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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. That is interesting Steve. I'd read Givens had previous drug charges, didn't know for what. Thought that might have been held over his head to say what was wanted. I didn't know about Armstrong selling weed though. I've read stories about people in Texas getting 5-10 for a joint or two in the 60's. A black man selling it then? In general they would have thrown him in the slammer and thrown away the key. Which makes me wonder if you or others remember the names in a story that comes to mind. I believe it was a FBI interview around 1955 of a young lady who moved to Dallas with her boyfriend who was a dope dealer. Asking around about connections they were told to see Jack ruby for clearance so to speak. Seems like maybe he ended up doing a few runs to the border, Mexico or elsewhere. Ring any bells for anyone? So I wonder, if in 1962 some west coast beatnik comes into the Carousel, and Ruby doesn't throw him down the stairs immediately... Say he has a little cash and tips the waitresses and strippers well, is polite to them, not loud or boisterous. Jack stops by and says hi I'm jack Ruby the owner, welcome to Dallas. Glad to meet you says the visitor, who whispers Jay told me you might know where I could get a couple of Joints. See Andy at the bar.
  2. It's 312 miles away per the Rand McNally mileage calculator. I've been there once. After floating the Frio river we surprised the kids with a "trip" to Mexico. Before you needed a passport we walked across the bridge over the Rio Grande into Acuna. Three streets converge at it. I started first down the one to the left. A fairly well dressed somewhat portly 40-50 ish Mexican gentleman approached saying "My friends, you don't want to go this way, the stores and cantina's are this way," pointing to our right. We visited a half dozen shops, bought a cheap souvenir apiece. Then set a bad example for the kids. Went in a cantina and had one beer and the only shot of Patron I've ever had. Smooth, that stuff could be trouble if one could afford it in the states and was so inclined to imbibe frequently. Heading out of Del Rio had to stop at a border patrol checkpoint on the highway several miles to the North. You couldn't pay me enough money to go there right now.
  3. Smallest Daily Rise in Weeks. At 47,000 new cases a day. Is that not stunning, still? Not news, no response. Ignore it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-counts-smallest-daily-rise-in-coronavirus-cases-in-weeks/ar-BB17uZKo?li=BBnb7Kz New cases are actually going down nationally but are still at a unbelievable level. That encourages opening schools, playing football, a resurgence? https://coronavirusbellcurve.com/
  4. Belly laugh! There weren't 50 employees left in the building though. Most were out front watching the parade, including Wes and Ozzie. BTW my face was inserted into the famous photo. I'm just a Patsy.
  5. Shortly after I wrote this I thought it's George Senator not Senator Geo. who. Then I thought, didn't Ruby have an employee named Armstrong. Thanks Daniel and Steve. I guess the dates and cities refer to Senators Warren Omission testimony and Armstrong's deposition. So EX, No 5300-D would mean the picture was a WC Exhibit? Why would their names/dates be referenced on it? Were they questioned about it? Why? Why were Ruby and his strippers photographed in front of the Enrique Press and Shine/Colony Club entrance? Just a lark? This is a "sister" picture taken I think the same night in front of the Carousel, same girls, clothing, lighting. I was trying to put the Carousel into perspective from pictures available on line. I know it was across from the Adolphus Hotel, almost a story within itself. From what I can tell I think facing the Carousel, it was over a BBQ joint. To it's left was a garage where Ruby parked and used the phone at times, maybe the one he encountered a cop and one of his strippers late on the night of 11/22/63 or early morning of 11/23. To the left of it was the entrance to his competitor Abe Weinstein's Colony Club. To the left of it was Enrique Press and Shine. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=U14dYVgE&id=56C5DE757371F200ECC4547C74B09268C2FE36CB&thid=OIP.U14dYVgETr-s-DztkPWZHAHaE8&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2f2.bp.blogspot.com%2f-LU5LYMfwJA0%2fUpCm3y07AxI%2fAAAAAAAAJ5Q%2fgYENLnbcKU8%2fs1600%2fruby_041c.jpg&exph=401&expw=600&q=carousel+club+pictures&simid=608004551119930454&ck=A60E3D3F1B0B66555A38639D67B70F5E&selectedIndex=21&qpvt=carousel+club+pictures&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=rF2NRTQ3&id=DB5352E04FC49180C57CD6664F4960BF823C0FE5&thid=OIP.rF2NRTQ3CSvysu_ZUjwPKAHaEx&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpbs.twimg.com%2fmedia%2fDX3imGpW4AA3Vc9.jpg&exph=697&expw=1080&q=carousel+club+pictures&simid=608036922386746307&ck=CDE57E060036EDB0B6DA951D0CE4C08F&selectedIndex=68&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0
  6. I think I'd buy a gallon gasoline can, fill it up and sneak up onto the back dock of the TSBD at noon, pour it out and light a match. Surely they wouldn't bring the president right by a burning building. If I get caught I claim "they" were going to shoot the president and blame it on Oswald. If I can't get back to the portal by 6:00 I plead insanity on the arson charge. What's a few years in a mental institution if you saved JFK? Then again I'd probably be killed for screwing up the operation.
  7. Ha, two pages and I'm almost lost again DJ. You and Tony are getting deep for me in a hurry. I need to re read the thread and more, like H&L. Lost again. A synopsis of a small aspect of a such big subject would be greatly appreciated by the less knowledgeable.
  8. The fundamental cognitive dissonance . . . why waste time reading further the long diatribe, or posting about it, as I am, as in being sucked in, down a rabbit hole.
  9. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/jack-ruby-stands-with-two-of-his-dancers-outside-his-news-photo/576877640?adppopup=true I've been trying to figure out the significance of the notations at the bottom of this picture. Ex. No. 5300-D. Senator, Geo. Deposition, Washington D.C. 4-22-64. Ex. No 5300-D. Armstrong, A. Dallas 4/14/64. Why did Ruby bother to pose laughing with two of his strippers in front to the Enrique Press and Shine shop next door to the Colony Club seen in the picture, which was next door to the Carousel? Who were Senator Geo. and Armstrong. Why did this matter in 1964?
  10. Wecht and Thompson? New books but old news? Who are Judge Birmingham and Shook, what do they know about Ruby, why is his trial that relevant to thee assassination? it's interesting and part of the cover up. A London Physiologist on the HSCA regarding Forensics, has he studied the subject extensively? If they preview Destiny Betrayed by Oliver Stone a prologue by Jim DiEugenio might be appropriate. As this is virtual I can think of several author interview's that would be be relevant and interesting from David Talbot to Larry Hancock for starters. I wouldn't expect many high school, college or law school students based on current interest unless your targeting specific ones with information. Find the Truth - Seek Justice. Best of luck. Mask up in DP 2020.
  11. Plague wise, I used to have a few friends who had Harley's, we've drifted apart. At the moment I'm glad. Might want to avoid contact the next month or so. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/annual-sturgis-rally-expecting-250k-stirring-virus-concerns/ar-BB17tDiT?li=BBorjTa
  12. We'd passed the Ludlow Historical Site signs pointing west on I-25 many times over the years. I just assumed the Indians had massacred settlers there. Last year we stopped at a really nice state rest stop just north of Trinidad Colorado to use the bathroom. Picnic tables, kiosks with state and local travel info, and pedestals with bronzed descriptions. One with a brief description of Ludlow. It didn't mention the National Guard using machine guns on US Citizens to assist business interests against the strikers in the tent city. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/rockefellers-ludlow/ I don't remember this from US History or Civics in High School or college or for that matter a labor relations class at UTA. Maybe it was mentioned in passing and I wasn't paying attention. History suppressed? Looking for info I stumbled across this. If your interested in US history it's well worth the 30 minutes. Having passed through the area many times I'll never think of it quite the same. Personally I think this is outstanding from a labor history perspective. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ludlow+massacre&docid=608018342226299875&mid=2EC359EE1B9293A3A6E52EC359EE1B9293A3A6E5&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/everyone-knows-everyone-in-this-small-texas-town-now-covid-19-is-out-of-control-there/ar-BB17smPZ?li=BBnb7Kz
  14. Paul and Richard in particular thanks for a lively and very informative discussion. I've long thought shot(s) came from Dal-Tex, likely why Braden/Brading was there. I've never read about Brennan sitting literally on the corner of Elm and Houston, facing Dal-Tex. That he saw someone with a gun in the far right of the window's circled above is hard to wrap my head around. I figured 2nd floor S/W corner from Houston side for the back shot and one that missed JFK/hit Connally.
  15. Not quite. The peaceful version. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=keeping+the+wolves+at+bay&docid=608026850635284991&mid=C3AC6EB49071F1B38BD3C3AC6EB49071F1B38BD3&view=detail&FORM=VIRE Or a more violent version could have been required for self preservation. If wolves were encountered. Otherwise in black and white, a not inspired version, still best seen in full screen at full volume.
  16. I think it's good enough to bear re-watching for me. Having just read On The Trail Of The Assassins for the first time the latter half was fascinating, real people from his book interviewed in person on tape. It brings it to life at points, the details are well worth a second look. Garrison is an American Hero. There should be a statue of him in Washington. And at the entrance to The Farm, as an ode to defiance.
  17. I know they have cabin fever, are tired of being cooped up, restricted. But after what NY and NJ went through earlier this year are these youngsters that stupid? I guess so. I remember Fischera, he was from NJ. How could they possibly still believe the hoax bs? Or just not care? Just young dumb and full of xxx? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/virus-cases-are-rising-in-nj-spurred-by-young-partygoers-at-the-shore/ar-BB17nOMH?li=BBnb7Kz
  18. I know I've dissed the Wills & Demaris book for it's Oswald did it and Ruby did him for Jackie and the kids dogma but there are tidbits in there from a historical perspective. I don't want to give any more away if your about to read it but as an E. G. . . . I'd gotten the impression from other reading that Assistant D A Bill Alexander was shall we say a redneck Henry Wade acolyte. The latter part of the book brings this home. Ruby attorney Joe Tonahill: (he's a) "tarantula eyed one hundred percent pure lier".
  19. As the saying goes "the old man said buy land son. They ain't makin no more of it." If I could go back in time to the 70's I think I would find a way to buy two - three hundred acres outside of Jackson Hole Wyoming. Or maybe just five to ten close in to Vail Colorado. That said with over half my worth tied up in property that brings in no income and the taxes have become excessive on imo.
  20. Basketball is wise to go ahead and quit. Baseball is learning. The NCAA and NFL will regarding football. School's not cancelled yet. But it will be after a further spike in in opening, including football. This will cost student, teacher, parent, grandparent, other family and friend lives. Go to Church if you want to meet God sooner than you hope to. Congress is not cancelled yet but some are in quarantine https://www.bing.com/search?q=congressman+covid&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&rec_search=1&refig=1eb53b4693e64f3e9312f6c2f8f76bb9&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=congressman+covid&sc=4-17&qs=n&sk=&cvid=1eb53b4693e64f3e9312f6c2f8f76bb9 Seen nothing about the debates being cancelled. Social media becoming more socially responsible in permitting fact checked truth? He can't cancel the election. But the judges might disrupt it, again. Unless the results are (hopefully) overwhelming?
  21. Is this new? I've never visited his site. Excellent. The first half was interesting for the historical video, I wanted more of Stone, very informative for someone newer to the subject. The second half is truly the excellent part. Lou Ivon, Bill Alford. Great shot of 544 Camp Street. Russo is emphatic years later. Mark Lane and Mort Sahl rehearsing Garrison to curb his cursing before appearing on Johnny Carson. A picture of Shaw, Ferrie and LHO? Speaking of Carson, the year I graduated HS, for now politically incorrect comic relief...
  22. If this went all the way "through to Oswald's CAP days." Did Ferrie know both Oswald's, which ones in the picture with him? Later did Shaw/Bertrand know both? Bannister? David Altee Phillips?
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