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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Robert Weldon Hargis, the southernmost motorcycle cop at the rear of the pres. limo, was of the opinion, Greer hit the breaks to make it easier for the SS men to jump onto the limo to do their job ... but nobody jumped ... and a second later Hargis was hit in the face with bone fragments, blood and brain-matter, that he thought he was hit too ...
  2. I consider James Files a trained Disinformant. Maybe he is the only jailed person on earth who was paroled after confessing a murder. Files was a "gift-pill" for Wim Dankbaar. This otherwise respectable JFK researcher bought the Files-Tale 100 Percent. Files is a IC creation to muddy the waters ... The Louis Steven Witt of the grassy knoll. Or another Roscoe White ... to put him on trial would be a lose lose situation for the prosecution: If the verdict is guilty, that means conspiracy. If the verdict is not guilty, that means Files is what he is: A fraud ... and the prosecution would appear kinda gullible and naive to take this man seriously. KK
  3. Marita Lorenz, who died recently, testified, she saw Howard Hunt in Dallas the day before the assassination. Whom should we believe? Plumlee or Lorenz? Quote, Spartacus Educational, Marita Lorenz: Marita Lorenz gave sworn testimony that Lee Harvey Oswald, American mercenaries Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming, and Cuban exiles including Orlando Bosch, Pedro Diaz Lanz, and the brothers Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampol, had met one November midnight in 1963 at the Miami home of Orlando Bosch and had studied Dallas street maps. She also swore that she and Sturgis were at that time in the employ of the CIA and that they received payment from Howard Hunt under the name "Eduardo," … They arrived in Dallas on 21 November 1963, and stayed at a motel, where the group met Howard Hunt. Hunt stayed for about forty-five minutes and at one point handed an envelope of cash to Sturgis. About an hour after Hunt left, Jack Ruby came to the door. Lorenz says that this was the first time she had seen Ruby. By this time, she said, it was early evening. Close Quote
  4. Plus: The four Motorcycle Cops Hargis, Chaney, Jackson and Martin were told to ride behind the Limo ... Plus: The Dallas Sheriffs were told not to participate in the security of the motorcade ... Plus: Colonel Reichs 112th Army intelligence men were told, they would not provide additional security for the motorcade in Dallas ... Plus: At the last second Secret Service agents Henry Rybka and Don Lawton were recalled at Love Field by fellow agent Emory Roberts And plus, my guess: The driver of the Johnson car was told to stand clear of the Queen Mary and the Presidential Limo, plus William Greer, driver of the Pres. Limo was told to stand clear of the Lead Car (with Curry, Lawson, Decker and Sorrels in it.) Effect: In that particular motorcade Kennedy was presented to his killers like a sitting duck ...
  5. @John Butler. Thx for the info .. ... ... It is my understanding, that there were several Oswald doubles around that days in Dallas, and nobody can say if the Cargo plane double was the Texas Theater double ... . it is therefore one of those interesting story's surroundings the assassination where one can see the fingerprints of intelligence, leading to nowhere ... as intended by the plotters, I guess ... KK
  6. Another "stand clear" pic, IMO ... And another one
  7. To me, it looks like, as if the driver of the Johnson car was told to stand clear of the Queen Mary and the presidential Limo, and that Greer was told to stand clear of the lead car ... as if the Queen Mary and the presidential Limo were hot potatoes. Isolated within the motorcade. It is a still from the YT-video UPDATE Motorcade Love Field to Dealy Plaza ... there are other clips in that Video which gives me that "hot potato" impression ..
  8. Quote, Douglass, James W.. JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (kindle version) I can't figure out the source of this cargo-plane claim ... can somebody enlighten me? Thx. KK
  9. Wild eyed Trump-Fan Jeanie Pirro gives a good summary of the Epstein affair, special guest: Cyril Wecht. Very entertaining ... Pirro and Wecht
  10. @Harry J. Dean That cute and handsome guy? Kidding?
  11. Maybe for anomalies like the "frozen lamppost" etc. the ARRB Zapruder Film test shooting ( November 1997) was sabotaged. It's a funny story. Perpetrators: David Marwell Jeremy Gunn Rollie Zavada Tom Samoluk Quote: David Lifton PIG ON LEASH: Horne Requests Test with Orignial Camerai Doug Horne knew what needed to be done: that film should be run through the Zapruder camera, in a test conducted at Dealey Plaza, preferably when the lighting was the same, and such test film be compared with the Zapruder film. It didn’t take a photo expert to understand why this should be done: a match between the test film and the Zapruder film would be powerful evidence that the Zapruder film was a genuine original; contrarywise, any mismatch might be probabtive, even definitive, on the issue of whether the film in evidence was not taken by the Zapruder camera. Neither David Marwell nor Jeremy Gunn wanted to do any such tests. Marwell looked with complete disdain at the notion that the Zapruder film might be a forgery. He said he had experience in college, either on the newspaper or in a photography club, with contact printing, and he just didn’t see how the film could be inauthentic. He kept bringing up the small size of an 8 mm film, saying: “You’d need engraving tools.” As Doug observed later, he simply failed to inform himself about optical editing technology. Gunn was a different matter. When Marwell left the ARRB, and the problem was passed to Gunn, the problem was political. Gunn did not have good relations with the five Board members, who—Doug tells me—thought of him as a closet assassination buff (and he was, in some ways). The Board members were essentially conservative, and Gunn knew they would never approve doing a test in Dealy Plaza; that their fear would be a New York Times headine, “ARRB Suspects Zapruder Film Forgery”. Doug thought their fears were completely exaggerated. It was well within the rights of the ARRB to investigate the provenance of any assassination record, and “record” could be more important that the visual record of the Zapruder film? When Marwell departed as Exec Director to take outside employment Gunn became Exec Director as well as General Counsel. This was the autumn of 1997. One day, Doug locked horns with Gunn on this issue. (...) Samoluk Goes to Dallas But let‘s return to Samoluk in November, 1997. It was November, 1997 when Samoluk went to Dallas, tasked with the job of taking pictures from Zapruder’s perch on November 22, something he really didn’t want to do, because Dealey Plaza can be a zoo on assassination anniversaries. Meanwhile, Rollie had sent a camera via Federal Express; it was loaded with film, and with directions, in a box to the ARRB in Washington; and now, in Dallas, Samoluk retired to his hotel room, and opened the box. He pulled out the camera, pressed the trigger, to make sure it would run, and nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing. Experimenting a bit in the hotel room, Samoluk became convinced that the camera was jammed, and gave up on the project. Upon returning to Washington, Doug ran over to him when he appeared at the ARRB offices, and asked excitedly (“like a puppy dog,” recalls Doug): “Did you conduct the test?” “With a sheepish look on his face,” recalls Doug, “he replied, ‘No, I didn’t, the friggin’ camera jammed.’” “What do you mean it jammed?” said Doug. “Well, either it jammed or the batteries were no good!”, replied Samoluk. “What do you mean, batteries?” said Doug, growing increasingly upset. “This camera doesn’t have batteries, you wind it with a big gigantic key that is on the side of the camera.” “And his jaw dropped open, his eyes got big, he got this ‘oh xxxx’ look on his face.” Doug called Rollie and confirmed that there were no batteries, and that Rollie had not wound the camera before he sent it to the Review Board. Rollie had sent a long list of operating instructions; but nowhere did it say ”Wind the camera.”ii “This was keystone cops, man, USG style,” says Doug, reflecting on the experience. Close Quote
  12. There is another good point in regard to this topic made by John Armstrong( I admit he digged out a lot of valuable details, although I don't buy his HARVEY and LEE theorie), that is: The Money order from Oswald to Kleins to purchase the Carcano (or one of the three 🙂 shown in this thread), was never cashed. Armstrongs conclusion, quote: "The easiest way to show ()that the rifle was never ordered or purchased by LHO is simply to look into the Warren Volumes at that money order. Once you see that it has never been cashed at a bank ( thee money order had some stamps missing)(...) you don't have a cashed money order you don't have a purchase." We have three different rifles never purchased by Oswald, at last not by the money order shown in the Warren Volumes. Source Len Osanics "50 Reasons for fifty years, ep. 39 ...
  13. If you watch that film below, when the lamppost comes into sight, compare it to the firewall. There are dark spots on the firewall. When the lamppost first appears, there is one dark spot (of the firewall, actually holes in that wall) to the left side of the top a the lamppost, when the cam is further following the car, and the lamppost disappears to the left, there are three dark spots at the left side of the lamp. The lamppost is moving to the left ... thats the parallax effect. A natural law. You can't see that natural law in the Zapruder film. The Zapruder film is "supernatural". A fake.
  14. Pumped: Everyone with any cam standing on Zapruders pedestal can prove, that the Zapruder film is a fake ... That parallax movement of the lamppost compared to the firewall while following with your cam a moving object on Elm Street (a car), is a natural effect. This natural effect is absent in the Zapruder Film. The Zapruder Film does not show any lamppost movement as a result of the natural law of parallax movements. The Zapruder Film is is a fake.
  15. @ Bart Kamp Two bodys??? Maybe ... but since there is no motorcade in your pic, its impossible to fix the moment it was made ... the same problem you have with the Dillard pic (IMO a fake) there is no motorcade in that pic, therefore you can't figure out the exact moment in time when it was made ... @ To all: The pic posted by me is a still out of the Robert Hughes film ... which BTW is badly cut ( a lot of frames are missing) and therefore manipulated like all the other films of the assassination. Some originals are out there in the unknown or destroyed down to the present day: (Nix-film.) Others never shown, for instance: the film of CBS Cameraman Thomas J. Craven who was sitting in the same follow up car as Wiegman. What we have, on You Tube and in some archives is a bunch of distorted, curt and manipulated film, non of us saw any uncut original version of any film of the assassination ... film analyses of the assassination is rather a useless business, other than realizing that what we got is useless junk ... where is the Zapruder original, where is the Nix-Original, where are the uncut versions of the Wiegmann, the Doorman the Muchmore film? It's a morass. Isn't it? There is another problem with Jarman, Norman and Williams: Their working place where they had their lunch and their tools, was on the sixth floor behind the westernmost window, where they were laying a new plywood floor. Why they would go a floor down and to the opposite site of the building where they had no business at all, to watch the parade where a southern live oak is blocking the view on elm street and where one could not make the observations, they described to the Warren Commission? (Kennedys reactions to the shots for example ...) ... I believe Jarman, Norman and Williams where watching the parade from the westernmost window of the sixth floor, where they were their working place was ( laying plywood under the supervision of the suspicious William Shelley, who was out in the front at the time of the shooting and with whom Oswald was standing around after the shooting, according to the FRITZ NOTES) ) , where they (J, N and Williams) had their tools and their lunch and the shooter they heard above them was on the seventh floor, in exact the same window the Rowlands saw a rifleman minutes prior to the shooting ... this man was on the seventh floor in the westernmost window. He was firing twice and was not Oswald. IMO this was the erect standing shooter Brennan saw, unless the Warren Commission brainwashed him. Note: The seventh floor is the only floor where a shooter can stand erect, while shooting as observed by Brennan. Everybody can prove that by his own. The building is still there. 😉 Erect Shooter in window: Only possible at seventh floor. KK
  16. should have been in these windows immediately before the shots rang out according to the Warren Commission. Where are they? I can't see anybody.
  17. Oswald had access to planes. The pilots which flew him, wherever his handlers want him to be, were Alexander Rorke jr. who disappeared with his plane in Sep. 1963, Hugh Ward who died in a plane-crash in the summer of 1964, and David Ferrie who died in February 1967 under suspicious circumstances. Acc. to Judyth Baker Oswald traveled to Mexico City by bus (first leg of his journey, where he was seen on that bus), and then by plane:, (that's why nobody saw him on the second leg. The Odio incident (in Dallas) at the time of Oswalds Mexico-Trip, is possible, considering a plane ... Again: Oswald had access to planes ... in other words: to explain Oswalds movements one must add the third dimension. ✈️ kinAski
  18. No. IMO these Operations (get Kennedy, get Castro plots) where completely separated. After the Cuban Missile Crisis IMO all Get Castro Plots fell in the category "illusionary warfare". To fool and soothe Cuban exiles and to fool low level agents like Oswald for purposes unknown to them. IMO the development of a bio-weapon in NOLA (aggressive cancer) was real. But it was not meant to kill Castro, but told so Ochsner, JVB., Shermann, Ferrie and Oswald to put them into a big trap after they smashed Oswald on Nov. 22.11.63 blaming him for a completely other thing, the killing of Kennedy. "Lone Nut Oswald" is the Cover for TWO plots: Castro/Cancer (illusionary warfare) ... Kennedy/Guns (the real thing ...) in other words. Oswald was involved in a US government plot to kill somebody, but it was Castro not Kennedy ... see Roccas statement on April 1. 1975 ? SECRET CIA FILE #104-10268-10005 ? (Wrong file number): ANGLETON'S CIA RIGHT-HAND MAN RAYMOND ROCCA TELLS WARREN COMMISSION MEMBER BELIN THAT LEE OSWALD WAS IN MEXICO CITY BECAUSE HE WAS INVOLVED IN A PLOT TO KILL FIDEL CASTRO kinAski
  19. Unfortunately I can't find the document. Maybe the file number is wrong. A summary of the Belin-Rocca conversation was posted on Facebook in 2017, by Judyth Baker. Thats the summary, quote: EYES ONLY' SECRET CIA FILE #104-10268-10005: (Wrong file Nummer?) Belin-Rocca-Conversation: 1.April 1975 ... 1. ANGLETON'S CIA RIGHT-HAND MAN RAYMOND ROCCA TELLS WARREN COMMISSION MEMBER BELIN THAT LEE OSWALD WAS IN MEXICO CITY BECAUSE HE WAS INVOLVED IN A PLOT TO KILL FIDEL CASTRO. (just as I (JVB)have been telling you since 1999). IN THIS DOCUMENT, WE LEARN THAT: 1. THE CIA KNEW LEE OSWALD WENT TO MEXICO CITY IN A PLOT TO KILL CASTRO. 2. [HISTORY: SINCE CIA'S ANGLETON HAD BEEN IN CHARGE OF LEE'S FAKE DEFECTION, ANGLETON'S "CLOSEST FRIEND", RAYMOND ROCCA, WANTS TO SEE HOW MUCH THE WARREN COMMISSION WAS TOLD ABOUT OSWALD.] 3. THE COMMISSION HAD SEALED UP SECRET RECORDS IT HAD RECEIVED FROM A DIFFERENT BRANCH OF THE CIA (ORIGINALLY FOR 75 YEARS). 4. ANGLETON WAS PARANOID AND DID NOT WANT ANY BLAME LAID ON HIS DEPARTMENT. 5. ROCCA WANTS TO GO ON RECORD THAT HIS DEPARTMENT WAS NOT MADE AWARE OF WHAT INFORMATION THE WARREN COMMISSION WAS GIVEN, OR HOW HIGH UP IT WENT. 6. ROCCA LEARNS THAT HELMS HIMSELF, HEAD OF THE CIA, FED THE WARREN COMMISSION THE CIA'S PUBLIC VERSION OF THINGS, NOT THE TRUTH. 7. HE TELLS BELIN HIS DEPARTMENT WAS NEVER MADE AWARE OF WHAT THE COMMISSION WAS TOLD. Close Quote IMO after the Cuban Missile Crisis the "higher circles" abandoned their plan to kill Castro- Kennedy had to go. For that reason, their agents (Dulles, Angleton, Rocca etc.) put Oswald in an "illusionary warfare" plot to kill Castro, to compromise him, when accused of killing Kennedy. In DPDs custody Oswald was caught in a trap. Not because he was part of the plot to kill Kennedy ( on the contrary, he was part of a team to save Kennedy), but of his deep involvement in a plot to kill Castro. That was the main reason, he was sent to MC: To make him believe, he was a key player in a plot to kill Castro, and to compromise him, when accused of the murder of Kennedy. TOPIC ON: Was Oswald in MC? IMO, yes. WHY? See my argument above. kinAski PS After Oswalds dead, the cover-up-team was working hard to make the world believe Oswalds MC episode was connected with the plot (his solitary plan) to kill Kennedy, while he was there as part of a plot to kill Castro. The "Oswald killed Kennedy" Cover was not only a protection for the real killers of Kennedy (and the US "higher circles" behind it), it was also a protection for a US-government plot to kill Castro with cancer ... IMO
  20. From the 2017 release of JFK Documents, discussed here several months ago ... the Belin-Rocca interview took place in the early 70ties, if I remember correctly ... 'EYES ONLY' SECRET CIA FILE #104-10268-10005: ANGLETON'S CIA RIGHT-HAND MAN RAYMOND ROCCA TELLS WARREN COMMISSION MEMBER BELIN THAT LEE OSWALD WAS IN MEXICO CITY BECAUSE HE WAS INVOLVED IN A PLOT TO KILL FIDEL CASTRO. (That's Judith Vary Baker told the public in 2010 in her book ME AND LEE in 2010 ... and have been telling us all since 1999). IN THIS DOCUMENT, WE LEARN THAT: 1. THE CIA KNEW LEE OSWALD WENT TO MEXICO CITY IN A PLOT TO KILL CASTRO. () kinAski
  21. If Crenshaw was correct, estimating the diameter of the puncture neck wound 3 mm to 5 mm, Perry ( or Carrico) had to enlarge the wound, resp. make an incision, because: "The outer diameter of the tracheostomy tube should be about ⅔ to ¾ of the tracheal diameter. ( An adult's trachea has an inner diameter of about 1.5 to 2 centimetres (0.6 to 0.8 in) and a length of about 10 to 11 centimetres (4 in.) As a general rule, most adult females can accommodate a tube with an outer diameter of 10mm, whilst an outer diameter of 11mm is suitable for most adult males." Kennedys neckwound was enlarged twice: by Perry (or Carrico) in order to put in the tube, then by the secret autopsy team, in order o search for a missile and destroy a "unsuitable" original wound (neckwound), which could not have been a bullet wound, by it's size of 3mm to 5 mm. (Crenshaw). BTW Crenshaw saw Perry making the incision, if I remember correctly. KK
  22. James Files is the Steven Witt of the grassy knoll ... 🙂
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