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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. On 12/4/2018 at 3:50 AM, Steve Thomas said:



    For me, the most momentous part of Earlene's testimony comes in this passage:

    Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, they asked him if there was a Harvey Lee Oswald there.

    Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he registered as O. H. Lee and they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald.


    CE 2003 located in (24H259) is the list submitted of TSBD employees to Captain Gannaway through Jack Revill . It is dated November 22, 1963. Heading that list is Harvey Lee Oswald at 605 Elsbeth.


    Steve Thomas


    The man whose picture Earlene Roberts saw on the television, and knew as O.H. Lee,  could have been known to military intelligence as

    Oswald (comma) Harvey Lee

    Oswald, Harvey Lee

    O.H. Lee


    Steve Thomas

  2. 13 hours ago, Roy Wieselquist said:

    In Joe Bauer's first post in this topic, in Earlene Roberts' testimony, she gives the police car number as 107, "and it was in a black car...not an accident car."  There are pictures of Tippit's car at the scene of his murder with the prominent number 10 on the side of a black (and some white) car.  That's a very low number for a police force of well over a thousand law officers. 



    You know what I'd like to see?

    I'd like to see a couple of pictures of some other cars in the DPD force.

    It strikes me that if you wanted to disguise a certain car, police or otherwise, you might slap a magnetic sign on the side of it that looked realistic, but had a fake number painted on.

    Have you ever seen a picture of another Dallas police car that had a number in the 200's or 300"s?


    Steve Thomas

  3. 2 hours ago, Roy Wieselquist said:

    The boardinghouse owner, Mrs. Johnson, sounds like she came to hate Earlene Roberts only because the housekeeper was so forthcoming with her observations.  ER didn't know that the fix was in, or she was too honest to go along if she did.  Mrs. Johnson sure did know that the fix was in, and resented that ER didn't sweep it all under the rug with the vast majority of Dallas.  Mrs. Roberts was hounded and mistreated the rest of her life, which didn't last long after 11/22/63.




    The history of Mrs. Johnson and Earlene Roberts goes way back.

    Mr. BALL. Now, you know Mrs. Johnson, don't you?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes; I knew her very muchly so.
    Mr. BALL. How long did you work for her?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, this last time I was there around 13 months--that was the third time I had went back.
    Mr. BALL. When did you start working for her?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. I started working for her in 1949 the first time.
    Mr. BALL. You did?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL And you worked for her three times altogether?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes; I got sick the first time---I'm a diabetic and wasn't able to do the work and one day she called me again and wanted to know if I would do it and I went back and stayed again and I went in a coma and had to leave, and the reason why I left this time, she cut me down so low and the work was too heavy--I wasn't able to do the work.
    Mr. BALL. You mean she cut you down on your money?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Oh, yes; and I can't pay my doctor bill and buy my medicine at that price.
    Mr. BALL. You mean, she didn't pay you enough--that's the reason you quit?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. That's the reason why I quit--the work was too heavy and I wasn't able to do it and not enough pay.

    (Here's another one of Jonson's lies):

    Mr. BALL. Miss Earlene Roberts was your housekeeper at this time?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, she was.
    Mr. BALL. How long have you known her?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. I have known Mrs. Roberts, oh, I guess it was 6 years, something like that, 6 years.
    Mr. BALL. Where did you first meet her?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. I hired her as a housekeeper.
    Mr. BALL. At 1026 North Beckley?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Has she been working for you for that period of time?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. No, sir; I let Mrs. Roberts go a time or two, then I would hire her back.
    Mr. BALL. there some reason why you let her go?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Well, she would just get to being disagreeable with renters and I don't know, she has a lot of handicaps. She has an overweight problem and she has some habits that some people have to understand to tolerate.


    Steve Thomas

  4. 54 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:



    There was  a guy on this forum a year or so ago who said that every time he read an article by me he learned about ten new words.

    But I hope you learned more than that.  Especially why Jenning became such a sell out.



    You wrote, " If you continually and falsely smear the DA’s investigation, ..."

    Boy, does that ever sound familiar.


    Steve Thomas

  5. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:


    Any indication that Valentine’s statement above is signed?  No sig on the image you posted.

    Also, your familiarity with the Dallas archives seems pretty unique. (There are several different ones relating to this case, no?)  In my more limited familiarity with them, it seems to me that there are a number of documents not in lockstep with the WC/FBI version of things.

    One of those that stands out for me is the note about the half dollar bills apparently in the possession of Classic Oswald®.  As far a I know, there is no reference to this at all in any federal investigation.  John A. says the note is not in Archives II in College Park.




    No. No signature on Valentine's Report.

    Quite frankly,  I really don't know where this information about the two half-dollar bills comes from. I've never seen a reference to them in any inventory I've ever seen.

    Here's an inventory of the items found on Oswald that's in the DPD Archives. I'm sorry, I don't have a citation for you.


    This is a copy of the inventory found in the DPD Archives Box 1, Folder# 7, Item# 43 with some extra notes added on the side. This inventory was compiled on November 30th.



    Here's Commission Exhibit 1148 This FBI inventory was compiled by James Bookhout and is dated December 10th.


    They match pretty closely I think.


    I know Manning Clements did an inventory of the wallet he found on the desk at around 10:00 PM Friday night, but I can't put my finger on that inventory at the moment. I know there was a reference to it in the discussions about the Hidell ID card in the Forum a while back.

    There's nothing in the DPD Archives that list "torn", "bills", "dollars", or "half-dollars" The only listing for "money" relates to the money Ruby had on him.


    PS: I noticed those two torn half-dollar bills have different serial numbers on them.


    Steve Thomas

  6. 16 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    After some confusion in her testimony, Mrs. Roberts seemed to indicate that it was squad car # 207 that honked by the rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley.  As Joe Bauer noted in his initial post, this testimony should have set off alarm bells just about everywhere in Dallas.  Instead, Captain W.R. Westbrook wrote this brief excuse about car # 207 to Chief Curry:





    Just a quick little aside:


    The Second Platoon shift worked from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

    See p. 7 of Batchelor's Exhibit 5002, p. 124 of the pdf file


    If Valentine drove the car to the TSBD and spent the afternoon helping in the search, how come the keys were turned over to Sgt. Putnam at 3:30 PM, and how did Valentine get back to the station when his shift was over so he could clock out and go home?

    And if the car is parked at the TSBD, how is the new Third Platoon driver of #207 supposed to get back to the car so he can drive it around?

    Questions, questions.


    Steve Thomas


  7. 5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    After some confusion in her testimony, Mrs. Roberts seemed to indicate that it was squad car # 207 that honked by the rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley.  As Joe Bauer noted in his initial post, this testimony should have set off alarm bells just about everywhere in Dallas.  Instead, Captain W.R. Westbrook wrote this brief excuse about car # 207 to Chief Curry:




    DPD Archives Box 5, Folder# 7, Item# 46



    Putnam's name was J.A. Putnam, not J.M. Putnam. (Was Valentine nervous?)

    There is no corresponding statement from Putnam.

    Putnam was interviewed by the W.C., but no questions about Valentine or car# 207.


    Putnam's badge# was #904.


    Steve Thomas

  8. 2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Oswald's landlady at his 1026 North Beckley Oak Cliff address on 11,22,1963 was Earlene Roberts.

    She testified to the Warren Commission on April 4, 1964. Just 5 months after President Kennedy was killed.




    I misspoke a little bit. Earlene testified on April 8th


    For me, the most momentous part of Earlene's testimony comes in this passage:

    Mr. BALL. Do you remember the day the President was shot?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes; I remember it---who would forget that?
    Mr. BALL. And the police officers came out there?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Do you remember what they said?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, it was Will Fritz' men---it was plainclothesmen and I was at the back doing something and Mr. Johnson answered the door and they identified themselves and then he called me.
    Mr. BALL. What did they say?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, they asked him if there was a Harvey Lee Oswald there.
    Mr. BALL. What did he say?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. And he says, "I don't know, I'll have to call the housekeeper," and he called me and I went and got the books and I said, "No; there's no one here by that name," and they tried to make me remember and I couldn't, and Mrs. Johnson come in in the meantime and there wasn't nobody there by that name, and Mrs. Johnson said, "Mrs. Roberts, don't you have him?" And, I said, "No; we don't, for here is my book and there is nobody there by that name." We checked it back a year.
    Mr. BALL. And you didn't have that name you didn't ever know his name was Lee Oswald?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he registered as O. H. Lee and they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald.


    CE 2003 located in (24H259) is the list submitted of TSBD employees to Captain Gannaway through Jack Revill . It is dated November 22, 1963. Heading that list is Harvey Lee Oswald at 605 Elsbeth.


    Steve Thomas


  9. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Oswald's landlady at his 1026 North Beckley Oak Cliff address on 11,22,1963 was Earlene Roberts.

    She testified to the Warren Commission on April 4, 1964. Just 5 months after President Kennedy was killed.

    I would like to ask some of our researcher members a few questions about Ms. Robert's testimony and the Warren Commission's reactions to it.

    I do so because I would like some feedback regarding my take that the WC reaction to Ms. Robert's testimony was so purposefully avoiding of seeking more of the full truth of her story that it reeks of cover-up.

    Regards Earlene Robert's WC testimony (which I will paste the relevant part of here ) I am blown away by the lack of follow up questions by the WC which seems almost unbelievable considering what she stated and how important her recollections were.




    A lot of that goes back to the testimony of the Johnson's, the owners of the 1026 N. Beckley rooming house, and Earlene's employers.

    They gave their testimony on April 1st - three days before Earlene's.

    They lied their asses off.

    Read how Mrs. Johnson smears Earlene.

    Both the Johnson's said that the police knew that Oswald lived at 1026 because he had a piece of paper in his pocket that said so.


    Read how Mrs. Johnson was willing to let the police search the rooms of all of the tenants at 1026 and was on the way with the keys to unlock their doors when Oswald's picture flashed on the TV.



    Mrs. JOHNSON. Well, she would just get to being disagreeable with renters and I don't know, she has a lot of handicaps. She has an overweight problem and she has some habits that some people have to understand to tolerate.

    Mr. BALL. What are they?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Talking just sitting down and making up tales, you know, have you ever seen people like that? Just have a creative mind, there's nothing to it, and just make up and keep talking until she just makes a lie out of it. Listen, I'm telling you the truth and this isn't to go any further, understand that? You have to know these things because you are going to question this lady. I will tell you, she's just as intelligent--I think she is a person that doesn't mean to do that but she just does it automatically. It seems as though that she, oh, I don't know, wants to be attractive or something at times.



    Mr. BALL. On the day of the 22d of November, were you home around 1 o'clock?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. It must have been 1:30 or 2, something like that.
    Mr. BALL. When you came home?
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; after serving lunch.


    “So I came from the restaurant, I guess 1 or 1:30, and these officers were there 1:30 or 2, something like that, anyway, it was after this assassination, and as I drove in, well, the officers were there...”


    Oswald hadn't even been arrested yet, and the police weren't even dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley until 2:40 PM.


    Steve Thomas

  10. 53 minutes ago, James R Gordon said:

     The increase from $75:00 -that was the price last year - to the present costing is a consequence of the popularity of the forum and its bandwidth. In addition I believe the present cost may. reflect the size of the forum that John set up.



    If you are going to have a Donation button, it ought to be whatever the individual member can afford.


    Steve Thomas

  11. 2 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    Hi all,


    Aside from the idea of a new owner, another option is to resurrect the Donation button. Would members find that a useful addition to the site?

    I am happy to listen to members view on this situation.

    Thank you.




    Absolutely on a Donation button.


    I've never used crowdfunding, but maybe that might be another option. If enough was raised, you could put it into some kind of trust and take the monthly interest and use that to pay the monthly Invision fees. Someone more knowledgeable than I could help. (if I understand it correctly, crowdfunding takes a percentage of the amount raised).


    Steve Thomas

  12. George DeMohrenschildt always seems to turn up in places where there is political unrest.- Haiti, Ghana...

    But there's no political aspects mind you.

    WC testimony of George DeMohrenschildt



    Mr. JENNER. I want to get the countries now. Cuba----
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Cuba, Mexico, Ghana----
    Mr. JENNER. These are your travels now?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. That is where I actually went.
    Mr. JENNER. That is what I want to know.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Ghana, Nigeria, Togoland, and France.
    Mr. JENNER. Now, all of this was in connection with the work you were doing with respect to oil exploration and gas exploration and development for what group?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. For No. 1--for Charmex. Then Cuban Venezuelan Trust--that is Warren Smith Co. Then the Three States Oil and Gas Co. in Dallas.
    Mr. JENNER. Now--were there some other companies?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; then Lehman Trading Corp. in New York. I may have had other jobs, but they escape me now. But they were all consulting jobs for clients of mine either from Texas or from New York. And then in 1957 those foreign jobs led to my being pretty well known in that field. I was contacted by Core Lab in Dallas in regard to a job in Yugoslavia.
    Mr. JENNER. Tell us about that. That was for----
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That was for ICA--a job for ICA and for the Yugoslav Government.
    Mr. JENNER. Tell us what ICA is.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. International Cooperation Administration here in Washington--which wanted an oil and gas specialist to go to Yugoslavia and help them develop oil resources under the I don't know--some kind of government deal.

    Mr. JENNER. You were in Ghana in 1957, was it?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I think later than that. I think 1960, probably, or 1959.
    Mr. JENNER. What led you to go to Ghana?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I have clients in New York by the name of Lehman. The first name is Rafael Lehman, who owns the Lehman Trading Corp. I have done some work for him in Texas. A wealthy man of American and Swedish origin, who owns, among other things, stamp concessions all over Africa. They have rights to issue stamps for the Government. And this is one of those ventures that are very profitable, because they practically give the stamps gratis to the Government, and sell the stamps to the philatelic agents. And he has, I think, about 11 African countries under contract to produce stamps for them. And one of them is Ghana.
    And while there--he travels around Africa all the time--he found out that there were some oil seeps in the northern part of Ghana, indications of oil. And he asked me to go there and investigate. And eventually we took a concession in the northern part of Ghana. We still are supposed to have it, this concession.
    Mr. JENNER. Was it published when you went to Ghana that you were a philatelist?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. When we arrived in Ghana?
    Mr. JENNER. Yes.
    Mr. JENNER. Explain that.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That was a trick, because I was representing the philatelic agency, Lehman, but we did not want to let it be known to Shell Oil Co. that I was a consulting geologist.
    Mr. JENNER. Don't you think Shell Oil Co. would know that George De Mohrenschildt was an oil geologist?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, we didn't want it to be known, anyway, because I even didn't go through--I didn't spend any time in Accra. I went right away to the northern provinces. How did you know that I went as a philatelist? You have to say that sometimes in the oil business you use certain tricks. But that was intentional on the part of Mr. Lehman, because Shell Oil Co. is supposed to have the real entry to all those countries, as far as concessions go.
    Mr. JENNER. Did this venture of yours in behalf of Lehman Trading Corp. have anything--was that political in any nature, and I say political with a capital P.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; of course they have to be friendly with Nkrumah, because they produce stamps for him. But that is the only affiliation they have with him.
    Mr. JENNER. So this venture in Ghana had no political aspects whatsoever?
    Mr. JENNER. It was entirely and exclusively business, as you have explained?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. A hundred percent business.
    Mr. JENNER. Except that you were working for the International Cooperation Administration when you were in Yugoslavia first, that had no political, capital P, implications whatsoever?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; it was purely business.
    Mr. JENNER. And your second venture in Yugoslavia for the Cardwell Tool Corp., that was strictly business?
    Mr. JENNER. No politics involved?
    Mr. JENNER. Have you ever been in any respect whatsoever an agent
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Never have.
    Mr. JENNER. Representing----
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Never, never.
    Mr. JENNER. Any government?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. You can repeat it three times.
    Mr. JENNER. Any government?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No I could take what you call the fifth amendment, but, frankly, I don't need to.
    Mr. JENNER. I should say to you, Mr. De Mohrenschildt, that any time you think that your privacy is being unduly penetrated, or that you feel that your constitutional rights might be invaded, or you feel uncomfortable, you are free to express yourself.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. You are more than welcome. I have never been an agent of any government, never been in the pay of any government, except the American Government, the ICA. And except being in the, Polish Army--$5 a month.

    Well, maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I am working for the Haitian Government now. It is a contract. But it has no political affiliations.
    Mr. JENNER. Subject to that.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Again, no political angle to it.
    Mr. JENNER. What I am driving at--whether you work for a foreign government or not, whether you ever have in your lifetime have you at any time had any position, which I will call political, in the capital P sense, in which you sought to advance the interests of a movement or a government or even a group against a government?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Never have. Never was even a Mason. Never part of any political group.




    Modern-day Ghana, which gained its independence on March 6, 1957, consists primarily of the former Gold Coast. The colony’s drive for independence was led by nationalist and Pan-African leader Kwame Nkrumah, who viewed Ghana’s sovereignty as being important not only for the Ghanaian people but for all of Africa, saying “Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of the African continent.” Indeed, more than 30 other African countries, spurred by Ghana’s example, followed suit and declared their own independence within the next decade.

    Nkrumah quickly laid the groundwork for fiscal independence within the new country as well, embarking on many economic development projects. Unfortunately, decades of corruption, mismanagement, and military rule stymied growth and achievement.

    Ghana’s administrative capital is the coastal city of Accra. Originally founded on the site of several Ga settlements, Accra developed into a prosperous trading hub; today it serves as the commercial and educational centre of the county.



    On 6 March 1957 at 12 a.m. Nkrumah declared Ghana's establishment and autonomy. On 1 July 1960, following the Ghanaian constitutional referendum, 1960 and Ghanaian presidential election, 1960 Nkrumah declared Ghana as a republic as the first President of Ghana.[34] 1 July is now celebrated as Republic Day.[41]

    At the time of independence Nkrumah declared, "My first objective is to abolish from Ghana poverty, ignorance, and disease. We shall measure our progress by the improvement in the health of our people; by the number of children in school, and by the quality of their education; by the availability of water and electricity in our towns and villages; and by the happiness which our people take in being able to manage their own affairs. The welfare of our people is our chief pride, and it is by this that the government will ask to be judged.".[42] In 1966, a group of military officers overthrew Nkrumah in a coup d'état and placed Ghana under the authority of the National Liberation Council.[43]


    Nkrumah was the first African head of state to promote the concept of Pan-Africanism, which he had been introduced to during his studies at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania in the United States, at the time when Marcus Garvey was becoming famous for his "Back to Africa Movement".[34


    Steve Thomas



  13. 13 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I think the linking of Bush to the Reagan attempt is a diversion from the real one. The DeMohrenschildt connection is very disturbing,...



    Bush was described as, "an independent oil man from Houston".

    Somebody, (and I can't remember who right now) told the WC that DeMohrenschildt was always disappearing to Houston, but they didn't know with whom he was meeting.

    (I think I remember somebody writing that DeMohrenschildt's business associate in Houston was connected to Brown and Root, but I wouldn't swear to that).

    Here's some notes I've collected about Jake Hamon. I don't really know if they lead anywhere:



    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. Then, I lived in Houston until about 1949 or 1950 and I got sick with my back. You know, I have a very bad back. They wanted to operate on me there but Jake Hamon here, a friend of mine, told me that he wouldn't speak to me unless I come to Dallas, so believe or not, they brought me to Dallas.


    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. Well, let's say that I met George De Mohrenschildt in Dallas, I'll say 15 or 17 years ago, somewhere in that neighborhood.
    Mr. JENNER. Had you heard of him prior to that time?
    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. Yes; I heard of him through Jake Hamon.
    Mr. JENNER. Through Mr. Hamon?
    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. Hamon, H-a-m-o-n [spelling]--Jake.
    Mr. JENNER. Who is he?
    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. He is an oilman friend of mine here, quite well known, and he told me there was a Russian here do I know him, and I said, "No; I hadn't heard about him." That's how I met him--at a party.
    Mr. JENNER. You are talking about George De Mohrenschildt?


    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. He was a consultant to the Yugoslavian Government. In fact, he was sent to Yugoslavian Government with the blessing of our Government, maybe---I don't know under what protocol that we were helping the Yugoslavians, and he went over there but peculiarly, in order to receive the appointment he had to have recommendations of some man known in the industry, and he didn't come to me---I can say this--I don't brag, but if he came to me that would have meant something to him because I was with the Government on a couple or two or three times, but instead of that he goes to Jake Hamon, a close friend of mine, and asked him for a recommendation on that job. Jake said he would not give him a recommendation unless he consults me. That surprised me that he wouldn't ask me right off the bat, but he went around about way. What could I do? Of course I said, technically on the job he is perfectly all right, I mean, he is a good engineer--good petroleum engineer.


    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. George has been friends with many, many influential people in many cities.
    Mr. DAVIS. In all of them, I imagine.
    Mr. JENNER. Is he a namedropper--is he a man who seeks to be friends of important people?
    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. No--he was my friend, I was his friend--he was Jake Hamon's friend and Jake Hamon was his friend.


    Between Two Worlds, by Peter Applebome.


    pp. 106+


    Jake L. (Louis) Hamon, multi-millionaire. Worth 200 million. Gin rummy partner of H.L. Hunt. A director of American Petroleum Institute. Youngest man ever to have served s its Chairman. (p. 107).



    Jake L. (Louis) Hamon was a personal friend of former US President George H.W. Bush.[4] Hamon and his wife visited the Bushes in China when Bush served as Envoy to China in March 1975.[4]

    Bush, George W. (2014). 41: A Portrait of My Father. London: Ebury Publishing. p. 114. ISBN 9780553447781. OCLC 883645289


    Hamon died in 1985 while he was on vacation in Amsterdam


    Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Book 22 p. 10333.


    Jake Hamon of 4738 Shadywood Lane, Dallas, TX appears in Rosemary Woods list of Nixon's 1972 contributors for $25,000.


    (Howard Hughes appears for $16,666.66 *smile*)


    March 5, 1964 FBI Interview of Jake Hamon, 500 Vaughn Building. Interview conducted by SA Richard L. Wiehl CD 555. p. 43.



    First met George DeMohrenschildt in 1947 in Rangely, CO.

    Said DeMohrenschildt was an inferior geologist.

    Said Demohrenschildt's closest associate was Paul Raigorodsky.

    Hamon said that DeMohrenschildt was a “good looking nothing”, and that if he could take him or leave him, he would leave him”.







    (Jack) Crichton, who had been hired soon after leaving the military in 1946 by oil industry wunderkind Everett (Lee) DeGolyer, quickly became a go-to guy for numerous powerful interests seeking a foothold in the energy arena.


    In a 2001 oral history, Crichton volunteered that he was a friend of George de Mohrenschildt’s: “I liked George. He was a nice guy.””


    See vol 9 of the WC Hearings – the testimony of Paul M. Raigorodsky.



    Mr. RAIGORODSKY. “I was asked to come to Washington to organize the Department of Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline Industries for the United States, which I did, and then I had to open--I worked under DeGolyer.”



    During World War II, Everette Lee DeGolyer served as director of conservation with the Office of the Coordinator for National Defense from 1941 to 1942. He was assistant deputy of the Petroleum Administration for War in 1942-43, and was in charge of the Petroleum Reserves Corporation mission to the Middle East in 1943-44 He was president of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers in 1927, and was a director of the American Petroleum Institute for twenty years.In 1946, working on behalf of the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency, DeGolyer recruited Jack Crichton of Dallas, to operate a group of companies which frequently were given new names, presumably to make it more difficult to trace their operations. Crichton became a prominent oil and gas industrialist...”



    Jake and Nancy Hamon Papers


    WC testimony of George Bouhe



    Mr. LIEBELER - Marina went to Mrs. Meller's and stayed there about a week?
    Mr. BOUHE - About a week.
    Mr. LIEBELER - And subsequently she went to Mrs. Ford's house?
    Mr. BOUHE - Yes.
    Mr. LIEBELER - And you took her there to Mrs. Ford?
    Mr. BOUHE - I did take her, with the baby and the playpen, and Mrs. Anna Meller drove over with us to Mrs. Katya Ford's, I think, on a Saturday or Sunday, because Mrs. Ford volunteered that since the Meller's had a very small apartment, to take Marina for a week because her husband, Declan P. Ford, was attending the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention in Houston for the whole week and she could bring her over for a week.
    Mr. LIEBELER - That was in November of 1962?
    Mr. BOUHE - I would say October, but I would not swear. Do you know it is November?
    Mr. LIEBELER - Yes, it was November 11 to 18, 1962, according to Mrs. Ford.
    Mr. BOUHE - Well then, it was, if Mrs. Ford said so, and the only double check I can make is to check, when was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention in Houston.


    Steve Thomas


  14. 11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    And I also believe Lee Harvey Oswald loved his babies June and Rachel too much to leave them with a potentially horrific life ruining legacy such as he supposedly did.



    A lot of people want to point to the fact that Oswald left a bunch of money behind on the dresser as evidence of his guilt.

    The thing that has always stuck in my memory is that one of the last things Oswald supposedly told Marina; was to make sure that baby June got some shoes.

    That's something I just can't shake.


    Steve Thomas

  15. 13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:


    Tannenbaum said "To the best of my recollection , we found that movie somewhere in the Georgetown Library archives".   Who was digging there and were they looking for it?  If so what/who suggested they do so.  Why would it be put there in the first place?



    I always wondered about that. Even if the film itself disappeared, there should have been a record of its acquisition in the Library cataloging system, and even of its withdrawal.

    Unless, of course, it had never been officially acquired by the Archives and was just stashed in the stacks somewhere.

    I suppose it's too late to check on that by now.


    Steve Thomas



  16. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Theater concessionaire Butch Burroughs saw a man who "looked almost like Oswald, like he was his brother or something" taken out the back of the theater in handcuffs "three or four minutes" after HARVEY Oswald was taken out the front of the theater.



    It's funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday.

    There is no way to answer this question, of course; but, if Butch Burroughs sold popcorn to Lee Oswald at 1:00, what happened to the popcorn?

    No reports of greasy hands, no popcorn stuck between his teeth...


    Steve Thomas

  17. On 11/27/2018 at 10:47 AM, Paul Brancato said:

    Steve - You did in fact point out this out to me previously. I guess the question I still have is what are you suspicious of? I read this as simply the French had info on Souetre’s whereabouts and asked us for any help we could give. It’s well documented that OAS tried several times to kill DeGaulle. Maybe the CIA writer was aware of the careful wording, maybe not. I would agree that we cannot assume CIA was aware of Souetre’s presence in Dallas, or helped him leave. But I would not assume from this that they were not aware of Souetre’s movements.  What is clear is that French Intel was worried and had good reason to believe he had been in Dallas. And though Souetre himself denied it, in fact denied any visits to the US, I prefer to believe French Intel. As you know, they are the source for info on not only the Dallas visit, but other visits earlier in 1963 to New Orleans and Texas. 


  18. 2 hours ago, Greg Wagner said:

    This is the first I've heard of this incident.



    This was covered very briefly in the Ed Forum back in 2016 in a thread started by David Von Pein

    Possible JFK Assassination Attempt In Illinois On Oct. 19, 1962


    He linked to a Washington Post story here:



    Steve Thomas

  19. On 11/26/2018 at 4:05 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    Thank you for the doc links, David.  Very helpful.

    On the first read-through,  one thing I’m NOT willing to accept as necessarily true is the statement that “Michael Roux referred to above has been located by French in Paris and it has been determined he is not identical with Jean Souetre” in the 3/13/64 airtel from Hoover.

    Interesting that the Director himself felt the need to quash this case of mistaken identity.  This case sure would be easier if we could trust the FBI.


  20. 14 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    Jepson might be W. B. Jepson Naval Intelligence Service.  He was involved in HSCA matters.





    Among other things, Jepson was involved in handling the allegation by a George L. Brown that President Kennedy's assassination was related to the sinking of the submarine, the U.S.S. Thresher.      http://ussnautilus.org/blog/the-loss-of-uss-thresher-ssn-593/


    see p. 5 of Brown' letter here:



    Steve Thomas


  21. On 11/26/2018 at 10:21 AM, Jim Hargrove said:


    Nevertheless, the paragraph from the April 1, 1964 CIA document quoted in Mr. Fensterwald's affidavit is fascinating.  A barely legible reproduction of the doc is here:


    A transcript of the document, done in 2012 on this forum by Thomas Graves, is below.  There appear to be some minor differences between the graphical version and the transcription.

    8. Jean SOUETRE aka Michel ROUX aka Michael MERTZ – on 5 March [Mr. Papich] advised that the French had [hit] the Legal Attache in Paris and also the [sDECE man] had queried the Bureau in New York City concerning subject stating that he had been expelled from the U.S. at Fort Worth or Dallas 48 hours after the assassination. He was in Fort Worth on morning of 22 November and in Dallas in the afternoon. The French believe he was expelled to either Mexico or Canada. In January he received mail from a dentist named Alderson living at 5803 Birmingham, Houston, Texas. Subject is believed to be identical with a Captain who is a deserter from the French Army and an activist in the OAS. The French are concerned because of De Gaulle’s planned visit to Mexico. They would like to know the reason for his expulsion from the U.S. and his destination. Bureau files are negative and they are checking in Texas and with the INS. They would like a check of our files with indications of what may be passed to the French. Mr. Papich was given a copy of CSCI-3/766,742 previously furnished the Bureau and CSDB-3/655,207 together with a photograph of Captain SOUETRE . WE/3/Bublie; CI/SIG; CI/OPS/Evans

    Something like the above strikes me as hard to ignore.  Do you know if the complete copy of the doc is available at Mary Ferrell's or anywhere else?



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