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Ollie Curme

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  1. Back to the wallet controversy, Julia Postal reported in February 1964 that when Oswald was arrested in the theatre the arresting officers identified him by his name Oswald. See: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=95742#relPageId=7 At that point she could have been mistaken. But if her recollection was correct, where would the officers have gotten Oswald's name, other than through the wallet at the Tippit scene, or a crooked DPD cop?
  2. Mervyn, I think the question of how LHO got to Helsinki was addressed in this forum by Jim Root who referenced Chris Mills and the Warren Report. See: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/24902-helsinki-by-train-oct-15-16-1959/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-378797
  3. I think Milicent Cranor's article on The Third Wound is better: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/C%20Disk/Cranor%20Millicent/Item%2001.pdf
  4. It was also published in a book titled The Letters of John F. Kennedy, published by Bloombury Publishing, a reputable UK publisher: https://books.google.com/books?id=zZC1AQAAQBAJ&pg=PA159&lpg=PA159&dq="It+would+be+very+helpful+if+you+would+have+the+high+threat+cases+reviewed+with+the+purpose+of+identification+of+bona+fide+as+opposed+to+classified+CIA+and+USAF+sources.+"It+is+important+that+we+make+a+clear+distinction+between+the+knowns+and+unknowns+in+the+event+the+Soviets+try+to+mistake+our+extended+cooperation+as+a+cover+for+intelligence+gathering+of+their+defence+and+space+programs.+"I+would+like+you+to+arrange+a+program+of+data+sharing+with+NASA+where+unknowns+are+a+factor."&source=bl&ots=bPrMM3RzFp&sig=bByKnMXagHskayfSuJ2HanZyCi0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM9Lvlr_3VAhVF_4MKHVYIAS0Q6AEINjAD#v=onepage&q="It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. "It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defence and space programs. "I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where unknowns are a factor."&f=false
  5. Here's a link to a British tabloid that purports to show a declassified memo from JFK to CIA to review UFO intelligence files as part of JFK's proposed joint space effort with the Soviets. http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/631341/New-shock-claim-JFK-was-murdered-by-CIA-days-after-demanding-UFO-files-and-NASA-visit No idea whether it is valid.
  6. Freedom of religion is granted as part of our First Amendment liberties. Maybe you should find an alt-right forum to post your anti-constitutional rantings.
  7. When is a yard not a yard? See these two pictures of a yardstick. The top picture was taken with a focal length of 35mm. The bottom picture was taken with a focal length of 300 mm. Why don't the inches in the middle line up? Are the yardsticks two different lengths? No, it's the same yardstick.
  8. Sandy, If you read Pat Speer's Chapters 13 and 14 he clears up a lot of confusion. You can see the 15mm by 6 mm hole in the scalp by the external occipital protuberance in the Back of Head photo and you can also see the corresponding complete through hole in the underlying skull in the Mystery Photo. I have attached one of Pat Speer's comparison slides showing the EOP hole in the scalp and skull as well as a Mystery Photo that shows the EOP hole as well as a bevelled half circle hole in the skull at the top of the head. It is the bevelled half circle hole in the top of the head to which skull fragments brought in later in the autopsy fitted, completing the circle. These skull fragments were diagrammed by Boswell on the second page of the autopsy face sheet: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=582#relPageId=2&tab=page and also xrayed, see: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=82#relPageId=131&tab=page Finally I have attached a slide from Cyril Wecht's paper on JFK's head wounds which shows that the trail of lead fragments extend from the top of the head forward to the frontal bone, indicating that the fatal head shot must have come from the rear.
  9. I'm not sure I can agree with you David that Hume's vague description of the location of the large head wound allow him to be describing the blowout in the back of the head as described by the Parkland doctors. For the same autopsy report describes a small 15mm by 6mm hole in the occiput, slightly above and 2.5 cm to the right of the external occipital protuberance. How can you have a small 15mm by 6 mm hole in the same spot where there's a hole the size of a small orange?
  10. Thanks Paul. I agree that Pat Speer has done excellent work on interpreting the evidence in a way that explains away a lot of the anomalies and doesn't require that the Z film and autopsy report, photos and Xrays were all faked. Thus, according to Occam's Razor, his theory is better than a lot of others'. But if you look at the slide deck titled "A New Perspective on the Shot that Killed Kennedy" at PatSpeer.com he concludes that JFK was not hit by a shot from the front. In addition to the back wound, there was a bullet hole of entrance in the occiput which travelled down the nect and a tangential shot whose bullet impacted around the cowlick, caused the head to explode and continued forward, impacting the chrome strip above the rear view mirror. You'll recall that the two major fragments from that bullet were found to have human skin tissue attached. The two shots to JFK's head from the rear are supported by the trail of small lead particles seen in the lateral and AP Xrays which start around the cowlick and proceed forward to just behind the frontal bone. The back and to the left motion of JFK's body is preceded by a sharp down and forward motion of the head which other researchers concluded came from two almost simultaneous bullets but Speer concludes the head moved down and forward and bounced off JFK's chest and then travelled rearward. So Speer concludes no damage to JFK from a shot from the front. There is evidence that there was a shot from the grassy knoll: smoke, smell of gunpowder, etc. Could have been a diversionary shot to deflect attention from the TSBD in order to allow the conspirators to escape.
  11. How exactly do the conspirators alter the body so the large blasted out hole in the occiput goes away?
  12. I agree that Hoover seemed to come to a LN conclusion unduly early, but he didn't call off the search for possible confederates until Saturday morning: At 4:01PM EST (3:01PM Dallas time) Oswald had been in custody for 1 hour and 11 minutes. At this point there was little evidence against him, except for an eyewitness report that he entered a movie theater without paying. Despite this, Hoover called Bobby Kennedy again and told him “I thought we had the man who killed the President down in Dallas.” and “since the Secret Service is tied up, I thought we should move into the case.”http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=96&tab=page Also at 4PM, Hoover put out a teletype to all FBI offices: “All offices immediately contact all informants, security, racial and criminal, as well as other sources for information bearing on assassination of President Kennedy. All offices immediately establish whereabouts of bombing suspects, all known Klan and hate group members, known racial extremists, and any other individuals who on the basis of information available in your files may possibly have been involved.” http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=8&tab=page At 5:15pm J. Edgar Hoover put out a memo stating that LHO was the principal suspect, seemingly based only on his leftist views and travel to Russia: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=2&tab=page By the next morning, Saturday November 23, Hoover apparently felt certain that they had their man, and further investigation was not warranted. He again put out a teletype to all offices stating “Lee Harvey Oswald has been developed as the principal suspect in the assassination of President Kennedy. He has been formerly charged with the President’s murder along with the murder of Dallas Texas patrolman J.D. Tippit by Texas State authorities. In view of developments all offices should resume normal contacts with informants and other sources with respect to bombing suspects, hate group members and known racial extremists. Daily teletype summaries may be discontinued.” http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=20&tab=page
  13. Robert Harris analyzes the Towner film in this Youtube video: He concludes that there was a suppressed shot at the turn onto Elm Street which caused JFK to startle, slump to the left and then sit back up again. Testimony from two Secret Service agents in the followup car would seem to support this. See John Costella's Assassination Research pp 44-45: http://assassinationresearch.com/v5n1/v5n1costella.pdf Sam Kinney (Secret Service agent, driving the follow-up car), November 22, 1963: “The first shot was fired, I glanced from the taillight of [the Presidential limousine] at the President and it appeared that he had been shot because he slumped to the left. Immediately he sat up again.” [Statement: CE1024: 18H732] What Happened on Elm Street? 45 The Eyewitnesses Speak George Hickey (Secret Service agent, in the follow-up car), November 22, 1963: “As [the Presidential limousine] made the turn and proceeded a short distance I heard what seemed to me that a firecracker exploded to the right and rear. I stood partially up and turned to the rear to see if I could observe anything. Nothing was observed and I turned and looked at the President’s car. The President was slumped to the left in the car and I observed him come up.” [Statement: 18H765] These statements would seem to refer to the turn onto Elm because nowhere else do we see JFK slump to the left and then sit back up again. If you buy into this first shot at the turn on Elm hypothesis, then the Aubrey Rike ambulance may suggest what the original plot was. Recall that witness testimony said that Greer made a very wide turn onto Elm, almost hitting the curb. And there had been an ambulance parked at that spot until a few minutes before the motorcade arrival. Aubrey Rike told researchers that there had been many false alarms for an ambulance at the corner of Elm and Houston in the days preceeding the assassination: http://www.kenrahn.com/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/rike.html Perhaps the original plan was to have the ambulance in the intersection when the limo arrived, bringing the motorcade to a halt, and shooting JFK in the intersection. Since the motorcade was running late, the timing was off and the ambulance left the intersection a few minutes prior to the motorcade arrival. What do you all think?
  14. If you believe the files FBI files, as of 2:17PM EST (1:17PM Dallas time), Shanklin told Hoover that he had heard the dead Secret Service agent story and confirmed it with the Dallas Police Department: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=57&tab=page I agree with Mr. Lifton that the fortuitous result of that rumor was that it allowed the FBI to immediately move into the case, prior to the official sanction from LBJ later that evening.
  15. Pat Speer has done a superb effort in allowing us to orient and understand the mystery photo, which shows a skull defect extending towards the rear of the skull including a great amount of lost parietal bone and some occipital bone. The point I want to make is that you don't need a McClelland style occipital bone blowout to observe the back of the brain. I have posted a picture of a skull below with just the parietal bone missing; as you can see, the view extends all the way to the back of the skull. So my point is that Pat Speer's orientation of the mystery photo has allowed us to understand how the Parkland witness observations with respect to occipital and parietal lobes is completely compatible with the mystery photo autopsy observation.
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