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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. http://www.science.tamu.edu/news/story.php?story_ID=550
  2. Didn't Jerrol Custer say that he didn't remember seeing any brain in the cranium? If so, is the skull cavity he drew even large enough to remove the brain?
  3. I don't think Custer ever actually said he saw a small wound, just that he suspected a bullet entered around the right temple.
  4. Quentin Schwinn is a photographer who came out in 2010 and told Doug Horne that he once met Bruce Pitzer, who interviewed him for a job. He said that Pitzer very casually showed him a picture of Kennedy laying dead with a small circular wound in the right forehead. Around 2009-2015, Schwinn was leaving book reviews on Amazon.com for JFK Conspiracy books, and left a comment on a post about the RFK Assassination on Lisa Pease's blog. https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFV2LOUJ4R6FBIH3L6YAZZJDHYWA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8 http://realhistoryarchives.blogspot.com/2011/10/british-hypnotist-shows-how-ordinary.html Not a holy grail if you ask me. For all we know, he could just be copying Dennis David's story, which is already questionable because I don't think he mentioned Pitzer showing him such a photograph when interviewed earlier by David Lifton and others.
  5. Yes, that is his current model. Although his 2009 book series Inside the Assassination Records Review Board does discuss the left temple evidence as well.
  6. Just where is this "Dudley Hughes ambulance slip", and why can't anybody find a scan of it? https://www.kenrahn.com/JFK/History/WC_Period/Reactions_to_Warren_Report/Support_from_center/The_other_witnesses--Nashes.html http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Mack Gary Cover-up/Item 27.pdf The Dudley M. Hughes Funeral Home is the central ambulance dispatching point for southern Dallas. It either handles calls directly or calls other funeral homes in the system that cover other areas. Dudley M. Hughes Jr., the dispatcher, took the call from the police. He filled out an ambulance call slip with the code “3-19” (which means emergency shooting) and the address, “501 East 10th Street.” He put the slip into the time clock and stamped it 1:18 p.m., November 22, in the space marked “Time Called.” This is the article that Dale Myers cites. Has anybody seen this thing since 1964? From Gokay Hasan Yusuf's review of Myers' book: Myers writes that the Dudley Hughes Funeral home, which had dispatched the ambulance which took Tippit's body to Methodist hospital, was informed of the shooting at 1:18 pm by the DPD, and that Dudley M. Hughes Junior, who took the call from the DPD at the funeral home, allegedly filled out an ambulance call slip which was time stamped 1:18 pm (With Malice, Chapter 5). Myers references this call slip to an essay by researchers George and Patricia Nash in The New Leader entitled: The Other Witnesses (John Armstrong Baylor collection, tab entitled: George & Patricia Nash). However, the call slip itself doesn't appear to be amongst the Dallas Municipal archives collection, and taking into account all of the evidence which contradicts the notion that the funeral home received the call at 1:18 pm, this piece of evidence should be considered unreliable. Of course, it is entirely likely that if the ambulance call slip actually exists, the DPD had falsified it in order to bolster the notion that Tippit was shot close to 1:18 pm; and thereby allowing Oswald plenty of time to reach Tenth and Patton in order to shoot Tippit after he allegedly left the rooming house at 1026 North Beckley. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/myers-dale-with-malice-part-1
  7. The skull photographs show two small holes in the right temporal scalp. In my view, that indicates an exit for one or more bullet or bone fragments, which is what Robinson said - not an entry in the right temple, but an exit for a fragment.
  8. Joe O'Donnel claimed to see a photograph of a small wound in the right forehead, but he may not a very credible witness. Another witness - Quentin Schwinn - told Doug Horne in 2010 that, like Dennis David, he was shown a photograph by William Bruce Pitzer which depicted JFK, lying dead with a small wound in his right forehead. A sketch reproduction of what he claimed to see is on page 43 here: https://midnightwriternews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Washington-Conference-Sep-26-2014.pdf Doug's discussion of Quentin Schwinn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDEw3Jgkw8&t=106m22s
  9. Two neurologists - Dr. Michael Chesser and Dr. Joseph N. Riley - said that the lateral skull x-rays show a small hole in the forehead with the edges of the bone pushed in. Chesser examined the full-quality originals, while Riley only had copies online. http://www.kenrahn.com/Marsh/Autopsy/riley.html http://assassinationofjfk.net/a-review-of-the-jfk-cranial-x-rays-and-photographs/
  10. No matter how the skull photographs are oriented, they appear to show two small holes in the right temporal scalp:
  11. Dennis David on The Men Who Killed Kennedy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJ3hkPKUX8&t=22m13s
  12. Tom Robinson said that he was under the impression that the right temple wound represented an exit for a fragment. PURDY: Did you notice anything else unusual about the body which may not have been artificially caused, that is caused by something other than the autopsy? ROBINSON: Probably, a little mark at the temples in the hairline. As I recall, it was so small it could be hidden by the hair. It didn't have to be covered with make-up. I thought it probably a piece of bone or a piece of the bullet that caused it. PURDY: In other words, there was a little wound. ROBINSON: Yes. PURDY: Approximately where, which side of the forehead or part of the head was it on? ROBINSON: I believe it was on the right side. PURDY: On his right side? ROBINSON: That's an anatomical right, yes. PURDY: You say it was in the forehead region up near the hairline? ROBINSON: Yes. PURDY: Would you say it was closer to the top of the hair? ROBINSON: Somewhere around the temples. PURDY: Approximately what size? ROBINSON: Very small, about a quarter of an inch. PURDY: Quarter of an inch is all the damage. Had it been closed up by the doctors? ROBINSON: No, he didn't have to close it. If anything, I just would have probably put a little wax in it. [...] PURDY: Were there any other wounds on the head other than the little one in the right temple area, and the big one in the back? ROBINSON: That's all. [...] Purdy: Did you get a good look at that wound on the right temple area? Robinson: Oh yes, I worked right over for some time. Purdy: What did you feel caused that wound. Robinson: I think either a piece of bone or a piece of the bullet. Or a very small piece of shrapnel. Conzelman: Did it pierce the entire scull, could you see from the inside that it was evident from the inside scull as well as outside? Robinson: The inside of the scull was badly smashed, it could have well been a piece of bone that passed through there or [...] Purdy: Do you feel that any significant portion of the bullet after it hit the head, exited from the head, not just being picked up by the doctors? Do you feel that possibly exited, where could some if exited from the head? If any. You mentioned one possibly was that right temple. Robinson: Yes, that did go through my mind. Well they had the little pieces, They picked them out. Purdy: So you feel that's the only place that the significant size of the bullet could have exited. Robinson: It was no bullet, it was a fragment or a piece of the bone. Purdy: You would say that there is no other part of the head where that bullet would exited or a part of the bullet? Were there other little holes anywhere? Robinson: No. [...] Purdy: And your feeling about the forehead, you felt then and you feel now that was caused by what? Robinson: A piece of bone or metal exiting.
  13. There's a lot of media pieces out there attempting to psychoanalyze "conspiracy theorists", yet they never discuss their points compared compared alongside the people who have been conditioned to reject any conspiracy-oriented discussion (for western governments at least, because Western Governments are infallible). I diagnose those people as just plain STUPID.
  14. Was McClelland's hospital report public knowledge on 11/30/1963? If not, this news report may be based on exclusive information: 11/30/1963 St. Louis Post-Dispatch - UNCERTAINTIES REMAIN DESPITE POLICE VIEW OF KENNEDY DEATH – Did Assailant Have an Accomplice? By Richard Dudman, A Washington Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch Hole in Windshield Another unexplained circumstance is a small hole in the windshield of the presidential limousine. This correspondent and one other man saw the hole, which resembled a bullet hole, as the automobile stood at the hospital emergency entrance while the President was being treated inside the building. The Secret Service kept possession of the automobile and flew it back to Washington. A spokesman for the agency rejected a request to inspect the vehicle here. He declined to discuss any hole there might be in the windshield. There have been two other reports of injury to the President’s head. One of the physicians who attended him in Dallas said afterward that he had noticed a small entry wound in the left temple. Another person, who saw the President’s body a ‘few minutes after he died,’ told the Post-Dispatch he thought he had observed a wound in the President’s forehead. He asked that his name not be used. Reports of the temple and forehead wounds could have referred to the same injury. Another unexplained circumstance is a small hole in the windshield of the presidential limousine. This correspondent and one other man saw the hole, which resembled a bullet hole, as the automobile stood at the hospital emergency entrance while the President was being treated inside the building. The Secret Service kept possession of the automobile and flew it back to Washington. A spokesman for the agency rejected a request to inspect the vehicle here. He declined to discuss any hole there might be in the windshield.
  15. I wonder if Evelyn Lincoln or Angela Novello were lying when they said they didn't remember opening the footloker.
  16. There is also this part of Jenkins' WC testimony - in which he described "feeling" the left temple, while also believing there "may have been" an entry wound there. Mr. SPECTER - Did you observe any wounds immediately below the massive loss of skull which you have described? Dr. JENKINS - On the right side? Mr. SPECTER - Yes, sir. Dr. JENKINS - No---I don't know whether this is right or not, but I thought there was a wound on the left temporal area, right in the hairline and right above the zygomatic process. Mr. SPECTER - The autopsy report discloses no such development, Dr. Jenkins. Dr. JENKINS - Well, I was feeling for---I was palpating here for a pulse to see whether the closed chest cardiac massage was effective or not and this probably was some blood that had come from the other point and so I thought there was a wound there also. [...] Mr. SPECTER - Have you ever changed any of your original opinions in connection with the wounds received by President Kennedy? Dr. JENKINS - I guess so. The first day I had thought because of his pneumothorax, that his wound must have gone--that the one bullet must have traversed his pleura, must have gotten into his lung cavity, his chest cavity, I mean, and from what you say now, I know it did not go that way. I thought it did. Mr. SPECTER - Aside from that opinion, now, have any of your other opinions about the nature of his wounds or the sources of the wounds been changed in any way? Dr. JENKINS - No; one other. I asked you a little bit ago if there was a wound in the left temporal area, right above the zygomatic bone in the hairline because there was blood there and I thought there might have been a wound there (indicating). Mr. SPECTER - Indicating the left temporal area? Dr. JENKINS - Yes; the left temporal, which could have been a point of entrance and exit here (indicating), but you have answered that for me. This was my only other question about it. Mr. SPECTER - So, that those two points are the only ones on which your opinions have been changed since the views you originally formulated? Dr. JENKINS - Yes, I think so. Mr. SPECTER - On the President's injuries? Dr. JENKINS - Yes, I think so.
  17. I should quote this part from the 8/27/1998 ARRB interview of Charles Baxter, Ronald Coy Jones, Robert M. Mclelland, Malcom Perry, and Paul C. Peters: DR. JONES: I was on his left side below the arm looking to my right I could easily see the neck wound I could not see in much detail the posterior wound, but did not see any flap of skull or anything laying out to the right side I saw relaxation of the facial tissues & perhaps of the hair, and I remained on the President's right side during the entire resuscitation attempt. MR. GUNN: Did you ever go around and observe the left side? DR. JONES: Left side. Excuse, I was on the left side. MR. GUNN: Okay. DR. JONES: Was I saying right side? MR. GUNN: So all of your view was of the left side? DR. JONES: All my view was from the President's left side. MR. GUNN: Okay. Did you ever go around and observe the right side of the - DR. JONES: I did not go around to the right side. MR. GUNN: Could you observe any posterior wound on -- of the head from the left side where you were? DR. JONES: At one point after we had completed the insertion of the test tubes, IV, and tracheotomy, I looked up over the top of the President's head and from that view was all that I saw. But with him flat on the table, I could not appreciate the size of that wound but did not see a lot of skull or brain tissue on the table, some maybe, but not just a tremendous amount and certainly did not see a flap turned on the right side. MR GUNN: Were you yourself able to identify any cerebellum or cerebrum tissue on the table? DR. JONES: If there was I thought -- from my vantage point, I thought that it was a very small amount. MR. GUNN: And were you able to identify one form of brain tissue versus another? DR. JONES: No - MR GUNN: Okay. DR JONES: - but I did see the very small wound which I thought was an entrance wound to the head. That was pretty clear. [...] DR. McCLELLAND: Let me just tell you that Paul brought it up. Dr. Jenkins, when I came in the room, told me as I walked by to come up to the head of the table and he said , Bob, there's a wound in the left temple there. And so I went to the table and I thought, you know, knowing nothing else about any of the circumstances, that's like that (indicating). MR. GUNN: Just for the record, you're pointing in with your - DR. McCLELLAND: Yeah, the left temple - MR. GUNN: -- finger at the left temple and now the back o the head. DR. McCLELLAND: -- came out the back. And there was a lot of blood on the left temple. There was blood everywhere, but there was a lot of blood on the left temple, so I didn't question that. And in fact, in something else -- Pepper testified somewhere else, he denied that he said that to me in the Warren Commission. And I told him -- I said Pepper, don't you remember? No, I never said that, Bob, and I never said the cerebellum fell out. Well, yes, you did, too, but I didn't argue with him. But the upshot of it is what that led to was Mr. Garrison's case in New Orleans, and he put together a scenario where he thought someone -- because of what I had said about the left temple bullet -- was in the storm sewer on the left side of the car and fired this bullet that killed the President, another gunman. He didn't say that Oswald was not there. He just said there was another gunman. And so he never contact -- Garrison never contacted me until it was essentially time to have the case in court. DR. PETERS: Clay Shaw. DR. McCLELLAND: Right. And so I got a call one morning and it was from his office -- one of the people in Garrison's office, and he wanted to know if I would come to New Orleans and testify. And I said, Well, you know, it's odd that none of you had talked to me before this. I've been hearing something about it on television and whatnot. And they said, Well, we assumed that you still believed that the course of the bullet was as you said in your written testimony right after, and I said no. And his voice went up about three octaves and he said, What? And I said no, and I explained to him that I had learned other things about the circumstances at the time and that Jenkins had told me I didn't see any wound here. I was just stating what I had been told and that I wrote that down in my written statement right after the assassination. And so that was -- kind of took the wind out of the sails in that particular prosecution. DR. JONES: I have two comments relating to this, what's just been said and my comment. The afternoon of the assassination we were up in the OR and Lito Puerto -- I think it's L-i-t-o, Puerto, P-u-e-r-t-o -- was in the OR - DR. PETERS: Neurosurgeon.. DR. JONES: -- and he said he was -- that he referred to the President -- because he had been down there and he said, I put my -- he was shot in the leg. I said, he was shot in the left temple. He said, I put my finger in the hole, and I think that was part of -- DR. McCLELLAND: I never heard that. That's news to me. DR. JONES: And so -- in fact, I told Mr. Haron the other day -- I gave him Lito Puerto's name and his telephone number. I said you know if you're going to have the group down here, why don't you get Puerto down here to clarify that comment, if indeed that were the case or it's not the case But I think that was part of where some of that came from. The other comment that -- to clarify what I said regarding Arlen Specter, I'm saying [sic] that he pressured me because that was after the testimony that I had given. I think what he was implying was that - DR. PERRY: Discretion. [...] DR. McCLELLAND: When did Lito say he did that? DR. JONES: It was that afternoon. DR. McCLELLAND: That afternoon. DR. JONES: It was my -- it was that afternoon, and I believe we were upstairs, but he had mentioned that he had put his finger into the -- and he was sort of known as the guy that went down and put his fingers in missile -or bullet -- DR. PETERS: Brains. DR. JONES: -- wounds, and that was his comment at the time. DR. PETERS: where's he practicing now? DR. BAXTER: Arlington. DR. JONES: I believe he's in Arlington. I don't know if he's in active practice but he's listed -- still listed in the state medical association. DR. BAXTER: He is. He's still in practice.
  18. Tried finding it in Destiny Betrayed 2nd edition, only found this footnote: "Having been through most of Garrison’s surviving files the author can attest to the fact that the DA could have called more witnesses on each of these evidentiary points. For instance, in William Davy’s accumulated archives, he now has marked a combined total of 16 witnesses who say that Shaw used the Bertrand alias". Who are these 14 or 16 witnesses?
  19. http://merdist.com/wp/2018/07/10/the-many-faces-of-lee-oswalds-signature/
  20. I never knew this project was so complex! Angelos Leiloglou Can't say I like the podcast host Martinelli very much, shilling his wifebeater-defending book "the truth behind the BLM movement and the war on police", and his weird active-shooter training class. Better learn CPR instead. The host is whacko, not the guest!
  21. https://knottlab.com/news/angelos-leiloglou-interviewed-about-jfk-assassination-and-single-bullet-theory/
  22. Depends on how the head is tilted, maybe? I tried this:
  23. Litwin is apparently buying Twitter promotions mentioning his book but the tweets never get any likes or comments LOL
  24. Pat, what do you think about Joe Riley's identification of the left parietal foramen in these photos?
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