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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Thanks Bart. Gupton's true name was William "Oswald was a useful idiot" Kent. Kent also used the name Robert Trouchard. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/pseudodb.php?id=TROUCHARD_ROBERT
  2. Capehart does appear to have worked for the CIA. Well at least as a contractor in 1973 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14165 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14172 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=152982 There was an inquiry on him 11/26/63 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14178
  3. Interesting doc on the CAC and the coordination between the Army and CIA. Shackley, Chief, talked in glowing terms of the two Army officers assigned to work with him. That would be Bradley Ayers and Edward Roderick. Shackley also wanted one Seal team to train the exile Cubans.
  4. Alfonso Rodriguez was more than just Director of Training. He was Bill Harvey's Special Assistant for TFW in 1962 and later Desmond Fitzgerald's Special Assistant. He was initially assigned head of the autonomous Cuban operations. He was originally tasked with the Split the Regime project.
  5. Bob Shaw also signed off on this. He was Chief of Cuban Operations 4/63- 4/65. Al Rodriguez, mentioned in the Newman thread was DCOS 56-58. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=46762#relPageId=2&tab=page The guy that set up the original telephone taps (LIFEAT) was Charles Anderson. Anderson also handled the mail intercepts - crypt LIBIGHT. In 1963 Anderson was working on the AMROD project. It is described as - CIA program designed to split the Castro regime, with a special focus on the Soviet-aligned Vice Minister of Defense Joaquin Ordoqui. One operation planted false papers on Cuban Cultural Attache Teresa Proenza to make it look like Ordoqui was a CIA agent who had betrayed the Soviet missile buildup in Cuba to the Americans. In 1964 Anderson became the Case Officer for Manolo Ray taking over from Al Rodriguez. Both were working for SAS/SO along with Henry Hecksher, Seymour Bolten and Nestor Sanchez. Small world.
  6. Greg, Here - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=105733&relPageId=4
  7. And to add a little more on this. Manolo Ray was never a fan of the CIA and never towed their line. The CIA promised him $50,000 a month if he would pretty much do as they say. In September 1963 he signed a cooperation agreement with Alpha-66 and SFNE. This was shortly before Angel, Leopoldo and Oswald visited Sylvia Odio stating that they were members of JURE. As John Newman has shown, both of these groups were under ACSI/Army Intel as of 9/62. Does this mean Ray and JURE were now with ACSI? Probably. Again as Newman has shown, the Inter-agency Source Register (ISR) that is used by US Intel agencies to keep track of assets had Veciana(Alpha-66) and Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo(SFNE) working with ACSI. The ISR listed Ray as working for another intl agency as of 12/63. The CIA via the Rex had been caching arms for Ray/JURE Sept and Oct '63. Posada "joined" JURE in 12/63 after resigning his commission, or so the record reflects.
  8. Steve, It's interesting that Posada was active Army until 1966. In 1963 he was at Fort Benning with quite a few Cubans that ended up as part of the AMWORLD project like Felix Rodriguez, Luis Sierra, and Jorge Giraud. Posada was a member of JURE from 12/63 to 2/65. JURE/Manolo Ray were part of the "autonomous" operations being run by the CIA's Special Affairs Staff (SAS/SO) under Desmond Fitzgerald's Split the Regime project. AMWORLD/Artime was being run by Henry Hecksher. The JURE leg was being run by Alfonso Rodriguez and the AMLASH/Military officer coup was being run by Nestor Sanchez. (Rodriguez was later questioned as to why he showed the Zapruder film during a CIA training class when he became director of training.) Back to Posada. Posada was recruited by CIA? ACSI? both? to run a training camp in Florida in early 1964. He was to train small groups of anti-Castro Cubans (JURE) to infiltrate Cuba along with Manolo Ray by May 26, 1964. Ray was to declare a new provisional government with backing by the US Government. This never occurred due to the ever happening "boat trouble." The camp was originally set up by Rogelio Cisneros, Silvia Odio's friend.
  9. Sure do. These are the training instructors. Zamka = Morales, Reuteman = Shackley and Darguzis = Ayers and Masengill = Cal Hicks. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=21347&relPageId=5
  10. Quintero and Artime were trained by Ted Shackley, David Morales and Bradley Ayers in Jan 1964 to name a few.
  11. Pic of Rodriguez (CIA crypt AMJOKE-1), Rafael Quintero (CIA crypt AMJAVA-4) and Manuel Guillot aka Monty (CIA crypt AMBRONC-5). Guillot was captured and put to "the wall" by Castro. Carl Jenkins checking on their whereabouts after the BOP.
  12. Ron, The one and the same Felix Rodriguez.
  13. Here's a bit on what Jenkins was doing for Cuban ops prior to the BOP. He worked with Col. Glenn "Rocky" Farnsworth training the early MRR/AMHAZE group. Farnsworth served with future Director of the CIA William Colby during WWII. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=16045&search=farnsworth#relPageId=170&tab=page
  14. Brendan, There is some good discussion here - And here:
  15. Gordon may indeed have been Gordon Campbell. I'm still not sure if Gordon Campbell was a real name. Here's Brad Ayers description of Gordon Campbell. Ayers trained Artime in Small Unit Operations as part of Paramilitary Operations for the AMWORLD project.
  16. Hi Greg, I'm unsure as to what this group's purpose was. They had radios. We know that Felix Rodriguez was tasked with being the commo officer for the AMWORLD project. Segundo Borges became Major Borges for Colonel Artime in Costa Rica/Nicaragua. Rodriguez and Borges knew each other well. The were sent prior to the Bay of Pigs to assassinate Castro at Varadero Beach. Most likely by Jenkins. aka Larry. Possibly using the word PATHFINDER.
  17. What is astonishing to me is that JMWAVE was inquiring about a boat/maritime vessel six hours after the president was assassinated. This was the Joanne where a group of "exfiltrees" were hidden along with a cargo of silenced handguns and Collins radios (See Bill Kelly about Collins Radio). A conservative guess would be that this is "Part B" and this group was waiting for the word to assassinate Castro after he was blamed for JFK's death.
  18. Ha! Sorry Ron. I'll go into more detail later. Carlos RODRIGUEZ Santana was in the initial group of volunteers pre-Bay of Pigs. His Brigade number was 2506. He died in a training accident in Guatemala. They named the Brigade after him. The CIA had originally recruited 28 anti-Castro Cubans for training to become the cadre that would later train other exiles. These guys were mostly followers of Manuel Artime. This first group was trained by Carl Jenkins. Some of these guys were later (summer of 1963) recruited by Artime, Rafael Quintero and Segundo Borges to join Artime in the AMWORLD project. Carl Jenkins was the paramilitary leader for the AMWORLD project. So, when Quintero wanted to assassinate Castro on April 17, 1964, anniversary of the BOP, he had to run his plan by Jenkins. Henry Hecksher was project leader. Richard Beal was coordinator of weapons, boats, planes, etc. Raul Hernandez was Artime's CIA contact. More later.
  19. Jenkins interviewed and selected certain members of Artime's MRR the DRE's AMHINT crew. He worked with a guy who went by the first name of "Gordon." https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasión_de_Bahía_de_Cochinos Solis was a founding member of MRR. "In these meetings, the Revolutionary Recovery Movement (MRR) was created. Among its founders was Manuel Artime Buesa , who became a lieutenant of Castro's forces, led a group of ACU youth, who had been founders of the LAR, and were moving to the United States to be trained militarily by the CIA. . Beginning in January 1960, the group formed by university students began to move to the United States and on May 17 , 1960 , a group of 10 called José Andreu, Antonino Díaz Pou, Vicente Blanco Capote, Javier Souto, Armando Acevedo Arencibia, Carlos Rodríguez Santana, Enrique Casuso, José Raffo, Ramón Machado Vidal and Humberto Solís Jurado, were transferred to the Marie Antoinette Motel in Fort Lauderdale . At dawn on May 19 , Manuel Artime and Roberto de Varonas showed up at the Motel and were introduced to the CIA members (Carl Jenkins and Gordon) who were responsible for moving them to Useppa Island, in the state of Florida . In that initial group was Carlos Rodríguez Santana. Some notes on Quintero, Artime and AMWORLD: Rafael Quintero (AMJAVA-4) has 12 members of DRE (AMHINT) already signed up 11/23/63 for AMWORLD. Looks like they used AMHINT-53 (Luis Rocha) as recruiter for DRE. 11/27/63 The Exfiltries are to remain hidden onboard the Liberian registered ship The Joanne. They will have Collins radios and silenced weapons marked as spare parts. This doc was from Richard Beal, the logistics guy for AMWORLD. Looks like it was signed by Sam Halpern (signing for Helms) and Henry Hecksher. Here's that puzzling doc from Zamka/Morales about a boat. You would think they would have something better to do at 20:30 on 11/22/63. Was this a "read between the lines" request? Artime (AMBIDDY-1 blacked out) as Ignacio told Martin aka Raul Hernandez that he visited the crew and the men are in high spirits to begin the fight against Castro. 11/27/63. The Black Nine left for Tortuguero, Costa Rica on 12/1/63. Ordering the two LCMs aka AKLs. These became The Monty and The Gitana. They were used at Monkey Point and later in the Congo. Again Halpern signing off for Helms. Did the get these boats from here? DOD working with CIA. Testing the AKL-43 that went to Monkey Point. Ricardo Chavez as English speaking member of Swift boat crew. (Pedro Diaz Lanz working for Goldwater?) The Joanne made it to Costa Rica and left 12/14/63 to go to Baltimore to pickup some more exfiltries. The Donna, sister ship, visiting the DR to look for a base. Was this The Donna? List of ships/boats used by CIA. Fitzgerald (DAINOLD) and Joseph Califano visiting Guatamala 12/5/63! Document date 11/26/63. 12/3/63 Getting AMWORLD "staffers" to Nicaragua via plane from Florida. Santiago ALVAREZ of Commandos-L arrives at Monkey Point to board the MV Joanne and use it to infiltrate a team. Doc by Carl Jenkins. 5/11/64 Shackley (REUTEMAN) item i mentions assassinating AMTHUG-1 aka Fidel.
  20. Hall seems to know quite a bit of detail. Amazing how he puts Martino, Robertson, Roselli, Trafficanate and Giancana all together. He spent a week with Trafficante in Trescornia. He says that the original plan was a Fidel assassination but that Rip Robertson took it over and it became what we know as Operation Tilt. He was in Logue's office where "Jack" offered him $50,000 to assassinate JFK. Jack was Jeb Rose of Rose trucking. Hotel meeting. The Russian defectors were bogus?
  21. Peter Dale Scott ....from 1993 at least - https://history-matters.com/pds/dp3.htm
  22. Prouty to Krulak 5 Sept 1963 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10304&search="agency_JCS"#relPageId=3&tab=page Colonels Prouty and Higgins meeting with Joe Califano and Col Alexander Haig - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10299#relPageId=3&tab=page Here's an example of the DOD/JCS overview and approval of CIA operations that Larry has referenced above. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78838#relPageId=3&tab=page Here's a doc (11/8/63) by Krulak to Director, Joint Staff. The DOD was going to supply air support for CIA raids into Cuba. Capt Kurtz?? Shades of Apocalypse Now. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10285#relPageId=3&tab=page Removing Prouty from the Secret Team? 🙂 Name crossed out under SACSA https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10272&relPageId=3
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