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John Kozlowski

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Everything posted by John Kozlowski

  1. Thanks. I’ve heard the story of the torn bills hundreds of times but don’t remember actually seeing any type of evidence of them.
  2. Glad someone realizes this isn’t a Manson film. Not talking about anyone here but on a few other forums I’m on people are talking about it as if it’s specifically about the Tate /Bianca murders. I’ve even seen headlines on major entertainment sites going back 6-8 months that describe it as Tarantino’s Manson movie. Like you said Manson has a “walk on” role.
  3. Do you believe her full story to be true including everything that happened to her afterwards?
  4. So realistically it could have just been a bill with a torn corner it wasn’t necessarily a dollar bill torn in half. Most books I’ve read mention he had two bills torn in half. Are there any witness statements or testimony that he did have two bills torn in half? I’ve also read that he had a box top torn in half. That came from Lamar Waldron’s book so you have to consider the source on that one.
  5. I can’t believe anyone still buys into her story. Did her name ever come up in any of the Garrison files or any other file dealing with New Orleans?
  6. Apparently the script was well received. I remember reading an entertainment site last year that the script made some list as one of the best screenplays not in production. Mark Ruffalo and Bryan Cranston were also cast to star in the movie. I haven’t heard anything since then but am curious to see who they have playing Dan Rather.
  7. It’s been a while since I read it so don’t recall the dates but Armstrong has the Russian Oswald coming to the US with his mother right after WW2.
  8. http://hoaxes.org/photo_database/image/oswalds_backyard_photo I searched that date and found this article. It says after the Life. Claims after the Life publication additional papers and magazine used the photo and it was altered trying to enhance it.
  9. I don’t even see a ToS unless I glanced over it.
  10. From a quick search it looks like there are issues from the 6th, 13th , 20th and 27th on eBay. Was there a special midweek edition? Nothing comes up on google from April 22
  11. I don’t understand why they needed to risk using the other Oswald to attract attention to the theater. Wouldn’t it just be easier for Westbrook, Croy or whoever else was in the know to just radio in a call saying a passerby gave them the tip instead of placing the two of them in the same theater? Just seems like your exposing the plan to too many witnesses the way it was done. If Oswald wasn’t supposed to make it this far alive why was he looking for someone with the other half dollar bill?
  12. Why do you think they both ended up in the TT? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have them go to different places so this scenario doesn’t happen and they are both seen by multiple people? Not saying I don’t agree with what you’re saying I just don’t know why they would want them in the same place at the same time. The real Oswald was looking for someone with the matching $1 bill. What was the other Oswald doing there?
  13. There’s a Docudrama on Netflix titled Wormwood about Frank Olson. The episodes mix in interviews with his son and his quest to figure out what really happened to his father. I thought it was pretty good and binge watched it one weekend. I recommend it if your reading about Olson
  14. I’m glad you brought this up. The arrest out of the back door is one of the parts of the Oswald tale that really interests me. Hoping some of the experts here can explain what they know about the arrest around back.
  15. I did a search because there are a few podcasts I listen to that have early episodes unavailable. Apple has a 300 episode limit. Since apple and stitcher both start at episode 27 I think it has to do with what’s uploaded to your RSS feed. I don’t know much about how that works but from what I read that’s that’s the problem.
  16. If you use chrome you can change your search browser under settings instead of using another app or downloading the DuckDuckGo browser. I still use google a lot but for stuff like this I use the other. You’d be surprised what they censor when you start getting into some deeper subjects
  17. Google searches don’t show a lot of sites that it did in the past especially when dealing with conspiracies. I found DuckDuckGo to produce a lot more results when dealing with subjects like this
  18. Here you go. After the summary on each person it tells you where you can get copies of the police and/or death records. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/crs.htm
  19. Ill find the link for you just give me a min. I assume your using google to search. If so try DuckDuckGo and you’ll have better results
  20. You say you believe Oswald wasn’t where he was supposed to be? Where do you think he was told to be? I don’t think whoever was setting him up wanted him on the 6th floor as he would see who and what was actually happening at the window and putting him somewhere else in the building at the time of the shooting couldn’t really guarantee him being captured and killed right away. What’s your theory on what he thought he was supposed to be doing that day and why he didn’t do as he was told? I’m just curious on what you think.
  21. I didn’t mean it cuts out part of the episode I meant it doesn’t have every episode available. Should have worded that better
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