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Bill Brown

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Everything posted by Bill Brown

  1. So Mary Bledose was telling porky pies when she said she saw Oswald on the McWatters bus, noticing the hole in the elbow of the shirt? How about the fact that 163 was found inside the Depository, nowhere near Oak Cliff?
  2. I read the Sibert & O'Neill Report for the first time almost twenty years ago, early 2000s. Nowhere in that report does it state that Humes and the others thought Kennedy was struck by a high tech weapon firing ice bullets. So yes, I had no clue about the stark raving mad ideas in the head of another forum member here who spouts nonsense and then backpedals when called out on it.
  3. Yes and the same "researchers" believe there were as many as ten shots fired in Dealey Plaza and that Kennedy was hit in the back by a bullet which penetrated only two inches into soft tissue.
  4. "I didn’t say Humes et al concluded JFK was hit with a high tech weapon — I used the phrase “seriously considered.” No Sir. You stated what you mistakenly believed "Humes et al" actually THOUGHT. Here is exactly what you said: "The autopsists thought JFK was hit with a high tech weapon, rounds that wouldn’t show up on x-Ray or in the body." I then called that statement "pure nonsense". Judging by your own backpedaling, it seems you now realize how nonsensical your original statement was. Moving on.
  5. You quoted O'Neill: "“A general feeling existed that a soft-nosed bullet struck JFK." First, you're quoting O'Neill and automatically attributing that to what "Humes et al" actually THOUGHT happened. Second, even IF "Humes et al" believed Kennedy was struck by a soft-nosed bullet, how does that automatically translate to your claim that "Humes et al" THOUGHT Kennedy was struck by a high tech weapon firing missiles which would dissolve? Look. I get it. You said something you shouldn't have. It happens.
  6. Sibert and O'Neill observed "Humes et al" considering the possibility that the President was struck by a "high tech weapon" (your words, no one else's). Somehow, you're foolishly attempting to get that to evolve into "Humes et al" actually THOUGHT Kennedy was struck by a high tech weapon firing off missiles that would eventually dissolve. It's sad that you don't understand the difference.
  7. Sure thing. From the Pathological Examination Report: "The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and the supra clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as can be ascertained, this missile struck no bony structures in its path through the body."
  8. Except that you are wrong when you say that Kennedy suffered a shallow wound in soft tissue. The wound was completely tracked from back to front. You'd know this if you would read the autopsy report. I always find it comical when one criticizes something which they have obviously never read. Well, comical and pathetic at the same time.
  9. "The night of the autopsy Humes et al seriously considered the possibility JFK was hit with a high tech weapon." What are you failing to understand here? You stated that Humes et al THOUGHT Kennedy was hit with a high tech weapon firing missiles which would not show up in an X-ray. I am telling you that they considered all possibilities, yes. But that is not to say that they actually thought it was true or that they ever believed it. You twist reality in order to get it to fit your foolishness. Just stop.
  10. No Sir. You clearly stated: "The autopsists THOUGHT JFK was hit with a high tech weapon, rounds that wouldn’t show up on x-Ray or in the body." That is a far cry from the reality that they were simply considering all possibilities at that moment.
  11. I'm talking about real bullets, copper, steel, lead. You keep talking about ice bullets.
  12. Are you aware that after the Y incision was made, they were able to find and track the wound through Kennedy?
  13. "The autopsists thought JFK was hit with a high tech weapon, rounds that wouldn’t show up on x-Ray or in the body." Pure nonsense. "Humes et al" thought no such thing.
  14. Again... In the real world, bullets do not hit soft tissue, penetrate two inches and stop.
  15. Typical. "The bullet hit the back but only entered a couple inches in the soft tissue. No, I can't support my silly nonsense but conspiracy authors said it, so..."
  16. If it's in a movie, then it must be true? Why can't it just be a movie for entertainment's sake? The movies aren't real life. Haven't you seen Oliver Stone's JFK?
  17. Yep. I've seen it said many times that Oswald shows disgust upon being notified that he has indeed been charged with murdering the President. I disagree. I think Oswald is disappointed that the very short "press conference" is over.
  18. Reporter: "Nobody said what. Nobody said what." Then Oswald looks at the guy. Then the guy explains "We can't hear you back here." Then Curry is heard saying "Okay men. Okay." Upon hearing Curry (behind him) call for an end to the party, Oswald shows disgust.
  19. I completely agree. The premise of this thread is ridiculous.
  20. Now you're twisting it around. I didn't say matter-of-factly that the shooter was wearing a T-shirt. I simply said that just because witnesses describe the sniper's nest shooter as wearing a light-colored shirt does not rule out Oswald as this shooter.
  21. No. You're cherry-picking my comment. First, we were talking about bullets (or, at least I was). Second, what happened to this mysterious dart? It evaporated? It was made of ice? C'mon man.
  22. "But as we know, the witnesses in the Tippit murder are all over the place about whether or not Oswald did it or not or whether two other men did it, etc." This simply is not true. The real witnesses, people who were actually outdoors and saw pretty much the entire thing go down (Burt, Smith, Benavides, Markham and Scoggins), ALL said Tippit encountered just one man.
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