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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. W: they did no such thing. The Harvey and Lee theory has been destroyed by Mark Stevens, Robert Charles Dunne, and Jeremy B. in numerous threads right here on this forum - not just at ROKC.
  2. What's illogical is rejecting the arrest reports of the actual three tramps, which show them to be nothing more than... tramps. This was thoroughly confirmed in 1992 reporting by Mary and Ray La Fontaine.
  3. Kevyan, I'll be interested to read your full article, but I am preemptively hoping we're in agreement that the Tramps were most definitely not CIA operatives and were in fact actual hobos...
  4. In fact, the opposite is true. We owe the members of the ROKC a debt of gratitude for authoritatively shredding the looniest and most embarrassing fringe theories in this case ("Harvey" and/or "Lee," I'm aiming a Minox camera in your direction...) -- theories that impugn the integrity and credibility of the JFK research community at large.
  5. Because that would have forced him to confront the fact that something was fishy as it pertained to the way Oswald's internal files were being handled.
  6. Amen, Jeremy. But maybe everyone at ROKC will finally take us here at the Education Forum more seriously now that we have unearthed the earth-shattering fact that Bob Dylan was involved in all the political assassinations of the 1960s? Or that every film and photo from Dealey Plaza has been altered?
  7. Again, hypothetically speaking ... let's assume Oswald did have "intelligence backing" for his trip to Russia. Are we then to assume that when Oswald marched into their office to renounce his citizenship, U.S. Embassy officials Richard Snyder and John McVickar were on the receiving end of an intelligence operation by their own government? Or were they in on the scheme from the beginning too? In my opinion, Oswald's behavior, despite whatever odd means by which he made it to the Soviet Union in the first place, shows no evidence of stemming from or being a part of an intelligence-backed operation.
  8. Thanks Greg. I guess I'd again pose the question to both you and Steve: ONI presence at Marina's early interrogations may not have been strictly above board, but do we have reason to suspect it was anything more than the agency just attempting to cover its own backside due to Oswald having been an ex-Marine?
  9. A little walk down memory lane: Alexander Butterfield discusses Fletcher Prouty's allegations about him on "60 Minutes" in 1975:
  10. Steve, in your opinion, is there anything untoward or unusual about the above?
  11. Right, so, as I expected, there's no evidence to support Oswald and Ruby having known each other, and as Ben correctly observes, "witness statements are notoriously unreliable" vis a vis these memos. It should be pretty laughable to any reasonable person here that you slam Judyth Baker and then moments later resurface the idiotic Harvey and Lee theory as some bastion of higher truth. Have fun wading in the "depths" with "both hands and a flashlight." Let me know if you need help dragging any doppelgangers up from their CIA-sponsored tombs, mmkay?
  12. OK.. but can you point to any credible, non-Judyth Baker evidence to support the notion that Oswald and Ruby actually did know each other, which would in turn back up the claims made in this memo? I've certainly yet to see it.
  13. There is no "other" Zapruder film and there never has been.
  14. This is one the most bizarre things I’ve ever read on this forum. You first realized that you were “amazed” that Jews were “successful” in… the 1980s? Well gee, what did you think about them BEFORE the 1980s, Sandy? What type of research was necessary for you to undertake before you came to this earth-shattering conclusion? Either way, we Jews are so relieved to know you deem us to be smart and competent!
  15. To say nothing of how absolutely ludicrous these theories are, there's already (regrettably) another current thread on this subject. Why another separate one?
  16. Two words: Roland Zavada. http://www.jfk-info.com/zavada1.htm
  17. The level to which you are misinformed about this is truly staggering, to say nothing of the unspoken implication you're making. They didn't "transform" her into anything. Her first husband, to whom she was married in 1959, was a New York photographer named Hans Lownds, He was a widow, and his previous wife was named Shirley. He asked if his new bride would change her name, so that he would not need to be reminded daily of the pain of his previous wife's passing. She agreed. She was using this name when she met and later married Dylan. They were together for 13 years and raised five talented, well-adjusted children. The end.
  18. Hardly. I'm saying that the meaning you're deriving from them, ie., that he somehow has insider knowledge about various political assassinations of the 1960s and may have been involved in them (??!?(, is absolutely absurd and without any evidence to support it.
  19. Uhhhh, no. He isn't. And I believe it's beyond absurd to think he is.
  20. There is absolutely ZERO evidence to support such a claim, much like your prior insinuation that Bob Dylan is somehow involved in the assassination too...
  21. Have you read Jefferson Morley's "The Ghost" ? I would think this would strongly disabuse any rational person of the notion that Israel was involved in Kennedy's assassination.
  22. This is one of the more embarrassing threads on this forum in recent memory, and that's really saying something ...
  23. The "popularity he garnered?" The man was run off this and other forums because of his preposterous, poorly researched claims and frequent personal attacks against other members. That hardly sounds like popularity to me...
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