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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Going from memory here, but I just noticed the guy wearing the black hat. Could he be the same long-legged guy walking up the steps two at a time a few seconds later (whom some "researchers" have thought was James Jesus Angleton)? If memory serves, that guy was wearing a hat like that. Which car would that blue one have been in the motorcade's sequence? Also note the car behind the fence. --Tommy PS Thank you, Gayle.
  2. Thanks, Larry. Makes sense. At least he wasn't in Uruguay or Tierra del Fuego as far as we know. "Officially," that is. LOL --Tommy
  3. Paul, Me, too. Larry Hancock comes to mind. I predict the answer will be "JM/WAVE station, Miami, Florida". --Tommy
  4. Oh, well, then you think we agree after all, Tommy! I'm really glad to hear that! Regards, --Paul Trejo Word Twister, I didn't say Bannister. You did. For all i know it could have been "Neck Scratcher" aka David Sanchez Morales (q.v.) ! LOL --Tommy
  5. No, no, Tommy, you've got it all backwards! It was unimportant for Guy Banister that Oswald get into Cuba, because really all Guy Banister wanted to do was to set-up LHO as a Communist FPCC Director. The key was to get LHO into Mexico City (by automobile, not by bus) and to let him fail to get his Instant Visa to Cuba -- but as soon as he left, to get David Morales and his crew to IMPERSONATE LHO from the Cuban Consulate telephone to the USSR Embassy, asking for KGB Agent Valerie Kostikov. That would finally, once and for all, set-up LHO as a Communist, working for the USSR. In this way, when LHO was made Patsy of the JFK murder, the Walker-Banister conspiracy would blame the USSR/Cuba for the JFK murder, and inspire the USA to invade Cuba to kill Fidel Castro. That was the plan. LHO was never going to get into Cuba with those STUPID credentials. But Guy Banister led LHO to believe he should try. Now do you understand? Regards, --Paul Trejo Dear Paul, I believe that's what I was saying. In more general terms. I said "bad guys" and you filled in the "blank" with "Bannister." I submit that other names could be inserted there, and the results would have been the same. Gullible Oswald would have still failed to get into Cuba and would have unwittingly set up a paper trail in the Cuban and Russian Embassies in Mexico City which would make him look like a Commie. Got it? Good. --Tommy
  6. Paul, Devil's Advocate here: Maybe it was unimportant to the bad guys that Oswald was not able to get into Cuba. Maybe what was important to them was that Oswald believed what he was told (by somebody), and therefore thought that he could get into Cuba that way, thereby ensuring that he would create a paper trail in Mexico City which would, post assassination, suggest that he was a pro-Castro Commie. --Tommy
  7. Atta boy! I actually used to watch that show. And Route 66, of course. And before that ... Dragnet. That's probably how I got my criminal mind. --Tommy
  8. I'm wondering if he could have gotten that stuff without his superiors and non-rogue colleagues knowing it. --Tommy
  9. So you agree that you are not only uncivil, but that you call other members "trolls." Thank you for confirming that. --Tommy PS I have the same problem with "paranoiac zealots," but I manage to restrain myself.
  10. Or possible "rogue" CIA officers like David Sanchez Morales? Was Morales well-enough connected to have access to those weapons? You know, to give to the hit men to use? --Tommy
  11. Thanks for the confirmation and the "moral support," Paul. His dark skin is pretty obvious, isn't it, once one "freeze frames" it correctly? So what we have here is a very dark-skinned guy who is monitoring Oswald at the August 9 leafletting / arrest incident, and this guy is: 1 ) wearing a suit on a hot August-in-New Orleans afternoon, 2 ) is athletically built, with a bull neck, like David Sanchez Morales (who was on his high school track team and was a football star), 3 ) has short hair like David Sanchez Morales 4 ) has a head shaped like David Sanchez Morales' 5) has very dark skin, (did I already say that?) like David Sanchez Morales 6 ) has "white" fingers, like David Sanchez Morales (see photo,1969 - 1971 Vietnam, below) In addition to all of the above, when we take into consideration the following cold hard facts: 1 ) David Sanchez Morales had, as I've recently shown, a one to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow, and 2 ) Jim Garrison claimed that the "Spanish trace" (read: "Latin-looking") "Shepherd" (who was monitoring Oswald on 8/09/63) had a one inch scar on his left eyebrow, and 3 ) Jim Garrison said this Hispanic-looking guy was wearing a coat and tie on that hot August day in New Orleans, and 4 ) Jim Garrison said that Bringuier and Cruz noticed "The Shepherd" that day-- leading one to believe that that's who Garrison got "The Shepherd's" description from. It's interesting to note that neither Bringuier nor Cruz nor the six additional anti-Castro Cubans who accompanied them ("eight Cubans total rushed to the scene," according to Jim Doyle's family in a FBI report) -- recognized or knew this Hispanic-looking "Shepherd." Therefore it's reasonable to assume that this suit -wearing "Shepherd" was an "outsider." ... We are inexorably pushed to the conclusion that the dark-skinned, white-fingered, athletically-built "Neck Scratcher" caught in Jim Doyle's film was none other than the guy known as "El Indio" and "The Big Indian" -- David Sanchez Morales, an outsider, if there ever was one, who was at that time stationed at CIA's JM/Wave in Miami, not all that far from The Big Easy -- New Orleans.. --Tommy So, where was David Sanchez Morales on the afternoon of August 9, 1963, anyway? You know, about the time that Oswald was arrested for disturbing the peace in the 700 block of Canal Street? "Officially," I mean. Was there a "paper trail" created to cover his you-know-what? Hmmm? Inquiring minds want to know! --Tommy
  12. In a word: No. The issue I had then and still have today is that I would look at your list of counter allegations and accusations and try to decipher which were actually verifiable. I ignored the the ones that were impossible to verify because they were based on one resource Texas apparently has plenty of: bull____t. So it took me TIME to investigate and verify and in EVERY case when I did, I discovered that your allegations turned out to be WRONG. Finally I just stopped looking at your allegations and accusations because I was no longer motivated to continue to WASTE my TIME. "Well, Chris..." lol --Tommy
  13. Thanks for the confirmation and the "moral support," Paul. His dark skin is pretty obvious, isn't it, once one "freeze frames" it correctly? So what we have here is a guy who is monitoring Oswald at the August 9 leafletting / arrest incident, and this guy is: 1 ) wearing a suit on a hot August-in-New Orleans afternoon, 2 ) is athletically built, with a bull neck, like David Sanchez Morales (who was on his high school track team and was a football star), 3 ) has short hair like David Sanchez Morales 4 ) has a head shaped like David Sanchez Morales' 5) has very dark skin, like David Sanchez Morales 6 ) has "white" fingers, like David Sanchez Morales (see photo, below) In addition to all of the above, when we take into consideration the following cold hard facts: 1 ) David Sanchez Morales had, as I've recently shown, a one to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow, and 2 ) Jim Garrison claimed that the "Spanish trace" (read: "Latin-looking") "Shepherd" (who was monitoring Oswald on 8/09/63) had a one inch scar on his left eyebrow, and 3 ) Jim Garrison said this Hispanic-looking guy was wearing a coat and tie on that hot August day in New Orleans, and 4 ) Jim Garrison said that Bringuier and Cruz noticed "The Shepherd" that day-- leading one to believe that that's who Garrison got "The Shepherd's" description from. It's interesting to note that neither Bringuier nor Cruz nor the six additional anti-Castro Cubans who accompanied them ("eight Cubans total rushed to the scene," according to Jim Doyle's family in a FBI report) -- recognized or knew this Hispanic-looking "Shepherd." Therefore it's reasonable to assume that this suit -wearing "Shepherd" was an "outsider." ... We are inexorably pushed to the conclusion that the dark-skinned, white-fingered, athletically-built "Neck Scratcher" caught in Jim Doyle's film was none other than the guy known as "El Indio" and "The Big Indian" -- David Sanchez Morales, an outsider, if there ever was one, who was at that time stationed at CIA's JM/Wave in Miami, not all that far from The Big Easy -- New Orleans.. --Tommy
  14. Wasn't everything the bad guys got their grubby little mitts on faked, Jon? LOL --Tommy
  15. Well, Tommy, I'm trying to see what you see -- but I still don't. [...] Well, Paul, in that case I give up on you. Perhaps an EF member (or two) who has better visual acuity than you (and who is able to follow my "click, click -- freeze frame" instructions) will chime in on this issue. Have a nice day. Over and out. --Tommy My absolute final "Parthian Shot" for Paul Trejo: How do you explain the fact that the top of "Neck Scratcher's" hand, and his wrist, are so much darker than his fingers? If he really were a white man, as you claim, wouldn't the back of his hand (and his wrist) and his neck be just as light as his fingers? edited and bumped Question: Does anyone here know how to "capture" a frame from a youtube video and then "paste" or upload it to this thread? The frame I'm talking about is at 3:55 and / or 3:56 of the "50 Reasons For 50 Years -- Episode 04" video by Black Op Radio. More precisely, that part of "3:55" or "3:56" which best shows the different skin tones of "Neck Scratcher's" (dark-complected ) hand and (light-complected ) fingers. Thanks! Here it is:
  16. Paul B., You do realize that John T. "Jack" Martin's hard-to-find film was shot on August 9, 1963, in the 700 block of Canal Street, not on August 16 in front of the Trade Mart, don't you? Neither Bill Shelley nor Thomas Beckham nor anyone resembling Edd "Kookie" Byrnes was "caught" on August 9 when Oswald and the three Cubans were arrested for disturbing the peace. I saw the John T. "Jack" Martin film you are seeking some time ago. Warning: When you watch it, do not expect William Hoyt Shelley or Thomas Beckwith anybody impersonating Edd "Kookie" Byrnes to appear in it. For reasons mentioned in the first paragraph, above. I recently found the Martin film at issue on the Sixth Floor Museum website (I think), but couldn't figure out how to play it. LOL --Tommy
  17. Well, Tommy, I'm trying to see what you see -- but I still don't. [...] Well, Paul, in that case I give up on you. Perhaps an EF member (or two) who has better visual acuity than you (and who is able to follow my "click, click -- freeze frame" instructions) will chime in on this issue. Have a nice day. Over and out. --Tommy My absolute final "Parthian Shot" for Paul Trejo: How do you explain the fact that the top of Neck Scratcher's hand, and his wrist, are so much darker than his fingers? If he really were a white man, wouldn't the back of his hand (and his wrist) be just as light as his fingers?
  18. This just in -- Look at how light-colored Morales' right index finger is in this photo: --Tommy Edit: And here's another dark guy with "white" fingers, Nestor Izquierdo. Included here as an example.
  19. Well, why do you think Dallas City Hall advised her not to go? Because they were afraid she might say something that would implicate their buddy, Edwin Walker? --Tommy
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