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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. If JFK Jr. ever decided to run for office his incredibly iconic lineage and stunning movie star looks alone would have made him a front runner from the starting gate. I am sure the typical JFK ideology adversarial powers to be considered him a future threat to their interests of the highest degree.
  2. Ford was the perfect choice to not just pardon Tricky Dick, but to keep control of the whole situation by the same WC/FBI cabal that controlled the JFK event investigation back in 1963/64. I wonder whether Haig would have pardoned Nixon...or not.
  3. Oh wow. Would love to see that. Could you provide a link Chris? Thanks, JB
  4. As I mentioned and like the great majority of JFKA truth seekers, I have to admit this fact. I am "not sure" who killed JFK. If Oswald did some shooting, I am more sure of his being assisted in some way versus not, especially in his perfect shooting perch location and supposed timing luck. I am also more sure than not that Jack Ruby had help in getting into the DPD basement at just the right time to do Oswald. I have run through so many witness testimonies in my head over and over that suggest Oswald and Ruby did not do their deeds without some help. I have filtered these suggestive claims through my logic screening filter so many times I am often just tired of doing so. Still, the Sylvia Odio, Rose Cheramie stories and so many others and Oswald's laughably incriminating New Orlean's shenanigans will never allow me to believe Oswald and Ruby simply "got lucky" in pulling off the crimes of the century. The conundrum of still not being sure who killed JFK is accompanied by the same one of Oswald just getting lucky ( and Ruby too ) in doing their deeds by themselves. So, the unsureness goes both ways imo.
  5. Readership numbers? I am guessing the number of "visitors" to the forum site may be well over 100...maybe even over two hundred? They read everything here. I have seen the actively queued in visitor numbers vary from 10 to as high as 35 at times. Yet, those numbers are from a much larger total pool. Correct? Some pop in one day. Others the next. I am sure many of our visitors come from other JFK forums. Remember too that several of our members and their research and published works often cross over into much broader media venues. Huge audience ones. National audience "Coast To Coast AM" talk radio show and many other more regional audience ones. Well known podcasts. Occasional magazine and newspaper articles. Even internet news venues. Major book publishing deals for a few. Our own Jim Di working hand in hand with Oliver Stone himself! On a nationally and even internationally distributed film? Having lunch one on one with Stone and the great film writer David Mamet! Remember also, all the other JFKA forums know this one is the highest bar one with the highest esteem contributors. The small readership claim is misleading. Maybe a better analogy is that this forum is like an elite membership private country club with strict vetting rules. Only the most respected and intelligent are allowed in? It was never intended to be a Jerry Springer/Maury Povich/Pit Bulls And Parolees TV show fan drop in venue.
  6. It's a sad reality to even think about. Wish we had something more promising to report, especially at the 60th anniversary date.
  7. Exactly the same sentiments on my end PS. Both G.W. and Donnie Trump made massive tax cuts for our top 1% one of their immediately implemented highest priority acts. IMO, that WAS their number 1 priority domestic agenda ...well over any others. That 1% interests priority over the rest of us is SO OBVIOUS with these Republicans! When our federal Supreme Court stepped in and terminated the 2000 presidential election Florida vote counting over-ruling the Florida State Supreme Court decision to keep counting and defying all SCOTUS Vs state SC precedents was and will always be one of the most Constitution violating acts by that court ever. Every hour, Gore was gaining votes in that Florida state recount. He was within what...a couple hundred votes of taking that state? Sandra Day O'Conner and her Republican party biased cohorts frantically rushed off to a special session with one purpose. STOP THE VOTE! If we don't...their guy wins the election! Even intrepid JFK writer Vincent Bugliosi called the SCOTUS Florida vote stopping action one of the greatest crimes against our democracy ever!
  8. Are most of us still unsure about who killed JFK after 60 years? If so, isn't that a very sad and disheartening reality? That after 6 decades, hundreds if not thousands of lifetime long deep research efforts, books and millions of documents and two more seriously funded federal government investigations most of us are as unsure about who did JFK as we were the day after it's occurrence? With that widely felt unsureness reality in mind one might rationally ponder the proposition, or at least the question, as to whether all this six decades long time and effort in the JFKA truth and justice seeking mission could in some debatable aspects and degrees be considered a failure. And to add more weight to that postulation possibility is the reality that whoever did JFK ... got away with it! That they were left to remain in their highest positions of power and influence all this time. Through three generations. Up to now, JFK's killers have won. The American people lost. After 60 years ... is it time to at least consider this reality?
  9. Still unsure about who killed JFK after 60 years?

    Isn't that a totally sad and disheartening reality?That after 6 decades, hundreds if not thousands of long lifetime deep research efforts, books and hundreds of thousands of documents and two more seriously funded federal government investigations most of us are as unsure about who did JFK as we were the day after it's occurrence?

    To a degree it makes one seriously consider whether all this time and effort in the JFKA truth and justice mission has been a failure.
    And to add more weight to that failure...
    is the reality that whoever did JFK got away with it!
    That they were left to remain in their highest positions of power and influence.
    JFK's killers won. The American people lost.
    After 60 years ... is it time to admit and accept this reality?
  10. If you had shouted to your parents at the time..."IT'S A COVERUP" I would have believed it even at that young age!
  11. Well, what is your take on Ruby and his access story today? Do you believe he was assisted by others?
  12. I read that O'Reilly got a million dollar advance for his generic resource "Killing Kennedy" book. True? Talk about easy money.
  13. Thank you Denny for taking considerable time and effort to breakdown and list Roth's book and other's research sources. Gives one a real heads up on the documentation credibility meat of his book, without having to buy it on blind faith.
  14. These 4 fellows claim they are the top body language analysts in America if not the world. They do have serious credentials ( books published - long term military service in this field, etc ) worth considering their claims. However, I know nothing more than that...and I do request uh, someone to come forward to provide me some uh, legal assistance. Note that they are all in agreement regards a very incriminating take on Oswald and his guilt. And they also seem to be close long time friends. Wonder what 4 randomly picked body language experts who aren't so closely connected on a personal "buddy-buddy" basis would say about Oswald? They conclude that LHO is constantly lying his a$$ off and is holding back much more incriminating evidence and knowledge. I posted this link not because I agree ( or disagree ) with their assessments and even their motives in publicly promoting themselves and their mutual super indicting take on LHO. I just found their presentation context interesting. They are on You Tube doing body language assessments of other famous persons. Ghislaine Maxwell for one. Would like to see them do a Donald Trump body language assessment. And, I would love to ask them to do an assessment of LBJ in his interview with Walter Cronkite. The interview where LBJ admits " we can't be absolutely sure...others may have been involved" regards Oswald shooting JFK.
  15. Interesting, Lee Harvey Oswald: Rare Footage Body Language Analysis 196K views1 year ago
  16. I can imagine the dinner table conversations this young man and his family engaged in.
  17. You were just a sweet, innocent little babe in arms. Did your parents see the event? Did they ever talk about it...ever?
  18. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. When you got to the Oswald murder by Jack Ruby event, did you ever state "your personal opinion take" about whether Jack Ruby acted alone and on deep emotional grief impulse and just got lucky scampering down into and to the front of the DPD basement press line? Or did you express to your audience a more conspiracy leaning view point?
  19. I have pondered the same thoughts BC. I believe Oswald truly loved his baby Junie. And he seemed quite protective over her. He also became a father again with the birth of his second daughter just days before 11,22,1963. If LHO did the deeds - Tippit and JFK...it would suggest he crossed a mental line. A suicidal one. A mental state so desperate and delusional it blinded out his love for his children.
  20. 15...wow. An old timer compared to us young-uns. Like I have said many times...the full psyche and emotional effect of the Oswald killing in the minds of millions of Americans is a subject never adequately explored and expanded upon in the literary world in my (admittedly poor) studied opinion.
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