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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. [Re-Posted with credits, a very important statement, in my opinion.] Especially important for Al Carrier and John Simkin and all those who don't see the intertwining between organized crime and the CIA. Tosh was a CIA charter pilot and he flew around people like Roselli, Nicoletti, up to Sturgis' and Giancana's girls . Were these the McGuire sisters, Tosh?. Wim
  2. Tim, The mafia played a major role in the assassination. Trafficante, Giancana, Licavoli and Marcello were the mob bosses who supplied some of the operatives and shooters for the hit, which was most most likey financed by Texan oil and planned in collaboration with a rogue faction of the CIA. Trafficante, Giancana, Marcello have all known ties with to Jack Ruby. Quite frankly, I fail to understand John's stubborness in denying the mafia played a role. But his attitude is similar to that of Fletcher Prouty, Len Osanic, Jim Garrison and Al Carrier. Wim
  3. Finally, what evidence exists that Phillips was Oswald's "controller"? ------------------------------- I thought you had seen the James Files interview? Furthemore I believe Judyth Baker's story, and her account is that Lee's CIA contact was "Mister B" and in her last telephone conversation with Oswald he told her to never forget the name David Atlee Phillips becuuse he believed he was a traitor. Furthermore, there is no doubt in my mind that Phillips was Maurice Bishop, as I pointed out before, ther is conclusive evidence for that, and Veciana places Bishop (thus Phillips) talking to Oswald in Dallas. One more note to that is that Veciana was early for his appointment. It is likely that he did not intend to be seen with LHO by Veciana. Then there is the vanished anti Castro training film that Robert Tanenbaum saw during the HSCA. He is now very shy to comment on this, but in his novel he identifies people like David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Guy Banister, David Ferrie and David Atlee Phillips in it. He has confirmed the existence of this film in his testimony for the ARRB. Judyth Baker had seen this film too in the summer of 1963 when Ferrie (if I recall correctly) and Oswald were working on it. Tanenbaum also believed firmly that Phillips had been lying in his testimony before the HSCA, and wanted to call him back. The Committee's refusal was one of he reasons why he resigned. Phillips also told a cuban double agent , who picked out a photograph of Phillips to identify a man he knew as "Bishop", that when he was on Arlington cemitary he had "seized the opportunity to piss on Kennedy's grave", which was probably a joke to explain his contempt for JFK. There is an additional account from Gordon Novel, that places Phillips in the middle of the usual suspects, although I do not know how reliable that is. See below All this, leaves me with no doubt whatsoever that Phillips played a major role in the planning of the Kennedy assassination and was Lee's CIA controller. Wim http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collect...eeport-cuba.htm Arcacha, Banister, and "Mr. Phillips" Probe has turned up a long lost transcript of a deposition of a person whose name would be instantly recognized by anyone who has studied the Kennedy assassination. It is our hope to reveal the source of this deposition to the ARRB if and when they come to the West Coast. In this deposition, we find the following startling information. Picking up where the witness was telling how Sergio Arcacha Smith, one of Garrison's original suspects in the Kennedy assassination planning, had invited the witness to a meeting in Guy Banister's office: Q: Did you go alone to that meeting? A: As I recall, I did, yes. Q: Who was there? A: Mr. Banister, Mr. Arcacha Smith, and Mr. Phillips. Q: Do you know his first name [meaning Phillips]? A: No. Q: Had you seen him before? A: No. Q: Was he a Latin? A: No. Q: What was his interest in the meeting? A: He seemed to be running the show. Q: Telling Banister and Arcacha Smith what to do? A: His presence was commanding. It wasn't in an orderly military situation, you know. It was just they seemed to introduce Mr. Phillips. Q: How old a man was he? A: I would say he was around 51, 52 [Note: the speaker is young.] Q: American? A: American. Q: Was he identified as to his background? A: No. Q: Were hints dropped as to his background? A: Just that he was from Washington, that's all. Q: Did you assume from that he was with the CIA? A: I didn't assume anything, I never assume anything. . . .I think someone mentioned something about this conversation isn't taking place. The project that Banister and Arcacha and Mr. Phillips were working on, according to the witness, was to be a televised anti-Castro propaganda program, something that would have been in the direct purview of David Phillips as chief of propaganda for Cuban operations at that time. http://www.webcom.com/ctka/pr900-ang.html Other CIA people who show up often in this story include David Atlee Phillips of the Western Hemisphere division, who worked with Bill Harvey and later Des Fitzgerald on Cuban operations; Win Scott and his "right-hand man" Anne Goodpasture from the Mexico City station; John Whitten ("Scelso") of the Western Hemisphere, Division 3; Charlotte Bustos of the Mexico City desk at Headquarters; and Richard Helms and his deputy Thomas Karamessines, who play large roles in the pre- and post-assassination paper trail. We should also note that the entire Western Hemisphere was run by J. C. King, a man closely linked to Nelson Rockefeller. King himself had been involved in the CIA’s assassination plots involving Castro and Trujillo.3 -------------------- Phillips is the CIA man who most closely ties Angleton in the frequency of his appearance in the assassination story. Phillips appears to have been seen in the presence of Oswald by Antonio Veciana.21 And a "Mr. Phillips" who was running CIA operations against Cuba at a time when that was David Phillips’ job was seen by Gordon Novel in the presence of Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, who were themselves in turn seen with Oswald. Oswald even rented an office in Banister’s building that had previously been rented by Sergio Arcacha Smith.22 When the HSCA investigators tracked down the many false "Castro did it" leads, they kept tracing back to assets run by Phillips.23 Dan Hardway, who had much documentation to support that allegation, told Gaeton Fonzi,
  4. I have had an email from Bob Vernon denying he is the mystery seller. I though I should put that information on the forum. -------------------------------- Well John, you still don't know Bob Vernon. He would put it on his website! Bob would never try to make make money like that. His only goal is the truth! Wim
  5. This "map' sounds interesting. I'd like to know more about the provenance. Wim
  6. Nic, I'm sure you are a "doll" too, looking at your picture. I'm just not used to be called "darling" by a 17 year old girl, but hey, maybe I'm just not going with the time! My kids call me names too. Wim
  7. Wim, How do you know that Rocky's Pawn Shop and Honest Joe's are the same? ------------------------------ His son is called Eddie Goldstein (see picture I posted) http://www.dallashistory.org/cgi-bin/webbb...g.pl?read=15185 Roy, Honest Joe's Pawn Shop was a large overgrown junk yard that called itself a pawn shop located not far from the old Central Fire Station. My dad spent the last 20 year of his life as a dispatcher at that fire station. He died in 1966. I visited the fire station and Honest Joe's many times in my youth. While I don't have incontrovertible citations at my fingertips, my recollection is that a proper investigation of the facts will show that you have the wrong pawn shop for the Hinkley gun source. As I recall the Hinkley gun and the Ruby gun were both purchased from the same shop a few blocks from Honest Joes. The original name of the shop was Ruby's Pawn Shop when Jack bought his gun there. The owner was so irate with Jack Ruby that he changed the name of his shop at the same location to Rocky's Pawn Shop where Hinkley made his purchase. In Response To: Re: Honest Joe's Pawn Shop (Gerald Harris) Now it comes to me. The name of the pawn shop operator was Ruby Goldstein who changed his name to Rocky Goldstein. http://www.clal.org/e70.html Should a Jew Sell Guns? By J. David Bleich (Sh'ma 11/214, May 15, 1981) Mr. Isaac Goldstein, Proprietor, Rocky's Pawn Shop Elm Street Dallas, Texas Dear Mr. Goldstein, Time Magazine reports that you are giving serious consideration to discontinuing the sale of handguns in your establishment. No doubt, the recent attempt upon the life of President Reagan is prompting such soul searching not only on your part, as proprietor of the store which sold that particular gun, but on the part of countless other gun dealers as well. Permit me to draw your attention to one aspect of Jewish teaching which should figure prominently in such deliberations. Maimonidies (Hilkhot Rotzeah 12:12, paraphrasing Avodah Zarah 15b) declares: "It is forbidden to sell heathens weapons of war. Nor is it permitted to sharpen their spears, or to sell them knives, manacles, iron chains, bears, lions or any object which can endanger the public; but it is permitted to sell them shields which are only for defense." Mr. Goldstein, a sticker on the door of your shop reads "Guns Don't Cause Crime Any More Than Flies Cause Garbage. " Maimonides disagrees emphatically. In explaining the premise upon which the provision of Jewish law is based, Maimonides tells us that in selling arms to a heathen "one strengthens the hands of an evil-doer and causes him to transgress" and "anyone who causes one who is blind with regard to a matter to stumble -- or one who strengthens the hand of a person who is blind and does not see the path of truth because of the desire of his heart violates a negative precept as it is stated, "You shall not put a stumbling block before the blind." This precept was understood by the Sages as an admonition designed to protect not only the physically blind, but the intellectually and morally blind as well. A Jew is forbidden to take advantage of another person's lack of awareness in a way which causes harm to that person or to others. The Torah forbids us to mislead the blind and thereby cause them to stumble. We are forbidden to give the uninformed misinformation or poor advice; we are forbidden to prey upon, or pander to, the predilections of the morally blind. These restrictions are part of Torah and accepted by Jews because such is the divine command, but they also happen to make good sense. Let me tell you a story. Everyone remembers the assassination of Martin Luther King. Some, but probably not many, will remember the shooting of Martin Luther King's mother some time afterward. It is an event I am not likely to forget not because of the event itself, but because of an incident which occurred subsequently. A short time after the shooting, my wife and I were sitting in a cafe in Prague. A young, highly intelligent medical student struck up a conversation with us. As he began to feel comfortable in our company, he leaned across the table and, in a conspiratorial tone, asked why American intelligence had sought the death of Mrs. King. I hastened to assure him that Mrs. King was a very private person, not involved in political affairs, and that it was highly unlikely that anyone beyond her immediate circle of family and friends had been more than dimly aware of her existence. Moreover, there was cause to believe that the man responsible for her shooting was mentally incompetent. Our young friend was incredulous. I assumed that he suspected a plot to be lurking behind every headline. No, he assured me, he understood well enough that in the West not everything is controlled by the government. But this incident must have been government-directed, came the clincher to the argument, because otherwise how could the assassin have come into possession of a gun! We had come to Prague via Vienna. In Vienna, but several kilometers away, we stayed in a hotel off the Graben on Dorotheegasse. The street was rather narrow and easily overlooked. Returning from our outings, we recognized the turn by means of a large neon sign outside a store on a corner. The sign was emblazoned with but a single word " Waffe." The young man's reaction to my account of how handguns are freely available in many western nations was that I must be a weaver of fancy tales or else Western society is plumb crazy. The ease which handguns can be acquired in some Western countries is simply incomprehensible to persons who live in a more circumscribed environment. To them this is not a sign of freedom of the West, of which they are jealous and which they could replicate if they but could, but of an irrationality of which they wish no part. Jewish law recognizes that indiscriminate sale of weapons cannot fail to endanger the public. The daily newspaper confirms this deep seated distrust far more often than is necessary. As the bearers of an ageless moral code Jews ought to be in the vanguard of those seeking to impress upon our legislators that handguns are indeed "stumbling blocks" which must not fall into the hands of the "blind". Criminals do commit crimes and it is precisely because "morally blind" criminals are disposed to crime that Judaism teaches that it is forbidden to provide them with the tools of their trade. Yes, Mr. Goldstein, flies do not cause garbage, but garbage does attract flies. Guns may or may not cause crime, but crimes of violence cannot be committed without tools of violence. Self-restraint in the sale of weapons is a small enough price to pay for even marginal enhancement of public safety. Sincerely yours, J. David Bleich
  8. The handgun used by John Hinckley in the Reagan assassination attempt was bought from Honest Joe (Rocky) Wim http://www.logicsouth.com/~lcoble/dir4/excg223.txt On March 31, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot while leaving a Washington, DC hotel. Secret Service agents immediately arrested the assailant and recovered the handgun used in the shooting. Within minutes, the National Firearms Tracing Center of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) was contacted to run a trace of a Rhoem, Model RG14, serial number L731332. From a telephone call to the manufacturer in Miami, FL, it was learned that the handgun was made in 1980 and shipped to a North Carolina wholesaler. The wholesaler's records showed the handgun had been sold to Rocky's Pawn Shop in Dallas. A subsequent check of the pawn shop's records revealed the gun had been sold on October 13, 1980, to a 25 year old who identified himself as John Hinckley, Jr. It took 14 minutes for ATF to trace the handgun from the manufacturer to the suspect arrested. Not all traces are so spectacular as this one, but many traces do assist in solving crimes.
  9. Millican worked for the plumbing company, but saw a Honest Joe Pawn Shop truck near the TBSD before the shooting. The truck stalled on the south side is suspicious, as well. ------------------------------ It looks like Honest Joe and son, liked guns: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/honestjoe.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/honestjoe1.jpg Jack Ruby knew Honest Joe and also Patrick T. Dean of the DPD. There is a witness who saw Partrick Dean on the knoll in the parking lot right after the shots. Wim Mr. Griffin. Are you acquainted with the name of a guy named Honest Joe? Mr. Dean. Right. Yes, sir. Mr. Griffin. Tell us what you remember about that. Mr. Dean. Well, he said, "Well, I know Honest Joe or"----In other words, the only thing that I got out of that was that he knew Honest Joe. This wasn't relative to what I wanted to find out from Ruby, and I just disregarded this from my mind.
  10. Wim Who is asking the questions and answering in the above post? Joe West and Tosh Also They beat the living hell out of Jimmy Files looking for that 1963 Secret Service map of the parade route, didn't they? I found that supportive, if true. They, whoever they were, thought they had killed him. They threw Files out of a car and left him for dead. That is on record. Wim
  11. I've thought about talking to Masen, but I didn't have a clue as to if it'd be worth my time. Regardless of what you might think, Mr. Dankbaar, I can actually play sweet and get people to like me. biggrin.gif ----------------------- Yeah I notice! Mr Dankbaar is a lot better than "darling" and "old man" Wim
  12. Garrison might not have got the right men (Ferrie, Banister and Shaw) but he got the right plot. He also realised that organized crime had nothing to do with the assassination. ----------------------------------------- I think he had the right men but the wrong plot. Ferrie, Oswald and Shaw were definitely involved in the kill- Castro- with- cancer- plot , led by Alton Ochsner. Garrison didn't know about that, which was why he was so puzzled about the Shaw-Ferrie-Oswald sightings in Clinton, LA, where prisoners were to be tested in the nearby Eastern Louisiana State Hospital. I believe that is why Dean Andrews told Garrison: You've got the right ha-ha , but the wrong ho-ho ! It's very possible that Ferrie and Shaw had side roles in the JFK plot, but they would have been limited, which is why Garrison convinced the jury that there had been a conspiracy, but failed to convince them that Shaw was part of it. Wim
  13. This post will comment on the possible participation of CIA employees David Atlee Phillips and David Morales in the assassination. Almost every assassination researcher believes that David Atlee Phillips was the mysterious Mr. Bishop and that Veciana observed Phillips meeting with Oswald in Dallas shortly before the assassination. I think we may have had this discussion before but it is probably posting in this thread: if Phillips was really involved in the plot, the last thing he would want would be to be observed with the patsy shortly before the assassination. Therefore, if indeed Veciana saw Phillips with Oswald, it is highly illogical to postulate that Phillips was a conspirator. Moreover, there is no evidence that he was. The case of Morales is different. As I am sure every Forum member knows, Morales made an admission of sorts in front of his attorney and a friend that he was involved in the assassination. The question may be whether Morales was smart enough to plan it. This issue may be why John suggests the involvement of Phillips. But if Phillips was smart enough to plan it, he was surely smart enough to stay the heck away from Oswald. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This assumes that a man like Phillips does not make mistakes. I would be careful with such assumptions, because they might cut your path to the truth. We do not know how that meeting between Phillips and LHO came about. Maybe it was Lee who just walked up to him. Maybe it was Lee who WANTED to be seen with Phillips. There are numerous indications that Lee was made to believe he was to infiltrate the plot in order to prevent the assassination. But there are also indications that felt he was being setup and that he did not trust Phillips, who according to several sources was his CIA controller. Apart from that, I think Phillips would not have been to worried about being seen with LHO in a public place. Who would remember LHO with Phillips in a lobby anyway, other than people who knew Phillips and were supposed to be trusted CIA people? Remember he chose this public place for a meeting with Veciana, the leader of Aplha 66. I would expect him not to choose such a place for a meeting with Veciana either, but yet it seems that he did. But now that I think of it, we could alos speculate that Phillips was worried about Veciana being able to place him in the presence of LHO and therefore sent Disodado to inquire if Veciana would volunteer this information. I have another consideration that I think you are overlooking. If they had already intended to frame Lee for the assassination at the time of this meeting (Veciana, Phillips, Oswald), and I think it is fair to assume that, then they had not intended to have Lee escape the TSBD and be in custody for televisoin camera's and press coverage. I think they had intended to kill him right away. The fact that Veciana recognized Oswald was because of all the media coverage on him. This would not have happened if they had killed Lee right after the fact, which seems to have been the original plan. There would only have been shown some existing photo's of Lee, like probably the backyard photos. There would not have been moving tv footage. I think the chance for Veciana to recognise Oswald would have been much much slimmer. I'm pretty sure you haven't thought of that. It means Phillips would have felt relatively safe. And by the way, Fonzi established that Morales was a close sidekick of David Atlee Phillips. Phillips was an ideal man to plan such an operation and use men like Morales. He was also in on the overthrow of Arbenz and Allende. No evidence that Phillips was a conspirator in the JFK assassination? I guess you are not aware of it then, I won't even aks you to take into account James Files. Also there is no doubt that David Atlee Phillips was Maurice Bishop. Even Veciana confirmed that to Fonzi (read chapter "the final confirmation"). Another good source is Anthony Summers book Conspiracy. Ever heard of Ron Cross? You should also read ZR-Rifle by Claudia Furiati. and her interview with Fabian Escalante. This is what Fonzi wrote me a few years back: As I said, the final brick in Phillips-Bishop foundation was put in place for me when I went to Cuba and Escalante provided information that confirmed it. best, Gaeton
  14. Q: for one thing if this where genuine,those involved would have you taking a dirt nap,or you'd be making a helluva lot more money from the media.i agree with debra-your fraud.J.Neman(jfkcsi) Answered on Dec-16-04 A: "for one thing if this where genuine,those involved would have you taking a dirt nap"--That's what's called "trial by fire." "or you'd be making a helluva lot more money from the media." Friend, you are naive. The media's been sandbagging it from day one. "i agree with debra-your fraud." I didn't bother posting Debra's followup. She said to discuss her posting the redacted version, to give her a call. I wrote her no call was necessary. She already had my permission to post it. As I had written previously, that's precisely the shuck & jive I was talking about that I was getting from the 'alternatives.'
  15. Thanks for this blow-up. It is definitely a DPD uniform. Do you have a quote for Myers saying it is not? ----------------------------------- Well, it cannot be concluded that it is a uniform in the sense that it includes trousers. But Myers is definitely denying that it is a spare DPD uniform in the section FAQ of his website JDtippit.com. He claims it is an "Eisenhower police jacket". Why call it that if it is clearly a DPD police jacket (whether with trousers or not)? But the real question is: Was it as SPARE jacket? Gary Mack wants me to believe it was NOT a spare jacket, that Tippit had taken it off because it was warm that day: Here's something else you need to know. The weather forecast for that day was turning very cold in the afternoon, so anyone out that day would have taken a jacket or coat. Tippit hung his jacket in the back for use later in the afternoon. Gary This means that Tippit was NOT wearing his uniform jacket when he was shot. But how then was one of his uniform buttons turned into evidence because it was smashed by a bullet ?????? This wound has gone unnoticed before due to its close proximity to the right nipple with which it could easily be confused. However, when one looks closely at it one can see that it is a puncture wound and not the right nipple. It is too low and lies in a position too close to the midline to be the right nipple. It may also have been mistaken for the chest tube insertion incisions but in this case also it is too low to be the incision described by the Parkland team. There is also a deep fold of flesh visible lower and to the left of the center line which fits the description and the position of wound No. 4 which struck a button on Tippit's police uniform driving it into his body. Jim Bishop, whose description of Tippit's death in "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" was the key to this investigation, states: "He had hit Tippit in the temple, in the middle of the forehead, drilled two shots into the chest, and missed with the fifth shot. One hit a uniform button and carried it inside the body." ------------------------------------------------------------------- So this leads me to conclude that the jacket was definitely a SPARE POLICE jacket, and most likely a uniform. Wim
  16. As I continued my research, I discovered that beyond the eyewitnesses there was other evidence gathered and altered by the Dallas homicide unit showing that Lee Oswald had been framed in the Tippit murder. For instance, I read transcripts of the messages sent over the Dallas police radio shortly after the murder. These were recorded automatically on a log. Just minutes after a citizen first reported the murder on Tippit's radio. Patrolman H.W. Summers in Dallas police unit number 221 (the designation for the squad car) reported that an "eyeball witness to the getaway man" had been located. The suspect was described as having black wavy hair, wearing an Eisenhower jacket of light color, with dark trousers and a white shirt. He was "apparently armed with a .32, dark finish, automatic pistol," which he had in his right hand. Moments later, Sergeant G. Hill reported that "the shell at the scene indicates that the suspect is armed with an automatic .38 rather than a pistol." [2] http://scribblguy.50megs.com/tippit.htm
  17. So, why didn't Jim Garrison come up with Judyth Baker? ----------------------------- See bold text: Closing arguments by James Alcock: Lee Harvey Oswald was interested in gaining employment in the East Louisiana State Hospital at Jackson, Louisiana; Mr. McGehee directed Lee Harvey Oswald to Reeves Morgan, who was then the State Legislator for East Feliciana Parish. Lee Harvey Oswald arrived, gentlemen, or at least Mr. McGehee deduced he arrived in an old battered automobile and there was a young lady in the automobile. Now I want to at this time make it abundantly clear that the State does not claim that it identified that woman at all. The State is certainly not coming before this Jury and saying that it was Marina Oswald, now Marina Oswald Porter, that drove him. I wish we could have identified her, I wish we could have brought her into the courtroom and presented her to you. But nevertheless he did appear on that occasion. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/alcockc.htm
  18. To Tim: Apart from placing Roselli and Nicoletti both in Dallas, they also both qualify Roselli as a member of an "abort team". If Files is lying then he has built on elements of Tosh's story. However, with the rest of independent corroboration, I don't believe that for one minute. But I do agree with Shanet that Holt's story is stronger that Files', in fact I believe it is irrefutable. That's why I have no doubt that that Nicoletti was in Dallas, and we have three people saying that. It is a proven fact that James Files was the personal valet for Charles Nicoletti, driver bodygaurd and fellow hitman on virtually als his jobs. So even if you don't believe Files taking the fatal shot from the knoll, it is more than likely that he was in Dallas that day and has personal knowledge of the events. On another note, Nicoletti would never have left a bitemark on a shell casing. Wim Q: Was Charles Nicoletti on the flight? A: Charles Nicoletti was not on that flight but Charles Nicoletti was in Dallas. Q: Did you see Charles Nicoletti in Dallas or how do you know that he was in Dallas? A: From back from the Church committee years ago. The picture of Nicoletti was shown to me by a member, by investigators of Senator Church, and prior to that I had already pulled Nicoletti's picture out of a lineup of 10 pictures. I did not know his name at that point. On another occasion I saw him at Sloppy Joe's with John Roselli, in Biscayne Park, when they were going over some maps. Q: How do you know that Charles Nicoletti was in Dallas? A: Well it's been....well, O.K.. It's been told to me, by Federal Investigators and private investigators, pictures and everything else, that he was there. In fact, it's been alleged that I actually flew him in with John Roselli. Roselli was on board the aircraft Nicoletti was not on board that aircraft. I'd already known pictures of Nicoletti, but I did not know him personally. Q: After Nicoletti got off the aircraft do you know where he went? A: I have no....he was not on the aircraft. After John Roselli got off the aircraft, I have no idea where John Roselli went. BQ: Did you see Nicoletti pick up Roselli? A: No, I didn't see Nicoletti pick up Roselli, but because of the liaison that we had had and the discussion that was on board the aircraft, there was no doubt in my mind that Nicoletti was the person that John Roselli was referring to to meet in Dallas on that particular morning. A: It was the things that John Roselli had said about people that he was going to be meeting in this town which immediately made me think of the individual that I had in mind which later turned out to be identified as Nicoletti. The pickup, the transportation mode, the fact that I knew of the liaison contact between John Roselli and Nicoletti because of the previous flights that we had made back in April with John Martino and it was my opinion that the party that John Roselli would be meeting in Dallas that day was Charles Nicoletti. BQ: Was there a code that you had heard in the past that you heard that day? A: There was a code name by the name of "Raven" which other investigators later tried to tell me was Lee Harvey Oswald, but I don't buy that. I'd buy that the code name given out as "Raven" was Nicoletti. BQ: You knew in the past that Roselli had referred to Nicoletti as "Raven"? A: Yes, in the past John Roselli had referred to Nicoletti as "Raven". One specific incident was a gun running operation out of Cat Cay, at Biscayne Bay, at Sloppy Joe's when maps were exchanged and Nicoletti was responsible for getting.....I'm sorry.....John Roselli was responsible for getting the maps to the place in Bimini which was a "safe haven" to Nicoletti. At that point in time, I was under the impression that there was a hit coming up someplace but I did not know, I was not at the level, to know that intimate planning. The meetings and the fact that Johnny Roselli had tremendous liaison with Charles Nicoletti dating all the way back to Arizona at the Caravan Inn, the Thunderbird Inn in Nevada, Burbank, California and Santa Barbara. These were people I had flown earlier. Roselli was one of them. Like I said, Nicoletti's picture was shown to me but I did not identify him as Nicoletti. I identified him under an operative name with the code name "Raven" at that point. It was only some years later that one of the investigators on the Senate staff come back and said "Nicoletti was on board your aircraft" and I made the statement to him at that point and time that "No, Nicoletti was in Dallas and picked Roselli up. I think you have your names transposed of Roselli and Nicoletti on who was on that flight." BQ: So the modus operandi on the flight into Dallas matched the same m.o. every time that Roselli was to meet Nicoletti? A: The M.O., the method of operation, was the same each time that John Roselli and Nicoletti met whether it be at Biscayne Bay, or whether Marathon Key, or whether it be at LeBarr Ranch in New Orleans or whether it be with the old gun running operation out of Midland...Menilothan, Texas, I think it was. So these were the areas where John Roselli and Charles Nicoletti had previous contact. At that time, my point of view, there was no doubt in my mind that Nicoletti was here to pick up Roselli and the others with the cartons that came on board the aircraft to go out to wherever they were going to go and then we came over to Redbird. BQ: So you would have no reason in the world to suspect that there would be a new "Raven" or that Roselli was not meeting Nicoletti based on the five or six separate times. A: No, I would have no reason. In fact, with Charles...Roselli, the liaison that Roselli had with Nicoletti and other...like Charlie "The Blade" or Farentino, which was maybe Frank Sturgis or whoever, I would have no reason to doubt that Nicoletti was the pickup man. Now maybe, I'm getting into opinions now, I think that Roselii was carrying the instructions for Nicoletti. Now, whether Nicoletti was the shooter or a member of the abort team, I don't know. Over the years, it's hard for me to accept the fact that I was told "abort" and might have played a major, major role in actually bringing the team into Dallas on that day. I believe that our information had been intercepted and as a result of that it was definitely used a cover because of the contacts that these Mafioso's had with military intelligence and the CIA. BQ: Do you think Sam Giancana enters into this? A: I think Sam Giancana is a major, major player in this and in fact a bigger player than John Roselli. I think, In fact, I know Sam Giancana knew Charlie Nicoletti extremely well and I think Nicoletti was a hitman for Sam Giancana and others in the Mafia and others in the Mafia at that time, mainly located out of New Orleans, Louisiana, and the old gun running operations that dated back to the '50's. BQ: So you think it's quite possible that Roselli and Nicoletti could have been shooters? A: Not Roselli. Roselli would not have been a shooter. Roselli would not even have been a spotter. But, Roselli, I believe, was the coordinator and I think his liaison was directly with Nicoletti and I think Nicoletti was probably your "finger man". Now whether Nicoletti was the shooter or was associating with the three shooters that was in this Plaza, one here, one over there, and one up there, which turned out to be the School Book Depository, which we did not even take into consideration because the most logical place to shot would be up on the City Record's Building, or up on this building, and right over there or right here. BQ: Did Giancana always give the orders to Roselli and Nicoletti? Was that the M.O.? A: That was the M.O. and that came from New Orleans, not from Chicago. I've heard a lot of researchers say that his liaison contact was Chicago, that's crap. That is New Orleans and Jacksonville, Florida. I also flew Sam Giancana's girlfriends from New Jersey to Miami two or three different times so I mean my liaison with Roselli and Sam Giancana, and I understand exactly what this could cause, going on open camera, but it's time to clear the air and it's time to get the truth out.
  19. Two men got on the plane - one of whom Vinson swears was Lee Harvey Oswald. ----------------------- At what time was this? He was seen in his rooming house at 1 PM and arrested in the Texas Theatre shortly after 1:30 . So that makes it bogus claim right there. Wim
  20. They also claim both that Nicoletti and Roselli were in Dallas that day. Wim
  21. Harrelson said he was on coke! He should have said acid yes, because coke does not cause hallucinations. If a nice young innocent girl goes to visit him, who knows what he will say? He has nothing to lose, since his final appeal for a new trial was rejected by the supreme court last year. You may have a better chance to walk up to John Thomas Masen in Dallas. He still operates his gun shop there. He knows all about Ruby, Harrelson and the JFK assassination. I'll make a bet he supplied some of the ammunition for the hit. http://www.johnmasen.com/ Look at it this way, Nic: the government or FBI won't do it. So it might as well be you. To me he said: Friend, don't ever call me again! Yep, John is a little touchy on the subject. Wim
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