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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. I think I've actually read this somewhere Joe. My first though was Dulles, I checked my few notes on Devil's Chessboard and a skim of the book but didn't find it. David Talbot could say for sure. After that, maybe Hoover?
  2. Yes I took pictures from there, if I remember right both zoomed all the way in and out. Also from lined up behind the first X toward pillar/South end of the overpass. But, to put my technological ineptness on display, I don't know how to get it from the sd card looking at it on my lap top to here.
  3. Let's dance. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/people-are-literally-dancing-in-the-streets-as-they-wait-to-vote/ar-BB1apZyM?tblci=GiDZIJBUmn-eAjIadI34-iPJsqQ3Tg1mUJuaRVdPXBxdlSCC-00&ocid=uxbndlbing https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=dancing+in+the+street&view=detail&mid=69A0016FFABA3005354469A0016FFABA30053544&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3ddancing%2bin%2bthe%2bstreet%26form%3dPRUSEN%26mkt%3den-us%26httpsmsn%3d1%26msnews%3d1%26rec_search%3d1%26refig%3d9fec08e875d94ddbace15cf89e2adf87%26sp%3d-1%26pq%3ddancing%2bin%2bthe%2bstreet%26sc%3d10-21%26qs%3dn%26sk%3d%26cvid%3d9fec08e875d94ddbace15cf89e2adf87
  4. Click your name in the upper right hand corner. Then on ignored users. I jut do it manually. Ignore or skim his posts. One occasionally deserves a response for the sake of posterity.
  5. I think possibly the thing that most impressed me about Prouty was his debunking of the idea that JFK withheld air support for the Bay of Pigs. Not wiping out the last 3 planes was on Cabell and Bundy.
  6. Well, they did it. Defied the American will in essence. Since they did it the natural response is two new justices would still leave a 6-5 conservative majority. So go for four. Too big of an outcry, won't work. Wait for a conservative to die. Meanwhile... this requires the Presidency and the Senate.
  7. Thank you for the tip. I wasn't able to read the article but found this. I can't resist sharing this quote. "It reminds us of the one good thing that can be said about George W. Bush is that the American people have never actually elected him president of the United States". Same can be said about the current occupant. https://freepress.org/article/rfk-and-rolling-stone-nail-ohios-stolen-2004-election-much-more-must-be-done
  8. What an oxymoron hypocritical piece of crap, given the whole Jeffery Epstein story.
  9. So for only $119.99 one will be able to: View the at least 25 presentations as they come up November 20 through the 22nd. Review any presentation through November 30th. Participate in a users only facebook page allowing one to ask presenters questions . In December download the entire conference for future review and reference. Almost worth the price for Larry, Jim, Bill, John Newman, William Law, Mark Shaw and Russ Baker. But you get Stu, David Boylan and more!
  10. Glad I've already voted. I guess the troops will be available if any proud boys try to intimidate or otherwise interfere with voters, right?
  11. 85,000 new cases a day. This is getting out of hand and many are ignoring it. Including the msm to a certain extent. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-resurgent-virus-attacks-the-heartland-just-before-the-election/ar-BB1amZtz?li=BBnb7Kz They post an article, then 30 minutes later it's gone. Like this one from 2 hours ago, that was a headline on msn a half hour ago. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/minnesota-reports-three-covid-19-outbreaks-related-to-trump-campaign-events-in-september/ar-BB1apLx5?fbclid=IwAR3peGv1McKTY8xm8-DQVbne52PGKi_3CI9d_oy18H6pjdsap4Ojmq1IlF8&ocid=uxbndlbing
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-trump-s-view-of-suburbs-is-not-who-we-are/ar-BB1anYLU?li=BBnbcA1
  13. I wonder if by 86, depending on my health I guess I might not prefer taking my chances in the basement of my heaven on earth home. As opposed to being high risk, anywhere I go facing covid. I camped one night at lake Granby back in the early 80's. Woke to a dead battery. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/wildfire-kills-colorado-couple-in-their-80s-who-wouldn-t-evacuate-beloved-home-sheriff-says/ar-BB1alpm2?li=BBnbcA1
  14. A record breaking day for the plague. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/america-hits-highest-daily-number-of-coronavirus-cases-since-pandemic-began/ar-BB1al2y1?li=BBnb7Kz
  15. It does relate. Those evacuated from Estes Park in particular have to travel, stay elsewhere, interact with others they wouldn't have otherwise. Increasing their chances of transmission. They can't shelter in place during a third wave. California can certainly relate the last couple of years. So can I. My parents lost their retirement home on the lake in a forest fire in 1989. Thankfully they were away that day. Things were never the same. Loosing animals and possessions is tough.
  16. I wondered about this myself. Prouty implicated the CIA. Are Rob and Mark saying he lied covering for the military, as he was military? I have a hard time believing he was in it for the $$$ as you allude to Rob.
  17. Surprised the prez didn't attack more. Joe had a few moments but not real inspiring, though a good finish.
  18. I remember reading Reedy's name somewhere before. Given the Admiral title I'd think he was somewhat familiar with the ONI. Might the CIA's military rep Lansdale have had influence with him? I know, speculation. Food for thought if we are open minded here.
  19. A trend distressing for my progeny? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-coronavirus-has-claimed-25-million-years-of-potential-life-in-the-us-study-finds/ar-BB1agESV?li=BBnb7Kz
  20. "Unfortunately we're seeing a distressing trend here". https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cdc-75-percent-of-us-seeing-increases-in-covid-19-cases-in-critical-phase-of-pandemic/ar-BB1agC9R?li=BBnb7Kz
  21. I can't dismiss all of Prouty's observations based on his ARRB "routine" comment. He had worked on Antarctica since 1959, four years for the CIA "not regularly, when something came up." It's been 20 years or so since I read the book still on the top shelf. I'd never heard of the ARRB then. I can't remember any reference to a prior trip with business men and a congressman or any others by Prouty. Had he ever actually been there before? So the trip might be unusual in that respect? Since he was sent there when the JFK assassination occurred given he was the JCS - CIA liaison, by Lansdale, Dulles/LeMay's appointed CIA Air Force General, does that not seem unusual?
  22. Hope you stay virus free Mark. It's surging again. Though still dismissed by many, a large part of the cause. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/us/coronavirus-cases-rise.html https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/13/health/us-coronavirus-tuesday/index.html
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