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Steven Kossor

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Everything posted by Steven Kossor

  1. I edited my post about the timing of the Moorman photo. It must have been taken *before* JFK's head was turned so that the hole at the rear of his skull could exhaust material onto the driver's side tail light and officer Hargis. The Moorman photo shows JFK more-or-less facing forward, so the hole would not exhaust material in the correct direction if the bullet had just struck JFK at or before the Moorman photo was exposed.
  2. I mistakenly placed the Moorman photo in a sequence *after* the bullet exited from the back of JFK's head, but have fixed that error. Moorman's photo could only have been taken *before* the rear exit had been created since the right rear of JFK's head is not pointing toward the driver's side taillight in the Moorman photo (where it had to have been "pointing" in order for the exhaust of blood and brain to have struck that area of the limo and officer Hargis). So Mary captured the first head shot that blasted out part of JFK's skull (caught it in flight over his right shoulder) which had to have turned his head to the right so that his head was turned toward the knoll when almost immediately afterward a second head shot entered on the right side (perhaps into the hole that had just been created there) and exited through the right rear of JFK's skull. When we stop trying to piece the puzzle together with existing pictures, and instead rely on the immutable facts of physics and geometry, we can discover "missing picture pieces" and then can construct the most coherent understanding of the sequence of events that actually occurred.
  3. I've corresponded in confidence with David Lifton for more than 10 years so far and have learned a great deal about his ideas and insights in that time. Doug Horne and I talked a good deal as well before he "retired" from the case, so I've had the opportunity to understand his ideas and insights at depth as well. All in all, I'm convinced that the shot that exited from the right rear of JFK's skull entered the right side of his head while he was facing toward the knoll since the exhaust of blood and brain tissue struck officer Hargis and the driver's side tail light area of the limousine. It's possible that another shot came into the left temple and exited through a hole of the right side of JFK's head at more or less the same time (Fiester's hypothesis) and that Moorman's photo captures a piece of his skull with hair attached as it was in flight over his right shoulder which may have been dislodged by that shot. The position of JFK's head in the Moorman photo indicates that it was taken a moment before the shot from the front right that exited through the hole in the right rear of his skull since his head isn't yet turned in the correct direction that would have exhausted blood & brain in the direction that it traveled after the shot from the front right side happened. Thanks so much for engaging in this "micro" study of the events in "the last second" in Dealey Plaza. I don't think others have looked at it nearly this carefully, unfortunately. Better late than never.
  4. This would also help to explain the smell of gunpowder on the clothing of the people coming into Parkland from the limousine -- shooting in the car would explain that, and nothing else (it couldn't "waft down from the grassy knoll"). An inshoot in the left temple means a shot from the direction occupied by the limo driver, whose turn toward JFK at the time of the head shot is unmistakable in the Zfilm. If Greer didn't shoot JFK in the left temple, it's looking more plausible that somebody else fired from that direction and that a split second later, another shot entered the head from the front and exited from the right rear while JFK was turned toward the knoll. It's going to be very interesting and illuminating as more people piece this case together bit by bit and see the picture that emerges, rather than starting from pieces of the picture and trying to make them fit together....
  5. A "vintage" Mannlicher Carcano rifle with an "underpowered bullet" that only penetrated "less than a finger's length" seems to be a balanced equation to me. At least it is conceivable that the people who planted that rifle and CE 399 made that connection and hoped others would too.
  6. The limousine had a feature installed shortly before JFK took possession of it that would raise the back seat about 10 inches at the push of a button from the back seat or from the front passenger dashboard, "to improve the President's visibility during motorcades." I recall reading that Kellerman was "pushing buttons" on the dashboard during the killing in DP. I wonder if the throat shot may have been the result of JFK seeming to "jump up" (as at least one witness reported) during the shooting because the seat was abruptly raised to make JFK a better target. Food for thought, at least.
  7. Thanks so much for the encouraging comment, Andrej. I have been studying the case for 40 years and working (albeit in the background) to refine the understanding we have of "what happened, and when" to the point where we can definitively document specific locations of film alteration and approximate what was removed/retouched to produce the "official narrative" that has been sold to the world since 11/22/63. It is entirely because of the researchers who "won't let it go" that we have moved closer to the truth, little by little, over the decades. David Lifton is one of them, but there are many others who contribute to the Education Forum (you, Sandy, Chris and Mark among them, certainly) who have been contributing to the effort in very definitive ways as well. I haven't been defending a theory or a perspective; I've been applying the principles of "critical incident debriefing" to the JFK case for a long time, and have surfaced some interesting things, by "slicing the time baloney" in the thinnest time sections possible and approaching the reconstruction of the events through that means. It is basically an approach that forces consideration of all available details, cuts out the speculation seeming to glue them together, and replaces it with a process that asks the question "what can we document definitively at this particular moment?" By assembling the time slices in sequential order, the truth emerges, and evidence of manipulation too (when time slices side-by-side indicate impossibly different views of reality, the only conclusion is that "something is missing" in the sequence, and it's pretty easy to identify intentional editing, as in the case of the Zfilm). It's a slightly different way of analyzing an event, especially one in which the evidence has been intentionally doctored/suppressed to produce an "official narrative."
  8. In a very short span of space & time (unless the limousine stopped, in which case the time interval would necessarily be lengthened), it appears that so much head movement must have happened (a turn to the right before receiving the wound that caused the blowout at the back of the head to exhaust material onto the driver's side tail light and officer Hargis, then a turn to the left to be captured by Mary Moorman's photo). Is anyone disagreeing that the physical evidence I'm citing necessarily requires the head movements I'm describing?
  9. It looks like we're learning that the Moorman photo was taken a split second before a bullet had exited through the right rear portion of JFK's skull, spraying material onto the driver's side tail light and onto officer Hargis. At the time the bullet exited from Kennedy's head, he must have been turned toward the Knoll, since fluid dynamics tells us that fluids fly in a straight line, and the source of the shot that caused the blowout at the back of JFK's head and sprayed material onto the driver's side tail light & officer Hargis must have been to his front and right, while his head was turned about 30 to 45 degrees toward the right. The Moorman photo shows JFK's head turned toward the left, so another force must have rapidly turned it toward the knoll after the first shot struck. Is this what happened? It does connect all of the dots (fluid dynamics, photography, etc) and gives a plausible sequence of very rapid head movement events -- all of which have been removed from the Zfilm between 313 and the movement of the President "back and to the left."
  10. The shot that caused the wound at the back of the head must have exhausted material onto the driver's side tail light and onto officer Hargis. No matter what else may be posited as far as holes in JFK's head is concerned, two facts have to be accounted for: 1) a hole opened in the back of JFK's head in the direction of the driver's side tail light and 2) material exhausted through that hole landed on the driver's side tail light and officer Hargis who was riding in the same vicinity during the shooting spree. We can say what we want as to what caused the hole at the back of JFK's head but we can't argue about when exactly it was created (i.e., when the center of the hole was "pointing" toward the driver's side tail light; the President's head must have been turned to the right exactly enough to make this alignment possible), or its effect on the driver's side tail light area and officer Hargis (spraying material through that hole onto that specific tail light area and onto officer Hargis). We shouldn't argue about those facts; they have been incontrovertible facts in the body of physical evidence for more than 50 years. Moorman's photo had to have been taken a split second before the blow-out at the back of the head occurred and Zfilm editing had to have removed imagery of the head turn to the right and a shot from the Knoll on the right, no matter what else may have happened on 11/22/63.
  11. This trailer and the Indegogo fundraising campaign date from 2015. They were seeking contributions to finish it in 2015 when they claim their original funding ended.
  12. I believe it's established fact that officer Hargis and the driver's side tail light area were sprayed with material coming out of the hole at the back of the President's head. The Moorman photograph was a polaroid, developed on-site within 60 seconds, and not subject to manipulation before it was published over the wire services. It shows the President's head turned in a direction that, if the rear head wound had been inflicted, would have sprayed material onto the passenger's side or the spare tire area. This means that the President's head isn't yet turned in the right direction to receive the wound at the rear of his head in the Moorman photo (his head would have to be turned in the direction of the Knoll for the hole to be pointing at the driver's side tail light and officer Hargis). So the Moorman photo appears to be taken a split second before the hole in the rear of the President's head was created; in that split second, the President's head must have been spun very rapidly to the right in order for a bullet to exit the back of his head and spray material onto the driver's side tail light and officer Hargis). There's an ABC TV video of a police officer covering the driver's side tail light of the limo with what seems to be a jacket soon after it got to the Parkland ER lot. So I guess that's yet more evidence of alteration of the Zapruder film, but it doesn't help to explain the "shoulder patch" in the Moorman photo. That artifact seems to be a result of the first head shot (dislodging part of the President's head and ejecting it toward his right shoulder). The spraying of officer Hargis & the driver's side tail light seems to be a result of second head shot coming from the Knoll hitting JFK in the right side of his head a split second (3-4 Zapruder frames) after Moorman's photo was snapped and exiting from the right rear of his head. Would love to see all of these details reconciled somehow.
  13. You live long enough, you learn everything. Thanks for continuing my education!
  14. The title of Dylan's song about JFK's murder is drawn from Hamlet, in fact. The confirmation bias has been handicapping researchers in all fields, for as long as research has been performed, in fact. Everyone draws conclusions from the facts they recognize. Some researchers pursue evidence in support of their hypotheses and overlook or misinterpret evidence that points in other directions. I've been surveying the research into JFK's assassination for more than 40 years and have had the privilege of receiving lots of thoughtful insights, some from members of this group, but feeling slapped never happened until I referred to Lifton in a positive light. That is a shame.
  15. Nice to see Dylan's reference to the mutilation of JFK's body and the removal of his brain described as a fact rather than "Lifton's theory." The truth will out, if we keep looking for it, but the confirmation bias keeps clouding the eyes.
  16. Nice to see Dylan's reference to the mutilation of JFK's body and the removal of his brain described as a fact rather than "Lifton's theory." The truth will out, if we keep looking for it, but the confirmation bias keeps clouding the eyes.
  17. Nice to see Dylan's reference to the mutilation of JFK's body and the removal of his brain described as a fact rather than "Lifton's theory." The truth will out, if we keep looking for it, but the confirmation bias keeps clouding the eyes.
  18. Nice to see Dylan's reference to the mutilation of JFK's body and the removal of his brain described as a fact rather than "Lifton's theory." The truth will out, if we keep looking for it, but the confirmation bias keeps clouding the eyes.
  19. I've read CHAOS too and want to echo Dr. Neiderhut's comments. I'm a psychologist and the revelations in O'Neill's book about Dr. West and the coincidental emergence of "psychosis" in Jack Ruby shortly after his meeting with Dr. West is certainly anomalous. There are too many instances of seeming "protection" given to Manson and his group, closely associated with his parole officer (who had just one client - Manson) who became a close friend, which is another anomaly. The thought occurred to me that Dorothy Kilgallen died with information about Ruby and I wonder if she met with him before and after May 11, 1964 when Ruby's "psychosis" emerged coincidentally with Dr. West's visit; I wonder if she observed the change and put two and two together.... In any case, the depth of depravity displayed by the "Poisoner in Chief" (Sidney Gotlieb, I think, who was Dr. West's boss) and by West and others in that era (MKULTRA covers a lot of sins) perpetrated by "doctors" is startling. Kinzer's book regarding the CIA involvement in medical experiments on human subjects without their knowledge or consent certainly fits with the horrific murders in 1969. Looking forward to more revelations as the perpetrators and their protectors die off and leave incriminating evidence behind. The truth will out, if we keep looking for it.
  20. I am trying to locate recordings of the Dallas Police Department radio transmissions between 9:00 am and 12:noon on 11/22/63. Almost all of the available recordings begin after 12:11 pm. If anyone has information about those earlier time recordings, please let me know. I’m looking into the verbal record of the DPD and the available transcripts differ tremendously. Best wishes. Steve
  21. David Lifton's been working on a follow-up to Best Evidence for several years, gathering material that refines his earlier work and could contribute to this project. Any thoughts on involving him?
  22. Dallas was also the home of “The Hollywood of the midwest” (Jamison’s) so any photo / movie editing could be done efficiently with the most modern equipment available.
  23. Wondering where the JFK audio tapes and dictabelts are now. It looks like JFK Jr got the Cartier watch but I wonder where it is today. Anybody know?
  24. Mercury bonds to metal (gold, certainly) and remains on/in it because it’s a molecular bond, so a gold watch would be a perfect permanent repository of mercury atoms released in its vicinity that would be removed easily from clothing.... I found some blatant errors in regard to the Dealey Plaza assassination time line (vocalizations by JFK, etc) but the book raised more than a few thoughts of pieces fitting into a larger puzzle than we’ve been examining. For that alone, it’s worth the read. The truth will out, but only if we keep looking for it.
  25. Success in revealing the truth cannot be judged by the responses of anyone else. It has its own reward that cannot be taken away and that is why people tell the truth. People who are whistleblowers understand that, and take solace in knowing it.
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