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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. D. Talbot writes in his new book THE DEVILS CHESSBOARD, that W. K. Harvey took a flight from Rome (where he was stationed) to Dallas, in November 1963 and said in an interview with DEMOCRACY NOW, that the CIA is reluctant to disclose W. K. Harveys flight-plans down to the present day... hm...
  2. Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time. Lyndon B. Johnson Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/l/lyndonbjo157407.html#QiTt639gRk4iSeXa.99 KK
  3. LOL. The first time I ordered Liftons FINAL CHARADE was back in 2002...but I am fine with that, because Goethe says: Was lange währt, wird endlich gut...
  4. bump Where is the Nix film? (July 2015) The whole film...not that blurred fragments on Y-tube... KK
  5. Acc. to Pierre Salinger, Kennedy wanted to visit Japan in mid January of 1964. The flight of the half of his cabinet(sic) to Japan the day he was assassinated, was the prelude to that visit, Salinger says. The lost speech to the Japanese people, which Kennedy wanted to held on Nov. 23. 1963 via satellite was another step in that direction. What was the agenda of Kennedys scheduled Japan visit?
  6. That would blame the ARRC for altering the evidence. IMO the Ferrell Foundation should better check every document provided to them from such tainted government investigation-bodys as the WC, the HSCA or the ARRC...why don't take scans of documents directly from NARA? KK
  7. I have no accsess to the NARA document in question. Here are the details of the document in question. CD 589, EXHIBIT D-110 –ELEVEN TIME CARDS, REILY, FBI REPORT 03 MAR 1964: TIME CARDS FOR MAY 17 AND MAY 31 HAVE THEIR ‘J’S’ REMOVED, AS WELL AS “MADE 40″ WHICH I WROTE ON BOTH OF THOSE CARDS. UNDER SEARCH OF FBIO DOCUMENTS, AT THAT SITE, PLUG IN “CD 589 03 MAR 1964″ TO SEE THE ALTERED DOCUMENTS. CONTRAST WITH THE UNALTERED ORIGINALS SHOWING ALL THE ‘J’ INITIALS AND ‘MADE 40′ NOTATIONS CLEARLY. (THESE WERE OBTAINED BY SIXTY MINUTES AND NANCY ELDRETH YEARS EARLIER FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES –FROM FBI FILES, SPECIAL PERMISSION AT THAT TIME NEEDED). Several month ago a made a screenshot of the JVB Facebook site, where she posted the original NARA document. The document is blurred, but one can see the "J" and the "40" on it, while those "J" and the "40" on the very same Mary Ferrell document is absent... Here is the screenshot: And here is the Mary Ferrell version of the very same document: the "J" and "made" and "40" on the right and left timecard in Bakers handwriting are missing, while it is visible in the card in the middle which is the handwriting of another person. (Don't say it is a bad scan, because all the other figures and letters on that Ferrell document are very sharp.)
  8. That Clip though it appeared in the Stone Movie JFK, was used by Stone but not filmed by him. Nobody in the research community is able to track down the origin of that Clip, yet. Who made it, when, for what purpose? It is a pretty sophisticated piece of film: I mean all those actors...and how accurate they are standing around in the positions of the Zapruder-film-bystanders...even the antenna of motorcycle-officer Hargis has the right backward angle (as one can see in the Zappi film)...but wait: there is some unusual behavior on the south side of Elm street... there is a running "agent" inserted and four Ladys! KK
  9. What A.J. Webermann has done to JVBs web-site has a name: cyber-terrorism. This man crawled out of Bob Dylans dustbin to poison the JFK research community... A.J Webermann, researching: quote: One day, Sara (Dylans wife) went outside to find AJ going through their garbage. Bob came out and told him to stay away from his family, telling him that if he messed with his wife he’d kick the xxxx out of him. A couple of days later, AJ was walking around on Elizabeth Street when all of a sudden he was attacked: quote Webermann: “I turn around and it’s like—Dylan. I’m thinking, ‘Can you believe this? I’m getting the crap beat out of me by Bob Dylan!’ I said, ‘Hey, man, how you doin’?’ But he keeps knocking my head against the sidewalk. He’s little, but he’s strong. He works out. I wouldn’t fight back, you know, because I knew I was wrong. He gets up, rips off my ‘Free Bob Dylan’ button and walks away. Never says a word.“ KK
  10. @Jim Hargrove Rorke died in an airplain crash about the end of September 63....the Ward Morrison crash in 64 was a completely different thing.... Do the homework... KK
  11. @Mods: The threat should be renamed: Who trusted Mary Ferrell, and can we trust the Ferrell Foundation. I think the two topics belong together. I was stunned, when I first saw prove of heavy online-document tampering of the MFF, which is a site where a lot of researchers bank on. I was stunned when JVB, who discovered this tampering, mentioned it to Jefferson Morley, who declined to go into that strange little thing, and said just words to the effect: There is no tampering at MFF, and it's boss, my Friend Rex Bradford is a good guy. Maybe. But in fact there IS a document alteration and it would be nice, when somebody of that Foundation would come forward to explain it. Me too I thought, Mary Ferrell was an honest Cter. Then I read INTO THE NIGHTMARE, where Joseph McBride writes a whole Chapter called THE GATEKEEPER, about her, accusing her of a DISHONEST MODUS OPERANDI, in her dealings with fellow researchers, which convinced me, that Mary Ferrell was one of the biggest moles in the CTer community ever. Note: among her friends were Hugh Aynsworth, Gary Mack and Barb Junkarrinnen. During the Garrison case, she served as FBI informant, and she was a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers AFIO, founded, yes, by David Atlee Philips. She was a lifelong Republican who disliked Kennedy. Dallas Tippit researcher Greg Lowrey said to McBride: "She hated Kennedy, it was no secret." Mary Ferrell was involved in the DPD Audio-tape hoax, (together with Gary Mack) she was involved in the Roscoe White hoax---she was, somehow involved in a campain to smear JVB... Not only Joseph McBride and Lowery had strange experiences with her. JVB had it. Dawn Meredith had it... Wouldn't be online document tampering of a site of a Foundation namend after her the natural sequel of Marys DISHONEST MODUS OPERANDI? I think so. KK
  12. here are the exact documents, which were altered and how. Quote JVB NOTE this information: CD 589, EXHIBIT D-110 –ELEVEN TIME CARDS, REILY, FBI REPORT 03 MAR 1964: TIME CARDS FOR MAY 17 AND MAY 31 HAVE THEIR ‘J’S’ REMOVED, AS WELL AS “MADE 40″ WHICH I WROTE ON BOTH OF THOSE CARDS. UNDER SEARCH OF FBIO DOCUMENTS, AT THAT SITE, PLUG IN “CD 589 03 MAR 1964″ TO SEE THE ALTERED DOCUMENTS. CONTRAST WITH THE UNALTERED ORIGINALS SHOWING ALL THE ‘J’ INITIALS AND ‘MADE 40′ NOTATIONS CLEARLY. (THESE WERE OBTAINED BY SIXTY MINUTES AND NANCY ELDRETH YEARS EARLIER FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES –FROM FBI FILES, SPECIAL PERMISSION AT THAT TIME NEEDED). Many researchers have copies of the unaltered time cards. Seems we will have to make a YouTube presentation, to show what was done–and why it matters. Erasing my presence from the record has been going on for some time, many of us believe, but this is the most recent example, having been detected in June, 2012. Close Quote
  13. Quote Joseph McBride Originally Posted by Joseph McBride on DP Forum Mary Ferrell once tried to recommend to me John K. Lattimer'sLINCOLN AND KENNEDY: MEDICAL AND BALLISTIC COMPARISONS OF THEIR ASSASSINATIONS as the best study of the medical evidence in the JFK assassination. I had read it, so this was one of the moments when I was alerted to her true nature as a disinformation specialist. close quote Judyth Baker discovered that somebody at the Ferrell Foundation is altering evidence: quote JVB (about her work at Reillys/NOLA with Oswald...) ...I have 11. Hired the same day, May 9, 1963, by Wm. B. Reilly as was Lee Oswald. Started at Standard Coffee, a small subsidiary to Reilly, the same day. Moved, one week later, on the same day, May 16, to Reilly from Standard with Lee. My initial ‘J’ is on most of Lee’s time cards, though two “J’s’ were recently erased at the Mary Ferrell Foundation site (the originals as in National Archives remain unchanged). close quote KK
  14. DVP is not allone. Here is another WCR parrot. quote: George H.W. Bush’s Eulogy for Gerald R. Ford The New York Times Published: January 2, 2007 Following is the transcript of the eulogy for former President Gerald R. Ford delivered today by former President George H.W. Bush in Washington, as recorded by The New York Times. EXCERPT… After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good. close quote But wait...there is a little difference between DVP and Poppy Bush: Poppy Bush is grinning, when he says: "After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy..." here KK
  15. DVP is the busiest man out of the Lone-Nut-xxxxx-factory. Several days ago such a government sponsored factory was discovered in Russia. Agenda: to make Putin appear a hero and smear all other politicians on twitter, facebook and hundreds of blogs and forums...a building was located, where the sole job of dozens of employees is to sit in front of there government computers and trolling all day long...they are well paid for Russian conditions: 800 Euro a month... Though I don't no where the Lone-Nut-xxxxx-Factory in the US is located, I know were the Lone-Nut-Headquarters are. It is called 6th floor museum. KK
  16. Karl: You write: "IMO JFKs proposal for a joint effort ( USA-SU)to reach the moon, in his UNO Speech on 20.9.1963 had nothing to do with an alien presence on earth. . ." To which I respond: How do you know? Don't you think its a bit extraordinary that--with all the Cold War tensions--JFK would 'reach out' like that to the Soviet Union? And then, look at the NSAM he wrote, and the people to whom it was addressed. Don't you find all this a bit, er, unusual? DSL David It is my understanding, that Kennedy offered a joint space program to Khrushchev first at the Vienna Meeting in May 1961. Khrushchev then showed no interest. The Chairman was about to change his mind in the fall of 1963. (Opposed were James Webb and nearly the whole NASA staff.) With Kennedy dead and buried, that idea was buried too. After Khrushchevs disempowerment, 11 month after Kennedys assassination, both sites decided to stage a race to the moon. I do not now how to insert aliens here. KK
  17. If one jumps to 43.min 00 sec of the first video one can watch very interesting stuff. On a blackboard the Dallas WFAA-Newsmann points out nearly the correct position of the picket fence shooter...indicating JFK was shot from the front. KK PS The TSDB is not mentioned in that short sequence. Nor is it painted on that blackboard...
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