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Kathleen Collins

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  1. The buildings in back of the cars are not the buildings of Dealey Plaza. Kathy C
  2. -I believe the photo of George W. Bush near the TSBD is real. His chin was longer than his father's. All they had to do was obscure the rest of his chin. Also, you can see he has something in his ear. As for Nixon, he left for the airport around noon. The day of Kennedy's funeral there was a camera in the church from above, which went down the rows and the look on Nixon's face. His eyes looked wild, his expression looked like he had done a terrible thing. After the funeral in the church, he stood outside but not through the main door. He was looking at someone and appeared drunk to me. Maybe he couldn't face Jackie Kennedy. Nixon was later photographed in an airport and he was crying. I'm sure he had a couple of drinks. Kathy C
  3. I remember Thanksgiving of 1963, not knowing then if we should be thankful for anything. I know now that we could have gratitude that Thanksgiving, 6 days after President Kennedy was killed. We could feel and give thanks for the time we had with John Kennedy. As this anniversary falls on Thanksgiving, I hope everyone remembers the good things we would have had under his continued administration. Kathy C
  4. Maybe they (powers that be) sent an American over to Russia and a Russian came back. I don't understand why this (if) happened -- the purpose. I mean who was to gain from this? What was the point? And the emotion the Oswald family displayed at LHO's funeral. I don't think he was a blood relative. Robert Oswald was not related to his "brother's" children. He never visited them. Kathy C
  5. I knew someone who knew someone who knew Frank Ragano. Ragano wanted to tell this person who killed Hoffa and where the body lay. The person said he didn't want to know anything. And that was the end of the discussion. Kathy C
  6. I have another answer to who killed Hoffa. On Paramount Network on demand they still have "It Was Always Me," a 6-part show on the murders of serial killer, Edward Wayne Edwards. He often became friends with police, detectives and religious figures. He came across as charismatic. At some point he became friends with Jimmy Hoffa, and wanted to kill him. I think they met in prison. When Hoffa disappeared it was because Ed Edwards killed him and hid the body. There is a book by Det. John Cameron that proves Ed Edwards killed people, often in famous murders. It is Cameron's belief that Edwards took out Hoffa. At least it's a consideration. The book tells more than the show, proving Ed killed more people than one would believe possible. Jimmy Hoffa was crazy about him. Kathy C
  7. I came across a supposed frame of the Zapruder film that had an "Indiana Mellotone Player" on South side before the little girl. Strangely, such a figure was at Nixon's about to enter the helicopter. And where Reagan was shot. I never heard of this before. Can anyone shed any light? Were they photoshopped? Reagan assassination attempt Indiana Mellotone Playwe.html
  8. This is why I hate George H.W. Bush. Does he think we're stupid? Kathy C
  9. I read that Braden was questioned in the Dal-Tex building as to what he was doing there. He said he was trying to find a phone to call his mother to tell her that Kennedy was shot before she heard it on the TV. Kathy C
  10. The footage of Dubya was taken from film that was thrown out at a network. I believe it was Cooper. He grabbed all the film and pieced them together. It's possible that someone saw this boy, Dubya, and they blackened out his chin. Dubya had a stronger chin. This could be done at the time. And I'm guessing that the CIA looked at every bit of that film. Kathy C
  11. I'm sticking my neck out. I believe there is a multitude of people in the Moorman photo. What I see is to the left of the pergola, a bunch of people in what looks like white choir robes. It starts at the bottom practically and moves upward. It's hard not to see it once you've seen it. There are many people on the grassy knoll. I believe one is a cameraman in the tree, shooting the "other film." I believe they're members of the Ku Klux Klan! Kathy C
  12. This may seem far-fetched, but it looks like Bush in Tyler and the man in front of the TSBD have the same suit on. Look at the knot in his tie also. Kathy C GHWBush at TSBD
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