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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Joe, There were such weapons back then. According to Carl Jenkins, whom Jeff Morley interviewed for his new book, Scorpions' Dance, the rifle a FAL, was a NATO rifle whose ammunition could be readily sourced. Jenkins considered Nestor Sanchez a good friend. Jenkins became the case officer for Cubela in 1964 before handing these duties off to Manuel Artime.
  2. Paul, Thanks for bringing this up. Cubela was a piece of the larger program to "split the regime." It was a multi-faceted program that was started by William Harvey's Task Force W and was later modified by Des Fitzgerald's Special Affairs Staff. Mostly run by the SAS/SO (Special Operations) branch with lots of help from JMWAVE. Most, if not all of Harvey's guys were retained. Members of SO were guys like Henry Hecksher, Alfonso Rodriguez, Seymour Bolten, Charles Anderson, and Nestor Sanchez. Bruce Cheever was Fitzgerald's deputy and Halpern was executive assistant (some unredacted pages here) to Harvey and later Fitgerald. Split the regime. I find it interesting that Cubela was "recruited" during the World Youth Festival during 1962. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=180503#relPageId=7 There was some thinking that Cubela was a double agent. - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=152591#relPageId=4
  3. Ron, Here's a more direct source. Cover and plan for Fitzgerald - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=47982#relPageId=2 From Nestor Sanchez. "Great Minds Think Alike." Gotta love that. This is the beginning of the plan to meet. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=47987#relPageId=2 Dainold is a pseudonym for Fitzgerald. Here's the Paris 10/29 meeting. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=47980#relPageId=2 Here's a report of the 11/22 meeting. Ontrich aka Nicolas Sanson is Nestor Sanchez, AMLASH-1's Case Officer. S/W is secret writing. Fitzgerald was not present. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=186955 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=44472#relPageId=2 Cubela "can't understand why he was not given small pieces of equipment (poison pen) which promised a final solution to the problem..." Item 6. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=19462#relPageId=4 This timeline shows that Fitzgerald DID meet with Cubela on 11/22. I believe it was wrong. Sanchez gave him the pen. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148895#relPageId=33 Lots of discussion about the pen. AMLASH Case Officer was Nestor Sanchez. This was his testimony before the Senate Select Committee in 1975. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=33937#relPageId=101
  4. Sure. It was Nestor Sanchez. Sanchez had worked for William Harvey as a special assistant and later under Fitzgerald's SAS in the Special Operations section. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=108514#relPageId=2 https://www.maryferrell.org/php/pseudodb.php?id=SANSON_NICHOLAS
  5. Hi Paul, Cubela/AMLASH-1's case officer was Williamson who was stationed in Madrid. He would meet him there. On a related not, Joe Backes wrote this on his blog. It seems that Hunt was given clearance for QKENCHANT. http://www.justiceforkennedy.com/
  6. I suspect that Hunt was working with Earl Williamson as part of the AMLASH project. AMLASH-1 was Rolando Cubela. Cubela's contact in Madrid was COS Williamson. Cubela did not like Williamson and considered him a drunk. The AMLASH operation was considered a political operation, so who else but Hunt? The CIA put Hunt's friend, Manuel Artime in touch with Cubela to work on the details of the plot. Another of Hunt's friends, Jack Stewart, also worked closely with Cubela and Williamson. Hunt and Bernard Barker would later ask Jack Stewart to join in the Watergate operation. Stewart was to coordinate things from Florida. This would be one of the other things about Hunt that Nixon was referring to. Some notes and refs below: Stewart's sister being interviewed by FBI. She hadn't seen him in years. He worked for the State Department. https://www.nytimes.com/1973/01/11/archives/watergate-trial-hearshunt-offer-to-plead-guilty-judge-plans.html Mr. Hunt then approached a “Mr. Stewart,” otherwise unidentified by Mr. Silbert, and on Feb. 1 Mr. Stewart spent much of the day in Miami with Bernard L. Barker, a real estate agent who is one of the defendants. During the Democratic convention in Miami Beach, Mr. Silbert said, there would be a “communications center” on a houseboat in nearby Biscayne. Bay and Mr. Stewart would work there. Returning to his real estate office, Mr. Barker was alleged to have shown his visitor Democratic party records, unspecified by Mr. Silbert, that had already been “obtained.” Mr. Stewart also turned down Mr. Hunt. Jack Stewart living with Earl Williamson and Ellis Marshall. Stewart getting phone calls from "Bernie Barker." Williamson moving to Puerto Rico. Earl J Williamson also lived in Virginia. Stewart working with Hunt's group in the DNC break in. Barker was handled by Stewart. Sturgis knew Jack Stewart. Tepedino knew Stewart in true name. Earl J Williamson back working as AC/WH/COG dealing with Garrison accusations.
  7. Ron Jeff says to order here: Author of the Scorpions' Dance: The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate (St. Martins Press, June 2022) You can stiff Amazon by pre-ordering Scorpions' Dance here. -Scorpions' Dance: The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate by Jefferson Morley, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com) Morley's Trilogy of Spies Our Man in Mexico | The Ghost | Scorpions' Dance
  8. Hi Paul, I do know where this originated and consider Casas a piece of the puzzle as to what was going on in Mexico City. I'll add more later if there is interest, but I don't want to distract from this thread.
  9. I suspect that this was the Gonzalez mentioned in item 12. Adolfo Gonzalez still buying arms in 1969. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=114383#relPageId=3
  10. Jim, Congrats to you, Paul and Oliver. I hope this gets the press coverage it deserves.
  11. Tracy, Pujols did not meet with Droller/Bender. Escalante got this wrong. Pujols met with Jim Peckich, Cal Hicks and "Bishop."
  12. AJ Weberman posted this. He said "photo of Hemming found in undeveloped film in Oswald minox by DPD. Hemming has Huk in garret.
  13. Paul is a great guy and great researcher! I look forward to more of his essays.
  14. Greg, Blast from the past. That was my transcription from a VHS tape. I should have remembered this. I still think that is old info. Escalante did not get everything right. He knew a few things.
  15. What is the source that Herminio Diaz-Garcia was Trafficante's bodyguard? I have him as a CIA asset and later working for Army Intel.
  16. Here's our podcast with Doug Campbell form last weekend. https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/cubans-planes-guns-money-the-pre-assassi List of podcasts - www.spreaker.com/show/the-dallas-actions-tracks
  17. Harry Dean--He still posts on FB. I think he turned 90. John Bevilaqua--Still around Jim Root-- He's working on putting his research together.
  18. Hi Ron, There's always a question on certain Latin names. The problem lies with the patronym vs. matronym. Hernandez being Carlos' patronym, true last name. Sanchez being his mother's last name. Victor's patronym being Espinosa although he was sometimes referred to as Victor Hernandez. They were close friends, along with Miguel Alvarez, having trained together in Guatemala, in Panama with Carl Jenkins, Col. Glenn "Rocky" Farnsworth, and "Alton Pirnack". They would also train in New Orleans just prior to the BOP.
  19. Ron, That is a perfectly reasonable explanation. The couple who approached Oswald may have only been aware of their task, not the big picture. Oswald's Texas Theater contact may have been an SAS (Special Affairs Staff) asset. Possibly this guy?
  20. This is a follow up on the work previously done by British researcher Matthew Smith. http://dealeyplazauk.com/jfk-assassination/red-bird-airfield-leads/
  21. When was Hecksher in Berlin? We know he was in Havana in 1960 when he recruited Emilio Rodriguez.
  22. Hecksher became the Project Case officer for AMWORLD in 1963. Wouldn't that be a huge promotion for him? Doesn't make sense if he was "Bob" and a double agent.
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