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Dixie Dea

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Everything posted by Dixie Dea

  1. Does anyone from the Lancer forum recall more details about this? There was a point when Tosh said that he had to fly out of the country, on an assignment. It seems that it might have been about the time he told Leslie to get off the forums. I am also thinking that while he was gone, there was some discussion on the forum regarding Tosh. Then someone claiming to be a friend of Tosh's posted and said that Tosh had ask him to post a reply to us, for him. I am also thinking there was anger in that post. Plus there were possibly a couple of more such posts via his friend. Although only my own opinion, I always believed this was Tosh himself posting and i never knew why the game was being played. But as I mentioned, maybe someone will recall more about this. _________ Dixie
  2. Yikes...I gotta explain myself a little better. Tosh's daughter seemingly joined the forums in an attempt to try and take up for her father, who she seems to adore. However, she came in with a grudge and never did seem to get over it. Then finally, Tosh intervened and told her to get the h--- away from the forums or he would never speak to her again. I doubt if he was serious though. When I mentioned a woman acting strange and had strange things to say about her father, I was not speking of Tosh's daughter. This was nother woman that Kathy mentioned. The best way to explain her, is to say that she seemed to have mental problems. She had her father mixed up in the JFK Assn. as well as a part of the investigation. Yet she seemed to add more and more to her imaginations. But it is just not pertinent to what we are actualy discussing here. Before she left the forunm for a time, she was a normal and intelligent member. When she came back, she was so strange! As for Karyn Holt Harcourt....Chauncey's daugheter..she, like Tosh's daugher adored her father. She told me what a wonderful father he was. His wife Mary, who has since passed on, says he was also a wonderful husband. Karyn is a very friendly, out-going type pwrson. We did discuss Chauncey's claims and he did make some Video's for her, just days before he died. I told her that I wanted to believe him, but I just wasn't able to see that one tramp looked like him all that much....and I wasn't going to pretend that I did unless I actually could see the resemblance. She told me she understood that! ___________ Dixie
  3. Terri is right!! Tosh's daughter was on Rich's forum for a short time, as well as at Lancer. Jack is also right, Karyn Harcourt Holt (a friend of mine) was also on Rich's forum. And...the woman that Kathy mentionee was also on there, although I don't recall her name at the moment. She was a member there for awhile, I believe before Kathy joined there. Then she was gone for quite awhile and when she came back, she was a very different type person, with some very strange things to say about her father. _______ Dixie
  4. It is sad to hear of Tim's passing, although not unexpected. I recall the last time he was sble to post on this forum and felt that he was no longer able to do so, or he possibly would have. He was an excellent researcher and always had infornative as well as interesting things to say, even though sometimes both passionate and abrasive....othertimes, he was most helpful. About three years ago (how time flies) Tim was wanting to go to Dallas, durung the Nov, Conferences. This was a last minute idea and he was not going to be able to stay for the entire weekend. He was wanting to know about nearby to Dp hotel rooms and also not have to pay for a full weekend, for the conferences. So, I emailed and told him about the COPA Conferences, where he would only need to pay for the sessions that he attended. Plus about the Lawrence Hotel, within a block of DP. He did go there and I believe he enjoyed himself. He seemed to enjoy spending soem time with Robert Groden amd especially being able to look over DP, which was of big interest to him. Unfortunately, I became ill just before the trip and had to cancel, so I wasn't able to meet him. He did meet some of my friends there, as well as some others from the forums. I now feel plaased that he, as well as Chris, was able to go there, at that time. RIP Tim! ______________ Dixie
  5. Interesting! However, I believe you guys are looking in the wrong direction. With the possible exception of Mark Lane, the names mentioned are quite knowledgable about the Cuban Exile Connection. This just doesn't cut it. First of all, there would need to be a person who would not be put off by Bugliosi's arrogance. Then you would need someone very knowledgable, in ALL areas of JFK research from Medical to Ballistics and even about Oswald and the Dallas Police Dept and so on. You would just need to raise the citeria level in your selections to square off with the Bugs. _______ Dixie
  6. Kathy.... In case you are interested, below is a book written by Wiliam Dear, who is a Private Investigator in Dallas. Actually his office is on the Stemmons Freeway! He was involved in the exhumation of Oswald. He investigated the O.J, Simpson case for several years and discovered that Jason did have the Motive, Means and Opportunity to kill Nicole. Quite an interesting book! "O.J. Simpson Is Guilty, But Not Of Murder" by William Dear http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/00554.htm William C. Dear - Private Investigator http://www.pimall.com/dear/index.html __________ Dixie
  7. I agree this was an excellent review. Actually, I read Breach of Trust sometime ago and thought it was a very good book. However, I didn't think it had been publicized enough or given the credit it deserved. Once, Walt Brown said that a sign of a good book to him, was if the learned something new or if it made him angry! I understand what he meant now, because Braech of Trust made me very angry, with the Warren Commission. _________ Dixie
  8. Miles.. I did not post my message to give you ammunition to use against Bill. I am just not knowledgable enough in photo analysis, to know who might be right or wrong, so I usually just avoid it. I do know that Bill is rather acerbic, but I am quite sure that he is also aware of that.....:-) Actually, I wouldn't want anyone to talk to me like that either. However, I will say that he has been a big part of the Lancer Forum for several years now and I believe he is highly regarded there. __________ Dixie
  9. Jack I don't believe that Groden was involved with what you guys were doing that day. It was just that I happened to notice him going out towards the parking lot, probably to his Van to get something...and you had just got put of your car and was headed towards the pergola...so the two of you greeted each other. _________ Dixie
  10. Bill .. I didn't mean that Mary Moorman was also there in DP that day. I was just referring to where the guys were doing the measurements, where Mary and Jean had stood.so many years ago. Also, I don't recall seeing Al Carrier at Lancer that year either. But I did hear he was there the following year (2001) when I also knew that you spoke..and I wasn't there that year. So, I am still thinking you were there in 2000, but maybe didn't speak until the following year. I know it all get sconfusing....:-) After that, I also don't really recall what years different things occurred when I was there. I only recall about 2000, because it was my first trip there. _________ Dixie
  11. Because of all the controversy in regard to Jack White vs Bill Miller and their first encounter, I now feel compelled to try and make some order out of chaos...if possible.....:-) I definitely do not intend to appear to be taking sides, but just to tell things that I recall. I have been most reluctant to say anythiung, but I also believe this issue is going to keep resurfacing. First of all, I have met Jack and do think a lot of him and have enjoyed talking with him and even regard him as a friend. I have never met Bill, although I did share emails with him, long time ago and he also sent me some thongs he was offernng at the time. I thought he was quite friendly too. Jack did mention that it is possible he is not remembering right. So, I have to say this...Jack is misremembering some of the events under question! For the very first time, I went to Dallas, in Nov. of 2000. For some reason, both the Lancer and COPA Conferences were held on different dates that year, and I was actually able to stay the whole week and attend both. First I attended Lancer and stayed at, I believe it was the Ramada, that time. When it ended, I moved over to the Hotel Lawrence (then it was the old Paramount Hotel), which is right there by DP. Once I got checked into the Lawrence, a couple of friends and I went on over to DP and I believe the Memorial was also on that same day. After most everyone had left DP, I happened to notice Jack and Groden greeting each other, over behween the parking lot and the pergola. Then a little later, I also saw Jack, Mantik and Fetzer across the street doing some measurements, where Mary Moorman and Jean Hill were standing, during the JFK motorcade. Jack had been a menber of Rich DellaRosa's forum for some years before i ever joined it. In fact, I believe he was one of the original members. Some time after my trip to Dallas, we got a new member at Rich's forum, named Bill Miller. I believe it was still in year 2000 or possibly early 2001. It was mentioned then, about Bill meeting Jack and their emails and I believe phone calls and exchanges. Jack had also invited Bill to join that forum, which he did so. During this time, Bill was exhibiting friendliness...although he also seemed compelled to reply after everyones posts, just as some here do...:-) I never heard anyone mention they actuallly knew him or had ever heard of him before. Of course. it is possible some knew him from other JFK research circles. Once when Bill and I had email contact, he ask me if I had noticed a red=headed man, with a suit on and around the Pedestal area. He said he was waiting for Groden to go out to dinner with him. Well, I had not noticed such a person.since I was too engrosed in looking around DP. Yet I had no doubt he was there. I do not have any personal knowledge of Bill and Jack meeting on that day and yet that was the day they met, according to them both later. Bill has also stated that he spoke at the Lancer Conference on that year. Now that part is puzzling to me. I attended most all the Lancer speakers that year. I do not recall a Bill Miller speaking at all., Nor can I even find his name among the other speakers listred...and have never seen his name among the DVDs from that year. I do know however, that he did speak the following year 2001, and I was unable to go that year. I don't know if Bill has messed up on his years that he actually spoke, or if he somehow totally escaped my notice. I think some have verified that he spoke that year. Yet actually that part is not pertinent to the question of Jack and Bill's meeting. I also do not recall seeing Jack anyplace around DP, except around the pedestal and pergola area and across the street. After awhile. at that form, Bill seemed to drastically change. In fact, I was seeing that he was baiting Jack for something. I even sensed he was setting him up for the kill. And actually that is what occurred. He did become more beligerant towards Jack. and he was also 86'd because of it. Bill then went in with Debra for the Lancer forum and many of us were invited to join them. I did do so, and have been a member of both forums and this one as well as a few more obsure ones. I do not practice partiality, but take research forums to offer different areas of research. After, Bill was tossed from that forum, Jack told about their initial meeting. He said, even back then, that Bill seemed to deliberately seek him out and ingratiated himswlf after that, and he also mentioned he had invited Bill to join that forum because of their (then) friendly exchanges. I cannot swear that this same Bill Miller was or wasn't the person Jack met that day, yet I feel that it most definitely was. because of things they both said at the time. I believe that Jack has confused Bill with some other person...possibly one that he did meet years ago. Bill was definitely not a member of Rich's forum, way back, when Jack first joined it. There would have been no reason at all, for Bill to have told me in an email, back when he was on Rich's forum, the circumstances of when he met Jack, just as he states today. I do believe that through the years, Jack has met so many JFK Researchers, LN's, wannabe's as well as disinfo's and frauds and cons...so I believe he is just confused, which we all do sometimes. As for the Bill Milller and Larry Peters controversy, I also have an opinion about that. I do not know that I am right or wrong, yet I feel that I might be right. I believe they are actually two different people. But...I also believe that Larry is a friend of Bills,. living in a differnt area then Bill. I also believe that Bill was sending forum messages for Larry to post for him, under Larry's own name. So, of course they were able to both be showing up here at the same time. All of the posts under Larry's name are totally and typically Bill Miller. Same arguments, same wording and same sarcasm towards some members. Others have also been able to recognize this. I believe that for some reason.Bill did not want te come here from Lancer, under his own name at first. So, instead, the Larry counter-part was used. It was tried on more then one occasion, but was always the same type of posts. I am not making any sort of condemnation, but just only stating as I see it. I hope i haven't only confused things even more...:-) One other thing though. Jean Hill passed away, just a few days before that year 2000 Conference. so we were all mentioning her name qute a bit that year. ____________ Dixie
  12. I just wanted to add a side tidbit in regard to the Camarillo State Mental Hospital....for those unaware of it. It is referred to as Hotel California. In fact, the Eagles song, Hotel California is about this facility and the building on the cover of the album is also of the facility. If interested there is a nice pictorial site at the following link. Camarillo State Hospital http://www.imagesmithstudio.com/sm/OHTour/OHindex.htm ___________ Dixie
  13. Hi Tim...good to see you here again! I just wanted to add that Ojai is an obscure small town, in a beautiful forest area. It is somewhat exclusive and has some cute little shops. I have to go through it in order to get to the Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo areas, which is on the coastal highway However, I don't know anything about the Acacia Mansion.(By the way....Camarilla is pronounced Cam-ar-ee-a and Ojai is O-hi) ___________ Dixie
  14. Oh yes, Lee it makes a whole lot of sense, all according to Judyth! Fist of all, why would anyone seem to be materalistic because they wanted their husband to buy a car? Why would a husband even go to such extremes to pretend not to be able to drive, just so he wouldn't have to buy a car and just because his wife might make demands. Did he actually prefer to walk with Marina to the grocery store, with Marina expecting a baby and one of them probably having to carry the little girl and then maybe both having to carry the groceries home. (Hopefully they at least had a stroller). But anything to not oblige Marina! But then just who was the materialistic one? Also according to Judyth as a married woman, she sat in an expensive Hotel Room with a married man, eating cavier and drinking champagne, At the same time his pregnant wife goes without medical care. She becomes ill and he takes her to a free clinic where they are turned down because they had not been residents long enough. He can wine and dine Judyth in high style (and break chairs in Hotel Rooms) but can't pay for a regular doctor for Marina. These are also Judyth's claims! I take Judyth's claims with a grain of salt. If LHO drove, it was not the same one. It was the one posing as LHO. I do believe we are looking at two guys posing as LHO, whereas, one could drive and the other one couldn't. So I also believe that is how the controversy developed. Ruth Paine claims she gave LHO some driving lessons, but he also managed to not get his drivers license. Although I think there is records that he did have a drivers license...but it must be the double. I think that Michael Paine bought a used car that some believe was intended for LHO to use when he got his license...but then he never did get it afterall. ____________ Dixie
  15. An additional and recent Chris Matthews thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10089 _________ Dixie
  16. Kathy, Thanks for the extra info Kathy, and I agree with all you said about Geraldo. I also use to enjoy watching his show. He is always proclaiming that he is passoniate about the truth, but I see it as only if it benefits him in some way. I have never seen his show since he moved to Fox though. He thrives on sensationilism! As for Fox, I know that many do not like Greta Van Susterain. I always listened to her when she was at CNN and for some time, never knew what had happened to her. Then I heard about a special JFK Documentary shw was doing about JFK, at Fox. That is when I discovered where she went. I did watch this Specilal and was quite pleased with it. Probably not the first time, but at least the first time I actually saw this type of program where they did agree there were many unanswered questions about the JFK assn. and it was more conspiracy oriented. I thought of writing to her to congratulate and encourage her, but I just never do such things for some reason! I have wondered if she caught any flak over that program, although she must have had it approved first. ____________ Dixie
  17. Moved from another thread...... A few years ago, probably in 2003, I saw Jesee Ventura on Chris Matthews show. He had come out publically as a JFK Conspiracy supporter. Although Chris did somewhat redicule him, it was nothing compared to after Jesse's segment. For some reason Geraldo Rivera joined Chris and they proceeded to discuss Jesse's claims. They snickered and heckled everything Jesse had said, as just so ignorant and rediculous. This inferiorated me so much that I rarely ever watched either Chris or Geraldo again. If I recall,.Geraldo actually had Groden and Dick Gregory on his old show, showing the Zap film for the first time. Evidently, Seme reason he changed his mind about the whole thing! In addition, Jesee, even made an appearance at the 40th JFK Anniversary in Dallas. He spoke at one or both Conferences. I also saw him over at Dealey Plaza for the annual Moment of Silence and he posed for a photo, holding a copy of Armstrongs, Harvey and Lee, which was new at that time. I believe he made a short speech and ask where all the Elected Officials were. Good question, considering it was a 40 year anniversary!! Another time, when I saw Gerry Spence on Larry Kings show, he made a statement that we have not been told the truth about Lee Harvey Oswald. Larry cut him off, before he was able to explain anymore! I have always been curious as to what he was referring to or if he possibly believes a conspiracy. He did lose the TV Mock Trial case to Bugliosi!! _____ Dixie
  18. Here you go Bill..... But, there is no mention of Mclaney in Ed's book. I have no idea what is fact or not, I am just going to give you what is in Ed's book, about Oswalds Apartment. Ed actually did quite well and was even somewhat plausible, until he decided to change his whole direction and climbed into the ring with Judyth. He said that he talked with her and saw her Mementoes and then verified her Newspaper clippings of her Highschool Science Achievments and awards. However, there has never been a question of those clippings nor that she worked at Riley's for a short time. Dixie _________________________________ Dr Mary's Monkey by Edward T. Haslam Forward by Jim Marrs (2007) Chapter 11 Page 267 In Warren Commission Volume 19 The FBI went to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital on 11/25/63 (8) looking for evidence of either Lee Harvey Oswald or A.J. Hidell (9). They went back a second time on 1/26. (10). The FBI was looking for Oswald at the US Public Health Hospital! I could hardly believe my ears. "Why?" (Told to Ed) "According to the Dallas Police, Oswald had a vaccination card issued to him by the U.S. Public Health Service on 6/8/63, when he lived at 4907 Magazine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Harvey Oswald, and signed by "Dr. A.J. Hidell." Had Lee Harvey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at the time the linear particle accelerator was there? Take a look at the map (map shown in book). Does it strike you as unusual that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Dr. Alton Ochsner lived within one mile of the most secret government laboratory in America? Here one should also consder the testimony of Dr. Adele Edisen, a Ph.D.neurologist, to the Assassinations Records Review Board in the 1990's. She stated that she had been given Lee Harvey Oswald's name and his New Orleans phone number in mid-April 1963. approximately three weeks before Oswald moved to New Orleans. (11) To me, her 21 page narrative strongly suggests that the location of Oswald's apartment was not accidental, and that it had been selected in advance for some reason. Was this reason it's close proximity to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital? Had Lee Harvey Oswald been sent to New Orleans to spy on the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital? Footnotes page 271 (8) 11/25/63 was the Monsay following the JFK Assassaination (Friday 22, 1963) (9) A.J. Hidell was an alias that Lee Harvewy Oswald used during his first month in New Orleans. (10) Warren Commission Volime XIX, Exhibit #2012, memos from the New Orleans FBI Office. Also HSCA, Cadigan 23 & 24. (11) DR. Edisen said she was given Oswald's phone number by Jose A. Rivera, M.D., Ph.D., a Director of NIH's Institute for Nerurological Diseases and Blindness. Subsequent research proved Dr Rivera to be Col. Jose A. Rivera of the U.S. Army's biowarfare unit and that he had lived in uptown New Orleans during 1960-61, a fact which he later concealed from the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Rivera may have been involved in the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital. (12) Oswald's 4907 Magazine St. apartment was a small flat usually rented by Tulane or Loyola students. The phone number given to Edisen belonged to the building's landlord. Like the other tenants, the Oswalds borrowed their lansdlord's phone and never had a phone of their own. Dr Edisen eventually called the phone number and spoke to Oswald himself. She was surprised to hear Oswald say that he did not know Dr. Rivera, and cautioned him. "Well he sure knows who you are." __________________________________
  19. Hi Bill... You said..."One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney." Ed Haslem did have a thought in his book, that is a possibility, in regard to Dr Rivera. Supposing that Oswald was sent to NO. Perhaps it was also pre-arranged where he would be living. Adele told me that the phone number was of the Apartment Manager. Ed says this was a known rental unit usually used by (medical) students, where the Manager's phone number would already be known. Howver, I suppose this info could also have been known through the NcLaney sources too. ___________ Dixie
  20. Ed Haslem's latest book, Dr. Mary's Monkey has been out for about two months. After many delays, I finally received it and read it, at least a month ago. I did enjoy reading Ed's first book, Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, but did not much like this latest one. Yes, this book has a lot to do with Judyth Baker's claims....but I do not now, nor have I ever believed Judyth Baker. I have followed her saga closely since 1999 and believe her claims are only in her mind! The only thing I believe is that she most likely did work at Riley Coffee Co. when Osqald was working there. She is unable to prove she ever even spoke to him, much less all the rest. She also apparently excelled in Science as a Highschool student and received recognition. She nay have had a couple of years of college, before moving to New Orleans. She got married there and worked for a short time at Riley and that is all she can prove. Why Ed Haslam chose to go with Judyth's fantasy claims is beyond me. Although, I do know that some believe all her claims, but most do not. Ed changed his whole theory of Dr. Mary Sherman to go along with Judyth. I feel that his first theory made m9re sense. It also does not make any sense to me, that he met a woman in the 70's named Judy Vary Baker, who he says was an imposter. Now how does he know this current one is not the imposter? I could believe he met a Judy Baker, but not a Judy Vary Baker. These are my own beliefs based on several years of following Judyth. Of course, no one has to agree with me. _____________ Dixie
  21. Tim.... It is so hard to really know what to say to express my thoughts an feelings to you. However, I was pleased that you were able to write us such a thought provoking message. I hope that you will be able to draw some strength from us and hopefully some joy as well. You have done some very good research and you have also made a difference....and that does count!! My thoughts and prayers, along with the others will be with you in the upcoming days. If you are able to do so, I hope you will join as and even leave messages again. Best Regards Dixie
  22. This is just some thoughts I have had lately. If Hunt was actually in Dallas, perhaps in disguise as the so-called tramp or if the man with the overcoat walking across Elm Street, perhaps he was lured there in a set-up, to frame him. I was thinking that he once, confirmed that would be a possibility. There are many who believe that some were lured there under different pretexts, such as a false assassination attempt, as some sort of a warning to JFK. But then, none of these culprits knew what was actually going to happen. Some also believe they were told it was Gov John Connally that was going to be hit and not JFK. Hunt had several differnt alibis as to where he was that day. Yet, apparently he was not at any of those places! This is only my opinion, but I do believe that if he was actually in Dallas that day in some sanctioned capacity, a well established alibi would have been provided for him. Obviously, this was not done, which makes me feel that he was set up as a scapegoat. I just can't see him being anyplace in that state, if he knew ahead, what was going to happen. _____ Dixie
  23. Charlie You didn't specifically say anything to me, although I didn't mean to imply that I was opposed to weapons. My husband was a hunter and had guns, although he kept them away from my sight, knowing how I personally don't like them. Also my father was sort of a gun dealer, as a hobby, but he also kept them out of sight to our family. Mu husband and brother in laws also use to go out at night, to our ranch and shoot rabbits, that would destroy the crops. Still I do believe too many have guns they carry for everyday usage that should not have one at all....but that is just my own opinion. ___________ Dixie
  24. Quote from John Simkin.... "I write this unarmed. In fact, I have never held a gun in my life. However, I feel very safe as I do not expect anyone to fire a gun at me. I feel sorry that you live in a society where you feel the need to carry a gun for your protection." John, Although, when younger I did shoot a gun a couple of times..just for the experince of it. Howeevrr, I do personally hate guns. I also do not know any of my friends and acquaintances that carries a gun. If they do so, I believe it it at times when maybe they go camping, where sometimes bad things do occur. I also believe that most of those who do carry guns are for the most part just being overly paranoid. Plus it is not all that true that we all feel we have to carry a gun for protection. When I was sponsoring Teen Dances, I had to fire one of my Security Guards for carrying a gun. That is because he was just IMO crazy enough to actually shoot one of those Teens and also IMO I felt like he was just itching for a chance to do so. He would strut around outside like he was a big macho or something, but I was not amused.....and in fact, I was horrified. I do have a few female friends who have mentioned getting a gun and to me, they are the very types that should never have one. I do realize that some jobs, it might be necessary to carry a gun, but I sure don't want anything to do with one. I have never even seen anything happen where I might have needed one. That might happen, but I can't be living with the thought that it might. ____________ Dixie
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