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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Antti, No Sergio of Tosh was Sergio Soccares. James sent me this picture of him. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/sergio1.JPG The other one comes from Tosh. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/sergio.jpg Sergio Castillo was an existing person from Chile, whose identity was used by Files in the seventies with approval from David Atlee Phillips. Wim
  2. Anyone seen this? VEERY interesting. Wim RK: Would you look at this please and then you can show it to the camera if you wish. What is that? DF: It is his internment record at Santa Fe Veteran's Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico. RK: Does that anywhere have his rank? DF: Yes it does. It has his rank of Staff Sergeant, which is inaccurate. RK: Okay. Now would you look at this please and show it to the camera? DF: Okay. RK: What is that? DF: That is my father's headstone, which reads Albert V. Carone, Colonel, U.S. Army. RK: So we went from Staff Sergeant to Colonel? DF: Yes. RK: At his death? DF: My father was a full bird Colonel at the time of his death. RK: Okay, in spite of the fact that the internment record stated Staff Sargeant? DF: Yes. RK: Can you explain what happened? DF: When my father died in 1990 and he was buried, it took about a month for the headstone to be placed and when it was placed it was placed as Staff Sargeant. I went to the cemetery and I told them there was a mistake. They had turned around and told me I would have to notify the U.S. Army Personnel in St. Louis. I did that. St. Louis came back and told me there was no record of Albert V. Carone ever being in the military. They sent me a letter, or Patricia Moore sent me a letter stating there was no record and he never existed. A disagreement occured that he was buried at Santa Fe National Cemetery and he was in the military. They had told me that that was not the case. In 1992, I started…well, from 1990, from that point on I started trying to put together the pieces of my father's military because I was in possession of a great deal of military records from the army. I wound up going to a retirement luncheon at Kirtland Airforce Base in Albuquerque for retired intelligence people and I brought a military picture of my father with me. A man that was there by the name of Robert Maheu stated that he recognized him from Washington and the Pentagon and told me that what I needed to do if he had been in Intelligence or worked with Central Intelligence Agency, which he did from 1966 on, that I needed to call Theodore Shackley. RK: Okay. Had you ever heard that name before? DF: Yes. RK: How? DF: My father. RK: Okay. So Mr. Maheu said contact Mr. Shackley. Did you? DF: Yes I did. RK: And what did Mr. Shackley say? DF: He originally stated that he would not confirm or deny ever knowing Colonel Carone. He asked me what I wanted. I told him that I wanted my father's headstone changed since at one time he had worked with my father with the Golden Triangle in Vietnam. He stated that he did not know what I was talking about and what did I really want from him? I told him that I wanted my father's headstone changed. I stated that if my father worked for them all those years and if he was in the military all of those years then he would be buried with his rank as he was buried with full military honors. RK: Let me stop you for just a moment here. When you talked with Mr. Shackley did he refer to your father as Colonel Carone? Not Albert Carone? DF: Yes he did. Colonel. RK: Not Mr. Carone? DF: No. RK: Specifically stated Colonel? DF: Colonel. RK: Okay. Please continue. DF: We ended the phone conversation and he told me that he would see what he could do but he could not promise me that he could do anything and he did not feel that he needed to help me in any way. Ten days to the date of my conversation with Theodore Shackley I received an interoffice memo stating that my father's headstone would be changed. RK: Is this what you are referring to as the interoffice memo? DF: Yes it is a routing and transmittal slip. It is sent to me and it states that "we are returning your father's military records. Headstone has already been ordered with Colonel on headstone. Thank you, Joseph Levato." RK: Now at your father's death, he, let me refer to this. He authorized the document? DF: Yes. RK: Is that the document? DF: Yes, it is my Power of Attorney. RK: Okay. So in effect, you had control of all the property? DF: Yes I did. RK: Okay. Have you to this date received all the property? DF: No. RK: Now when I say received all the property, did your father indicate what he had? DF: There were bank accounts. There were insurance policies. At my father's death, there were bank accounts that I was on with my dad. They disappeared. My father's driver's license,there was no record of. Social Security stated that there was never a man by the name of Albert Carone that existed. There was no military records that existed. My father's car he had left to my daughter. When I went to transfer the title into my daughter's name, which my father bought this car off of the floor brand new, the title was not in my father's name. It was in my name as the original buyer. Anything that was in my father's possession had disappeared. RK: Okay. Again, to this date, have you received any property that belonged to your father at his death. DF: No.
  3. This is extrememely interesting, John Simkin. I have been googling for a long time to find a connection between Frank Sturgis and the Secret Army Organisation (SAO). I couldn't find it. I don't even know what it is. First time I heard it was in the 2003 interview with James Files. He says he knew Sturgis from the SAO. I have heard of the french OAS (which means the same in french. But is that the same thing? All Google matches refer to the french organisation. Was there an American branch, or was the SAO something else than the OAS? And what was Sturgis position in it? By the way, Michael Townley and James Files worked together. Files has stated that Michael Townley could confirm him. He also said that Townley’s wife is named Mary Ann and they have two kids (I checked that with Saul Landau). The two documents below are of interest. The originals are here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/blackops.htm 1 – 179 – 4328 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Associate Director Sept. 16, 1983 Office of Enforcement Operations Director, FBI JAMES E. FILES. Attached is a copy of a communication which furnishes information concerning a current investigation. Subject: Sutton, James E. aka Files, James E. aka Castillo, Sergio A. 25 SEPT. 1976. During an interview with Aldo Vera he stated he had been expelled from accion Cuba in June of 1976 because of his informant activity. But in early July he had been at a meeting in Bonao in the Dominican Republic at the executive lodge of the Falcondo Mining Company to help plan an assassination and a bombing. The assassination was Orlando Letelier, and the bombing was a Cuban airliner. Aldo Vera did not know everyone at the meeting but gave the names of: Michael Townley, Sergio Castillo, Sacha Volman, Frank Castro, and Jose Suarez. Three unknown subjects were also present. Aldo Vera stated he had never seen those three subjects before. OCT. 6, 1976. A Cuban airliner was blown up killing ( 73 ) seventy-three people aboard. AUG. 1978. Jose Suarez was released after serving ( 11 ) eleven months on contempt of court charges for refusing to answer questions ask by the Grand Jury. Upon his release he disappeared. Presumed; deceased. NOTE: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Washington D.C. Supervisor x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x was advised by FBIHQ Supervisor x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. Agent : A J Stokely 1 – 646 – 1072 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Associate Director FEB. 23, 1984 Office of Enforcement Operation Director, FBI JAMES E. FILES: Attached is a copy of a communication which furnishes information concerning a current investigation. Jan. 16, 19, 23, 27, 1984: During this time ( 4 ) four subjects have been interviewed in Bonao, Paraguay. The ( 4 ) four subjects have all identified the picture of Sergio Castillo as that of Sutton, James E. aka Files, James E. And state that they remember him being in Bonao, Paraguay in July of 1976 with Sacha Volman. Sacha Volman was a forman employed by Falcondo Mining Company which is a part of Gulf and Western. The subjects all stated they remembered him because they were in the store room where the explosives were kept when Sacha Volman and a stranger (Sutton aka Files aka Castillo) walked in and Sacha Volman requisitioned two ( 2 ) cases of explosives and six ( 6 ) detonators. They thought this was strange but they were afraid to question Sacha Volman as they were afraid they would loose their jobs. All four ( 4 ) subjects have volunteered to appear before a Grand Jury Hearing, and to answer questions and to identify subject Files aka Sutton aka Castillo. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Agent: AJ Stokely There are some other references to Townley in my book: THE UMBRELLA SYSTEM: PRELUDE TO AN ASSASSINATION by Richard E. Sprague and Robert Cutler Page two I’ve highlighted. If someone, (like whoever wrote that article) would have checked the weather, they would have found out it had been drizzling rain that morning in Dallas, Texas. The sun came out just prior to the arrival of the motorcade. What were the people with umbrellas supposed to do, just toss them in the trash? But, back to the umbrella and the world of intrigue. Yes, we do have weapons like that and more in similar style. There is a walking cane that shoots the same round. Some are solid-state fuel and others operate off compressed air, like the old Daisy B.B. gun. These things have been built into cameras, like when we were going to do “Castro” in Santiago that time. We had a gun mounted inside a camera. They even discussed using a lethal dart at that time, but Townley (Michael) and me preferred to use live ammo. Nothing like the real stuff to get the job done right. But there were plenty of people that could get the use of weapons like that, even back in sixty-three. The “Umbrella Weapon” was not something brand new. It had been around even during the OSS years, the prelude to the CIA. ***************************** Back to the other point that I want to clear up. Bob Vernon had all of my papers, including the original manuscript and my notes for “To Kill A Country,” and he gave them to at that time, “warden Godinez” who is now the D.D. for the D.O.C. And in writing, I had it plainly stated the Orlando Letelier was killed by a bomb, that had the explosives transported by me, to Buckley, and Michael Townley put the bomb in his car, a Chevy Nova, if my memory is correct and the car exploded in front of the Chilean Embassy on Sheridan Circle, better known as Embassy Row. The explosives came from the Falcondo Mining Co. and they were 60 per-cent strength dynamite, that is referred to as “engineering explosives.” The man that I shot was sitting in the back seat of the limo when I pulled my .45 and shot the S.O.B. and yes, I ticked off a lot of people. But he was Russian, he was not a Chilean. Bob had all of the paperwork on all of this. Bob knows what I had down in writing and I even had the route that he, Orlando Letelier, took to work that morning. Ronnie Moffit and Michael Moffit were in the car with him. She was killed, but Michael survived it. Please tell them to get their facts straight. I know what I said.
  4. Ron, Here's some pictures of testfiring an XP-100 . http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/peter1.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/peter2.jpg Promo for 6 june program, see end of clip: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/promo.wmv BTW: That's the most respected journalist of The Netherlands, he was polled as the most honest and reliable. Therefore I view debating the Files' rejectors more a hobby than a struggle ************************** Dawn, a fortwith opinion. What do you know to judge that my thinking is clouded and influenced by money? Have you still not learned how much I despise that line? My true friends never use it. They know better. Vernon still knows the story was and is real. You know what Dawn? Why don't you call a collegue? Don Irvin in Houston? Pity you never proceeded with getting at least one dvd or the book. Could you at least tell me on what your rejection of James Files' story is based, other than the opinion of others? BTW, I sent Terry an email back. She can share or post it if she wants. You say: I agree with what Terry Mauro wrote in an email to Wim yesterday, that the shooters were hired mechanics and would never live to tell such a tall tale". So that means that all these people should be dead: Posada carriles Homer Echevarria freddy lugo Jim Braden John Thomas Masen James Files Charles Harrelson E. Howard Hunt Guillermo Novo Felix Rodriguez William Seymour Cesar Diosdado ******************** Jack White and David Lifton, as long as you maintain that Chauncey Holt was a "charming conman", you prove to me that you know little, refuse to learn and a constructive discussion is and will be fruitless. I guess you will also state that the emotion here is faked: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/holtonoswald.wmv How many people want to clean their conscious instead of doing the greatest conjob as the last thing before they die? Wim
  5. Thank you, John Simkin, for re-installing my membership. I would like to add that when we did the video with Thom Robinson he also told me that a small tube with bullet fragments was retrieved from the head. He said that bullet exploded "into a thousand pieces", and he was explained by one of the FBI people there that "that is what bullets sometimes do". Robinson never talked us to the mouth. In fact he said he has never had a problem with the Warren Report (although he has friends who believe it was "one big cover-up") He actually believes that the small wound in the right temple was caused by a piece of exiting shrapnel too. However, when I showed him this picture, he said that was not how he remembered it: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/BE4_HI.jpg On the same page there was this drawing: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/headwounddrawing.jpg And his hand went there, and he said: "That's more like it". Wim
  6. Wim Dankbaar was born in the Netherlands. He first became interested in the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1988. An entrepreneur, he has financed a private investigation into the murder of Kennedy. He is also a major contributor to the JFK Murder Solved website. Dankbaar believes that James Files, Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli, were sent to Dallas by Sam Giancana, head of the Chicago mob and CIA agent, David Atlee Phillips, to kill John F. Kennedy. Dankbaar also believes that the so called "three tramps", detained and photographed in Dealey Plaza, were Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson, and Charles Rogers. His belief is based on the following: (1) The analysis of Houston Police forensic artist and facial expert Lois Gibson. (2) The book The Man on the Grassy Knoll by John Craig and Roger Phillips, wherein Charles Rogers is being confirmed from the tramps photographs by two contemporary witnesses, who knew Rogers well. (3) The testimony of Chauncey Holt himself, one that Wim Dankbaar claims the world has never fully seen as of yet, and wherein Holt also testifies that he drove Charles Nicoletti into Dallas and saw the now notorious Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carrilles on Dealey Plaza. A summary of his story can be found at the JFK Murder Solved website. Furthermore, Dankbaar believes the testimony of Tosh Plumlee, a CIA contract pilot, who claims to have flown Mob associate and CIA asset Johnny Roselli into Dallas, as part of a CIA supported mission to abort the pending assassination of John F. Kennedy. An interview with Plumlee is available from the JFK Murder Solved website. Dankbaar emphasizes that he does not claim to present a full picture. He believes there were more gunmen involved than mentioned on his website. Among his "candidates" are Richard Cain, David Sanchez Morales, Jack Lawrence, Luis Posada Carrilles and Cesar Diosdado.
  7. Antti, did you know that Tippit had a side job in the evening at the Texas Theatre? Did you read Roger Craig's story? http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/WTKaP.html Fascinating. Of course Gary will say he was jus hallucinating, like Ruby and all the others who had anything to say that refutes the Warren Commission. Wim
  8. John, Very good analysis. Have you already received a comment from Gary Mack? Have you read Roger Craig's unpublished manuscript? And how incensed Decker was that he was talking to Jim Garrison? I too am convinced that Bill Decker was one of the inside men of the conspiracy. Whether he was compromised before or after the fact, that I do not really know, I think before, but I do no there were many more CIA moles in the DPD. George Butler and John Carl Day are just two examples And yes , I believe Roscoe White was another. Wim
  9. Ah, another easy one. The head shot fragmented, so one piece nicked the windshield and the nose dented the stainless steel strip above the mirror (it wasn't chrome, BTW). Two large fragments of that shot, including the nose, were found by the right front seat. Gary Mack Gary, Apart from the impossibility of that trajectory to end up at the top of the windshield, http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/warrenco...iondrawings.gif Since when do non-fragmentable bullets, as the ones from Oswalds rifle, fragmentate? Especially since CE 399 that supposedly went through two bodies and a bone shattered wrist, did not fragmentate at all? Gary, if you were born a little earlier, you could have replaced Arlen Specter. By the way, there were not two but three damage points on the windshiled, did you know that? There were also cracks on the left side. Is the excuse for those the handling of the car? Wim
  10. Tramp's ear: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/trampear.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/holt1.gif Hunt's ear: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hunt1.gif http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hunt2.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hunt.gif Chauncey's ear: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Holt5.jpg
  11. There were two points of damage on the windshield of the limousine: 1) A crack or bullet hole in the glass at the right side of the mirror (looking from the outside from the hood of the car) 2) A nick in the chrome on the top lining of the windshield (looking from the inside of the car) This evidence is all in the Warren Report itself. It is bordering to impossible that both these damage points have been caused by one and the same bullet, but even if we assume it was, which of the three Oswald bullets could have inflicted the damage to the windshield? 1) CE 399, the so called magic bullet that was found almost intact on a stretcher in Parlkland Hospital, alledgedly fallen out of Connally's thigh? 2) The bullet that missed the limousine and struck a curb, the debris of which slightly injured the cheeck of James Tague? 3) Or the fatal bullet that hit Kennedy in the back of the head, "exiting" through JFK's right temple? It is crystal clear that none of these bullets had a path that could cause the two damage points on the windshiled. Hence there were more than three bullets, hence there was more than one shooter, hence there was a conspiracy. And by the way, Gary, you're welcome to give me a counter on that if you can. Wim
  12. In following years I studied many theories... CIA, Mafia, Castro, Russia, right-wingers, etc....and after 40+ years I ended up where I began (LBJ+LBJ CRONIES did it). --------------------------- Yep, but they could not have done it without enlisting the help of CIA, Mafia, Cuban exiles and right wingers, all of whom had pretty much the same interests to reconquer Cuba and get rid of those Irish catholic commie crime fighting bastards (JFK and RFK). So it doesn't take a great mind to see how these parties found each other, especially sinec they were already in bed long before. Wim
  13. fter the failure to kill Oswald after the assassination, it was necessary for him to be eliminated. As I explained earlier, the original plan was to blame pro-Castro communists for the assassination. However, Johnson vetoed this idea and insisted on the lone gunman theory. The conspirators now decided to go with Plan B: “JFK had been assassinated by organized crime”. Oswald clearly could not be allowed to live. Even if he had not been involved in the assassination he knew far too much about the conspiracy. To save his life he would have revealed the work he had been doing with the FBI and the CIA. Oswald was in police custody and his killer would obviously be apprehended. Therefore it was necessary to select someone for the task who could be linked with organized crime. The person also needed to be linked with the crime bosses who were going to be set up as the organizers of the assassination. The conspirators obviously had good contacts within the FBI and the Dallas Police Department. It would not be too difficult to identify Jack Ruby as the ideal man to do the job. I am just a little itched that this seems to be presented as fact, while it is in fact theorizing. It read almost reads like you were a close personal confidant of LBJ and he told you this himself. I do not think LBJ was the mastermind of the conspiracy. Nor do I think he would have had the time to do all this reflection and convince his co-conspirators to find an organized crime guy that had nothing to with the conspiracy yet convince him to kill Oswald. Besides, who had to do the convincing other than Ruby's crime bosses? And if those bosses were unrelated to the conspiracy, why would they go along with LBJ and his co-conspirators? All this persuasion had to be done within two days, while LBJ was in Washington? Remember that Ruby was stalking Oswald from the day of the assassination ! My theory is much more simple. The conspirators planned indeed to get rid of Oswald right after the fact. Either by killing him or by transporting him out of the country and get rid of him there. When that plan failed., they had to hastily find a man to finish the job and silence Oswald forever. This had to be man who was in on the conspiracy, could be relied on to keep his mouth shut, and with access to the Dallas Police Office. Virtually the only choice was Jack Ruby. If you read this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ruby.htm It becomes abundantly clear that Ruby knew all about the conspiracy. He was muscled by either Gaincana or Marcello, probably Giancana, to kill Oswald. However, Johnson remained the stumbling block to Plan B. His strategy was to insist on the lone gunman theory. He believed that the admittance of any conspiracy, whether it was the right or wrong one, would inevitably mean a full and open investigation into the assassination of JFK. He rightly concluded that this investigation would eventually reach LBJ and the Suite 8F network. Therefore he set up the Warren Commission with the prime purpose of confirming that Oswald was the lone gunman. To do this they had to portray Jack Ruby as a man who acted alone. This meant they had to conceal his relationship with organized crime. They had to conceal Ruby's link to organized crime because exposure of that would quicly lead up to the collaboration of organized crime with the CIA and the "big boys" (including LBJ) in this conspiracy to kill JFK. Blakey could pull of the trick to blame it on the mob, because at that time the mob guys that could reasonably be feared to expose this collaboration (or had been called to testify), had already been silenced: Giancana, Roselli, Ferrie, Nicoletti, Ruby, Cain, Moceri etc. In the long run Johnson’s strategy helped the conspirators with Plan B. The Warren Commission was clearly a cover up. To most researchers, it was an attempt to cover up the role played by organized crime in the assassination. Some have asked the obvious question: why would LBJ, the Warren Commission, the CIA, and the FBI cover up the role played by organized crime? The answer most researchers have given is that the conspirators employed Mafia people to carry out the assassination. However, this makes no sense at all. This would have given power to the Mafia over the conspirators. Even if the conspirators had been foolish enough to have tried recruiting members of the Mafia to kill JFK, they would have automatically realised they were being set up. Even if the conspirators bypassed the leaders and went directly to the foot soldiers, they would have had a similar reaction. As Charles Harrelson told Nigel Turner during the filming of his series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, he would not have accepted such a contract as he knew that if he had, he would have ended up, like Oswald, being killed by the people placing the contract. Of course people like Wim are desperate to believe that JFK was killed by the Mafia. Otherwise the confessions made by James Files and Chauncey Holt are worthless. I am not "desperate" at all to believe that JFK was killed by the Mafia. This is a gross misrepresentation. In fact I do not believe at all that the Mafia killed Kennedy. I believe it was a joint effort of disaffected CIA and army officers, members of Texan "big oil", Cuban exiles and mafia bosses. The last two groups mainly providing some of the low level operatives including shooters. These four groups were already collaberating closely, as I have pointed out repeatedly. They are proven facts that you conveniently ignore, every time it is pointed out. The CIA-Mafia plots to assassinate Castro are just one part of that proven record, and it is just waaaay too much for a coincidence that these same names pop up as suspects in the JFK assasination. People like Phillips, Shackley, Giancana, Roselli, Trafficante, H.L. Hunt, Howard Hunt, Lansdale, Banister, Ferrie, Ochsner, Harvey, Nicoletti, Licavoli and yes, even Files and Lee harvey Oswald., who was also fiercely anti-Castro and anti- communist. Maybe researchers interested in finding the truth should turn this question round. If is because of the fact that researchers have insisted that organized crime was behind the assassination of JFK that you have characters such as James Files, Chauncey Holt, Loy Factor, Charles Harrelson (later withdrawn), Christian David, Robert W. Easterling, etc. coming forward claiming they were part of the plot. This has fooled some researchers into believing this is evidence that the Mafia was involved in the assassination. The mafia was indeed involved, whether Files and Holt were telling the truth or not. Even a CIA guy like Tosh acknowledges that.
  14. This thread shows that some researchers develop a theory and then start to believe it so much, that it becomes the irrefutable truth. Wim
  15. http://pro.corbis.com/default.aspx Go there and do a search for Hunt, you will find several, it will come up with 5 pages A search for Lamar Hunt narrows it down to Lamar only (5 pictures) Wim
  16. To John Simkin, I would appreciate if you either post the pictures I sent you or explain to me how I can delete the pictures that now fill up my attachment space. I have asked this before but I still have no clue how to make room for new attachments. Thanks in advance, Wim
  17. Obviously, Al will not tolerate an anti-Castro, Mafia or corrupt police viewpoint. For that position to be condoned, even supported, renders this forum useless. ------------------------------ I think his Al's position may be accepted or rejected by anyone as he/she wishes. The trouble I see is that if you you do not agree with Al, you are "part of the problem" or an "idiot". In other words Al seems to think his position is gospel. But there are enough ballistics experts who do not see eye to eye with him on everything. Wim
  18. Tim, but he already answered, just go here http://groups.google.nl/groups?q=alt.consp...G=Google+zoeken and look for: WANKBAAR'S ANSWERS
  19. Yes John, I would hope you would try and answer Ron's question this time. If your answer would not be Giancana, Marcello, Trafficante or all three, then I would be most curious to your other options. Wim
  20. No, I just wanted to point out his hypocrite 180 degrees reversal once more, plus the fact that he stops at nothing, not even walking over the integrity and reputation of dead people, like Joe West and John Grady, whom he knows cannot say anything back. I am sorry that my disgust won over control again. Back to control. Wim
  21. To John Simkin, I would appreciate if you either post the pictures I sent you or explain to me how I can delete the pictures that now fill up my attachment space. I have asked this before but I still have no clue how to make room for new attachments. Thanks in advance, Wim
  22. Does anyone know if Lamar Hunt, who owns the Kansas City Chiefs NFL team and the Columbus Crew MLS soccer team, is one of H.L. Hunt's sons? ----------------------- Yes he is. And if you want I can send John Simkin a few pictures of the Hunt brothers to post here.
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