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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Hi DJ, Certainly the Andrews story is provocative, if true. One can go mad conjuring up possibilities and implications of all the loose threads in this case. I guess that's how breakthroughs are made. To me the bona fides of this incident are weak. If this really happened to Andrews, it is inexplicable why he did not go to the police immediately upon hearing about Tippit's death. Also, Lowery could have found out if Andrews had ever told anyone else of this bombshell. Did Andrews carry this information with him for years until a researcher started asking him about Roscoe White? This is what researcher Bill Drenas wrote in his essay Car 10, Where Are You? This information is provided by Greg Lowrey by way of Bill Pulte. James A. Andrews worked for American National Life Insurance whose offices were located across the street from Austin’s Barbecue. Greg Lowrey was interviewing Andrews to get recollections of Roscoe White who worked out of the same office as Andrews. During the interview Andrews told Greg “Since you are interested in the assassination, let me tell you something that happened” and told the following story. James A. Andrew’s was returning to work at his office in Oak Cliff a little after 1:00 P.M. on 11/22/63. He was driving west on West 10th Street (about eight or nine blocks from where Tippit was shot minutes later, see map). Suddenly a police car also traveling west on West 10th Street came up from behind Andrews’ car, passed him and cut in front of Andrews’s car forcing him to stop. The police car pulled in front of Andrews’ car at an angle heading into the curb in order to stop him. The officer then jumped out of the patrol car motioned to Andrews to remain stopped, ran back to Andrews’ car, and looked in the space between the front seat and the back seat. Without saying a word the policeman went back to the patrol car and then drove off quickly. Andrews was perplexed by this strange behavior and looked at the officer’s nameplate, which read “Tippit” (Tippit was wearing his nameplate on 11/22/63. This is documented in a list of personal effects removed from his body at the time of death. Source: Dallas Municipal Archives) Andrews remarked that Tippit seemed to be very upset and agitated and was acting wild. We know by the statements Louis Cortinas at the Top Ten Record Shop that Tippit was last seen running a stop sign and traveling east on Sunset Ave. The location of Andrews’ encounter with Tippit is approximately 2 blocks northwest of the record shop. Did this event happen before or after Tippit was seen at the record shop? Given Andrews’ statement that this happened a little after 1:00 P.M. let us use the 1:03 P.M. missed call as a benchmark. Since the only documented time that Tippit was away from his car radio was when he went into the record shop, the probability is high that James A. Andrews’ encounter with J.D. Tippit happened just moments after Tippit was seen at the record shop. Tippit could have gone east on Sunset then gone north on Madison or Zangs then taken a left onto West 10th Street and this would have put Tippit traveling in the proper direction to have ‘cut off’ Andrews’ car that was also traveling west on West 10th Street. Why did Tippit choose Andrews’ car to stop? Why didn’t he pull over Andrews’ car using conventional police procedure by using red lights and siren and stopping to the rear of Andrews’ car? Why did Tippit ‘cut off’ Andrews car the way he did? Why didn’t Tippit speak to Andrews or give him any explanation for what was going on? Why was Tippit so upset and acting the way he did? If these questions could be answered it would be very helpful in determining what was going on in the last minutes of Tippit’s life. Exactly where Tippit went and for how long after his sighting at the record shop and after his encounter with James A. Andrews are still unknown. Not really enough to go on, in my opinion. I'm wondering why Tippit being alone in his cruiser, would stop a car and not radio it in. I agree. Maybe he was "on a mission." --Thomas
  2. I'm too lazy to look it up myself, so I will ask this question-- Do we know, with any certainty, where else LHO was during the days immediately before and after his visit to the Atomic Energy Museum? --Thomas
  3. Dang! I was hoping the New York Times would refuse to make the correction, thereby enabling us hard-core Conspiracy Theorists and True Believers to self-righteously accuse them of STONEWALLING us and LYING to us. I was hoping that we could implicate them as being INSTRUMENTAL (or at least complicit) in the ASSASSINATION ITSELF! lol --Thomas
  4. Bernice, one of the revelations of the Lopez Report is that Anne Goodpasture not only knew this guy in the Mystery Man photo was not Oswald, but she very likely knew who he really was. He was a KGB agent named Yuri Moskalev. Now Goodpasture is also the person who delivered the tape to the Texas border the night of the assassination, of a voice that was not Oswald's. She was in on the cover up to her neck. As she worked not just for Win Scott, but David Phillips. Phillips sent some of the transcripts to himself at CIA HQ under an alias "Michael CHoaden". And RIchard Sprague strongly suspected that these transcripts were altered since the Tarasoffs did not recognize them when he showed them to the translating couple. Jim Do you mean Yuri Moskalev the physicist?. He visited Oak ridge Atomic facility on a co-op fact finding mission and met with Goldman (physicist) at some time prior to 63 Oswalds Name turned up in the visitors book . Ian Ian, Great post. Thanks! It's interesting to note that almost everyone who signed that page was from Texas-- must have been some kind of group tour. Also, "Oswald" didn't put his street address or P.O. Box number down. Everyone else did, except for one family (also from Texas). --Thomas Just noticed that the page covers more that just the day that "Oswald" was there. Still, one wonders why so many of the visitors were from the great nation, uhh.. I mean state of Texas. --Thomas
  5. Thomas, That is troubling to hear. Do the links below work? If not, I will have to try again... http://s3.postimage.org/x6l9rjhe/mex_63_22.jpg http://s3.postimage.org/x6hyouhu/Claude_Barnes_Capehart.jpg If anyone else besides me can see the pictures above, please let me know so I know I am not losing my mind. Zach Zach, Yes, the links are to the two photos to which I was referring in my earlier post. I think the photos could very well be of the same person. --Thomas
  6. I believe there is a photo of someone in front of the TSBD who looks like Claude Capehart. I have been unable to find it, but if I recall, it bears a resemblance to these embassy photos. Anyone have a copy of that photo and can post it? This Capehart thread is interesting and Jim D did a story on Claude Capehart in his publication Probe V4 #1 entitled "The Capehart Caper" I couldn't upload the Jim Murray photo but here's link to it on Robin Unger's great website: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=41&pos=18 --Thomas Hi Thomas, I missed this earlier, for whatever reason, but the above link is dead -- is this the photo?: This picture was snapped right after the assassination in front of the TSBD. The guy on the left walking thru looks familiar. He looks like this man at the Cuban Embassy: What do you think? -- Zach Zach, Unfortunately your images didn't "take". --Thomas
  7. Tom, In your scenario, 1) How many times did Oswald fire at JFK, and 2) To which Z-film frames do those shots correspond? Thanks, --Thomas Let me rephrase the first question. In your scenario, Tom, how many times did the sixth-floor shooter (Oswald or whomever) fire at JFK? Thanks, --Thomas
  8. Tom, In your scenario, 1) How many times did Oswald fire at JFK, and 2) To which Z-film frames do those shots correspond? Thanks, --Thomas
  9. Interesting that a bailiff would have known that certain documents had been asked for at the courthouse. Was she also a clerk? --Thomas
  10. SSDI lists him as William Gheesling. http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ I have a tel.# for his wife, if you're interested I will send it to you in a PM. Tom, Just out of curiosity, I wonder what kind of name "Gheesling" is? Interesting name. Since his brother Virgil was a Baptist, I assume that it's not (pardon the expression) a "Jewish" name (lol). German or Dutch perhaps? Thanks, --Thomas William Marvin Gheesling. A "mystery man" who had the perversely exquisite sense of timing to cancel the long-standing (October 31, 1959 to October 8, 1963) FBI warning "flash" on Oswald right when the FBI was getting a report that LHO had met with Kostikov at the Russian Embassy in Mexico City... Hmmm. --Thomas edited and bumped Was he banished to "Siberia" as ordered by Hoover? Did his income rise substantially? Just wondering. --Thomas
  11. your welcome Tony, Doug, hi, i will see if i can put my hands on the book, and will have a look..if i only knew where exactly it was, in the many manys, here we go again.thanks, take good care, so good to see you here, and posting..it has .been so very long..best b tom worked on the south side elm sewer opening,but i will check the book.... [[ posted on alt.conspiracy.jfk 11-22-96 by: Daeron <STAHLP@IX.NETCOM.COM>]] "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" ------------------ The show was simply superb - one of the best done documentaries on the assassination I've seen in some time. It was actually done as the 6th in the Nigel Turner (BBC) series: 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' and this was entitled (appropriately): 'The Truth Shall Set You Free'. The presentation opened with brief excerpts from Marina Oswald, and others - as to how the subsequent coverup has corrupted and undermined the country - giving rise to an ongoing and fundamental cynicism that is unrelenting. Particular anger emanated from a Mr. Tannenbaum - who had been one of the counsels working with the House and Senate Assassinations Committee in 1978, and who had left when it became obvious the Committee was 'kowtowing' to the executive intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI) whom he referred to as resisting their requests for information every step of the way. There followed a series of vignettes - each featuring a person who - through their investigations, research, released information - have shed light on the dark corners of this event/ The first was Tom Wilson - with 30 years experience using imaging and photonics techniques in the stell industry. He has now applied this techniques - along with computer enhancement - to examine again the Zapruder film. What was revealed - using high resolution pixel imaging and Fourier analysis - was nothing short of amazing. In the head shot frame - for example - one could actually see, with Wilson's techniques- the image of the bullet, inside JFK's skull and its *track* moving from the FRONT to the REAR of the skull. Undeniable high level, high quality evidence that the shot did indeed come from the front - as we have been maintaining all along. Showing the detailed iamgery, Wilson himself found his eyes welling with tears. One could sense his painful awareness of the lies and distortions we've been fed all these years, co-mingling with his frustration that up to now none of 'officialdom' has taken his work seriously or at least tried to replicate it. He also indicated that on going to Dealey Plaza and attempting to reconstruct the placement of all key people, etc. he could not get things to fit - with the motion of the bullet seen in his imagery. However, on further inspection - and on locating a storm sewer cover at the side of Elm St. - he found that the problem was solved and indeed the shot could only have been made from that location (the fatal head shot). This was confirmed by Jack Brazil and a military team he put together in 1992, who found: a) a man could easily fit inside the storm sewer drain and have an openh view onto Elm St. and a good shot at the motorcade. the man could easily make his escape (in something like 20-23 minutes) by following out the storm sewer to the Trinity River - making his way clear and free. The scenes tracing the sewer escape route were sobering indeed - and show that indeed, the killing could be carried out as a perfect crime, with the perpetrators getting away scott free. After the Brazil demo, Tom Wilson was seen again - now examining the autopsy photos with his techniques and comparing them with the photonic/pixel densities in the head of JFK as disclosed in the pristine Mary Moorman photo (aimed toward the GK, JFK's head visible from the rear). His imaging analysis showed where genuine human tissue was located in the autopsy film- by comparing it with pixel densities in the pre-autopsy condition (as exposed from the Moorman film). What was revealed was nothing less than startling: massive sections of 'fake' material covering nearly the entire rear of JFK's head (Wilson referred to it was Mortician's plaster). This same material was also used in the front of the head, to cover the entrance wound there. Wilson's fine work, and detailed analysis, showed also what many of us have been saying all along - that the autopsy photos are indeed fakes. i think A DEEPER DARKER TRUTH is the 6th part in the men WKK..ERRORhttp://www.maryferre..._Killed_Kennedy <DIV>.IT IS THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE</DIV> 6TH PART.. I read or saw somewhere that when the limo was in what turned out to be the realized kill zone, in other words where it was when the shots were actually fired, the limo was either too far away and/or at a bad angle for the "storm sewer"shooter. --Thomas
  12. SSDI lists him as William Gheesling. http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ I have a tel.# for his wife, if you're interested I will send it to you in a PM. Tom, Just out of curiosity, I wonder what kind of name "Gheesling" is? Interesting name. Since his brother Virgil was a Baptist, I assume that it's not (pardon the expression) a "Jewish" name (lol). German or Dutch perhaps? Thanks, --Thomas William Marvin Gheesling. A "mystery man" who had the perversely exquisite sense of timing to cancel the long-standing (October 31, 1959 to October 8, 1963) FBI warning "flash" on Oswald right when the FBI was getting a report that LHO had met with Kostikov at the Russian Embassy in Mexico City... Hmmm. --Thomas edited and bumped
  13. SSDI lists him as William Gheesling. http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ I have a tel.# for his wife, if you're interested I will send it to you in a PM. Tom, Just out of curiosity, I wonder what kind of name "Gheesling" is? Interesting name. Since his brother Virgil was a Baptist, I assume that it's not (pardon the expression) a "Jewish" name (lol). German or Dutch perhaps? Thanks, --Thomas William Marvin Gheesling. A "mystery man" who had the perversely exquisite sense of timing to cancel the long-standing (October 31, 1959 to October 8, 1963) FBI warning "flash" on Oswald right when the FBI was getting a report that LHO had met with Kostikov at the Russian Embassy in Mexico City... Hmmm. --Thomas
  14. SSDI lists him as William Gheesling. http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ I have a tel.# for his wife, if you're interested I will send it to you in a PM. Tom, Just out of curiosity, I wonder what kind of name "Gheesling" is? Interesting name. Since his brother Virgil was a Baptist, I assume that it's not (pardon the expression) a "Jewish" name (lol). German or Dutch perhaps? Thanks, --Thomas
  15. SSDI lists him as William Gheesling. http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ I have a tel.# for his wife, if you're interested I will send it to you in a PM. I'm too shy. You call her.
  16. Thanks, Tom I guess W. Marvin Gheesling will just always be a "mystery man". I wonder what his first name was? He died at the relatively young age of 61... Hmmm. --Thomas
  17. I've recently "loosened the purse strings" and bought the following books: Cold Warrior by Tom Mangold,The Man Who Knew Too Much by Richard Russell, JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass, The Hoffa Wars by Dan Moldea, The Strength of the Wolf by Douglas Valentine, Lucky Luciano by Tim Newark, and Deep Politcs and the Assassination of JFK by Peter Dale Scott. I already had Crossfire, the Plot to Kill JFK by Jim Marrs, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins by Dick Russell, and Oswald and the CIA by John Newman. Newman's book convinced me that James Jesus Angleton was a key conspirator. Now I'm "researching" Angleton's Sicilian and Corsican connections and how they served both his interests and their own by acting as his counterespionage agents and narcotics-smuggling informants. Bottom line right now is I don't know if elements of the Mafia manipulated elements of the CIA in the assassination of JFK, or if it was the other way around. I think it's logical to assume that they manipulated each other... --Thomas bump P.S. Here is the current book list of The Last Hurrah Bookshop as of May 26, 2011: http://www.lasthurrahbookshop.net/assframe.html
  18. Thank you for posting this Greg. It is a nice summary of Peirce's THE FIXATION OF BELIEF. Of course the Warren Commission did not succeed in eradicating doubt, as nearly everyone agrees. That being the case, Peirce would say, the inquiry must continue. Hear, hear! (Or is it Here, here?) Si, Si. --Thomas
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