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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Gerry, Just a little quick side note, and off topic at that, I'm afraid... But you might be interested in scrolling down through this site: http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/CGSC/CARL/download/csipubs/TheIntegratedBattlefield_HellerSnoke.pdf I'm afraid I can't provide any full text of the articles, but just scrolling through the bibliography will make your blood run cold. Steve Thomas
  2. This is on page 7 of Fensterwald's memo, page 9 of the pdf file. I've been looking and I can find no record or newspaper article of this visit. Steve Thomas
  3. Michael, I have mulled this over in my mind for years, and haven't figured out a way to express it, but that's why I haven't given too much credence to the idea of the ultra far right fringe like the KKK or the Knights of Shickshimmey or whatever cooperating much with the anti-Castro exiles. I think they would have been perfectly willing to sit back and watch their little brown brothers kill each other off. Steve Thomas
  4. David, What do you think of the idea that Kennedy's body was removed from the coffin right there at Parkland? That would explain: 1) The tunnels 2) herding the candy stripers etc. to a central area 3) taping over the windows 4) the fight over the coffin in the hallway PS: Was there something going on in the fall of 1961 that you are thinking of besides the Bay of Pigs aftermath? Or would that be giving too much away prior to your book? Steve Thomas
  5. Jeff, No, you're spot on. And Ron, I think that's Seymour Weitzman you're thinking of. Steve Thomas
  6. Jeff, CD 205 p. 39. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672#relPageId=42 U.S. Attorney Barefoot Sanders speaks of receiving a telephone call from a reporter who had interviewed Smith. It also says that two FBI Agents had interviewed Smith. You could try running their names down and see if they filed any reports. There's a Jackie Jura, who has a web page, http://www.orwelltoday.com/jfkpicketfencesmithpoliceman.shtml in which she wrote: “Ronnie Dugger, editor of THE TEXAS OBSERVER, questioned Smith, and the officer told Dugger that he had gone directly to the area behind the fence”. You could try and see if Dugger is still alive, or if his article can be found. Joe Smith died in 1983: https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=56885285 Steve Thomas
  7. David, Technologically speaking, a photograph wouldn't bleed through to a carbon copy would it, seeing as how carbon paper works? It would on a Xerox copy, but not carbon paper right? Maybe that's a negative of a Xerox copy instead of the carbon copy second page of an original. Steve Thomas
  8. A Possible French Connection http://www.xiconhoca.org/PDF/DDeRoux/Apossiblefrenchconnection.pdf In a lawsuit initiated by Gary Shaw against the Department of State, and filed by Bernard Fensterwald, it says, “Equally, when DeGaulle visited New Orleans on May 3, 1963, there was a plot against his life by OAS sympathizers...all of which has been confirmed by one of those sympathizers”. Does anyone know much about this visit by DeGaulle to New Orleans in May, 1963? Lee Harvey Oswald had moved there shortly before that. Steve Thomas
  9. Larry, Thanks. It's frustrating at times, isn't it? I spent about a year trying to get something from the French National Archives. It was only a list of names of the people who were also tried alongside of Souetre before the military tribunal in December, 1961 only to be told that it was still classified ! I ultimately did find it, - in a newspaper no less :-) Steve Thomas
  10. Over the years I have seen references about Jean-Rene Souetre being in Louisiana and being at a training camp, and or a suitcase with $200,000 in it. I've also seen references to Souetre being in Florida in April, 1963 - perhaps the Hotel Fontainbleu? But the only thing I have ever seen are the same second or third hand references being repeated over and over. Has anyone ever seen a first-hand reference from someone saying, yes, I was there and yes, I saw these things? And, if so, could you direct me to a citation or citations? Thanks, Steve Thomas
  11. David, If you read the FBI Report of an interview with William Chambers here: http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/fbi_124-10179-10312 it looks like the three were, in fact, arrested twice that day. See pp. 2-3 of Chambers' interview. That would account for their various stories about whether they were sleeping or awake, men in different colored uniforms, whether they were in a boxcar or laying on sheets of steels, etc. What I can't account for is why they were held by the DPD after being told they were "free to go". A "fall-back" position in case Oswald didn't work out perhaps? They were released and signed out by Beck on the 26th as part of a general house cleaning along with John Elrod, Daniel Wayne Douglas, etc. Steve Thomas
  12. Thomas, From: G. Robert Blakey and Richard Billings. The Plot to Kill the President (1981) on the Spartacus web site: http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKhallL.htm "In September 1963 Hall and Howard drove from Los Angeles, heading for Miami with a trailer-load of arms, but they were forced to leave the trailer in Dallas for lack of a hiding place in Florida. In October Hall and Seymour, back in Dallas to retrieve the trailer, were arrested for possession of drugs; but with the help of an influential financial supporter, they were released. They took the arms back to Miami, but the mission for which they were intended, Hall told us, was aborted in late October when he, Howard, Seymour, and some Cubans were arrested by customs officials as they were driving to their embarkation point south of Miami. No charges were filed, but their arms and equipment were confiscated, so they returned to Miami, frustrated, and in early November, headed west. All three swore they were at their respective homes - Hall and Howard in California, Seymour in Arizona - on November 22, 1963." If my memory serves me right, the "influential financial backer" was Lester Logue, another one of those pesky Army Reserve Colonels. Steve Thomas
  13. If you look at a map, geographically speaking, this makes no sense. Dallas, TX is 521 miles northwest of New Orleans. That would be a round trip of 1,000 miles out of your way. You don't go from New Orleans to Mexico City by way of Dallas. You'd go through Houston. Someone, (whoever that might be) would not undertake that trip just to get a letter translated. Steve Thomas
  14. Michael, To me, the most chilling account given by Roger Craig is is when he describes the apprehension of Oswald in the theater. He writes, "At the back door was none other than William F. Alexander, Assistant D.A., and several Dallas Police officers with guns drawn. While Dallas Police Officer McDonald and others entered the theater and turned on the lights and the suspect was pointed out to them, they started searching people several rows in front of Oswald, giving him a chance to run if he wanted to—right into the blazing guns of waiting officers!" I've gone back over the WC testimony of McDonald, Hutson,and Hawkins and Craig is right. In all three cases I looked at, they all said that a single individual was identified and pointed out to them and that he was sitting alone about three or four rows from the back. There is absolutely no reason to stop and frisk two other people sitting down in the front, neither of whom matched the description sent out by radio. Hutson, Hawkins and Baggett were riding together. Hutson and Hawkins entered the theater, leaving Baggett, the patrolman who was on temporary assignment to the Special Service Bureau outside at the back door. It was chilling. Steve Thomas
  15. In 1960, while QJWIN was being prepped to go to Leopoldville, Captain Souetre was a French paratrooper, and he spent all of 1961 in prison. Whoever QJWIN was, the one person he was not was Jean-Renee Souetre. Any involvement Souetre might have had with QJWIN would have to have come after February, 1962. Steve Thomas
  16. Douglas, Thank you. I kind of thought it was something like that. Steve Thomas
  17. I think I understand a little more. See: The Education Forum thread, "Who was QJWIN?" http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/10942-who-was-qjwin/& and http://www.legacyofsecrecy.com/documents.html which posits that Victor Michael Mertz was QJWIN Steve Thomas
  18. Douglas, I'm not on Facebook. Why does he have a picture of Jean-Rene Souetre on the cover? Steve Thomas
  19. http://www.jfk-online.com/cherdoc2.html APRIL 4, 1967 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF ST. LANDRY CITY OF EUNICE Officer J. A. ANDREWS, Texas Highway Patrol, was interviewed by us, relative to the death of one MELBA CHRISTINE MARCADES, alias ROSE CHERAMIE [sic], w/fm, d.o.b. 11-14-23, LSP #256-375, FBI #234-7922. Officer ANDREWS stated that subject died of injuries received from an automobile accident on Hwy. #155, 1.7 miles East of Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas, at 3:00 AM, on Sept. 4, 1965. Subject died at the hospital in Gladewater, Gregg County, Texas. The inquest was held by Justice of the Peace ROSS DELAY, Prec. #3, Gregg County, Texas. The accident was reported to Officer ANDREWS by the operator of the car, after he had taken the subject to the hospital. ANDREWS stated that the operator related that the victim was apparrently [sic] lying on the roadway with her head and upper part of her body resting on the traffic lane, and although he had attempted to avoid running ove[r] her, he ran over the top part of her skull, causing fatal injuries. An investigation of the physical evidence at the scene of the accident was unable to contradict this statement. Officer ANDREWS stated that due to the unusual circumstances, mainly time, location, injuries received and lack of prominent physical evidence, he attempted to establish a relationship between the operator of the vehicle and the victim to determine if any foul play was involved. This resulted negative. It should be noted that Hwy. #155 is a Farm to Market Road, running parallel to US Hwys. #271 and #80. It is our opinion, from experience, that if a subject was hitch-hiking, as this report wants to indicate, that this DOES NOT run true to form. It is our opinion that the subject would have been on one of the US Highways. ANDREWS stated that although he had some doubt as to the authenticity of the information received, due to the fact that the relatives of the victim did not pursue the investigation, he closed it as accidental death. PAGE 2 APRIL 4, 1967 Officer ANDREWS---- We wish to further state that fingerprint identification shows that deceased subject, MELBA CHRISTINE MARCADES, is the same person as subject ROSE CHERAMIE [sic], who was in custody, by us, from November 21, 1963, through November 28, 1963, at which time she stated that she once worked for JACK RUBY as a stripper, which was verified, and that RUBY and LEE HARVEY OSWOLD [sic] were definitely associated and known to be, as she stated, "bed partners." She further referred to RUBY as alias "PINKEY." Other statements made by subject, relative to your inquiry, are hear-say, but are available, upon your request. (signed) Lt. F. L. Frugé LT. F. L. FRUGÉ, LA. STATE POLICE
  20. I'm sorry to hear that. Bernice helped me out several times over the years. She was very kind. Steve Thomas
  21. Just a small note. Tannenbaum kept saying it came from the Library Archives. Having been in the business myself, I know that libraries do not lend materials from their archives. Archive material is one of a kind stuff. Perhaps Tannenbaum made a copy? Steve Thomas
  22. I don't know. I'm kind of with Larry on this one. I can't believe that with something that explosive, everybody would just throw up their hands and say, "Meh, whatever". See this 2011 thread on this Forum entitled, "The other "other" film". Steve Thomas
  23. T.A. Hutson is most notably known because of his participation in the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. But there may be more to Hutson than meets the eye. Maybe. There were just a couple of things in his background that made me go, "hmmmm." Mr. BELIN. How long did you serve in the Army? Mr. HUTSON. Four years. Mr. BELIN. What did you do there? Mr. HUTSON. I went to Fort Ord, Calif., for basic training, and from there I went to Germany and joined the 1st Infantry Division, and I joined them in October of 1948. I landed in Germany and I stayed with them in Germany until May of 1951, I returned to the United States and was stationed at Fort Sam Houston. Mr. BELIN. What did you do, basically, in Germany? Mr. HUTSON. I started out in the Infantry, and when I left Germany I was in a more or less administrative part of my Infantry company, doing mail and administrative work in the sergeant's office Mr. HUTSON. In May of 1951, and I went to Fort Sam Houston, Tex., where I was promoted to Infantry sergeant, platoon sergeant, and there I gave instructions in Infantry tactics. Mr. HUTSON. I went to Camp Pickett, Va. we were there this was during the Korean war when I started to train men in Camp Pickett, Va., and I got an extended year from a 3-year enlistment, and I was discharged in July of 1952. I returned to Dallas and went back to work for Texas & Pacific Railway as an interchange clerk in the accounting office. I stayed with Texas & Pacific for approximately a year, at this time I resigned and a lifelong friend and I went into the service station business at Harwood and Grand here in Dallas. We stayed in the service station business 18 months. I sold my interest to him around February the 5th, and I went to work for the Dallas Police Department. in 1955 Mr. BELIN. What were your duties in the Dallas Police Department in the fall of 1963? Mr. HUTSON. I was a 3-wheel motorcycle officer. What kind of Sergeant gives training in Infantry tactics at both Fort Sam Houston and Camp Pickett? Is his posting to Fort Sam Houston significant? Lots and lots of soldiers were posted to Fort Sam Houston, but that is also where a lot of the Fourth U.S. Army's intelligence efforts were based. For example, see Robert Jones testimony before the HSCA, https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/unpub_testimony/Jones_4-20-78/html/jones_0007a.htm The 112th INTC was based there, and the Stringfellow cable was based on a phone call and follow up memo to McDill Strike Force in Florida coming out of Fort Sam Houston .https://archive.org/stream/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK/AI JFK 01#page/n0/mode/2up 3) Fort Pickett was initially called Camp Pickett. Its mission is “to make Fort Pickett the “Training Center of Excellence” for the East Coast. To do this, we must provide the best Ranges, Facilities and training lands for all units training here at Fort Pickett. Our capabilities is to develop a Regional Collective Training Center for the East Coast, Intermediate Staging for up to 5,000 soldiers, expanded Counter IET/CBRN training and exportable Combat Training Center.” http://vko.va.ngb.army.mil/fortpickett/mtc/garrison/aboutus/aboutus.htm 4) He co-owned a gas service station business for 18 months. 5) On April 3, 1964 Hutson told the Warren Commission that in the midst of a manhunt for the suspect in a police officer shooting, his fellow officers, Ray Hawkins and Elmer Baggett stopped at a Mobil Gas Station to make a telephone call (both policemen went into the gas station) because “I believe they gave us a call for us to call. I mean their number to call in.” This request from Dispatch or Headquarters to call in doesn't show up in the DPD dispatch tapes, nor do they show Hawkins reporting that he is “out of service”. 6) Why does Hutson testify to this Mobil Gas Station stop in April, 1964, when none of his, Hawkins, or Baggett's after-action reports done up in December, 1963 report it? 7) Hutson testified at 9:00 AM. Hawkins testified at 9:50 AM. Why wasn't Hawkins asked about this Mobil Gas Station stop? They were both interviewed at 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex. Hutson was questioned by David W. Belin. Hawkins was questioned by Joseph Ball. Were either of the two lawyers present at both times? Steve Thomas
  24. Jim, Do you know what ever became of this film? It's been years since I read about it. Wasn't it supposed to have been in a university somewhere, (Georgetown maybe?) but the last time anyone ever went looking for it, it was no longer there? This is the first I've heard about Banister and Phillips. I thought I had remembered it was supposed to show Oswald and Ferrie. Thanks, Steve Thomas.
  25. Michael, I have not done research in this area, so I can't comment intelligently, but I wonder if anyone has done a cross-reference between the sightings of a second Oswald and the kind of car he was supposedly driving. Are there any two instances when he was "observed" driving the same kind of car? Also, to the best of my knowledge, there aren't any occasions of a second sighting, at the same time, but in two different locations. I don't know of any instance where Person X says, "I saw Oswald at 3:00 PM here", but Person Y speaks up and says, "No, that can't be because I saw him at 3:00 PM here", all the while the real Oswald is working at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, or visiting Marina or whatever. PS: I've always been intrigued by the sightings at the radio station in Alice, Texas. There were at least two witnesses, separated by at least 24 hours, weren't there? Steve Thomas
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