar is guilty. He is, after all, still alive. No heart attack, no car accident, no committing suicide by 3 shots from a bolt action rifle. To me, this is most curious.
  16. While Tumblety certainly scares the Bejesus out of me, it is the comments from the former FBI profiler is his book on this and other other historical mysteries (sorry, I can't remember the title), that within a week of the last murder, Scotland Yard pulled all the enforcement off the case. The author argues that the only way that would occur was if the Yard was convinced that they had their man in custody, which I certainly can believe. The author believes it truly was a mad immigrant butcher. Not such an exciting explanation, but it is rather logical.
  17. Regarding the picture. If this car has independent rear suspension, the springs alone will move the wheels as shown in the picture. Of course, all cars have independent front suspension
  18. Did anyone see the recent History Channel program JTR in America? (I hope I have the title correct) It claims JTW was an escaped mental patient who fled to the U.S and ripped his way throughout the country. While an iteresting program, it doesn't address all issues, such as: why did Scotland Yard lift all their coverage shortly after a mad butcher was institutionalized?
  19. While I can't remember the title, the book by LBJ's lawyer, who claims LBJ initiated the hit, has pictures of LBJ smirking, winking and grinning on AF1. There is also the story by the Secret Service agent in LBJ's car in Dallas, who claims that LBJ was on the floor of the car before the 1st shot was heard. So LBJ crying in the loo doesn't seem to hold much water, no pun intended.
  20. Definitely still interested Stephen. Hope you're well Thanks Adam, I really keep meaning to get around to updating these threads. next week, I promise. I remain interested in JTR as well.
  21. FWIW: I recently saw a film that claims that Jone's builder / houseman confessed on his death bed. Alledgedly enraged by Brian's homosexual pass at him.
  22. Re: #1. Daley, not Daly. Yes, he would have made the call on his own, especially given his support for JFK. The man was a king maker and supreme power in his state and city. The title of a recent bio, American Pharoah, came from an assesment of the power the man held.
  23. My previous reply didn't make it to the forum. "You may wish to do some research into Mr. Sturges Cuban heritage b4 posing questions to this, in general, very well informed audience."'
  24. Duzn't surprise me, he is not the only one. Folks like JEH would get their undies in a wad at the thought of John Lennon's ability to motivate a generation to action.
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