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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. Steve, I never said anything about forum members "asking anyone's permission" to post here. People can of course post whatever they want, but they need to then be prepared to discuss the relevancy of said post to JFK assassination-related content. In this case, I don't see the connection at all.
  2. What on earth are you talking about? What does the number of shots fired at deGaulle have to do with the number of shots fired at President Kennedy? They are two completely different events taking place under completely different circumstances. What is your actual point? I can't detect one.
  3. This has nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination - it's a scene from a movie. Please move this discussion to another forum.
  4. Oh brother - “removed” from Altgens 6? It’s depressing that people are still pushing ridiculous alteration theories involving this image …
  5. There is no proof whatsoever that Gordon Arnold was in Dealey Plaza, other than his own claims. Likewise, Beverly Oliver is a super nice person, but she is absolutely not the Babushka Lady.
  6. Thank you for confirming that indeed you do not have anything of substance to add to the discussion other than jive-talking gobbledygook.
  7. And as usual, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I never claimed Nagell wrote the book. I also never said a word about Russell’s research methodology. Stop putting words in my mouth.
  8. This is covered extensively in "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and in blog posts such as this. Nagell was in a plane crash in 1954 while in the Army and was never the same afterwards. Soft evidence? Depends on what you believe. Nagell himself claimed even HE didn't know which agency he was allegedly working for and that he in effect became a 'double agent" when he was ordered by a foreign power to kill Oswald but refused. I personally don't believe that ever happened.
  9. Nagell was suffering from mental issues due to a brain injury long before he ever allegedly got embroiled with "the CIA and its henchmen" ... and there is no hard evidence he was ever an "employee" of said agency.
  10. We can only DREAM that such a thing would come to pass! Let's see if we can manifest it.
  11. There's plenty of reasonable doubt that Brugioni is accurately recalling what happened regarding the Zapruder film briefing boards...
  12. Do you ever.. literally ever.. have anything of substance to add to the discussion other than jive-talking gobbledygook?
  13. It's the classic/pointless argument of, "well, I PERSONALLY don't think something is logical so that MUST mean something fishy is going on." Gil's one-sided analysis fails to consider anything whatsoever about Oswald's known actions and penchant for inflating his own activities as ones he considered of vital importance to foreign governments and oppressed peoples.
  14. Thank you for calling this out, and not dignifying his disgusting implication that "a guy allegedly from Denmark" couldn't possibly know more about the English language than him.
  15. Will you please, for the love of God, stop clogging up the forum with these ancient, tremendously unfunny memes? At least you've stopped posting ones with the "N" word in them, so I guess that's what passes for progress here these days?
  16. No legitimate researcher should be "convinced," because Lifton never provided any concrete proof of how any such pre-autopsy alterations could have taken place. Forgive me if I'm not going to hold my breath for such revelations to come out now that he has passed away...
  17. This is hardly a "simple fact," no matter how much you desperately want it to be -- and one of the many reasons David Lifton spent more than 40 years trying, in vain, to explain how such a thing could actually be accomplished.
  18. Thank you, Matt. I worked with Adam professionally on many occasions over the years. It is ludicrous for anyone to claim that "the C19 virus was benign to people under 65."
  19. Do you have a shred of actual evidence that these individuals are "supporting Litwin's career" ? I didn't think so.
  20. It's hardly an excuse. It's a logical, reasonable explanation for why Captain Fritz reacted the way he did.
  21. So what? Were you wanting him to stop and survey the entire room? As usual, you are imagining some nefarious deeper meaning when in fact there is none there.
  22. But it has everything to do with people on this forum who expect reasonable thinkers to believe that nearly every single piece of evidence in this case is fake, which is as ludicrous of a proposition as "Harvey and Lee" itself.
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