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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Larry, Thank you. Your inside knowledge of these details is extremely helpful. Meanwhile, it looks like Ben has been getting this week's anti-Garland tropes from the MAGA-verse.* Ben continues to provide a valuable service to the forum, by serving as the mouthpiece of the MAGA media. * Republicans Step Up Assault on the FBI July 8, 2023 at 10:16 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments “When Merrick Garland was nominated to the US supreme court by Barack Obama, Republicans refused to grant him a hearing. Now that Garland is the top law enforcement official in America, the party seems ready to give him one after all – an impeachment hearing,” The Guardian reports. “Republicans on Capitol Hill are moving up a gear in a wide-ranging assault on the justice department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation that would have been unthinkable before the rise of Donald Trump. The party that for half a century claimed the mantle of law and order has, critics say, become a cult of personality intent on discrediting and dismantling institutions that get in Trump’s way.”
  2. Ben, You didn't answer the questions, but simply rephrased your anti-Biden MAGA trope. Nice fold.
  3. Ben, Since you persist in your feculent MAGA focus on defaming President Biden and Merrick Garland -- while misinterpreting any discussion of Trump's snuff job on the JFK records as "anti-Trump juvenalia" -- how, exactly, do you explain the Trump and Biden administrations' decisions to withhold the JFK records? Is it simply a Deep State cover up, or are there, possibly, legitimate security concerns about releasing the redacted intelligence files? Do we know the answer to that question? Meanwhile, you never commented, in a topical way, on the recent Newsweek thread here about Trump telling Roger Stone that the withheld JFK records were, "so horrible you wouldn't believe it." Was Trump telling the truth, in your opinion? And, if so, what was too "horrible" to believe? Answer the question about the reasons for the Trump snuff job, instead of endlessly repeating your feculent anti-Biden MAGA tropes.
  4. Ben, Verily, you're not worthy to tie Merrick Garland's shoe laces. Compared to partisan right wing plutocrats like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, Merrick Garland is a stellar jurist. (Not to mention bribe takers Clarence Thomas and Alito.) So, how about doing a snuff job on your moronic MAGA Biden/Garland trope? The truth is that we really don't know precisely why Biden has declined to release the JFK records. Naturally, we all suspect that Trump and Biden have both simply covered up Deep State crimes, but I wonder if there is more to the story. Joseph Backes' post about possible exposure of U.S. intelligence activity in Japan is news to me. Who is more qualified to nominate a SCOTUS justice-- a professor of Constitutional law who edited the Harvard Law Review, (Obama) or a sleazy reality T.V. star who staged an attack on the U.S. Congress and has bragged about "grabbing women by the p*ssy?"
  5. Yes, unfortunately for us, Ben has always been into the old advertising/propaganda Repeat-the-Jingle thing. What amazes me is that anyone who lived through the sleazy, inglorious Bill Barr years of Trump DOJ history would be myopic, or disingenuous, enough to now impugn the integrity of a jurist like Merrick Garland. But, then again, Ben fell for the "Russia-gate is a hoax," and "J6 was a patriot purge" MAGA narratives-- and he repeated those MAGA propaganda tropes endlessly. So, now we're stuck with Ben's daily "Biden/Garland" MAGA trope.
  6. Geez...no one saw this coming. (I wasn't going to raise the issue when people here started posting photos of RFK, Jr. without a shirt.) I'm shocked, shocked to hear that RFK, Jr. beefed up by using steroids. 🙄 Isn't his first cousin Arnold Schwarzenegger's ex? Antivaxxer RFK Jnr admits using TRT - dubbed 'legal steroids' | Daily Mail Online
  7. This guy, Trae Crowder, the "Liberal Redneck," always cracks me up. Here's his latest monologue about the White House cocaine scandal. He flips all of the Fox/MAGA Hunter Biden defamation on its head by celebrating Hunter as a kind of party animal/anti-hero out of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Of course, the MAGA Moms for Liberty wouldn't think this is funny but, for most of us, Trae Crowder would be an entertaining guy to smoke a doobie with.
  8. I wonder if this is why Dorsey has recently endorsed RFK, Jr.'s 2024 candidacy. I also wonder about Dorsey's source material. He could have learned most of this by watching JFK-Destiny Betrayed, but does he have access to additional information?
  9. Unusual M$M headline this afternoon-- from Business Insider. Donald Trump is now imitating RFK, Jr. by pledging to release the JFK records, (which he failed to do in 2017.) This mirrors Trump's recent pledge to the MAGA Moms for Liberty about "obliterating the Deep State." Yabba Dabba Doo... The author reminds us that we've heard this Trump BS before. Trump claims he'll declassify all of the JFK-related assassination records if he's reelected. He said the same thing in 2016, but ended up siding with the CIA and FBI to keep the documents secret. (msn.com)
  10. Here's Ben's latest redundant, partisan MAGA spam if we, legitimately replace "Biden/Garland" with "Trump/Pompeo"-- so that Ben's MAGA spam is, at least, relevant to this thread about Trump's suppression of the JFK records. BTW, what a relief to know that Ben doesn't consider those of us on the JFKA forum to be "conspiracy nuts!" 🙄 Ben writes: Evidently, some commenters here contend if one suspects the JFKA Records are being suppressed by Trump/Pompeo to protect the security state---that is, the suppression is not legitimate---then one believes in "conspiracies." Well yes, there is, rather obviously, a conspiracy to illegally suppress the JFK Records, perped by Trump/Pompeo. They are accessories after the fact to the JFKA. I do not contend people with suspicions about the JFKA are conspiracy nuts. I think there are many legitimate reasons to not accept the results of government investigations into the JFKA, and to dismiss the reasons proffered by Trump/Pompeo to continue the illegal suppression of the JFK Records 60 years after the JFKA.
  11. I didn't read the book, but I saw the movie. Doris Day sang, "Que Sera, Sera." 🤥
  12. Get a clue, Ben. We all know that Trump and Biden refused to release the JFK records. This thread happens to be about Trump's reasons for not releasing the records. He told Roger Stone that what he learned was "so horrible you wouldn't believe it." Was he making that up, or telling the truth, in your myopic opinion? Meanwhile, Matt's point is about the larger issues of governing the country in the aftermath of Trump's disastrous tenure in the White House. See if you can figure that out. (I won't hold my breath.)
  13. Yeah, sure, Ben. We shouldn't waste time asking RFK, Jr. about petty political issues like Trump's historic J6 attack on Congress, his slates of false Electors, or his stacking of the SCOTUS with reactionary right wing judges. Nor about minor stuff like Trump's multi-trillion dollar Reaganomic tax cuts for billionaires, his moronic withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords, or his gutting of environmental regulations. Clean air, clean water, and climate change mitigation aren't that important. Nor is our gargantuan Reaganomic national debt, which can be managed by cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security-- the GOP "Starve the Beast" strategy. That's just Op Mock stuff, eh, and we're all MAGAs now! What really matters is that Biden pulled a Donald Trump and declined to release those JFK records, for some reason. So, going forward, MAGA America also needs to get rid of ethical Harvardian eggheads like AG Merrick Garland, and re-establish a DOJ run by Trump's crooked, personal (ex-CIA) lawyer, GOP scandal cover-up artist, and Iran-Contra pardoner, Bill Barr. And we need to protect corrupt election funding with the GOP Citizens United ruling, and GOP voter suppression that has been enabled by the GOP gutting of the Voting Rights Act (by Shelby v. Holder.) Thank goodness that we have wise, perceptive guys like you to keep us all firmly centered in the MAGA-verse with your redundant daily MAGA tropes! 🙄
  14. The only problem with this Speer Hypothesis is that all of the guys involved in the JFK murder plot were already dead by October of 2017. It's hard to kill guys who are already dead. So, we're left with Hypothesis #1 and Hypothesis #2 (above.)
  15. Larry, There are many, many questions that would love to ask RFK, Jr., but some would need to be asked confidentially, in private. As for public questions, I would ask him about his reluctance to criticize Trump's disastrous policies. Surely, RFK,Jr. disagrees with Trump rolling back over 100 environmental regulations and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, doesn't he? Does RFK,Jr. agree with Trump's 2017 multi-trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and billionaires? His efforts to sabotage Obamacare? His withdrawal from the international Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty? His reactionary right wing SCOTUS appointments? His efforts to overturn the 2020 election?
  16. So, to summarize, there are two basic hypotheses about Roger Stone's claim. Hypothesis #1 Trump was shown some shocking, "horrible" stuff that prompted him to block the release of the JFK records. Hypothesis #2 (the Schnapf Hypothesis) Trump was embarrassed about getting "rolled by the Deep State," so he claimed that he was shown some shocking, "horrible" stuff that justified his snuff job on the JFK records.
  17. Roger, What is redundant is your childish whining about the mods setting reasonable limits on Ben Cole's redundant 20+ threads about the "Biden snuff job"-- Ben's obvious effort to misrepresent the bipartisan suppression of the JFK records as a partisan issue in which "we are all MAGAs now." See if you can finally figure that one out. Perhaps you are unaware that Ben also actively championed Tucker Carlson's bogus MAGA narrative last year that Trump's J6 attack on Congress was a Deep State "patriot purge" op.
  18. Kirk, Beating the dead horse here is intentional sarcasm about the MAGA spammer who has started at least 20 redundant threads about the "Biden snuff job." As for the 2017 Oliver Stone quote, I would translate, "rolled," as, "cowed into submission." Last week, Trump boldly told the Moms for Liberty that he was going to, "obliterate the Deep State," but when we needed Trump to step up and release the JFK records in 2017, he folded like a cheap suit.
  19. Kirk, I agree that someone (Pompeo?) probably explained the "horrible" stuff in the files to Trump. But what the skeptics here are forgetting is that Trump was prepared to release the files in October of 2017. Then something caused him to change his mind in the 11th hour. As Oliver Stone said at the time, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State." Then Trump did a snuff job on the JFK records. Trump won the 2017 Orwell Award, then kicked the can to Joe Biden, while pretending to be a heroic adversary and victim of the Deep State. And the clueless MAGAs fell for the ruse.
  20. Roger Stone wrote the absolute worst book I have purchased in the past decade-- Nixon's Secrets-- but I have to disagree with the skeptics on this one. I find it hard to believe that even Roger Stone -- or Tucker Carlson-- would make up a story this big. So, I'm voting for, YES, Trump saw some classified JFK files that "were so horrible (you) wouldn't believe it." But what were they? That LBJ and the Joint Chiefs were in on the murder plot, with Dulles and the CIA?
  21. This claim by Roger Stone supports the speculation on the forum earlier this year that Trump may have been Tucker Carlson's source about the shocking JFK records. If Stone is telling the truth, something, obviously shocked Trump into doing a snuff job on the JFK records. But what? Would anyone nowadays be "shocked" to learn that the CIA killed JFK? Trump allegedly told Roger Stone that, "It was so horrible you wouldn't believe it."
  22. It's another classic Trump projection-- accuses others of his own nasal habits.
  23. Some witty person has referred to the Moms for Liberty as, "Assholes With Casseroles.". 🤣
  24. Huh? Only one? Have you tried counting all of Ben's redundant threads on the same topic?
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