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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Karl, I believe RFK, Jr. is telling the truth here, but any Trump campaign promise is utterly worthless. Trump will tell people anything to get elected. Let's recall that Donald Trump repeatedly told Americans in 2016 that he had a "terrific healthcare plan...that would cover everyone and cost less." He lied. He never had a healthcare plan. Trump also announced in 2016 that, "When (he) was President the American people would learn the truth about who destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11." He lied. He never mentioned the subject after his election.
  2. Latest update from the Costs of War Project at my alma mater, Brown University-- 4.5 million casualties in the post-9/11 Bush/Cheney/Neocon "War on Terror." 'Death Outlives War': Analysis Estimates Post-9/11 US Conflicts Killed Over 4.5 Million (commondreams.org) May 15, 2023
  3. Meanwhile, gotta love John Fetterman... 😆 John Fetterman Asks Bank Execs if CEOs Who Crash Banks Should Get Work Requirements | The New Republic
  4. Newsflash, Ben. I posted the question over a week ago about whether the CIA might deal with RFK, Jr. the way they dealt with his uncle and brother. I'm glad that you picked up on the concept. But let's leave your redundant MAGA spam about Trump being an alleged Deep State victim out of the discussion. PUH-LEEZE. Here's this morning's bull Durham cartoon for your viewing pleasure. 🤥
  5. Yeah, Ron, we also watched the Wonderful World of Disney and Bonanza on Sunday nights in those days-- and a lot of Westerns-- in addition to Allen Funt's Candid Camera. I think Woody Allen was a writer for Candid Camera.
  6. Mark, I shouldn't pass judgement without seeing the film, especially since David Mamet is writing the screenplay, but I'm picturing a guy walking out of the theater saying, "Gee, honey, I always thought Oswald and the Russkis killed Kennedy, but now I know it was an Italian job!" 🤥
  7. Geez. Bill Barr's four-year, taxpayer-funded Durham nothing burger again, Ben? C'mon, man. Zero indictments. There's no there there. Never was. Trump's 2016 campaign had multiple contacts with Kremlin officials. And they received illegal Russian funds. Did you ever finally read the Mueller Report and the U.S. Senate Intel Report about Russian interference in our 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump?
  8. Hallelujah!! No wonder the mainstream media is so excited!! At last a film telling the TRUTH about the JFK assassination-- unlike JFK and JFK Revisited... 😂
  9. No problem, Steve. With a great American statesman like Donald Trump, some of these historic quotes are worth repeating. We radical left fascists, obviously, need to work on becoming kinder, gentler, and, most importantly, smarter, if we intend to nominate worthy contenders against great Americans like Donald J. Trump. 🤥
  10. Mathew, Now that you've told us just what hurt, I'm sorry that you were so butt hurt. I never expected that you'd be ejected, or that Bojzcuk's unkindest cut hurt. 😳
  11. Pat, Since you mentioned the subject, what is the actual evidence that "19 Muslim hijackers" with "box cutters" flew the planes into those buildings on 9/11? Are you aware that the alleged Barbara Olson phone calls from AA Flight 77, about "hijackers" with "boxcutters," never happened-- based on expert FBI testimony in the Moussaoui trial? That alleged phone call was foundational for the "Muslim hijackers with boxcutters" narrative. Point PC-2: The Reported Phone Calls from Barbara Olson | Consensus 911 There are also a number of inconsistencies with the alleged "Let's Roll" phone call from Todd Beamer on UA Flight 93. Point PC-1: The Alleged Calls of Todd Beamer, Flight UA 93 | Consensus 911 Point PC-1A: The Todd Beamer Call from UA Flight 93: A Serious Problem in the Timeline | Consensus 911
  12. Today's heart-warming Mother's Day message from Donald Trump... 🤥 Trump Rips Enemies, Ignores Melania in Mother’s Day Post – Rolling Stone May 14, 2023 “Happy Mother’s Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country,” Trump wrote. Trump continued, “Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”
  13. I'm responding in red (below.) Ben wrote: W- I think RFK Jr. is a better option than Trump or Biden. You overlook the JFK Records. Who would open the the records? Anyone would be better than Trump, but what experience has RFK, Jr. had in governance-- legislative or administrative? The JFK records are important, but not really in the top ten list of Executive Branch priorities facing the nation. Immigration is not about race or ethnicity. The most ardent immigrationists in US history were the slavers. Why did the slavers want immigration? For diversity, inclusion and equity? Or did they want cheap labor? RFK Jr. has yet to explain more fully his views on the southern border. I hope his views are based on the interests of US workers, and not on some sort of ethnocentrism. This GOP fear-mongering about the border is a disgrace. It's all about riling up the xenophobic, white nationalist base-- a re-play of the old Know Nothing playbook. In contrast, RFK, Sr. was a compassionate, supportive friend of Cesar Chavez and the impoverished Mexican migrant workers in the U.S. I think RFK, Jr. has been spending too much time with his New Age Malibu anti-vaxxer fan club. On Ukraine, perhaps an earlier more-aggressive response would have worked. I wonder if Biden was (unwittingly or otherwise) following a CIA-devised game plan to set a bear trap for Putin in Ukraine. If so, that worked. The war is a humanitarian disaster for Ukraine and a disaster for Russia. At this point, Biden appears uninterested in ending the war. Maybe RFK Jr. can do a better job. It wasn't a Bear Trap. Putin had intended for years to annex Ukraine-- which he began to do almost a decade ago-- part of the Putin/Dugin vision for "the geopolitical future of Russia." Meanwhile, Biden is now, apparently, trying to negotiate a reasonable end to Putin's bloody invasion of Ukraine. RFK Jr. views on vaccines are not my views. But that is one issue out of many. The Donk establishment has lost my support. Science is critically important for wise public policies-- including public health policy. I support progressive Democrats, but the Donk "establishment" is still a far better alternative than the Koch/Trump GOP plutocracy. That's why Bernie Sanders recently endorsed Biden.
  14. I found the 2015 forum poll on H&L. There was nothing remotely resembling an expert consensus, as you imply. In fact, many of the voters in that poll had, apparently, never even read Armstrong's book. The evident expert on the subject, on that thread, was David Josephs.
  15. I just discovered his old 2015 thread, mentioned by Jonathan Cohen today, in which a number of Education Forum members, including Cohen and Tracy "El Cid" Parnell, voted in a poll about the credibility of the Harvey & Lee data. Of course, we all know that truth is not necessarily determined by popular votes-- a subject which Steven Gaal illustrated with a number of interesting quotations. The most compelling evidence on the thread, IMO, was presented by David Josephs, who also observed that many of the voters in the poll had never actually read Armstrong's Harvey & Lee tome, or studied his data base. As for Greg Parker, was he banned from the Education Forum for some reason?
  16. Well, Keyvan, with all due respect, your theory doesn't make sense. Prouty was deeply troubled, from Day One, about JFK's murder. No "change of heart" there. He smelled a rat on November 22, 1963. And why would he have incriminated himself in a Presidential murder plot by outing Ed Lansdale? For that matter, why would he have exposed the problematic modus operandi of Allen Dulles's "secret team?" He was no book monger. IMO, he was a conscientious Deep State whistleblower who was troubled by the history of CIA black ops occurring beyond the purview and oversight of our elected U.S. government officials.
  17. You keep saying that, but people can study the commentaries of Josephs, Hargrove, Larsen, Stevens, Jeremy B., et.al., and judge for themselves whether your repeated "spin" is true.
  18. Keyvan, I'm aware of Prouty's history as a USAF and Joint Chiefs liaison to the CIA for Special Ops, but, again, if he had been involved in the plot (with Lansdale, et.al.) to assassinate JFK, why would he have outed Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos? And why would Prouty have consulted with Jim Garrison (and Oliver Stone) about his suspicion that JFK was murdered by Deep State actors who opposed his Vietnam and Cuba policies?
  19. Jonathan, How many times have you repeated this "authoritative shredding" trope about the Oswald doppelganger evidence? It's your same old song and dance. But, on the contrary, if I recall correctly, David Josephs and Jim Hargrove took you ROTC Doppelganger Deniers to the cleaners the last time this subject was discussed here on the Education Forum. As for Jeremy B. triumphantly posting a definition of "ad hominem" from external sources, he could have found precisely the same definition in one of my original posts here earlier this year.
  20. Keyvan, If Prouty had been involved with Allen Dulles's "Secret Team" member, USAF General Ed Lansdale, in the JFK assassination plot, why would he have outed Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos? Why would he have outed an alleged accomplice? On the contrary, based on his observations in The Secret Team, Prouty was never a CIA insider-- a member of the Secret Team. He was always a USAF special ops liaison to the CIA, and had never signed a CIA Non-Disclosure Agreement.
  21. 2. Geez, Ben, you have been all over the map on the issue of Ukraine and the U.S. "military footprint." Remember when you criticized Biden last year for not intervening more aggressively in Ukraine after Putin invaded, while most of us were concerned about an escalation of violence? Currently, the Biden administration is, apparently, working behind the scenes with Zelensky to find an acceptable, negotiated end to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, as recently as yesterday, you were praising Putin's puppet, Donald Trump, as a guy who could immediately end the conflict-- presumably by simply caving to Putin's interests. But why would Zelensky trust the crooked Orange Extortionist to negotiate a peace acceptable to Ukraine? 3. So depressing to see RFK, Jr. playing along with the Trump/GOP anti-Mexican border paranoia/hysteria-- especially in comparison with his father's enlightened, liberal support of Cesar Chavez and the Mexican migrant farm workers who have been so critically important for our U.S. agricultural economy. How about RFK, Jr., instead, advocating for Biden and the Democrats' comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill-- which has been sabotaged for the past 12 years by the racist GOP Tea Party stooges in Congress? 4. RFK, Jr. has been wrong about vaccines. He should support the progressive Democratic Party efforts -- by Bernie and others-- to reign in the bona fide abuses and price-gouging of Big Pharma, instead of pretending that his ideas on the subject are novel.
  22. Ben, How many times have I pointed out in our redundant debates that the "Mockingbird" M$M has been chiefly focused on covering up military and intelligence black ops-- JFKA, 9/11, Iraq WMDS, etc.? That is different from the more general Fox/Breitbart/Newsmax focus on misrepresenting non-military current events-- e.g., telling their fans that Trump's J6 coup attempt was a Deep State "patriot purge," etc.
  23. And therein lies the problem. People living in the Fox MAGA-verse have difficulty differentiating fact from fiction. This phenomenon has actually been confirmed by an array of academic studies, including the 2022 UC Berkeley study of Fox News watchers. STUDY: Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News at All (businessinsider.com) When Fox News viewers flip to CNN, their opinions shift too, study finds | Berkeley News Consuming content from Fox News is associated with decreased knowledge of science and society (psypost.org) A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect' (forbes.com)
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