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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Ellsberg was a scholar of Ed Lansdale ... which makes his Pentagon Papers performance highly suspicious to me ... it was the Pentagon Papers which made Nixons men going out of control ... (Howard Hunt inserting false telegrams etc. into this bunch of papers which by itself are misleading and confusing ...) Here is some Ellsberg bull ( quote wiki Lansdale): "According to Daniel Ellsberg, who was at one time a subordinate to Lansdale, Lansdale claimed that he was fired by President Kennedy's Defense Secretary Robert McNamara after he declined Kennedy's offer to play a role in the overthrow of the Diem regime." IMO Ellsberg is an Establishment Insider smuggled into the US-left ... like Noam Chomsky ... if Spielberg is going to make a hero out of him, he is dead wrong, like Stephen King with his novel 11/22/63 ... Ellsberg had his 15 minutes ... and they were staged ... KK
  2. Leavelle is an old man full of bull. SCNR. “I have nothing against the Sixth Floor. I think it is an excellent museum,” Tunheim said ---- booo ---- boooo The distortion of history is the ongoing everlasting business of those men ... Are this 14 boxes available online?
  3. Ed Barrett who Dulles met four days prior to the assassination of JFK here on LONGINE CHRONOSCOPE:
  4. That parallax movement of the lamppost compared to the firewall while following with your cam a moving object on Elm Street (a car), is a natural effect. This natural effect is absent in the Zapruder Film. The Zapruder Film does not show any lamppost movement as a result of the natural law of parallax movements. The Zapruder Film is is a fake.
  5. In her 2010 book ME AND LEE JVB made two claims now proved right by these newly released docs: that Ochsner was in touch with the CIA at the time of the JFK assassination and Oswald was in Mexico City in connection with a get Castro project. You say, she is very well read and cunning: is she a clairvoyant too? I don't second everything she says in her book ME AND LEE but to ignore that book is IMO a big mistake of everyone who is interested in this hottest of all cold cases ...
  6. Interesting account of Marita Lorenz' daughter of the Lorenz-Sturgis encounter back in the seventies. http://www.ticotimes.net/2015/10/27/costa-rica-spy-kid-my-mom-was-sent-to-kill-castro-and-my-dad-was-president-of-venezuela KK
  7. NEW SECRET FILE RELEASED BY Nat. Arch. SHOWS DR. ALTON OCHSNER WAS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE CIA IN 1962, just as Judyth Vary Baker reported in her ( 2010) book Me & Lee. ME & LEE will give you an accurate history of the real Lee Oswald. This NEWLY RELEASED SECRET FILE SHOWS DR. ALTON OCHSNER'S LAST PERSONAL (FACE-TO-FACE) CONTACT WITH THE CIA WAS JAN. 8, 1962. The "Ochsner/Sherman/Ferrie/Baker/Oswald get-Castro project", incl use of a linear particle accelerator, began March 23, 1962. This secret file also shows the CIA's LAST DIRECT CONTACT with Ochsner Clinic was Nov. 8, 1963, one month after the "Ochsner/Sherman/Ferrie/BAker/Oswald Get Castro with cancer" Project closed down and just two weeks before JFK was killed. JVBakers critics tried to say she made it all up about Ochsner being involved with the CIA in 1962 and 1963, as the only record before now was back in the early 1950's. credit: JVB
  8. I find Lois Liggett (and her daughter) both credible ... maybe John Liggett was flown to Washington on 22.11.63 as part of the Kennedy-body alteration team, whether or not he participated in that bloody part of the cover up... Liggetts dead right at the spot where Kennedy died smells like a staged event ... the core of the Liggett story is sound IMO ... despite the Lawsuit of his brother ... Now we have the graveside service Liggett departed ... great find, Michael Clark thx ...
  9. From National Archives 2017 release of JFK documents 'EYES ONLY' SECRET CIA FILE #104-10268-10005: ANGLETON'S CIA RIGHT-HAND MAN RAYMOND ROCCA TELLS WARREN COMMISSION MEMBER BELIN THAT LEE OSWALD WAS IN MEXICO CITY BECAUSE HE WAS INVOLVED IN A PLOT TO KILL FIDEL CASTRO ... Just as Judyth Vary Baker has been telling us since 1999 and in her 2010 book ME AND LEE ... KK
  10. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition ..."
  11. Some of Chomskys "tactics" listed by Barry Zwicker in his book TOWERS OF DECEPTION .
  12. Pics of Mary Shermans remains. A cruel killing. Somebody made sure, that she was dead ... looks like an overkill ...
  13. Custer is mistaken In this video about 18 min. 45sec. Custer claimed, that he had already done jfk x-rays and took them to the processing room, when he saw the Kennedy party arriving ... (18.55h) But it was his boss Ebersole, not Custer, who took the x-ray to the processing room. 1978 HSCA Interview of John Ebersole: MEDICAL PANEL MEETING Saturday, March 11, 1978 House of Representatives, Medical Panel of the Select Committee on Assassinations, Washington, D. C. The meeting convened at 10:20 a.m., pursuant to notice, in room 503, Archives Building, Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Quote, john Ebersole: With the exception of the periods when I personally carried the cassettes containing the X rays to the X ray Department which was on the fourth floor of the hospitali -- with the exception of those periods I was in the autopsy room from the time the coffin arrived Close quote Custer never carried any Kennedy x-rays to the x-ray department seeing Jackie Kenndy arriving at the same time. Custer is mistaken. KK
  14. Quote C.A. Crenshaw TRAUMA ROOM ONE ca. 1h30 p.m 22.11.63 Parkland hospital: When I walked back into the hall, Evaela Glanges, a medical student was standing by the nurses' station. She told me() while we had been working on President Kennedy, she was outside in the emergency room parking lot. Standing besides the Presidents limousine, she pointed out to another medical student, that there was a bullet-hole in the windshield. UPON OVERHEARING HER COMMENT a secret service agent nervously jumped into the car and sped away. Close quote The only question that remains is IMO: was it a "from the front to the back" bullet hole, or a "from the back to the front" bullet hole. (Caused perhaps by a mis-hit from the Tal Dex building)
  15. KK: Custer and Davies never saw Kennedys corps prior to the arrival of the Kennedy party ... " Ray Mitcham: How could Custer have taken x rays of the President's autopsy before the arrival of the entourage, KK? KK: Custer is mistaken. There was no chance for him to make all the Kennedy-X-rays between 6.35 min (the arrival of a shipping casket at the Bethesda morgue) and the arrival of the Kennedy Party at 6.53h in front of Bethesda, he claimed witnessing, the Kennedy-x-rays in his hands. You can't put (at 6h.35 min)the (a) body into the morgue, take the body out of the casket, place it on a table, bring the x-ray machine into the morgue, moving it around the table several times to make x rays of the head the chest and the whole body in general etc., took the x-ray films out of the x-ray machine and carry them to the front entrance of Bethesda within 18 minutes just in time to see the arrival of the Kennedy party ... that's impossible ... and there is another problem: it was the autopsy radiologist Ebersole who personally carried the x-rays from the morgue, to the processing room ... not Custer.
  16. Further indication that the film Garrison saw was a complete version of the Mentesana film. In his book ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS Garrison states that the film he saw (with the officers with a gun that lacks a scope on the fire escape ladder of the TSDB) was from a group called the DALLAS CINEMA ASSOCIATES. Mentesana was a member of the Dallas Cinema Associates. Quote from Oswalds 201 file: Charles Mentesana advised that (...) he (...) continued to the Katy Railroad Freight Depot near the Texas School Book Depository Building to pick up some salvaged food stuffs which he had previously purchased, and it was then that he learned of the shooting of President Kennedy. He said he then took several feet more of film of the turmoil in and around the Depository Building. He advised he sent this film to the Fox Film Company of Dallas for processing. Mentesana advised that he is a member of the “Dallas 8 mm Movie Club,” and, during the early part of January, 1964, a fellow movie club member, one Albert Bunnell, called him at the store and told him that he, Bunnell had been contacted by a Mrs. Irving Gewertz concerning the film sequences which he had taken of the motorcade. He stated Bunell told him that Mrs. Gewertz likewise had a series of film sequences and was interested in exchanging duplicates of film with others who had film of the motorcade and Mrs. Gewertz desired to view Mentesana’s film. Mentesana advised that, accordingly, he and Bunnell attended a meeting of several other film holders and, upon seeing his film on the screen, Mrs. Gewertz was interested in obtaining copies of his film in exchange for her copies, to which he agreed. Mentesana advised that, subsequent to this original arrangement, Mrs. Gewertz organized a group, totaling eighteen in number, of various film holders, including himself and Albert Bunell, and that this organization incorporated itself, in March, 1964, under the name “Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc.” Mentesana advised he had attended all subsequent meetings of the corporation, and is under the impression the film is presently being prepared for marketing on the home-movie market. Close quote
  17. I wonder if the Mentesana-film shotgun ( it lacks a scope) is the gun, brought down by officers from the roof (or seventh, or sixth floor) by the fire escape ladder on the eastside of the TSBD ... an action seen on a film by Jim Garrison. In his book ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS Garrison says, that it was Richard Sprague, who showed him that film. Since the MENTESANA film shows two men on the fire escape latter, and in another cut a group of men on the ground with a shotgun, I wonder if Garrison had seen the Mentesana film. A complete version of it, including the scene with the gun on the fire escape ladder ... obviously the Y-Tube- Mentesana film shows only some short cuts ... acc. to Garrison the film he saw ( with officers bringing down a gun on the fire escape ladder), was stored in the archive of the Western New England College, Springfield, Massachusetts. Another good point that the film seen by Garrison could have been a complete version of the Mentesana film is, that he says the gun he saw on film lacked a scope ... the Mentesana film gun lacks a scope ... Ernest Charles Mentesana died in 1969. He was 51. KK
  18. I wonder if the Mentesana-film shotgun ( it lacks a scope) is the gun, brought down by officers from the roof (or seventh, or sixth floor) by the fire escape ladder on the eastside of the TSBD ... an action seen on a film by Jim Garrison. In his book ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS Garrison says, that it was Richard Sprague, who showed him that film. Since the MENTESANA film shows two men on the fire escape latter, and in another cut a group of men on the ground with a shotgun, I wonder if Garrison had seen the Mentesana film. A complete version of it, including the scene with the gun on the fire escape ladder ... obviously the Y-Tube- Mentesana film shows only some short cuts ... acc. to Garrison the film he saw ( with officers bringing down a gun on the fire escape ladder), was stored in the archive of the Western New England College, Springfield, Massachusetts. Another good point that the film seen by Garrison could have been a complete version of the Mentesana film is, that he says the gun he saw on film lacked a scope ... the Mentesana film gun lacks a scope ... Ernest Charles Mentesana died in 1969. He was 51. KK
  19. Fact is that Dennis David and Custer saw a coffin arriving at the Bethesda Morgue before they saw the Kennedy party arriving at the Bethesda main gate. They later assumed that JFKs body was in that coffin ... that coffin (shipping casket) could have been empty. That coffin could have been containing the remains of any "John Doe" ... the saw a coffin ... CXuster and Davies never saw Kennedys corps prior to the arrival of the Kennedy party ... KK
  20. Closing paragraph of J Norwoods article: Talbot in THE DEVILS CHESSBOARD mentions John Armstrong and his theorie not once. But Talbot quotes Ernst Titovets a lot, whose book OSWALDS RUSSIAN EPISODE contradicts the Armstrong book. Therefore Norwood (pro Armstrong)recommends to his students ( and us)a book, (DEVILS CHESSBOARD), which is clearly anti-Armstrong. Funny thing. KK
  21. thx ... no, my post is about Doug Horne and how he was fooled in 1997 by Gunn, Zavada and Samoluk ... this three men where part of an investigative body ( ARRB) with 100 of thousands of cash at their disposal ... and they acted like fools, when it comes to go to Dallas and shot a reference film with Zappis cam, or a similar one ... to compare it with the so called original Zapruder-film ... no such reference film exists down to the present day because of the strange behavior of this ARRB guys ... Gunn, Zavada and Samoluk ...
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