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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. My understanding from reading some article years ago about David Mamet related to his JFK "Blackbird" film project was that he was very critical of JFK conspiracy theories and believers and left wing ideology liberals in general. Whether Mamet originally thought the JFK killing was a conspiracy and later changed his stripes...I don't know or remember reading. Be interesting to know if Mamet thinks Oliver Stone is out there with his JFK beliefs and if Stone knows this but accepts the dichotomy impersonally out of pure professional respect.
  2. Regards the January 6th committee hearing next Thursday ( July 21st ) and it's final assessment fireworks show... "Be there...it will be wild!" You will get to hear what Trump himself was doing for over 3 hours while his own Capital building full of all our Congress members and Mike Pence were under life and death attack and seige and it's own beaten down, injured and over run police force was continually begging Trump's authorization for outside reinforcements, which went purposely unmet. How many here have actually listened to or read Trump's Jan. 6th, 2021 Ellipse speech in it's entirety? You cannot argue, debate or defend Trump in any credible way regards his incitement of the Capital Building attacking mob if you have. Also, you cannot defend Trump in his ignoring pleas for reinforcement help from the Capital police for over 3 hours as well. Trump's ellipses speech is one of the most incoherent, delusional, paranoid, self-obsessed and irrationally rambling rants ever presented by a President to the American people. Seriously, Trump defenders, read the speech. All of it. And try to defend it and him. You can't. No highly credentialed Psychologist could ever paint Trump's Ellipses speech as anything but the ramblings of a very mentally ill man.
  3. Does anyone think our military in 1963 couldn't have figured out that the Mafia did JFK if they really did? And that they wouldn't have gone after them full bore for the ultimate crime of murdering their commander in chief? Our military and all our intelligence agencies were 1,000 X more sophisticated in every way in knowing what was going on everywhere in the US and the rest of the world 24/7 versus the Mafia. And if the Mafia alone did JFK this super advanced monolith would have figured this out in 2 months. Heck, they would have known about it before hand. The Mafia was small potatoes compared to our own MIC, which held and controlled the greatest secret in the history of mankind - The Alien ET presence. UNLESS ... they were somehow involved themselves and used the Mafia for street level, clean up dirty work imo. Same thing regards "Big Oil." No one JFK hating group ... Mafia, Big Oil, White Council, rogue agents, even Castro could have successfully pulled off the BIG EVENT ( and gotten away with it!) by themselves, without our greatest intelligence gathering machine in man's history being outfoxed and out played in knowing or figuring out what they had done.
  4. I think many now realize Mary Trump ( Donald Trump's inheritance cheated niece ) has been absolutely "right on" in her assessment of her Uncle's extreme sociopathic mental make up and that he is a dangerous man to be feared with his acquiring of great influence and power. As her book title proclaims "TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH" Trump's obsession with personal gain and even more power has literally turned the man into full blown power craving drug addict. And like every drug addict, Trump would say or do anything to keep his dopamine craving need and appetite fed. The January 6th Capital Building attack by thousands chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE" could have ignited a civil war if it had been even 50% more successful with injured or killed U.S. Congress persons. Indictment of Donald Trump could too. Here is the most frightening aspect of Donald Trump imo. He was and is still willing to see this country devolve into civil war just to salvage his legacy as a "winner" versus "loser. Trump's greatest and most deep-seated insecurity is to be labeled and known as a "loser. As defined by his father as someone without money. If thousands have to be injured or even killed to save Trump this maniacal "loser" fear fate...so be it. How did we ever get into this crazy leader circus act mess?
  5. The main fear factor of actually indicting Donald Trump for serious crimes is the possible uprising of violence on a major scale by thousands of Trump followers all across the country. And condoned by tens of millions of other Trump followers, even to the degree of encouraging, enabling and harboring. Think about this incredible Trump indicting "fear factor" reality for at least more than a few seconds. The reality that constitution defending Americans are afraid to stand up to those who violate the constitution out of fear that these criminals may exact retribution and terrorize and even physically hurt them if they do so. Constitution and constitutional law abiding justice abandoned out of fear? What has America become? An 1800's wild west town taken over by a bunch of bullying and threatening outlaws? The town's people cowering in "High Noon" fear. Our Gary Cooper like Jan. 6th committee members left abandoned in the street to face the outlaws themselves? If the bad guys win here ( the Jan. 6th planners. leaders and abettors ) our constitutional democracy will be lost. The January 6th, 2021 coup will have succeeded. Think people THINK! Think about what is at stake here! Will fear of Trump follower's violence determine our fate more than our faith and courage in our constitution and the defending of it? Tex Ritter - High Noon~Do Not Forsake Me~Film Soundtrack
  6. Cold blooded murderers those Mafia Dons. Murder was their business. Their ultimate power acquiring tool. And they (dozens of them all across America) got away with this most diabolical deed ( by the thousands) ... for decades! Our highest level law enforcement agencies could not significantly diminish their influence, wealth and power all that time? J. Edgar Hoover...hello! Where are you?
  7. Exactly! Absolute indisputable reality. Clear as day. Beyond a reasonable doubt.
  8. Is the "100 shots/100 significantly deformed 6.5 Carcano bullets" experimental test story true? If so, how can anyone ever justify or give any credibility to the "Magic Bullet" theory again? Do head shots into game animal's that may have skull thicknesses similar to a man's and that are spring loaded by connection to necks like JFK's was show the massive skull damage that JFK incurred on 11,22,1963? I've never hunted so I wouldn't know. I asked the following question on another thread two days ago: Was it scientifically possible that the first shot into JFK's back that supposedly came out the front of his throat could have had it's velocity so slowed in it's run through muscles, tendons and flesh that it just fell down onto the floor of the limo right after exiting JFK? Hence the almost pristine bullet that SS agent Sam Kenney was reported to have found there?
  9. Jim Di had lunch with David Mamet and Oliver Stone not too long ago. Wonder if this project came up during their get together?
  10. Does anyone really believe the SS deletion of Jan. 5th and Jan. 6th e-mails by a malfunction of some tech procedure was just some coincidence? Just those two days? PLEASE! Like Nixon's secretary Rose Mary Woods stretching her neck and arm which supposedly caused her to step down onto the tape erasure pedal erasing 18 full minutes of crucial White House tapes?
  11. The JFK film Mamet refers to that had Kate Blanchette signed onto 10 years ago had a working title - "Blackbird." It was so close to greenlighting. It was mentioned in "Variety." The premise was something like Blanchette ( an Australian I believe-which she is ) returns to America to settle the affairs of a late uncle ( or great uncle?) who happened to be one of the best makeup/special effects film men of his era. In going through her uncle's estate she discovers he had something to do with the JFK assassination relative to the use of his mastered skills. I was really upset when it was reported that the production fell through. What a loss. I also have been saddened that a film about the Super NY CITY based celebrity columnist Dorothy Kilgallen was never made. Starring Meryl Streep. What a story that would be. Ending with Kilgallen's sinister murder just before she was "going to crack the Jack Ruby story wide open."
  12. Confused about the stated "declared time of death" as 1:15 pm. Was this the time Tippit arrived at the hospital? Or was this the actual time a medical doctor declared him dead after resuscitation efforts failed? My guess is that the entire episode of Tippit being wheeled into an ER room, hooked up to necessary apparatus, prepped for surgery and then worked on for resuscitation efforts must have taken 10 minutes at least. Combining the ambulance drive time with the hospital resuscitation effort time frame puts the actual Tippit shooting time in debatable jeopardy does it not?
  13. I mentioned earlier that I sense a "Joe McCarthy" type fall from grace tipping point being reached regards Trump and his bullying, belligerent, nation dividing, constitution attacking and obsessive self-aggrandizing and self-interest serving reign of diluted power crazed rule that has upset and exhausted us all like no president has ever done before. I first sensed this while watching and listening to former Federal Appeals Court Judge John Michael Luttig in one of the January 6th investigation hearings, describe Trump as " a clear and present danger" to our nation, society and democracy. Luttig has often been labeled and revered as an icon of conservative philosophy legal scholarship. His impassioned warning calling out of Trump ( and his enablers, defenders and followers ) to a large national viewership audience that day was reminiscent of another congressional hearing held on June 9th, 1954 where Special Council to The Army Joseph Welch confronted Senator Joseph McCarthy and his reign of bullying, belittling, nation dividing and paranoia spreading rhetoric which had finally reached it's societal exhausting and damaging breaking point. "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency sir...at long last?" Videos of Joseph Welch. Have you no sense of Decency bing.com/videos 0:16 Joseph N. Welch: "HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY?" And now this: Donald Trump is finally running scared: Liz Cheney and Jan. 6 committee have him cornered Donald Trump is finally running scared: Liz Cheney and Jan. 6 committee ... Of course Trump is trying to intimidate future witnesses. He knows indictments are coming — and he's terrified
  14. Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais. Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup.
  15. Due to only "one" researcher we are informed enough about J.D. Tippit - his background, personal character and actions before, leading up to and during the assassination day - to know he logically deserves to be considered with much suspicion in the case.
  16. HA HA HA HA WHOOOO HA! Thanks for getting my morning off to a laughing good start! And one must not forget...THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ HIMSELF- DJT! And the Good witch of the North ( Elizabeth Warren.)
  17. BB... Do you actually think that Oswald placed up on a lighted stage in a noticeable disheveled and exhausted and distressed emotional state, bruised face, wearing only a T-shirt and working class pants when several men chosen for the line up are dressed much differently ( even with coats and ties removed ) looking well groomed and not beaten up isn't a laughably obvious exercise in due process procedural misconduct? The DPD put together a line up so starkly different that even hysterical Tippit shooting eye-witness Helen Markham could pick out the most hapless and disheveled looking man in it. Markham could see Oswald's guilt by the look in his eyes? Maybe the lights shown on the line up were so bright it forced Oswald to squint which Markham interpreted as a mean and threatening look?
  18. Exactly. With each huge Trump crime truth revelation exposing committee hearing there is a small but steady erosion of the delusional Trump false reality myths that his blindly loyal base has desperately and irrationally clung onto in defending him. These hearings ( shown nationally 6 times now with massive coverage ) and the Trump crimes they are exposing are so powerfully documented in every way...they are actually over-riding the Fox News propaganda machines influence with even a growing percentage of their own previously locked in Trump cult followers (who still have some sense of their own independent thinking thought processes) now realizing there is just too much proof being presented that their leader is not who Fox News portrays him to be nor his election interference crimes not being as serious as they are. It is the constant showing of multiple hearings over a long period of time that is keeping them relevant. Most Americans for many reasons have very short attention spans when it comes to following the news with any significant and intelligent thought. Even extremely important and impacting event stories such as the super violent and death and injury causing attempted coup on January 6th, 2021 will not hold their attention with just one two or three hearings. The extended hearings where the Trump election stopping attempts are kept on the front pages and top TV news shows for months, and with more and more indisputable proof of wrong doings coming from them, can't help but have an effect on countering all the Trump defending propaganda pumped out every day and night by that massive right wing propaganda machine of Fox News and right wing radio.
  19. Just viewed again the video displayed in your original thread posting here Vince. I caught this on You Tube before hitting the forum just after. I've seen it before. When O.P. Wright's wife Elizabeth Wright-Good ( the charge nurse at Parkland on 11,22,1963 ) was interviewed I caught a time line discrepancy in her recounting of the bullet she was supposedly given by her husband O.P. Wright and showed to Henry Wade. Henry Wade stated that Ms. Wright showed him a bullet that she claimed came off of a gurney, possibly Connally's "that day" ( 11,22,1963 ) of the shooting although later in the afternoon or early evening? Wade stated he told Ms. Wright to give the bullet to the homicide department. In her interview Ms. Good said she kept that bullet or perhaps another one that she said her husband found on another gurney and gave to her. She still had one of those two bullets! I would have tried to narrow down this ambiguous bullet finding and showing to Wade recollection by Ms. Good. Ms. Good, Henry Wade claimed you showed him a bullet on 11,22,1963. Do you feel he is mistaken about you doing so and/ or the exact date and time of this exchange between you and him that Wade recounts? Which bullet did you show Wade? The one you still have? Or another bullet. Did you Ms. Good do as Wade suggested to you...and turned the bullet you showed him over to the DPD Homicide department or any other DPD officer or official you could find after Wade's instructions? If not, why not? What happened to the other bullet you say your husband was in possession of that day? The 11,22,1963 bullet finding, showing and handing off account by you and others is so important including the exact time lines of everybody's actions who claim to have seen or handled the bullet/bullets. Later in your video montage Vince we see and hear from top ballistic experts who present highest experience knowledge and opinions that the "Magic Bullet" proposition by the Warren Commission is bunk. Proven scientifically through test firings and common sense. The Magic Bullet simply could not have caused the significant bone damage in Connally and remained almost pristine. A question I have not asked before. Is it scientifically possible that a Carcano 6.5 x 52 mm bullet fired from 165 feet away, and that supposedly penetrated JFK's upper back and supposedly exited out the lower front area of his neck, could have had it's velocity slowed enough in so doing to simply drop down onto the seat or floor of the limo right after exiting JFK's neck? If so, could this have been the CE399 almost pristine bullet that Sam Kinney says he found there while cleaning JFK's blood and brain matter off the back seat? If this was the case, then we would have proof that Connally was hit by a second shot fired almost simultaneously as the JFK back/neck one and proving there was more than one shooter. Just wondering.
  20. After Tuesday's Jan. 6th investigative committee hearing former Watergate star witness John Dean stated "Trump is in trouble." It is my view that with each new hearing we are seeing a deconstruction of Trump's Jan 6th coup attempt and other constitution violating crimes culpability defense to such a devastating degree that the case against Trump has truly reached a "beyond reasonable doubt" tipping point. This is the most intelligent and well planned and thought out congressional investigation into highest governmental wrong doings I have ever seen since Watergate. The committee's investigative effort is so thoroughly well researched, well coordinated and well presented even our own justice department realizes how behind the curve they are in their own task of investigating the possible crimes committed by Trump, et al. Sadly, all the incredible hard work fact finding efforts of this committee could end up wasted and meaningless if the Justice department blows their end of the investigation and use of these committee's findings in bringing true justice to bear on what the committee has so clearly presented and already proven ( in my opinion ) as high crimes against our constitutional democracy. The entire affair will live or die dependent upon our Justice department. They are our last stand for justice. What they do or will not do will be the ultimate society effecting and changing climax to this incredibly important and dramatic democracy threatening story. What a story. One can imagine the scores of A list theater and television films that will come forth in the coming months and years about these dystopian Trump times.
  21. Disheveled, unkempt hair, bruised face, ragged T-shirt and unpressed pants? Oswald might as well have had a sign hung around his neck that said in big bold black letters ... " I'm The Guy! "
  22. Every month or two or three a few certain members of this forum break into the huge national media audience realm ( almost always radio show interviews and rarely a film project such as Jim Di's and Oliver Stone or a book publishing deal ) to present and espouse their JFK assassination research findings and views and the importance of keeping this truth mission alive in the American consciousness zeitgeist despite decades of generational change and priorities. I feel these national audience breakthroughs represent our forum to certain extents. So many are members. Even though their messages are varied in context, the value of their national audience exposure is, again, to keep the JFK truth mission flame alive in our national consciousness. The horrific crime of the holocaust and it's historical lesson significance is constantly being kept alive since it occurred. Major films, books, and other means of it's engagement into the minds of future generations are constantly introduced into the national and international public realm and mind set, to hopefully slow the forgetful apathy that future generations usually exhibit when such things are simply not discussed or pondered in their new daily life experiences. In my opinion ( and in that same vein) this forum is a well of JFK truth seeking research and discussion oil that occasionally is drawn upon to help keep the truth lesson candle wick flame not just burning and alive and even illuminated brighter at times to be importantly seen ( and heard ) by millions in the wider and new generation societal consciousness.
  23. I repeat...Trump's attempted coup with thousands of his riled up and encouraged screaming threats mobsters violently storming, attacking and injuring 100+ Capital police, ravaging our Capital building and it's inner offices and terrorizing and traumatizing our entire Congress who were inside for 3+ HOURS and with this mob's leader Trump doing nothing to stop the attack ( again for 3+ hours when he could have and should have ) is... 1,000 X more important in it's worst attack action and threat against our democracy since the civil war than Hunter Biden's addictions and transgressions. Don't be weak and fall for the Trump defenders bad Fox News act of trying to brainwash you into believing otherwise. Fox News has never been so desperate. They are going into the realm of crazy in their over hyped even manic carnival barking effort to confuse and distract Americans from the true importance of the Capital building attack attempted coup. And the truth and reality that Donald Trump committed the ultimate criminal act of sedition in his efforts to overturn the election through violence.
  24. Thank you Matt! The attempted coup by Trump is 1,000 times more important than Hunter Biden's indiscretions. Fox News is desperately trying to bury and downplay the coup and thinks if they pump up the peanut Hunter Biden story enough, it may help their agenda in doing so. Don't forget... Jarod Kushner grifted a BILLION BUCKS out of the Saudis to bail him out of that 666 5th Avenue aging building boondoggle. A BILLION BUCKS!!! No rants about that scandal?
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