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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Paul, Based on my reading of The Secret Team, Prouty always worked FOR the USAF (and Army prior to 1947) as a (later) liaison to the CIA. In fact, he never signed a CIA non-disclosure agreement, insisting to Dulles that he had a higher level military clearance. If I'm not mistaken, Prouty wasn't involved in planning CIA black ops around the world, including Lansdale's CIA ops at Saigon Station. His job was to supply transportation and military supplies for Dulles' CIA ops. It sounds like Robert Montenegro has a rare 1973 edition of The Secret Team-- which was confiscated and destroyed (?) by the CIA. I have only read a 2011 Kindle edition.
  2. Larry Schnapf may have already addressed this question, but is there any way for the public to obtain a judicial ruling invalidating Biden's illegal June 30th executive order? It seems quite clear, from this article, that Biden's order violates the letter of the law.
  3. Agreed, Leslie. But, on the flip side, no one else in the mainstream U.S. media has ever been willing to tell the truth about the JFK assassination-- even giving a Fox platform to James DiEugenio and Lawrence Schnapf. I think Fletcher Prouty faced a similar problem years ago. As he said about the Liberty Lobby, he was, "a writer in search of a platform," which was unavailable in the Mockingbird mainstream media. It's the same reason that some accurate critics of the U.S. military industrial complex could only find a platform at Russia Today. (I used to read Russia Today just to get perspectives censored by the Mockingbird M$M. Of course, some of it was Kremlin bs, but some of it was true.)
  4. Ahmaud Arbery tried jogging in a small town. He was murdered by two rednecks.
  5. Here's the 2004 NYT mea culpa, Paul. FROM THE EDITORS; The Times and Iraq - The New York Times (nytimes.com) But, as Glenn Greenwald and the Intercept pointed out 11 years later, the NYT continued to crank out military industrial propaganda about our Middle East war ops for years after the 2003 Iraq invasion. The Spirit of Judy Miller Is Alive and Well at the NYT, and It Does Great Damage - The Intercept
  6. Paul, Thanks for sharing your perspective from Planet Rigby. Not sure what solar system you're posting from, but it's, obviously, way out there. And speaking of blobs, here's an old Bacharach tune to go with your Blob article. The year was 1958. Beware of the Blob!!! 😲
  7. Paul, My point is that, in some instances, we need to speak the truth, even if some people are offended by it. In my experience, the best approach to helping delusional people is to be scrupulously honest. The case of Ron Johnson is a good example. Should we, out of politeness, refrain from criticizing a man like Ron Johnson who actively participated in Trump's false Elector scam in 2020, and then refused to endorse Biden's election? I'm reminded of the old quote, inaccurately attributed to Edmund Burke, that, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
  8. Interesting stuff, Robert. I first learned about Operation Gladio from a lecture by the Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, a few years ago. For some reason, I thought Gladio was being run by NATO and/or the CIA, but it sounds like Italian Military Intelligence was playing a major role. If I recall correctly, the Gladio guys were conducting false flag terrorism ops in Europe after WWII, to discredit European communists.
  9. Get a clue, Mathew. Tucker's advocacy for JFKA truth is an admirable anomaly. It doesn't mitigate the fact that he deliberately lied about Trump's Stop the Steal scam, and tried to blame the "Deep State" for Trump's J6 attack on Congress. As for Tucker Carlson's glowing coverage of the fascist, Viktor Orban-- it's a well known fact. In other breaking news, Tucker's favorite Russian dictator has promoted right wing, fascist movements elsewhere in the G-7-- including, of course, the United States. (I'm assuming that you are aware of Putin's openly expressed contempt for liberal democracy.)
  10. For months the right wing has been screaming about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Marjorie Taylor Greene even showed private photos of Hunter Biden. Now it appears that the whole thing may have been engineered by Russia. - Aired on 07/20/2023.
  11. Paul, C'mon, man. You can't "both sides" these issues with a sociopathic, white supremacist Trump/GOP party that is trying to subvert American democracy-- suppressing voting rights, denying election results, appointing slates of false Electors, and even denying that Trump and his Willard Hotel goon squad orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress. On the contrary, people of conscience need to stand up and tell the truth about the GOP under Donald Trump's "leadership." RoJo was one of the Trump/GOP clowns who approached Pence on J6 about recognizing a slate of false Electors from Wisconsin. When dealing with sociopaths like Trump and RoJo, both siderism is toxic, and, certainly, intellectually dishonest-- however well-intentioned.
  12. Robert, Your posts about these CIA European associates/assets are quite educational. I have read about some of that history in Stephen Kinzer's books about the Dulles brothers (Brothers) and Sidney Gottlieb's MK Ultra ops, (Poisoner-in-Chief) in addition to David Talbot's, The Devil's Chessboard. As I recall, Allen Dulles protected a number of Nazis from the Nuremburg trials, and put them to work for the CIA. My questions for you have to do with trying to understand how Nazis like Skorzeny fit into the larger picture of Allen Dulles's international CIA black ops, including the JFK assassination (and the JMWave Cubans who, apparently, participated in that Dallas op.)
  13. David, I had the impression that our U.S. Vietnam ops from 1954 to 1964 were largely being run by the CIA. Prouty describes a lot of those details in his book on JFK and Vietnam. He was providing transportation and other USAF services to Lansdale and the CIA people at Saigon Station. As examples, Prouty specifically mentions his role in transporting Vietnamese Catholics from North Vietnam to the South, in an op to shore up the artificial Diem regime. He also mentions Lansdale's order for Prouty to ship Diem a fancy desk, and a plaque describing Diem as "The Father of His Country."
  14. Robert, Have you read Larry Hancock's book, Tipping Point, or James Douglass's book, JFK and the Unspeakable? Larry isn't exactly a screamer, but he has documented a lot of convincing evidence about anti-Castro Cubans in Dallas who had obvious foreknowledge of the hit on JFK-- including the Cuban pilot at Redbird Airport who helped Wayne January prep the plane that flew out of Redbird on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.
  15. But, David, didn't Allen Dulles deploy Ed Lansdale to Vietnam, to run Saigon Station, after Lansdale's remarkable success with the Magsaysay regime in the Philippines? Nominally, Lansdale was a USAF man, but he was running the CIA's Saigon Station, wasn't he?
  16. Lighten up, John. It was a joke, used to exacerbate our common irrelevance. Meanwhile, how you handle your ground is none of my business-- whether it's foreground, background, underground, or coffee grounds.
  17. Well, there is the Secret Team, eh, David? And Prouty believed that there were people reporting to Dulles and secretly working for the CIA in a wide array of government agencies. USAF General Ed Lansdale is a well known example. Hell, Dallas Mayor Earl Cabell was a CIA asset in 1963, as we learned from one of the files declassified in (?) 2017.
  18. Michael, Are you saying that Orban isn't a fascist and Andrew Tate isn't a misogynist, or what, exactly? Please explain your latest kooky post.
  19. OUCH!! 😬 ‘You Are Here For Cynical Reasons’: Rep. Connolly Claims RFK Jr. Brings ‘Shame On a Storied Name’ As He’s Used as A GOP Prop (msn.com) Story by Alex Griffing July 20, 2023 Rep. Jerry Connolly (D-VA) tore into Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thursday for appearing before the House Judiciary Weaponization of Government select subcommittee at the invitation of House Republican leaders on the topic of censorship. Connolly accused the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate of shaming his family name by being an “enabler” of the GOP, which Connolly claimed was using RFK Jr. as a political prop to attack President Joe Biden. “And no matter what you may think, Mr. Kennedy. And I revere your name. You’re not here to propound your case for censorship,” Connolly said as he wound down his remarks. “You are here for cynical reasons to be used politically by that side of the aisle to embarrass the current president of the United States. And you are an enabler in that effort today,” the Virginia Democrat added. “And it brings shame on a storied name that I revere. I began my political interest with your father. And it makes me profoundly sad to see where we have descended today in this hearing. I yield the balance of my time,” he concluded. RFK Jr.’s presidential run in the Democratic primary has been embraced by many on the right and far-right in both U.S. politics and media. Former President Donald Trump called Kennedy a “very smart person” during a Fox News interview Sunday and praised him for hitting a “nerve.” Kennedy has long been denounced as a conspiracy theorist for pushing his widely debunked belief that vaccines cause autism and more recently that chemicals in the water are turning America’s children trans.
  20. This has to be a new low in the history of Congress-- MTG showing Hunter Biden d*ck pics on the floor of the House. And, incidentally, wasn't MTG involved in some sort of tantric sex scandal with a personal trainer? 🙄
  21. John, Speaking of "losing ground," my free psychiatric advice for you today is, "When you're stuck in a hole that you've dug, stop digging." 🤥
  22. RoJo? Are you serious, Michael? He's the screwball who voted against the COVID relief bill and told people to gargle with Listerine to prevent COVID.
  23. One is left to wonder what else Prouty would have had to say and do to cause the U.S. government-employed propagandists (USGEPs) in the research community to stop falsely impugning his reputation. 🙄
  24. Geez, John, you seem exceptionally surly and disagreeable this evening. Did someone piss in your Wheaties this morning? 🤥 Honestly, it's a shame that we tend to have these heated disagreements around here. Ultimately, we all probably have more in common than that which divides us. For example, any friend of James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges is a friend of mine. (BTW, did you know that Borges was half-English, and studied Anglo-Saxon sagas late in life?) As for Mr. Davies, I'm extremely impressed that his son has been decorated as a Member of the British Empire, for meritorious service to humanity. What could be better than that, for any parent?
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