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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. A researcher who believes the figure known as "Prayer Man" is TSBD employee Sarah Stanton.
  2. How is this relevant to discussion of the Kennedy assassination? Do you believe Communism is evil?
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/spanish-lawmakers-approve-transgender-rights-bill-2022-12-22/ I'd love to see Gil Jesus explain to these happy people why they're wrong and his version of "God" is correct about their gender.
  4. Thank you, Pat, for once again adding the proper nuance to this particular issue .. something that many regular posters here refuse to do.
  5. This coming from someone who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. Your massive hypocrisy should be apparent to any regular reader here.
  6. You're actually asking me to "explain why" Gil's comment "might be offensive," as if you yourself can't imagine why someone might think that?
  7. Sounds a lot like Kennedy is calling out people such as yourself, who make racist and transphobic statements here such as "God determined that kid's sex. Not a kindergarten teacher, God Almighty. And he doesn't make any mistakes."
  8. Probably because it never happened? Livingstone was also openly hostile to Wesiberg in highly paranoid letters written to him a few years prior to this, and he later started peddling a bunch of absolute nonsense about Mary Ferrell being a long-term, paid disinformation agent ...
  9. Gene, seriously? “Are being separated?” You make it sound like Michael and Ruth pried Lee and Marina away from one another against their will. In reality, the Paines offered their help and the Oswalds accepted, entirely of their own volition and based on their dire personal circumstances at the time.
  10. This is correct - I knew about it at the time but for some reason didn't post anything here. Both Wallace and David were exceptionally kind to me as a young researcher, a period during which we spent many hours talking on the phone. Although I have come to disbelieve the core tenets of David's body alteration theory, I think we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his tenacity and research acumen.
  11. Greg, I believe this was confirmed by one of David's nephews on Facebook.. someone shared the post earlier in the thread.
  12. I've never been more happy to block someone on this forum than I am with Matthew Koch. Go peddle your nonsense somewhere other than a thread about the death of a significant assassination researcher.
  13. Your reading comprehension is poor. I never said Trump was anti-semitic. I said Kanye West is. Trump is a phony and a disgrace for not repudiating West’s remarks after warmly welcoming him to a dinner.
  14. Trump JUST HAD DINNER WITH Kanye West and has not repudiated his disgusting anti-semitic ravings in any way. And you call me disingenuous?
  15. Yep! Kanye West is an anti-semitic, N*zi-shilling lunatic who is welcomed with open arms by the likes of Trump. Do you not have an issue with that?
  16. A laughable statement. Are you suggesting Robert knew his brother was innocent but instead spent the next 50+ years purposefully claiming he was guilty? If so, why on earth would he do that?
  17. No, your point is moot, because there is no hard evidence that Kennedy was hit in the head by a frangible bullet.
  18. What cover? There is no hard evidence of Oswald associating with other potential conspirators in Dallas in the weeks prior to the assassination.
  19. Gene, come on. There's no "Rockefeller connection" - for crying out loud, the restaurant you are referencing is one of the most well-regarded in the NYC five boroughs. That would be like me saying you had a "connection" with Donald Trump because one of your children got married at a Trump golf course ...
  20. Didn't the elder Newcomb claim in Murder From Within that presidential limousine driver William Greer shot Kennedy in the head with a pistol from the front seat of the car?
  21. Thank you, Pat. I'm alarmed by how many people on this forum seem incapable of seeing the nuance in this particular issue.
  22. If Sandy is the kind of researcher he claims to be, he is more than familiar with the evidence that Oswald was physically abusive to Marina. In this case he is just choosing to pretend it doesn't exist, while simultaneously hitching his wagon to absurd theories involving Oswald doppelgangers and nearly every piece of evidence in this case being falsified.
  23. Gene, I'm not just talking about Peter Gregory. Oswald's treatment of Marina was well-known to several people in the Dallas White Russian community, as well as Oswald's own mother. And as mentioned, Marina is on record about Oswald's violence towards her. What's more, Oliver Stone depicts these episodes in "JFK." Are you and others here now retrospectively claiming he did so without evidence that they actually happened?
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