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Paul Trejo

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About Paul Trejo

  • Birthday 06/06/1952

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    Austin, Texas
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    Hegelian Philosophy, World Theology, World Music, JFK Research into Ex-General Walker

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  1. Robert, starting at 1:07, I don't hear Blakey saying that Oswald was intelligence. Here's how I heard it: BLAKEY: We have to ask, "What are we talking about?" Are we talking about whether Oswald shot Kennedy and can we determine that through CIA files or Hoover files - of the FBI? RR: The question is, "Was LHO intelligence or not?" BLAKEY: YEAH. The Warren Commission painted a story of Oswald as a loner. . . My point is that when Blakey said "YEAH" there, I don't think he was answering your question, "Was LHO intelligence or not?" Rather, I think Blakey was answering his own open question: "What are we talking about." You clarified that for him, and so he said, "YEAH". My evidence is that Blakey continued with his observation that the WC decided that Oswald killed JFK, but could not figure out WHY! That is, was Oswald part of a conspiracy (known by the CIA or FBI) or was he just a lone nut? By the way, I think his first question was crucial, namely, "Can we determine that Oswald shot JFK through CIA files or Hoover's FBI files?" That's the key question of December 2022, because when (and if) President Biden releases the final JFK top secret files, will we find the answer in CIA files or in FBI files? For 58 years, I reckon that most JFK researchers have been scouring CIA files to blame the CIA and have failed miserably to find any smoking gun. Hundreds of JFK researchers after 58 years! It's a pitiful record. I predict that when all the JFK top secret files are finally released, the answer will emerge from FBI files. So, you might ask -- "Was Oswald then an FBI agent?" After decades of research, I find no evidence that he was. On the contrary. I say Oswald was a Zelig. Oswald shot at General Walker in April 1963 because he was hanging out with George De Mohrenschildt (who informed for the CIA, but was not a CIA agent). George hated General Walker (cf. I Am A Patsy! 1977). Then, Oswald moved to New Orleans where he began hanging out with David Ferrie, Guy Banister, and Clay Shaw, who were trying to infiltrate the FPCC in order to get closer to Fidel Castro (to kill him). In early 1963 Oswald was on the left. In mid-1963 Oswald was on the right. Oswald was a young, 23-year-old Zelig. He defected to the USSR at the age of 19. Then he realized he couldn't stand it and he returned. He was young and immature. He wasn't a nut. He was bright -- but he couldn't get a break.
  2. Trouble is, the CIA didn't kill JFK. Sure, Howard Hunt confessed, sort of, to being a bagman for Frank Sturgis. He was a ROGUE for the radical right wing. Frank Sturgis boasted about the JFK plot -- but he wasn't a CIA agent (he was a so-called "asset" in the plot to kill Fidel Castro). He was a ROGUE for the radical right wing. David Morales confessed -- sort of. But he was a ROGUE for the radical right wing. So -- after nearly 60 years of searching for a smoking gun in the CIA Headquarters -- nothing came up. Give it up. When (and if) the FINAL files on the JFK assassination are released, the answer will be found in the FBI files, not the CIA files, I predict. Hoover knew exactly who did it.
  3. Then Lee Harvey Oswald surely had accomplices -- which would be a slap in the face of the Warren Commission, which bent over backwards to convince the public that Oswald "had no accomplices who are still at large." By the way, J. Edgar Hoover mandated the very same day that JFK was assassinated that Oswald was the Lone Shooter. Before any trial! So, that could prove that Hoover knew exactly who killed JFK. Now, some would conclude that Hoover must have therefore been a part of the JFK plot. I say no. I say that Hoover's fat records of Oswald, including his summer of 1963 in New Orleans, told him right away who the assassins were; namely, the radical right wing in Dallas (and New Orleans) In order to avoid rioting in US streets, and in order to avoid giving the USSR a field-day of propaganda during the peak of the Cold War, Hoover cleared with LBJ the strategy of blaming Oswald for everything. So, it truly was a matter of national security. The assassins would be punished separately and secretly, I say.
  4. Just because a Cuban guy migrated to the US in 1955, is no reason to conclude that he never went back to Cuba to visit family, or girlfriends. The well-to-do classes in Cuba regularly traveled to the US, as well as to Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Panama, and so on. Silvia Odio had extended family throughout the Caribbean, and she traveled regularly throughout the region. She went to college in the US. The evidence exists.
  5. Pete, we've read many of the same reports about John Bowen and Albert Osborne. There are so many variations and conflicting accounts about these two names, however, that I've formed an alternate opinion. I suspect that a smear campaign began in 1964, in Washington DC, simply because Bowen/Osborne refused to confirm the WC dogma of a "Lone Shooter." The FBI called on the CIA, which called on England's MI6, and the smear campaign was complete -- based entirely on innuendo. IMO, John Bowen and Albert Oswborne were the same man, an itinerant Baptist preacher -- a Bible minister with no home Church. That's rare, but it happens. Often it's because the preacher has something personal to hide. Was he an opioid addict? Then Mexico would be inconvenient because the opioid abuse laws in Mexico applied very long prison sentences. Was he gay? Then Mexico would be convenient because it's right next door to the US, it has a cheaper cost of living, and anonymity would be easier. It's more likely that Bowen/Osborne used Mexico to "cruise" quite often -- though he lived in the US. Since he had no Church he could set up an informal circuit among small Baptist Churches which would accept him a couple weeks a year, perhaps. In any case, anybody who regularly used an alias to travel in Mexico was probably living a double life. He could switch ID's quickly in case of any scandal. If authorities in the US or in Mexico had any firm charges on which to hold him, he would have likely been long in prison. To me, the fact that Brown/Osborne was traveling freely suggests a secret life -- but not necessarily a criminal life. Nor does it suggest a life of politics. 'Gays in the closet' seems to be a recurring theme in the Warren Commission Hearings. Ex-General Walker; Warren Reynolds; J. Edgar Hoover; Dean Andrews; Wesley Buell Frazier; all these reveal unintentional snippets. Bowen/Osborne, IMO, is just one more. There are others. So, why would the WC smear him? Because he refused to confirm Hoover's Lone Shooter theory. Bowen/Osborne had to be silenced. There's my view, Regards, --Paul Trejo
  6. The claim that Bernardo de Torres was one of the three strangers at the door of Silvia Odio during the final week of September 1963, is belied by the report that Silvia knew Bernardo de Torres in Cuba before the Fidel Castro revolution. She knew Bernardo -- so she would not use the word "stranger" to describe him. I believe that Silvia Odio gave us -- to the very best of her ability -- what she remembered. These were strangers, she reported. For example, Silvia insisted -- multiple times -- that she could not remember the date of the visit. She was instructed to "guess" and then her incorrect "guess" was twisted in order to call her a L-I-A-R. Silvia Odio's report had to be quashed for the same reason that Earlene Roberts' report (of a cop car outside her house when LHO was in there) had to be quashed. Their claims could never be accepted by Hoover or Warren because their claims would become hard evidence that LHO had accomplices. That was precisely what Hoover would never accept. (And LBJ strong-armed Earl Warren to agree with Hoover). No accomplices! Ever! Under no circumstances could the Radical Right in Dallas become suspects of fooling LHO. No accomplices! For National Security! (That's also why the WC upheld the neurotic testimony of Mary Bledsoe [Dallas bus passenger] and William Whaley [Dallas taxi driver] who insisted that LHO was alone on their bus and taxi rushing to Oak Cliff. They affirmed Hoover's Lone Nut theory, so their nonsense testimony was accepted -- actually treasured.) Silvia Odio's testimony clearly implies that LHO had two accomplices at a minimum. These visiting strangers were not Bernardo de Torres or Angelo Murgado. Silvia knew both of them. Angelo, when interviewed, claimed that he saw LHO sitting inside Silvia's house. Silvia said she made it clear that these strangers were never welcome to cross her threshhold. At best, Angelo suffered from a "mistaken identity". Besides, if anybody was using a "war name" alias as the strangers claimed, claimed, then Angelo would never use his actual name as his "war name!" A far better theory is proposed by Harry Dean (since 1965), i.e., "Leopoldo" was really Loran Hall (a Cuban-American with the actual war name, Lorenzo) and "Angelo" was really Larry Howard (a Mexican-American with the war name, Alonzo). Harry Dean knew Loran Hall and Larry Howard very well, and regularly helped load paramilitary supplies into their trailer so that they could haul them to New Orleans and Miami. Loran and Larry, claims Harry Dean, actually drove LHO from New Orleans to Mexico -- briefly stopping in Dallas and Silvia Odio's apartment on their way. By the way -- in the Spanish language, there is no first name of "Lee". In Spanish it's unknown (except as a Chinese surname). The closest we get in Spanish is "Leon". Not an alias -- it's simply the Spanish version of "Lee". Silvia's memory (she admitted) was imperfect. She couldn't remember the exact day, and she couldn't remember the Mexican's name -- only that it started with an "A". Still, she always stood by her testimony that these three were strangers to her, and the English speaking American was LHO -- "Leon Oswald." Also, the nonsense that the "Lone Nut" traveled alone to Mexico City by bus, was affirmed by the wacky testimony of Pamela Mumford and John McFarland. (Their testimony crumbles like crumb cake). John Bowen, another passenger on that same bus, denied that LHO was on that bus. So, he was quickly slammed as a "Soviet spy." Why so quick? Because he rejected this "Lone Nut" testimony, that's why. Loran Hall was a scary guy -- quite violent. Very likely Silvia would have been afraid of him. Larry Howard followed Loran Hall almost everywhere, says Harry Dean (even today). Regards, --Paul Trejo
  7. Joe, I'm returning to EF after quitting in 2018 (2010-2018). So, I'm just getting around to your riveting post. I agree with you 100% as well as with most of those who've replied to you. Earlene's testimony points to a Dallas Police conspiracy. Yet I prefer the interpretation of Dr. Walt Brown (1995, Treachery in Dallas). The more likely plot scenario among rogue members of Dallas Police is a plot working closely with (or under) extremists among the Dallas right-wing. Earlene was shut out by the WC for the same reason that Silvia Odio was shut out, namely, for even suggesting that Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) had accomplices. That's the same reason that the WC celebrated the mistaken-identity testimony given by Pamela Mumford as PROOF that LHO was on that BUS to Mexico -- i.e. that he had no accomplices. Official Mexican immigration files, however, recorded that Lee Oswald crossed the border in a passenger in a car, with two others. NO!! The WC would rather celebrate the paper thin testimony of Pamela Mumford, than let anybody even THINK that LHO had any accomplices. Hoover's Sunday mandate to his staff, and a report to the Attorney General's office, included this: "The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial" (J. Edgar Hoover, 11/25/1963). That's why the WC shut down Earlene Roberts (and others). Thanks for the interesting thread. --Paul
  8. Vince, I just finished reading your book, Survivor's Guilt (2013). I should have read it long ago. Here are just a few of my remarks: Chapter 2: A "Hot" City Goes "Cold"; No Threats. Here is the main crux of the matter, to me. The Secret Service PRS (Protective Research Section) provided three separate reports, as you said in your opening sentence. Never was any threat reported for Dallas -- where UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson had been struck on a Dallas street, and spat upon on October 24, 1963. As Chris Cravens wrote (1993), that WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK handbill circulated around Dallas around Dallas on October 24th, also. No Dallas insider doubted where it came from. On November 8 -- only sixteen days after the Adlai scandal -- Secret Service agent Winston Lawson asked the PRS for dangerous people in Dallas. "None," was the answer. On November 10 -- Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman asked the PRS for dangerous people in Dallas. "None," was the answer. On November 22 -- Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood asked the PRS for dangerous people in Dallas. "None," was the answer. So, where did the PRS get their information? Answer: from Dallas Secret Service staff and Dallas FBI staff. Chapter 4: The Trade Mart & The Mystery of the Motorcade Route. Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels took a leading role in promoting the Trade Mart as the JFK speech venue. In his WC testimony, however, he claims he wanted someplace else, and Washington DC folks demanded the Trade Mart. Sorrels admitted to the WC, however, that he was the one who selected the Motorcade Route. it was the same route used by FDR and Truman, he said, except for that tricky turn down Houston and Elm. Sorrels noted that the Dallas Police quickly approved of that specific Route. Seeing the wide agreement, the Washington DC Secret Service went along with it. Chapter 5: Calling Off the Guard & Strange Omissions. Here is a clear demonstration of a Dallas-based plot, in my opinion. Sheriff Bill Decker, according to multiple reports, had ordered his Dallas Deputies to stand down during the JFK motorcade, and become mere spectators. Yet, Decker had promised the Secret Service, only one day beforehand, that he would "furnish 15 of his men for duty!" Dallas officials regularly blamed Washington DC for the lapse in JFK security, yet Dallas was the key entity that had failed in its duty. Not only the Dallas Sheriff; not only the Dallas Police -- but especially the Dallas Secret Service. It seems clear that Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels directed the flow of information for all parties involved in the JFK motorcade in Dallas. It seems to me that deception was his main intent. Chapter 6: Security Stripping: Further Examples. Dallas Police Captain Perdue Lawrence told the WC that at 5 PM on the day before the JFK motorcade, he was ordered to a special meeting. Dallas Secret Service SAIC Forrest Sorrels was the senior officer in a room full of Chiefs. The purpose of the meeting was a change in motorcycle protection. Claiming that JFK wanted this, the Dallas Police motorcycles were instructed to "fall back" and stay to the rear of the JFK limo. Chapter 11: Roll Call of Participants: Part Two. This chapter includes a section dedicated to Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels. Sorrels told his good buddy Orville Nix that the shots came from the Grassy Knoll. The following is what Sorrels told the Warren Commission in 1964: Soon after arriving at Parkland Hospital in Chief Curry's lead, Sorrels ordered some police to speed him back to the TSBD. Why that building? Sorrels told the WC that he just mean "that general area." When Sorrels arrived at the TSBD, he immediately went to the back entrance, and noticed it wasn't sealed off. He asked a bystander if anybody had come out the back way, and the bystander said, "No, sir!" Sorrels then demanded the TSDB supervisor, and Roy Truly was right there. Sorrels ordered Truly to get the names and contact info for every employee -- because he wanted witnesses quickly. Sorrels then rushed out the front door of the TSBD and shouted, "Who saw anything?" People quickly pointed to Howard Brennan, who had been telling policemen that he saw the man shooting the rifle in the eastmost 6th floor TSBD window. Brennan thought he might be able to identify him. Sorrels asked him for an immediate description. All Brennan could say was -- "slender with a light colored jacket." So, that's the description that Sorrels ordered the Dallas radio dispatch to tell all cars. Sorrels shouted, "Who else saw anything?" People pointed to high-school student Amos Euins. He had also seen a man shooting a rifle from the eastmost 6th floor TSBD window. But Euins said he could not tell if the man was Black or White. Sorrels took both Brennan and Euins to the Sheriff's Department, where Deputies were taking depositions from eye-witnesses. Sorrels at the Sheriff's Department met Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roland. Roland had seen a man with a rifle and scope near the west 6th floor TSBD window. He told his wife that the man must be in the Secret Service. So he didn't tell the police. Sorrels then learned about a man from the DalTex building who had filmed the JFK head shot. His name was Abraham Zapruder. Sorrels rushed to Zapruder and got agreement to get a copy, and rushed Zapruder to Eastman Kodak to develop the film. Sorrels then called his office for the first time that afternoon -- and learned that Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz had a suspect in the JFK assassination. Sorrels rushed to the Police Department to interview the suspect -- Lee Harvey Oswald. Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels had clearly played a major role in the events of 11/22/1963. He seems to have touched all the key bases. The motorcade route, the lead car, Parkland Hospital, the TSBD, key witnesses, and face time with Lee Harvey Oswald. Yet, as you pointed out on page 305, Vince, the FBI got a call on 11/27/1963 from a woman who had heard a recent speech by Forrest Sorrels at her Lady's Club. She told the FBI that Sorrels was, "definitely anti-government, against the Kennedy administration, and she felt his position was against the security of not only the President but the United States." This is why, Vince, I hope to see even more research into Forrest Sorrels. He seems to be very near the center of the cyclone. All best, --Paul
  9. Bill, Jason Ward and I have a web site in which we have been developing the WC testimony of Dallas Police, Deputies, and the Dallas FBI and Dallas Secret Service. Here it is: https://www.ciadidnotkilljfk.org/blog Forrest Sorrels is, in my current reading, the dirtiest of office holders in Dallas, vis-a-vis the JFK Assassination. The White House Secret Service relied almost entirely on the local Dallas Secret Service agent, Forrest Sorrels, for their perception of Dallas -- and IMHO he deliberately deceived them in coordination with FBI agent James Hosty, Robert Alan Surrey and Ex-General Edwin Walker (to name a few). All best, --Paul
  10. Joe, By the numbers again -- (1) The person who actually struck Adlai Stevenson on the head with her poster was a well dressed older woman. When Adlai asked her why she did it, her reply was, "Well, everybody else here knows why -- why don't you know?" The key in my opinion is that Dallas was itself a bastion of the Radical Right. Oil billionaire H.L. Hunt was a heavy financier of the John Birch Society. Another Dallas socialite on Radical Right was the academic giant, Robert Morris, president of the University of Dallas (who was a former attorney supporting Joe McCarthy, and saw Communists everywhere in Washington DC). To be inside respectable Dallas Society, one had to be close to the Radical Right! "Everybody else here knows why" that woman bopped Adlai on the head in Dallas on 10/24/1963. For Forrest Sorrels to claim that there were no dangerous people in Dallas -- after witnessing the "WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK" handbills circulating around Dallas -- not just on 11/22/1963, but also on 10/24/1963 (says Chris Cravens, 1991) -- he would have to be inside the JFK plot. I see no other explanation. (2) Remember that FBI HQ didn't originally assign James Hosty to Lee Harvey Oswald -- they assigned Hosty to General Walker. Hosty admits this on page 4 of his book, "Assignment Oswald" (1996). Yet Hosty spent much of 1963 asking the FBI to assign Oswald to him -- and they resisted for months. Why would Hosty do this? In my reading, it is because he had turned and had begun to follow General Walker. In my reading, General Walker hated the fact that a Marine "defector" to the USSR returned to Walker's home town, Dallas, with a Russian wife! Walker couldn't sleep at night. Hosty bothered Belmont and Hoover for months -- until they relented and let Hosty track Oswald. And when he did, he fed all his data to Walker, and only a little to the FBI HQ. That's my reading. In my opinion, Sorrels and Hosty are two of the dirtiest characters in the Dallas JFK plot. Lucky for us -- history has given us their Warren Commission testimony. For 55 years CTers have been looking in the wrong places, trying to blame the CIA, the Mafia, Hoover, LBJ and anybody except the Dallas Radical Right -- who have been in plain sight for 55 years. (3) It seems amazing -- but the evidence convinces me -- the Secret Service from the White House in Washington DC relied so heavily on Forrest Sorrels and James Hosty -- that they neglected their own Standard Operating Procedures. In my reading, Sorrels and Hosty were both working for the interests of General Walker -- the good pal of H.L. Hunt and Robert Morris -- with underlings like Wade, Curry, Decker, Fritz, and many of their men, ready, willing and able -- right there at Dealey Plaza -- a famous Dallas killing floor. (4) Yes, the Warren Commission counted Carolyn Walther, Arnold and Mrs. Roland, Mrs. Cabell, Amos Euins and Howard Brennan among those who saw one or more men with rifles, and one or more rifles, on the 6th floor of the TxSBD building. Yet there were also multiple Dallas Police stationed right there at that intersection of Houston and Elm -- and nearly a dozen Dallas Deputies watching the motorcade on the sidewalk outside their offices at Main and Houston -- with the TxSBD building in plain sight for 20 minutes. Just like Forrest Sorrels, they claimed they saw nothing at all.
  11. Joe, by the numbers again: 1. Thanks for raising Dallas Deputy Roger Craig in this context. Despite problems, I accept most of his testimony. Yes, Sheriff Decker was involved up to his neck. He expected total obedience from his men, and he got it. After all, he was the man who got Bonnie and Clyde. He was a legend in Dallas. Nobody was going to cross him -- except Roger Craig. In my humble opinion, Craig was killed by the same Dallas plotters who killed JFK. 2. In my opinion, Decker and Hosty were among the super right-wing residents of Dallas. They were very close to Dallas socialites like H.L. Hunt and Robert Morris. Both of these men were tireless supporters of General Walker (whom JFK and RFK had sent to an insane asylum). 3. Not only did Decker and Hosty see the "Wanted For Treason: JFK" handbills on October 24th and November 22nd, but they knew very well that Robert Alan Surrey was the publisher. The Warren Commission made that fact perfectly plain. There is no way that high-ranking officials in Dallas could have been ignorant of that fact. Penn Jones, Jr. wrote that Robert Alan Surrey told him personally that Dallas FBI agent James Hosty had been his Bridge partner for years. 4. The Secret Service from the White House came to Dallas in mid-November to meet with Forrest Sorrels to discuss JFK's Security. Winston Lawson was the point man from the White House. He could not *believe* that Dallas had zero people dangerous to JFK. He worked for 48 hours to confirm this. However, the Dallas plotters knew the White House PRS better than the PRS did. The Dallas plotters knew that the PRS got its data *only* from the local FBI. With James Hosty on their side, they could feed the PRS any deception they wanted. That's what happened. After Forrest Sorrels told Winston Lawson that there were no dangerous people in Dallas, Lawson told Sorrels, "Well, I'm calling the PRS right now, Forrest!" So he called the PRS, and the PRS replied, "Well, we have no dangerous people on file for Dallas!" So, Lawson accepted this. Still, Forrest Sorrels went through the motions for another 48 hours. He called the Sheriff of Denton, Texas, because some of the student protesters against Adlai on October 24th went to college there. They got an inside informant in Denton, they got the Dallas Police involved, and the Editor of the Dallas Times Herald. They collated photographs of all those student protesters, and they sent the photographs to the Secret Service at the Trade Mart. Come on. Sorrels knew very well that he was just wasting time. But it completely fooled Winston Lawson! 5. You're absolutely right about the lack of manpower in protecting JFK. Actually, many Federal Agencies called Forrest Sorrels from Washington DC, including the FBI, the Secret Service and the CIA, and offered to help in JFK's protection. Forrest Sorrels turned them all down flat. Sorrels told them that the Dallas Police were all the protection he needed for JFK in Dallas. 6. Just a little more help in watching JFK would have made all the difference. As you said, plenty of people in Dealey Plaza saw a man (or men) with rifles up in TSBD windows. Photographs released two years ago (10/26/2017) reveal heavily armed Dallas Police and Deputies in many other windows in Dealey Plaza. In fact, Mrs. Earle Cabell herself, riding in the motorcade, testified to the WC that she herself saw rifle sticking out of a window of the TSBD! Yet as Mr. Arnold Roland and his wife testified -- after Roland saw a man in a high TSBD window with a rifle with a scope on it -- he told his wife, "That must be the Secret Service!" No Dallas citizens would suspect the Dallas Police or Deputies of anything illegal. Dealey Plaza was filled with Dallas Deputies, because that was where the County Jail was located. Deputies were the first to arrive at the Grassy Knoll -- just running there. They were all around. But nobody would ever suspect them -- not for a half-century!
  12. Joe, By the numbers: 1. I interpret James Hosty having lunch during the JFK motorcade as a sign of his contempt for JFK. He claimed he loved JFK (Assignment Oswald, 1996) but he had to say something to his son, who helped him write his book. His son probably didn't want to hear how much Hosty liked General Walker and Robert Alan Surrey. In my reading, James Hosty "turned" in order to follow them. They belonged to high Dallas society along with H.L. Hunt and Robert Morris. All these people despised JFK. 2. Hosty repeatedly insisted (Assignment Oswald, 1996) that he had no role at all in the JFK visit. It wasn't the FBI job to protect JFK -- that was the Secret Service's job. Alan Belmont said that. J. Edgar Hoover said that. They'd never allow the FBI to take the blame for the JFK Assassination. The Secret Service was to blame 100%. This got James Hosty off the hook, personally, but only for the Warren Hearings. After that, Hoover demoted Hosty. 3. Yes, yes, yes -- if Hosty really wanted to do his job as an FBI agent -- and if Hosty truly loved JFK as he claimed he did -- then his behavior on 11/22/1963 would have been far different. Hosty's blame of the Secret Service for the JFK killing is a major signal. In my opinion, it tells us that Hosty cared very little for JFK -- and even supported JFK's enemies in Dallas. 4. Catholic or no Catholic, in my opinion, James Hosty hated JFK. Hosty had joined the other side -- the Dallas Radical Right. So, he was already a traitor to JFK, and that was one reason why Hosty could not bear to look upon JFK and Jackie. Not only because his new "bosses" sorely hated JFK, but because he knew in his inner heart that he was doing the wrong thing by turning on the White House. 5. As for Jack Ruby, the bizarre Dallas pimp, I see no role for him in the JFK Assassination. (Jack Ruby was one player in the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald -- an entirely different crime.) According to newsman Seth Kantor, the Dallas pimp Jack Ruby was conflicted inside himself on multiple counts. The reason that Ruby couldn't bear to watch the JFK parade was buried deep within his wounded soul. All best, --Paul
  13. Vincent, Extremely interesting material. I should have obtained your first book long ago. I fixed that tonight with an amazon order. I'm impressed by your citation of White House Secret Service (SS) Inspector Thomas Kelley, which came to us through the FBI, five days after the JFK Assassination, at 10:30 AM. Some woman, who refused to give her name, said she had attended several Dallas speeches by Forrest Sorrels. She said that Sorrels showed no inclination to protect JFK. She said Sorrels was plainly "against the Kennedy administration." Evidently she was a Democrat, because she said that she considered Sorrels' attitude to be seditious. It is riveting that Inspector Kelly of the SS was willing to nail Forrest Sorrels of the SS, only five days after the JFK Assassination. One gathers that Sorrels was not beloved in Washington DC in late November 1963. This is the sort of material that I'm looking for -- evidence to align Forrest Sorrels with the Dallas Radical Right! Sorrels had lived in Dallas full-time since 1941 as SAC of the Dallas office of the Secret Service. This means that Sorrels (who was no dummy) was aware of the prevalent politics of Dallas, from society men such as H.L. Hunt, all the way down to former jailbirds like Ex-General Edwin Walker. In his book, Assignment Oswald (1996), Dallas FBI agent James Hosty (who'd served in Dallas since 1953) admits on page 4 that his FBI assignment was to watch right-wingers -- including "General Walker and his Minutemen" in Dallas. Walker had moved to Dallas in 1961, very likely upon the invitations of H.L. Hunt and the segregationist Reverend Billy James Hargis. Still, that was plenty of time for Hosty -- as well as Sorrels -- to become charmed by General Walker, as were so many on the Dallas (and US) Radical Right. My hunch is that Sorrels was closer to James Hosty than he let the WC attorneys know. Both were closer to General Walker than either told the WC. Yet first I must establish that Sorrels was in the anti-JFK camp. We get hints of it in his WC testimony, when he referred to JFK as "Mister Kennedy," exactly as the DMN Black-bordered Ad referred to JFK on 11/22/1963. But nothing I've seen to date has equaled your citation. Anyway, back to White House SS Inspector Thomas Kelley. I'd known him only from his Warren Commission (WC) testimony (which is so boring). Kelley told the WC about his participation in planning onsite re-enactment tests at Dealey Plaza on 24 May 1964. These were photos taken from the TSDB 6th floor (CE 875) showing a test car, instant-by-instant, as it drove down Elm Street from Houston Street. Your report by him, from December 2, 1963, never came up in the WC Hearings, you can bet on that. Yet the one thing that US History has shown since Jim Garrison -- “The Warren Report does not stand!” It is significant that Forrest Sorrels refused to speak with the HSCA in 1979, and refused to speak with you about the JFK Assassination in 1992. Perhaps that was one symptom of his Survivor's Guilt. Many thanks.
  14. Hi David, Thanks for your interesting information about Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels. I clicked on the link you provided, and I read the parts you cited, and a bit earlier and later. GREAT DOCUMENT. Here's some of my feedback: 1. Sorrels' refusal to talk with the HSCA is valuable information, IMHO. 2. I'm not interested in Jack Ruby. IMHO Ruby was an afterthought for the JFK plotters, because Oswald was supposed to be killed in Oak Cliff -- not J.D. Tippit. 3. I'm not interested in the Cellar Coffee House scandal of the Secret Service. IMHO -- having read all their WC testimony -- the White House detail of the Secret Service pursued business as usual. 3.1. The Secret Service Protective Research Section (PRS) had done its job of meeting with the Dallas FBI to identify dangerous people in Dallas -- and they found none. 3.2. On November 14, in Dallas, SS agent Winston Lawson pushed Sorrels even harder, since he remembered the Adlai Stevenson incident in Dallas -- ONLY THREE WEEKS BEFORE. 3.3. IMHO, Sorrels gave Lawson a wild goose chase -- helping out the Dallas Radical Right. 4. I was very interested in Sorrel's memo of November 28, 1963 (p. 120). I searched for this on my own (because it is cited in his WC testimony) -- and then I read your post. Thank you. It's valuable because Sorrel's WC testimony repeats this memo almost word for word. His WC testimony was clearly rehearsed. 5. I was also very interested in that March 23, 1964 memo by Leon Hubert and Burt Griffin. I was amazed that Sorrels told Griffin almost EXACTLY what he told the WC on May 6th and 7th. He practically read a script! 6. BINGO on the combination of the names of Sorrels and Hosty in the Hubert/Griffin memo (p. 122). This is the beginning of what I'm seeking. I want more like this! 6.1. As for the "ill will" between the DPD and the FBI, it was obvious given the scandal that hit the Dallas newspapers with regard to Lieutenant Jack Revill accusing Hosty of admitting to him privately that the FBI knew that Oswald was a Communist, dangerous, and working in the TSBD -- but refused to share that data with anybody. There was but violence. 6.2. Yet I remain suspicious that Sorrels and Hosty would suddenly become distant after the JFK Assassination. IMHO they cooperated very tightly before the JFK Assassination (though this was their dark secret, IMHO). 6.3. So, I'm looking for any evidence that shows them working together from 1953 to 1963, while they were both living in Dallas, working for Washington DC in their current (1963) jobs. 6.4. Nevertheless, it is amusing to read about Sorrels trashing Hosty -- calling him: "brusque," "supercilious" and "distrustful." 6.5. Sorrels merely repeated the scandal of Lt. Revill when he spoke of Hosty's plan to claim "too busy" if confronted with Lt. Revill's accusations on the stand. 6.6. It is very interesting that Griffin would ask Sorrels if Hosty would just "fabricate" answers to the WC. In this memo, Griffin seems to distrust Hosty -- and seems to want to drive a wedge between Sorrels and Hosty. 6.7. In my opinion, Sorrels was way ahead of Griffin. Sorrels made up stuff about his good pal Hosty (IMHO) to pacify Griffin, perhaps. Griffin told his superiors that he got "objective" data from Sorrels. I'm afraid that Sorrels danced circles around Griffin. 6.8. Certainly Sorrels was spot on that Hosty was the "fall guy" for the FBI. The FBI backed Hosty all the way during the WC Hearings. But soon after the WC Hearings were over, Hosty was demoted down to "stolen car" duty in Kansas City! 6.9. Partly for this reason, I believe, Hosty trashed J. Edgar Hoover, Alan Belmont, the FBI, the CIA and the State Department for covering up the "real truth" about the JFK Assassination, namely, his CT of a Communist Plot between Lee Harvey Oswald and KGB assassin Valeriy Kostikov! 6.10. That's the very theme of his book, Assignment Oswald (1996), and it harmonizes with the Dallas Radical Right CT song, chord by musical chord. 7. Sorrels memo to SS Inspector Kelly, of May 19, 1964, (pp. 117-119) only twelve days after his WC testimony, is again almost EXACTLY what he told the WC. It seems scripted. Like he worked with somebody. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks, Joe. I like your line of thought here. I'm seeking data that links Hosty and Sorrels, here. I think they worked together -- and any data that can show how closely they worked together from 1953 to 1963 in Dallas would be very interesting to me. I didn't see your earlier post, however, about, Hosty saying, "We had three of them -- Ford, Russell, and..." What was the question Hosty was answering? I agree that Hosty was more faithful to others than to his WC oath -- but I don't think the others were the FBI. Hosty totally trashes the FBI in his book, Assignment Oswald (1996). Instead, I think that James Hosty was "turned" by Robert Alan Surrey -- publisher of the WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK handbill that circulated around Dallas starting on October 24th, when Adlai Stevenson came to Dallas. Hosty was loyal to the Dallas Radical Right. I think I can show that. Next I want to show that Forrest Sorrels was ALSO loyal to the Dallas Radical Right.
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