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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. "there's many per capitas. .... per capita relative to what?" Maybe it's a side effect from taking hydroxychloroquine. More likely from being able to afford to have others do his homework, write papers and take tests for him in school. Maybe why he won't release those records?
  2. It does help clarify. Thank you for the link. I'm perplexed at the moment over the wrist wound. If Gregory is clear that it was not from a pristine bullet, likely a fragment, I wonder where it came from. I'm guessing Gregory was the surgeon who operated on it, one experienced in gunshot wounds from the Parkland ER if he was allowed to operate on such. I've come to believe from the work of David Horne, Dr. Mantick and Dr. Chesser that the head shot(s) came from the front, thus propelling skull, brain matter and fragments to the rear. If the Dr. says a fragment, he's proficient in his field and analysis, he was there. I'm not questioning him. Just confused myself (again).
  3. Being suspicious and pessimistic sometimes I wonder if this might have been orchestrated at least in part. Reading part 1, it made me think of a CIA agent who's name I can't remember at the moment that Helms instructed to smear RFK in particular and took it to heart for the whole family for the rest of his life. He's mentioned in RFK JR's book. Smearing MM smears JFK and RFK? Intended?
  4. Read the first part last night. Damn. The devil's in the details was never more apropos. I bought into much of this over many years as it was intriguing, the only info available, on a "historical" subject. Several years back it all came to seem a bit too much to believe, though I've read none of the books mentioned. I feel somewhat vindicated in questioning the stories we were told. Thanks Jim. I'll buy the book based on part 1, now on to part 2
  5. James, I know you said you were busy in a post to another so thanks for doing so here and in the Shirt thread you started. I've not yet pm'd Gary, he was on the site the other night and I hoped he might respond for the sake of all who peruse the site, I'll do so soon if he doesn't as he once thanked me for a comment that way. I don't understand the 40 degree angle of the shot from JC's arm pit to his nipple. If sitting up semi straight, even turning to the left with my arm raised to shoulder level, I place my left index finger in the base of the outside of my right arm pit and trace to my right nipple it seems like less than even 20 degrees. I freely admit math and physics are not my bailiwick.
  6. Great piece by Dr. Reich, his books sound interesting as well. The video should be featured on the msm, as if That would ever happen. I think the prez is screwin himself and the rest of us. Encouraging opening before we see consistent downward numbers for several weeks is likely only going to make things worse in the long run. Continued expanding of cases per day and deaths in many areas may well mean a return to SIP for many. Maybe well before the election. Not good for him, the economy, or us. It's hard to believe the White House is even reviewing something from PolicyLab at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. I don't think the boss will like or want shared their findings. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-houses-own-data-crunchers-southern-counties-about-to-get-hit-hard/ar-BB14nvbb?li=BBnb7Kz If the Dallas County daily (new) case count goes from 233 a day to 715 by June 17 that's not good news for me or the prez. They've been second to Harris Co. (Houston) since this began. Next door Tarrant Co. (Fort Worth) stays in or close to the top 5. I'm one county removed. North of Dallas, Collin Co. and north of Tarrant, Denton Co. run steadily in the top 10. I.E., it's a cluster area possibly fixin to explode. Into the surrounding counties. IF such might happen it could result in school closings for the fall, including football. Heaven forbid.
  7. I still have trouble finding the day to day numbers for new cases in Texas that show the number of new cases per day over a period of time. A graph yes in the Teas Tribune. But in the last three weeks I saw a spike of over 1300, the first time of over 1000. Then several days later eight days in a row over 1000, 1400 plus, a drop, a spike of 1800. Not what we need to hear in the middle of re-opening. Still trending upward overall. Why is this not being featured on a daily basis in state, regional and local newspapers. It's not available, dismissed or suppressed on a wide spread basis? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/florida-scientist-said-she-was-fired-for-refusing-to-manipulate-covid-19-data/ar-BB14jG4Y?li=BBnb7Kz
  8. I don't think it "just" disappeared. It Was disappeared. The virus might not be as cooperative, or intimidated into submission.
  9. James, you mention in a prior post Gary Murr's two volumes of work on Connally. I thought I'd read a post here by him in the last year or two with a link to them though it seems it might have been time sensitive, expired in a week or two. I did a web search using his name and JFK but came up with nothing relating to Connally. Do you or anyone else know if these are available, if so where? I've always found his posts here enlightening.
  10. My work went back to 25% of employees today. 50% June 1st. Everybody July 1st, with some exceptions in each stage. Anticipating face to face fall classes. Thankfully nothing other than a few grad students doing research though. For me this means going back to before the sip after talking with the Dept. heat. Admin asst. comes in in the morning, me in the afternoon. Only 2-3 professors around parts of a day. Most of both maintain some distance. The herpetologist 6' plus with me but side by side with a GA. Another comes in and sits down across the desk. The virologist of all people comes around it to look over my shoulder to look at the screen. Of course masks are unheard of in the building. Science at work. If there's any hope of securing semi "full" retirement in October or maybe actually doing so in January, I gotta go. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+earl+keen+i+gotta+go&view=detail&mid=663FA27CECF357AE0F5E663FA27CECF357AE0F5E&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3drobert%2bearl%2bkeen%2bi%2bgotta%2bgo%26form%3dPRUSEN%26mkt%3den-us%26httpsmsn%3d1%26msnews%3d1%26rec_search%3d1%26refig%3dcb8993311b7448d3adf5b7dd6d6adce1%26sp%3d-1%26ghc%3d1%26pq%3drobert%2bearl%2bkeen%2bi%2bgotta%2bgo%26sc%3d5-27%26qs%3dn%26sk%3d%26cvid%3dcb8993311b7448d3adf5b7dd6d6adce1
  11. I ordered the Wills and Demaris book myself, mainly out of curiosity. The fact that it is somewhat obscure is intriguing itself but one review did mention interesting detail on Ruby and Dallas at the time of the assassination and prior to it. Printed in 1968 it's at least somewhat timely, Kantor's book didn't come out until 1978 and though he was a Dallas reporter until about (?) 62' to my knowledge he wasn't around Dallas in the years after the assassination investigating it. Fourteen bucks including shipping. I can't take my to a matinee for that if I buy popcorn and a soda to share. I ought to get over three hours time perusing this.
  12. I believe I've been under a false impression for many years. I don't think I've ever seen the exact location of the throat wound discussed in much detail. Seems I'd read below the Adams Apple as a general area. From the death stare photo I'd thought it was lower down than than it appears on re-examination even though it does still seem fairly low. I'd also seen this photo of the tie I posted earlier with what I thought was a bullet hole in it. It does look somewhat like a bullet hole with what might be burn marks around the edges though the fabric inside the tie does not appear damaged. I thought the throat shot went through his tie. I don't think I've ever read Dr. Carrico's statement to Dulles about just above the tie. Thanks to James for enlightening me. I still can't look at the death stare photo without thinking about a small clean entrance wound (smooth edges vs jagged in an exit wound) of a few millimeters, about the size of a pencil. To a fine slit with a scalpel across it of maybe close to an inch to insert the tube by Dr. Perry. To the butchery of the death stare photo many believe was not taken at Bethesda. I believe I read recently at Bethesda it was close to three inches wide. Makes me really wonder if someone wasn't digging around in there for a bullet or fragments. Or as least trying to make it look like an exit wound (if so, they failed imo).
  13. I've wondered a while about this. The angle of the shot through his nipple. It damaging his wrist badly before exiting, then imbedding into his thigh. More lead left behind than was missing from the magic bullet. Which in addition to causing all of Connally's injuries went down from the TSBD into JFK's back at T3, turned upward to exit below his Adams Apple. THEN turned downward to enter JC's arm pit unless he's bent over, which he's not . The angle. Yes, the limo was headed slightly down hill, but a shot from the 6th floor of the TSBD does not go in JC's arm pit, traverse and breaking a rib, then out his nipple. As there was no magic bullet, a shot from the TSBD 6th floor going in his arm pit would most likely have destroyed his bowels. So the shot came from behind, much lower. Dal-Tex, second floor, miss of the back of the right of JFK's head? Necessitating frontal shots, arm and umbrella up? Regarding JC's wrist then leg wound... Would one bullet maintain enough velocity entering the back of the arm pit, traversing/breaking the rib, exiting the nipple, smashing the wrist, to imbed in the thigh? Much less after going through JFK' back and neck? I don't recall in Zapruder JC ever lifting his wrist high enough to be hit with a shot from his arm pit/nipple, from Dal-Tex, then his his thigh? Maybe a separate shot, from a different angle? Kellerman did mention a flurry of shots.
  14. I'm still not getting a haircut for a while. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-cases-of-covid-19-increasing-by-thousands-since-reopening/ar-BB14b61B?li=BBnb7Kz
  15. I stumbled across this title the other day and don't remember ever hearing of it. They have the title wrong in the header. It should be Jack Ruby The Man Who Killed The Man Who Killed Kennedy. I'm not sure what to think about the author. Several books on religion. One on the Kennedy family. One on Lincoln at Gettysburg won a Pulitzer. One on John Wayne. I don't see how it has 37% 5 star ratings when the highest it received was a 4. Has anyone else ever encountered this book? https://www.amazon.com/Jack-Ruby-Man-Killed-Kennedy/dp/B000JJW24E/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?crid=3CYNZ1T882NYP&dchild=1&keywords=jack+ruby+gary+wills&qid=1589665175&s=books&sprefix=jack+ruby+gary%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-2-fkmr1
  16. Jim, if you go back more than a few years maybe this one should be added to your list as the granddaddy time wise. https://www.amazon.com/SECOND-Startling-Alternative-Assassin-Commission/dp/B000J0VUL4/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+second+oswald&qid=1589658817&s=books&sr=1-1 Here's a more affordable version of it. https://www.amazon.com/Second-Oswald-Richard-Popkin-ebook/dp/B004RDOF5C/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=the+second+oswald&qid=1589659466&s=books&sr=1-2
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/manipulative-deceitful-user-tara-reade-left-a-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances/ar-BB149i2D?li=BBnbcA1
  18. Speaking of beautiful places. The inspiration of America the Beautiful. If you've ever been up and down this road you understand better, this is insanity. https://altdriver.com/insane-stunts/ken-block-hoonicorn-mustang/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=agora&utm_term=altd&utm_campaign=altd&fbclid=IwAR0bHGHCfbi-UFncWxHZ0EWT7SBbtFNvT2qWNPKUaN4-2ACLh6WCW6WBbwg
  19. There's a story in a Johnny Cash autobiography about Kristoffersen and Larry Gatlin, both broke and aspiring going to the Church Johnny and June attended. Kris had an epiphany after a service and wrote this song if I remember right. Here are those three plus one together, all acoustic. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Johnny+cash+Kris+kristofferson+larry+gatlin&docid=608025699317188531&mid=78136348E966D08DADD378136348E966D08DADD3&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  20. I think I have read something about such but don't remember where or who might have been involved. Don't think I dreamed it, may have been a few years back though. My first thought was Battling Wall Street but a quick scan of the TOC, a few pages and the index turned up nothing. For some reason the thought of FW/D people come to mind, along the Byrd, Bell Helicopter, TFX investors maybe? Hard to see any major names tipping there hand, directly at least E.G. Rockefeller, McCloy, Dillon, more, if any possibly had some kind of foreknowledge. Maybe I'll have a brain fart tomorrow and it will come to me.
  21. I thought Burying The Lead was quite good in terms of gathering information on the MSM being fed/misled, some new things to me. But it is a little disjointed at points, jumping forward or back to things that are hard to relate to the subject at hand occasionally. Overall well worth the time, recommended for what my opinion is worth. But newcomers might have a hard time understanding how some of it does relate.
  22. I don't think it's a coincidence Truly pointed out Oswald so quickly to the cops as the only missing employee, when he was Not the only one missing. No matter his wife's lineage. I know Shelly claims to have put this bug in his ear, after he likely dismissed Oswald for the day. But Truly ran with it, spread the false "rumor". Just my two cents worth.
  23. Jeez, this needs to be featured news. What a quack. And some are eating it up. I wonder who's backing her?
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