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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Bump, because the topic is linked to the "Alexandra Zapruder topic" ... The topic of this thread is: THE FROZEN LAMPPOST, or: The absence of the natural law of parallax in the Zappi film ...
  2. Be aware of Tunheim ... he is a Warren Commission disciple, with all it's implications ... KK
  3. There was another good idea to prove the authenticity of the Zappi film, suggested by Doug Horne to his ARRB superiors, which has nothing to do with ownership of the film. It was sabotaged by "the higher-ups at ARRB" Gunn and Co. of the ARRB ... Quote David Lifton PIG ON LEASH 1997 “I (Doug Horne) insisted on a film test in Zapruder’s actual camera in Dealey Plaza on November 22 at 12:30 PM,” recalls Doug. Gunn was cold, austere, distant, even hostile. “What are your reasons for wanting to do this test?” he said. “Film authenticity,” replied Doug. “And I said that the best way to test inauthenticity would be to see if the intersprocket sprocket image looked the same or not as the intersprocket image on the film at the Archives. That’s exactly what I said.” “He then completely astounded me by saying ‘Can you give me a reason to conduct this test that has nothing to do with authenticitiy?’” “I was floored by his question,” recalls Doug, “And I said, I literally exploded: ‘I can’t believe you’re asking me that question. That’s ridiculous. The only reason to do this test is authenticity.’ Gunn said : “Let’s call Rollie and put it to a vote.” And so, right on the spot, he called Rollie Zavada: How did he feel about conducting such a test—using Abe’s camera, upon the white pedestal, on November 22, at 12:30 PM? “I’ve already shot test film in Zapruder type cameras,” replied Rollie, “and the only thing that Doug is proposing that’s any different is to do it on November 22, at 12:30 P.M. Then Rollie delivered the coup de grace: “I see no reason to do this test with Abe’s original camera; it would be good enough to use any camera of the same make and model.” “And at that point, I knew I’d lost,” recalls Doug. “I was devastated. Really, I was.” Gunn immediately. proposed a compromise. “We’ve got Tom Samoluk going to Dallas on other business around November 22 [1997]. Can you send us a Zapruder type camera filled with film, and we’ll conduct the test that Doug wants, which is to shoot it on 11/22 at 12:30 PM?” “And Rollie said, ‘Sure, I’ll do that.’ “They thought they were doing a good thing,” says Doug. “I was extremely disappointed, because: (1) A film pro wouldn’t be conducting the test; it wouldn’t be Abe’s camera.” Doug says that he knew that if Zapruder’s actual camera wasn’t used, then whatever anomalies were discovered would be attributed to a camera-to-camera variation. “Those were all the things running through my mind, so I was very disappointed,” recalls Doug. But it wasn’t over—yet. Samoluk Goes to Dallas But let‘s return to Samoluk in November, 1997. It was November, 1997 when Samoluk went to Dallas, tasked with the job of taking pictures from Zapruder’s perch on November 22, something he really didn’t want to do, because Dealey Plaza can be a zoo on assassination anniversaries. Meanwhile, Rollie had sent a camera via Federal Express; it was loaded with film, and with directions, in a box to the ARRB in Washington; and now, in Dallas, Samoluk retired to his hotel room, and opened the box. He pulled out the camera, pressed the trigger, to make sure it would run, and nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing. Experimenting a bit in the hotel room, Samoluk became convinced that the camera was jammed, and gave up on the project. Upon returning to Washington, Doug ran over to him when he appeared at the ARRB offices, and asked excitedly (“like a puppy dog,” recalls Doug): “Did you conduct the test?” “With a sheepish look on his face,” recalls Doug, “he replied, ‘No, I didn’t, the friggin’ camera jammed.’” “What do you mean it jammed?” said Doug. “Well, either it jammed or the batteries were no good!”, replied Samoluk. “What do you mean, batteries?” said Doug, growing increasingly upset. “This camera doesn’t have batteries, you wind it with a big gigantic key that is on the side of the camera.” “And his jaw dropped open, his eyes got big, he got this ‘oh xxxx’ look on his face.” Doug called Rollie and confirmed that there were no batteries, and that Rollie had not wound the camera before he sent it to the Review Board. Rollie had sent a long list of operating instructions; but nowhere did it say ”Wind the camera.” Close Quote (David Lifton PIG ON LEASH) To prove the authenticity of the Zappi film within the ARRB was sabotaged on various levels by certain members of the ARRB itself. Gunn, Zavada, Samoluk ...
  4. It's funny that within one hour experts could prove if the Nat. Arch. Zappi film the originial or a copie and fake: Zapruder used an Kodak outdoor film. To make copies you have to use an indoor film, with different dye on it. (Because of the different light conditions indoor ...) quote David Lifton, PIG ON LEASH ( A Scene out of the ARRB, back in the 90ties ...) For Zavada to even make such a suggestion ( to scrutinize the dye on the film) shows that he is one very smart guy, and, more important, apparentnly had some suspicions and had engaged in enough thinking “outside the box”i to come up with a “thought experiment” for a quick test to see if this kind of hanky panky was going on. The dyes in K-II and K-IIA are different, and Zavada broached the suggestion (to Doug, at Least) that a single frame of the film be snipped for use with a spectrometer. The frame Doug had in mind was one of the thirteen at the beginning of the film. It would not be history’s loss if there was one less frame (than the 13 already there) of Zapruder’s secretary sitting in the pergola, before the motorcade appeared.Doug told me what happened. For David Marwell, it was completely out of the question; and ridiculous. As for Gunn, he rolled his eyes in disbelief. The fact is: this test is perfectly sensible. If the emulsion and the dyes check out, that wouldn’t prove it was authentic, but should they be shown to be “indoor film,” then that would constitute dispositive evidence of forgery. (The ARRB never did that test ...) close quote KK
  5. Tunheim is another Gary Mack: quote (From a COPA article) Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination November 29, 2013 By admin Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination by Douglas P. Horne, former Chief Analyst for Military Records, ARRB insidethearrb blog November 28th, 23:45 http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/2013/11/28/ JFKFACTS.org just published a recent article by U.S. News that quotes the former Chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board, Jack Tunheim, as follows—see this excerpt below: By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News The government’s most recent investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy began in 1994. The Oliver Stone movie “JFK” was still fresh in mind, and almost four in five Americans believed in a conspiracy to kill the 35th president. The investigation, by the Assassination Records Review Board, was aimed at piercing the persistent secrecy that surrounded the crime. The board unearthed tens of thousands of records on the killing that had never been released. Which makes its chairman, John R. Tunheim, among the most qualified people alive to talk about what happened Nov. 22, 1963. His conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald did it — and no one else. “I look back to the hard evidence of the case, the real evidence, the evidence admissible in court, and all of that points to Oswald acting alone,” Tunheim, who is now a federal judge, said this week from his chambers in Minnesota. Close quote Hahaha ...
  6. I do not think, that anybody else in the whole wide world ever had 82 bad arrests ... Groden the CTer martyr? Or Groden the mole, actor in what is called illusionary warfare, where the enemies in fact a cooperating in staged events for a purpose? KK
  7. Thx for the add. info ... I am still searching for the source that said the 7th floor was closed with a padlock from outside, when Truly/Baker reached it ...
  8. Since the Zapruder Film shown by Groden in 1975 is debunked as a piece of manipulated junk, I wonder if Groden knew from the beginning, that it was a "poison-pill", that he was providing the American public. The Zapruder film is half true half a lie, like the Pentagon papers. (Read Prouty ...) Generations of researchers are caught in those traps. If Ellsberg and Groden were moles in the CTer community, posing as heroes, but only out to muddy the waters, and spreading chaos from within, they are both candidates for the Distinguished Intelligence Medal There are more moles out there, than a CTer can imagine. They are still out there ... KK
  9. Guest Mark Valenti Guests Posted December 2, 2006 (edited) · Report post quote: This ladder was rushed into the TSBD after the shooting. Anyone happen to know why? Was it so police could search up and over stacks of boxes? Ceilings? I couldn't find anything in testimony and I was curious why a ladder was needed. ** Got my answer from Gary Mack - the top floor was inaccessible without the ladder. close quote That would be the attic, above the 7th floor, with the scuttle-like windows ... I remember that I read, a couple of months ago, that the 7th floor was locked with a padlock from outside, when Truly and Baker reached it some two minutes after the shooting ... But I can't remember the source ... KK
  10. When you watch the LHO-NOLA Videos on you tube, where he is providing his leaflets to passersby in Front of the Trade Mart and at Canal Street , he did it with his right hand ... like the right hander he was ... right hand man Lee H Oswald and here Lee Harvey Oswald pointing with his right hand to some spot on the sidewalk LHO was right handed ... you can see it with your own eyes ...
  11. There is a German book APOCALYPSE VIETNAM where Pierre Salinger said, quote: The day I embarked for Tokyo (via Honolulu) (20.11. 1963) Kennedy told me: I am about to negotiate with North Vietnam and I will make clear, that there will be no war in Vietnam.
  12. Trejo: you love the WC Report, like the Catholics love the Bible, the jews the Talmud and the Arabs the Koran ... you are a believer, not a thinker ,,, isn't it?
  13. Michael Clark Advanced Member Members 413 posts Gender:Male Location:New York Posted 8 minutes ago · Report post William F. Buckley??? Quote I guy recruited by E Howard Hunt ... KK
  14. Marina Oswald started her IC-career as as KGB honey trap in Leningrad back in 1959 ... she lied per order ...
  15. I do not believe, you are a moron ... so why you are support that house of cards H&L? And it is a house of cards and you know it. Have you ever read JVBkers ME AND LEE? Have you ever watched the Titovets Y-Tube video? Have you ever watched John Delane Williams blog? I do not think so. Otherwise you would not post your H and L BS without to twitch an eyelid ... Is posting this H&L public relation stuff your full-time job? KK
  16. Ruth Paine Fan and WC testimony believer Trejo is a waste of time. I ve crossed that bridges long ago.
  17. Fletch was an insider. He was present, when Foster Dulles in his home was calling his Russian counterpart (Mikoyan, Gromyko?), Topic: How to tell (present) Ike a certain cold war incident.
  18. "We have sworn testimony from no less than seven WC witnesses to bruises on [Marina's] face." To believe WC testimonies is like to believe in the easter bunny ... hold on Trejo LOL!
  19. Do not believe Hargrove ... he is just the court Jester of B_S. Artist John Armstrong Watch this
  20. Titovets was a witness ... J.Armstrong -- sorry -- is just a Bull-Sh ... artist out of Angletons Operation Chaos ... Titovets about the one and only Lee Harvey Oswald. Hargrove, please ---stop your disinfo Bull S .... Your paid by the word. KK
  21. Lone Nut prayer mill Baker smearing witnesses as usual ... what's up in the Lone Nut T-r-o-l-l factory? Well paying jobs there, I suppose ...
  22. I like the part where Castro says (address to the students of the University of Havana on November 27th, 1963 ...) quote: For example, in Mexico, there is an amateur shooting competition in which a lamb is set loose at a given point and it runs through the hills – I think it runs over a distance of 200 meters – and as it runs, three shots are allowed. The best shooters, with sufficient time on their hands and with total calm, very rarely hit the target twice as the animal runs the distance. And only in exceptional situations do they hit it three times – and this is with a lot of time at their disposal and absolute calm, absolute tranquility.And in most cases this is not done with telescopic sight rifles, but with the so called "Lyman sight" rifle, which is the one used for the American Garand rifles. These are shooting rifles with a small circle in the sight, in whose center the target is located. In order to shoot quickly, it is better to use one of those rifles than to use one with a telescopic sight, because you don’t lose sight of the target. But the news cables talked about a rifle with a zoom of four times to eighteen times, meaning a rifle that gets very close to the target. And the more powerful the sight, the more sensitive it is to any movement, and the easier it is to lose the target.There is, furthermore, the circumstance (and everything seems to indicate that the rifle could have appeared there as part of the plot) that the rifle was left there, since it is not the kind of weapon used to shoot at a target 80 meters away, nor a weapon to shoot three times in a row. The telescopic sight rifle a weapon to shoot at a target 300, 400, 500, 600 meters away and even more. Many of the fellows who came in the “Granma” practiced shooting at a dinner plate, 600 meters away, with a rifle rest, not one held by hand. That is how a sniper uses a rifle to shoot from afar. It is really weird that whoever was planning an assault at 80 meters, from a window, acquired a rifle with telescopic sight, when any other kind of weapon without a telescopic sight would have been a lot more appropriate for a shot from that distance. close quote KK In essence Castro says: By shooting at a target several times and fast, which is just 60 to 80 meters away, a telescopic sight is rather an obstacle than a help ...
  23. The JFK Assassination Short Aftermath On The Grassy Knoll Scene "Recreation" so called Recreation is a piece of the The Muchmore film Therefore I have discovered ( identified) a second piece of the famous Muchmore film .. . both short clips are from the same camera and there is no recreation ... KK
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