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Dixie Dea

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Everything posted by Dixie Dea

  1. Wlm mentions John Masen.....I have been wondering about this for some time! Has anyone on this forum actually seen John Masen? He has been mentioned by many, as an LHO look-alike. Far as I know, he still does have a gunshop as well as a website http://www.johnmasen.com There has been photos floating around for years that was suppose to be John Masen. I do believe the photo does have some resemblance to LHO. Problem is that the photo supposedly of Masen, is actually of Dial Ryder, who does have a rather strange story. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to scan this Ryder photo on here. Perhaps someone else will do so. But, I still do wonder if Masen is also actually a LHO look-alike. I know that some JFK researchers have attempted to approach him and he is uncommunicative, just as Wlm mentions in his above post. Still I haven't heard if he actually looked like LHO, in past years, even though perhaps he dosn't today. WC TESTIMONY OF DIAL DUWAYNE RYDER http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/ryder.htm HSC Testimony of DUWAYNE RYDER and HUNTER SCHMIDT http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/ryderschmidt.htm Dixie
  2. James.... Here is one interesting version I have. I was going to post the article, but it is rather lengthy, so will just give a link to one that I found. http://www.jfkhistory.com/tramp.html Also, I am sure you are familiar with Marina's letter to the AARB. I personally feel that she was most likely influenced by her affiliation with the LaFontaines, at the time. Although it does mention about Oswald as possibly being the Informer. Dixie ___________________________________ Mr. John Tunheim, Chairman JFK Assassination Records Review Board 600 E Street, NW, Second Floor Washington, DC 20530 Dear Mr. Tunheim: I am writing to you regarding the release of still classified documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy, and to my former husband, Lee Harvey Oswald. Specifically, I am writing to ask about documents I have learned of from a recent book and from a story in the Washington Post by the authors of the same book (as well as other documents they have described to me). The book reviews Dallas police, FBI, and CIA files released since 1992, and places them in the context of previously known information. I would like to know what the Review Board is doing to obtain the following: 1. The Dallas field office and headquarters FBI reports on the arrests of Donnell D. Whitter and Lawrence R. Miller in Dallas on November 18, 1963 with a carload of stolen U.S. army weapons. I believe that Lee Oswald was the FBI informant who made these arrests possible. I would also like to know what your board has done to obtain the reports of t he U.S. Marshal and the U.S. Army on the same arrests, and the burglary these men were suspected of. 2. the records of the FBI interrogations of John Franklin Elrod, John Forrester Gedney and Harold Doyle (the latter men were previously known as two of the "three tramps") in the Dallas jail November 22-24, 1963. All of these men have stated that they were interrogated during that time by the FBI. 3. The official explanation of why the arrest records for Mr. Elrod, Mr. Gedney, and Mr. Doyle, as well as for Daniel Wayne Douglas and Gus Abrams were placed "under federal seal" in the Dallas Police Records Division for 26 years as described by Dallas City Archives supervisor Laura McGhee to the FBI in 1992. 4. The FULL records of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, including his interrogation in the presence of John Franklin Elrod as described by Elrod in an FBI report dated August 11, 1964. 5. The reports of army intelligence agent Ed J. Coyle on his investigation of Captain George Nonte, John Thomas Masen, Donnell D. Whitter, Lawrence R. Miller, and/or Jack Ruby. I am also requesting that you obtain agent Coyle's reports as army liaison for presidential protection on November 22, 1963 (as described by Coyle's commanding officer Col. Robert Jones in sworn testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations). If the army does not immediately produce these documents, they should be required to produce agent Coyle to explain what happened to his reports. 6. Secret Service reports and tapes of that agency's investigation of Father Walter Machann and Silvia Odio in 1963-64. 7. Reports of the FBI investigation of Cuban exiles in Dallas, to include known but still classified documents on Fermin de Goicochea Sanchez, Father Walter Machann and the Dallas Catholic Cuban Relocation Committee. These would include informant files for Father Machann and/or reports of interviews of Father Machann by Dallas FBI agent W.Heitman. 8. The full particulars and original of the teletype received by Mr. William Walter in the New Orleans FBI office on the morn-ing of November 17, 1963, warning of a possible assassination attempt on President Kennedy in Dallas. I now believe that my former husband met with the Dallas FBI on November 16, 1963, and provided informant information on which this teletype was based. 9. A full report of Lee Harvey Oswald's visit to the Dallas FBI office on November 16, 1963. 10. A full account of FBI agent James P. Hosty's claim (in his recent book, ASSIGNMENT: OSWALD) that Lee Harvey Oswald knew of a planned "paramilitary invasion of Cuba" by "a group of right wing Cuban exiles in outlying areas of New Orleans.' We now know that such an invasion was indeed planned by a Cuban group operating on CIA payroll in Miami, New Orleans, and Dallas--the same group infiltrated by Lee Oswald. We know this information ONLY from documents released since 1992, as described in the book I have mentioned. On what basis did agent Hosty believe Lee "had learned" of these plans, unless Lee himself told him this? I am therefore specifically requesting the release of the informant report that Lee Oswald provided to agent Hosty and/or other FBI personnel on this intelligence information. The time for the Review Board to obtain and release the most important documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy is running out. At the time of the assassination of this great president whom I loved, I was misled by the "evidence" presented to me by government authorities and I assisted in the conviction of Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin. From the new information now available, I am now convinced that he was an FBI informant and believe that he did not kill President Kennedy. it is time for Americans to know their full history. On this day when I and all Americans are grieving for the victims of Oklahoma City, I am also thinking of my children and grandchildren, and of all American children, when I insist that your board give the highest priority to the release of the documents I have listed. this is the duty you were charged with by law. Anything else is unacceptable--not just to me, but to all patriotic Americans.< Please be advised that this is an open letter, and I intend to make it available to anyone who wishes to see it. The time for secrecy in government is over. I ask that you respond to me in writing within two weeks, and will take no further action until then. Thank you for your attention to my requests. Sincerely, /s/ Marina Porter
  3. This seems to be good place to mention that I for one, have been enjoying the Seminar. I would also like to see more of this in the future. Several years ago, when the Third/Fourth Decade Publication was still being published, we were offered a Manuscript type Folder of the participants speechs from an actual Seminar. I ordered this Folder, and I believe I paid somewhere around $10.00 for it. I really enjoyed reading the speeches. I also still have this folder in my collection! I have printed out all of these Seminar threads, so I can read them at my leisure. I have not finished reading them all yet. For some reason I seem to prefer paper printouts then I do, trying to read on a CD, which I also could have done. Although, I might still do this too. I would like to mention that I have enjoyed reading all that I have up to this point. I haven't made comment on any of the Seminars, except for one, which did bother me a great deal, or at least enough to speak out. I do wish to thank everyone that contributed to the Seminar. Some things I was already aware of, even if maybe only vaguely and of some iI was new info to me. I just feel it was great for those who did take time to contribute and to add to our knowledge. I also noticed there was discussion in the threads having different opinions then the Presenter. Much research requires looking at different viewpoints and we must always weigh info in order to come to our own conclusions of what is most probable, or I should say most factual. I am quite a skeptic of sudden new info that involves things like Confessions for example and I am inclined to speak out against them. It just bothers me a lot to have such things thrown in the way of real research and findings. It also bothers me that these things are being promoted as truth to new researchers or to students. In addition, quite often when some of us do challenge certain claims that we beieve to be bogus, we are accused of attacking the person. This may or may not be true, but it is awfully hard to just let these claims go by without comment. However, I also feel it is quite often, just a way of getting out of having to respond. I do reaize it can get out of hand though. Again, thanks to everyone who did contribute to the Seminar as well as to those who contribued to the thread discussions. As for being a future Seminar Presenter, I may decide to do that if I feel that I can hit on one specific subject of interest. Sincerely Dixie
  4. Hi NIc.... I hope this will help you out. It is the Testimony of Everett D. Glover. In addition. although you are probably already aware of it, perhaps some may not be, I have added the Witness Testimonies page. TESTIMONY OF EVERETT D. GLOVER http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/glover.htm JFK Asaassination witness page http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm Good luck! Dixie
  5. Wlm I hope you have invited Karyn Holt Harcourt to join this forum. I also hope she will join! It has been some time since we had contact. She is a neat person and also has intersting info regarding her father, Chauncey Holt. I have met her and liked her very much, even though I am unsdecided about the entire story. Regards, Dixie
  6. Hi Dawn... Nice to have you join us! As for Lansdale being one of the Tramps, according to Prouty I am thinking you may be confused about this. Tim is correct in what he posted. Prouty did know Lansdale quite well, and did say that man in the photo walking by the Tramps, Tim posted, is Lansdale. Regards Dixie
  7. Hi all.... I was once on a forum with Gary Mack. That was before he received his current position at the 6th Floor Museum. For reasons already stated, he might join a forum as he has done here, but he no longer posts. As far as I know, he does continue to send out personal e-mails to some posters in all forums, also as stated. I haven't recieved one from him in a long time, but those I did some time ago, were always polite. Yet I have heard others say they received some not so polite ones from him, just as Shanet and John mentions. There is some controversy in regard to Gary and you will hear two extreme sides. It mostly seems to depend on who you talk to. I am unable to say anything bad, since he hasn't ever said or done anything bad toward me. I do know that when he was on the forum I spoke of above, he w=s regarded as a real nitpicker or also a real Contrarian. If we said pink he insisted it was blue. I thought perhaps he was playing the devils advocate a lot of times, although I don't know if that was intensions or not. I also know that if you do have a question for Gary, he will do his best to answer it. He has so much information and facts that he will usually share. On the other hand as has been mentioned, his info is not always believed and some have indicated it is slanted in favor of the WC findings. To the best of my recollection, I seem to recall that Gary was asked if he belived there was a Conspiracy and he said that he did believe there was, although he has not found much proof that there was. In my own opinion, I feel that Gary possibly believes there was a conspiracy, irregardless of his position at the museum, to be neutral. Plus, I am also thinking that he sees too much conspiracy talk about things that are not actually a conspiracy. Although, others claim he is only leading us away from conspiracy. He is a controversial person that's for sure! You just have to draw your own conclusions about him, based on your own dealings with him. Dixie
  8. Tim.. No matter what I might or might not say, you are stil going to believe as you choose to believe. What does it matter how often Bernice has posted as compared to you? It matters... not! My intenstions were to say that she is not a newcomer to this forum and has contributed significantly here in the past. Bernice has absolutely no connection to Harry in any way at all...get that thought out of your head. She merely ask him some questions and made some statements that you pounced on, because you personally believed it to be incorrect info. She did inadvertanty, reiterate what Harry had said about his CD. But it was not done for the reasons you have accused her of doing. She was only repeating what he said. Do you really truly think that Harry and Bernice are both promoting a little CD that is possibly sold for maybe like the whole big amount of $5.00 for expenses and which is actualy sold by Rich DellaRosa. Actually though, even at that, it was given to those of us, that paid our yearly donation fee, as a bonus...I think it was last year or possibly it was year before last. Until yesterday, that was the last time I heard about that CD. I suppose now, we three (according to you) are benefitting from this big venture. This is awfully rediculous don't you believe, after you think about it better? I have no idea of Harrys intentions, but that is just not our concern. I only know there are things that we need to hear from Harry. Maybe we will agree and maybe we won't. Maybe it fits into our own theories maybe it doesn't..somehings are still quite puzzling! I do beleive that we need to hear all we can, in order to try and work the pieces if the puzzle. It is a fact that some things work and some just don't...we all know that to be true. I didn't expect I was going to get away, with out some back flak from you, so far as I am concerned now, I had my say and you had yours. IT is a done deal not to be pursued further. Sincerely, Dixie
  9. You and Tim are both so wrong about Bernice that it is ridiculous...and most on this forum that do know her can attest to that. Besides, she has been a member of this forum long before you two joined. Bernice, is a very nice woman and always ready to help other researchers any one she can. I am very proud to regard her as a good friend. In addition, we have worked on some research projects together. We do not always agree on every point, yet we do discuss our possible differences. She is also not unknown in the JFK Research communities, contrary to how the two of you are regarding her as maybe a novice. She is also quite knowledgable in many areas of JFK Research. This is her interests in life, just as it is mine. She does not make wild statements off the top of her head. She is also at the moment researching the areas she has posted, to do with Gen Walker. She in fact, knows a hell of a lot more about the subject, then either of you two do. I think that is rather obvious since Mr Tim was also unaware of certain things that have now been pointed out to him. ..and I might add, he ridiculed her as well as misquoted her. As for any connection between Bernice and Harry Dean..again you are both talking out of your rear ends. Bernice, knows him just about the same as I do, and I can vouch for that. We are both on another forum with Harry and we have had a few (very few) e-mails with him a few times in the past...like, so what??? She is also definitely not promoting Harry's book nor his CD. I am not sure if she has even read his book, although I read it several years ago, I believe she does have a CD, that was given to her (not by Harry) I also believe she was only reiterating what Harry posted when she recommended getting his CD. I doubt she could care less if you do that or not!! Bernice does not, and in fact does not even need to follow anyone elses path or beliefs. She reads and studies and then makes a knowledgable opinion. This is how well I do know her! I have spoken of this before, where we have to always be concerned about every word we say for fear someone is going to (deliberately) misconstrue what we actually intended. I consider this to be an intimidation tactic. I also have to wonder about the Judyth Team announcing far and wide, about how there is Free speech and an attack free forum here. Maybe so, yet that is not as you two have done to Bernice. Is there some reason she is being attacked for her statements? Even Bernice stated she doesn't object to disagreement, yet you two have gone beyond that into an attack mode and are still continuing to harass her. Why? Because she made a statement that you don't agree with and that is without even studying all of what she has. Believe it or not.... not everyone buys into the Cuban Exile theory as some of you seem to. ..yet have we said anything to any of you against your beliefs? We just merely read and possibly learn more....and possibly one day change our opinions. Something is real suspicious in this animosity towards Bernice and Harry too, for that matter. I hope you haven't succeeded in running him off. Harry is actually one of the few knowledgable ones that we have left. We need to hear what all he has to say. Perhaps he feels his book or CD says it much better then he is able to do. I believe Tosh expressed that he does not do well on camera. However, those last witnesses are able to express themselves best, we must allow them to do so, while they are still able to. And I might add, that is whether I personally believe what they have to say or not. And no...I am not pushing Harrys CD either! I did not want to do this, but I see this is continuing and I am appalled anyone would say such things against someone like Bernice. She has as much right to say what she believes to be true as either of you do. She has at least, done some research on the subject. ...and it has zero to do with Harry, or his claims. I believe I did attack Ms Judyth on another thread and I also admitted it and walked away from that discussion. I just want you both to know you have misrepresented as well as you attacked Bernice and that was very wrong, considering you didn't know what you were even talking about. You are free to disagree, with her, but you have gone way beyond that and someone needs to speak out, when they see a wrong being done to someone. Regards Dixie
  10. Ron... Yes, I do believe it is possible that Zapruder was manipulated because of his associations. He was also of the White Russian Group, which appears to play heavily within the whole scenario. I am currently researching this group and it is amazing where this all leads. In reading over Zapruders WC Testimony, I am under the impression that he was very confused and did not recognize some of the photos shown to him. Testimony Of Abraham Zapruder http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/zapruder.htm One question I have had for quite some time is, "Who and what was Marilyn Sitzman?" She also did not testiify before the WC. Josiah Thompson did an interview with her, but what she claimed, seems to conflict with what is seen in the DP films made that day. Josiah Thompson/Marilyn Sitzman http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/sitzman.htm Dixie
  11. Here is some extra information about Zapruder that you might all find interesting! http://www.rense.com/politics5/zeg.htm Regards Dixie
  12. Judyth... After some thought, since my above post, I believe I am going to shift gears somewhat. What I am seeing is that you and I are going to be hitting back and forth with no rhyme or song. Quite frankly, I do not know how to play these word games and sentence twists and intentional misunderstandings that you and your Team is so adapt at playing. Most always I simply state what I mean, and that is it...with no play on words. I do not like having to evaluate every word I write for fear it will be wrongly scrutenized. Although I do recognize it as intimidation tactics. I feel that my statements are my own honest opinions and you belive them to be attacks on you. But then, I can see where we are both going to get more and more rattled and allow anger to interfere without any rationality. There is no point in that happening with either of us. What I want to do is to walk away from this discussion with you. I hope I will refrain from future comments, although I do not like to make such promises. Sometimes we just feel compelled to open our mouth, irregardless of intentions. I do hope you will not assume I have been shut-down or somehow intimidated, in making this decision. It is just that I do not want to pursue it right now. It is just not good for either one of us, stress-wise. I am also not exactly a well person, physically. I know what I believe and you know what I believe and by now, so does everyone else. It is just meaningless for me to continue in this way. You accused me of being either ignorant of the facts or being malicious. I don't believe I am either one. Perhaps that is how you do see it though. Just for your info,. I have been involved in the field of Behavorial Science and in addition I have been involved in uncovering a few scams...well, internet scams actually! Plus as I did mention, I have been what I refer to as a "student" of JFK Research for many years. Regards, Dixie
  13. Hold on Ms Judyth....I believe you are attacking me! I don't play these word games!! You are being hateful where I was not even trying to be. I have studied the JFK Assassination for many years, as well as your claims. Don't count on me not knowing what I am talking about. I have been to where you do not know! I am not without knowlege, nor am I being malicious. I am being honest in what I believe. It is not up to me to prove you are lying. It is up to you, to prove your own claims, which so far you have not done. Words and speculations alone mean zilch to me! I don't recall ever steaing anyones e-mail and am perplexed how one would even go about doing such a thing. Your strange accusations is beneath my level of comprehension and will not work with me! If you don't want to be attacked, then don't be condecending to people who are honestly trying to express their beliefs. Are you wanting to deny my rights to what you also seek for yourself I don't believe anything that I have previously stated, indicates an attack as you refer to it. I know..."read the book!" I would do so, if there was actually one available to read! Dixie
  14. "Martin is certainly correct that the Judyth Baker stuff heavy-handedly overwhelms forums. A check of Lancer right now would lead one to think it to be the Judyth Baker Forum. I don't get the issue, personally, as it wouldn't matter much if this woman did experience the things I've read. If someone can give me a one or two sentence explanation of why the story matters one way or another I would appreciate that (not an item by item examination of veracity)." Tim You're right about that Tim, the Judyth topic does tend to consume some forums. No, it doesn't matter if Judyth actually experienced the things she has claimed. The reason it does matter, is that a big majority of us do not believe her claims. For that reason, it angers me greatly to have a long on-going hoax perpetuated amongst us. I don't know anyone elses reasons, but that is the bottom line of mine. Dixie
  15. No, Martin this time you were not so offensive, which is good! However you did mis-catalogue me. I owe allegiance to no one and am in fact a Member of DellaRosa's Group, Lancer Group and the Simkin's Group. I believe that Judyth is free to use whichever forum she chooses and to express whatever she chooses to say. It is good that she feels safe to do that here, on this forum. But then, I believe I have the same rights. If I choose to not believe her claims, it is also my progative to express that. You can bet if I had something to claim and I wasn't belived by some, I certainly would expect to be challenged. We just cannot always believe or agree with everything we hear..especially within the JFK Research Communities. I don't expect everyone to agree with my assertions and I am sure some don't. We just have to say what we believe to be true or not true. I don't know how anyone else regards this, but that is how I feel anyway. It does not matter what group I belong to in order to believe as I do. If I did believe Judyth's claims, I would probably argue in her favor as well as I do against her. If Judyths book happens to be published within this decade and if I read it and decide that I believe her claims, then I expect I will state that fact. My intentions are not to attack her, contrary to how it may seem. If I was able to be open-minded I would do so, but that is just not the case. Dixie
  16. Dave (Uwe).... It is about time someone speaks out against this hoax. I agree with you 100%. This has been on-going for at least five years now and only compounds and grows from one preposterous claim to another and more every day. All dissention is met with attacks and accusations and denials and changing of stories...or I should say "sanitizing." Just imagine, a large two-volume book that entails at the most a five month period in New Orleans. I might also add the imnvolvement, with every player ever mentioned in the JFK assassination case. She isn't able to be on the internet that often now and unable to read much...B. S. I have seen her all over the internet in even little obscure forums, plus she always seems to know everything being posted everywhere. I have no idea the purpose of this hoax...who really knows? Good for you Uwe! Dixe Dea
  17. Thank you ,James That was quite interesting! Is there a date for this letter? Dixie
  18. ville.... There might be a page that has the Tippit Murder witnesses, like one I have seen of Jack Ruby witnesses. However, I believe you will find Tippit witness testimonies by scrolling down this page. JFK Asaassination witness page http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm I hope that will help! Regards Dixie
  19. Today, I am able to realize that JFK was a good President, I am able to see his good attributes and for all he stood for. I agree with all that has been stated above, by the above persons. Those were referred to as The Days of Camelot. Unfortunately, this is only one side, or the Positive side of JFK as President. There is also a more Negative side. The fact is that not everyone believed JFK to be a great President. He had many enemies, among many different factions. These range from The Military Industrial Complex, to The Oil Men, and the Right Wing, not to mention the Mafia and the Cuban Exiles. To the Republican working man, JFK was immoral and because of Right Wing groups influence, it was even suspected that JFK was Communist. They did not seem to accept or understand the idea of detente. Many also had (unfounded) fears because JFK was Catholic. This was actually a big issue during the Presidentail Campaigns among many of the Protestant Republicans. Also unfortunately, in that era, I happened to be among the Republican frame of mind. I did believe a lot of the negative charges against JFK. Although, I never actually belived JFK was Communist. I wasn't that far right anyway. I just belived, at that time, that Richard Nixon was the better person to be President. I belived Nixon was a good man and since that happened to be my very first time to vote, I did vote for Nixon. After all, Nixon had already been Vice President, so I felt he was more qualified. I especially did not approve of the immoral behavior of JFK or his family. I also assumed that JFK's father probably had some bad influences on his sons. I was not alone in all the above thoughts, most everyone around me, believed just as I did. Irregardless, I was still devestated when JFK was assassinated! This was just unreal to me. I accepted what we were being told, until Jack Ruby shot Oswald. From then on, I just didn't believe there was no conspiracy. As bad as I felt about the assassination, it wasn't until several years later, that I began to realize more positive aspects about JFK, as a President, then I had in my younger years, as a young, (and nieve) first time voter. I believe there are attempts to trash JFK, by those who seem to want to capitalize on his womanizing and also on his physical and health problems and all his enemies. Perhaps this is an attempt to change history or to make JFK seem to future generations as not such a popular president as he actually was. Then too, perhaps this also would seemingly lessen the questions of the assassination....just a thought anyway! Regards Dixie
  20. Dixie Dea I live in the U.S, actually in California. I have attended West Hills College and studies at the Univ of Utah, as well as many special courses of study in the field of Behavioral Science....specifically in the area of Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Recovery. However, I eventually became more involved in the Administrative areas. I no longer work and count myself as retired. Although, I do have a little business, that I work at home sometimes. The biggest portion of my time is with my JFK Research studies. I have been interested and involved in JFK Research for many years practically since the day JFK was assassinated. Although, I didn't actually think about anything like a conspiracy, until the day Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. I don't actually know the reason, but I just didn't seem to believe the explanations we were given. Perhaps at the time, this had more to do with intuition then anything else though. I did begin reading all the information I could find, although I did have a hard time finding anything, living in a small town for many years. In addition, a lot of what I read did not indicate a conspiracy and it just didn't sound convincing to me. Mostly I just kept it in my own mind, that I believed there might have been conspiracy and cover-up. I just kept wanting to find out more! By now, I have been able to read many JFK related books..I have also attended several JFK Anniversary Conferences in Dallas. In addition, I am a member of several JFK Research Forums. I don't have an area of JFK Research that I have specialized. I just seem to go with whatever area interests me. Whatever area I want to pursue in research, that's what I do! I very much enjoy discussing and shariing information with other researchers or those who may be interested. Sincerely, (Ms) Dixie M. Dea
  21. Wlm Dankbaar wrote.... "And as my behaviour on other forums, I have had a clash with Mr. Rich della Rossa of JFKResearch for virtually the same reasons as are developing here. He was protecting Mr. White, giving him the floor for attacks on Judyth Baker and denying me the answers. As I protested this kind of censorship, he denied me further access claiming that I had "resigned" (despite my contribution of 25 bucks, I might add). I don't think you are familiar with that history and have been unilaterally informed." Hello Wlm.... Of course, I am familiar with you from other forums, I suppose you are also familiar with me. I do recall when you were a member of the JFKresearch forum and also recall when you were 86'd. I do wonder why you feel that Jack White needs protection from Rich Della Rosa, or anyone else? Whether I believe your removal was just or unjust, is not my concern. I also belibve you were 86'd because of your methodology in relating to other members, which is quite similar to how you relate to others at this Discussion Board....and has been pointed out to you. I don't feel that anyone would want to deny you, your rights to your own beliefs and opinions. That is just not the problem! In turn, if anyone disagrees with you, you seem to have a way of provoking and challenging and come off as threatening or baiting them. If this is your intention or not, I just don't know. Although, I do know this does not win you any points and in fact, it pisses people off. Most likely, this is the reason you do not get the responses or answers to your questions. It is not true that researchers are not willing to give you answers to your questions..it is true they will not, because they refuse to be intimidated or baited. You even accuse those that disagree with you of being CIA...although I have also heard the same charges against you! Are you really oblivious to how you come across? So much for that....... As for Chauncey Holt, you must know there is controversy as to him being one of the DP Tramps or not. In my own caee, I am unable to agree it is Chauncey, unless or until I am able to actually see that it is actually him. So far, I have been unable to do that! Browbeating or intimidation to convince it is him, just won't cut it for me or most likely many others. I have, of course seen the NO photos that is also claimed to be Chauncey in the photo. I do not yet, see that actually being him either. I especially have a hard time seeing that the tramp and the NO man as being the same person at all. You made a comment that Jack White does not know Chauncey or anything about him. I don't mean to reply for Jack, but I believe that Jack did in fact meet and talk with Chauncey. I am sure he knows a a whole lot more then you give him credit for knowing. I have related this on other forums, but wanted to mention it here as well. In fact, about four years ago, Chauncey's daughter (Karyn) also joined the JFKresearch Forum. Her information in regard to Chauncey, was presented at that time. We hassled this back and forth for some time. Some did, in fact, give Karyn a bad time and some also did believe her. So, you are mistaken in your assertions that Jack, and probably others do not know what we are talking about. In fact, Karyn also put up a little website, with extra photos for us to ponder. She answered many questions put to her. At one point, Karyn and I began e-mail correspindence and actually became friends. Then, I also met her in person, along with her mother (Mary), at the Lancer Conference in Dallas that same year. She made a presentation as well. Karyn, is a very outgoing and delightful person. I liked Karyn very much! I also told her that in all honesty, I was unable to see with my own eyes that the tramp or the NO man in the photo was her father. I tried to see the resemblances, but the truth was that I just was not able to. At the same time, I did believe that Karyn was being honest and that she was realating what she did beleive to be true. Both her and her mother, told me many things about Chauncey. She also told me of the many hours of videos that Chaunhey had done before he died as well as all of his Docments he left her. Then at some point, Karyn walked away!! I never knew the reason, except that I believe there was a litigation involved, in regard to a past attempt to process Chauncey's information (trusting the wrong people) and which may have temporarly halted further affiliation with Karyn. I have no idea where matters stand now, except that you evdently now have some involvemnt. Is Chauncey the tramp? I still have no idea and just can't see that he is. I also can't see that he is the NO man in that photo. In fact, I even feel like that photo of him in, LHO's passing out flyers, has been inserted. It just does not look right to me. But, I cannot actually come up with a logical reason why he would have deceived his own family....especially since Karyn and her father were extremely close. I also cannot see Karyn trying to pull off a hoax. This is just really puzzling to me. Perhaps one day I may see what I do not now see, in regard to the Chauncey photos. Regards Dixie
  22. Okay, thanks much James. I appreciate it. Dixie
  23. Hi James... Do you have any info you could share about, Ernesto Duenas El Esposo De Socotto? He sure does look a lot like the so-called Frenchie Tramp. Thanks! Dixie
  24. Oops! I did make an error when I said a 6 months training period. It is more like 90 days!! However, I think that a lot of jobs consider a 6 month trial period to see how you will adapt. Again... Dixie
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