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Did Oswald Practice Tradecraft?

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I guess you'll have to read his book.

I interpret THAT response as an admission that Douglass has NO EVIDENCE to back up his accusation.

Not as canny as your last interpretation. I'm damn sure not going to spend time spelling it out for you.

You called another member a xxxx for claiming that Oswald threatened to reveal radar secrets.

When shown what John Newman wrote about Priscilla Johnson on that subject you chose to ignore it. See the second half of the post:


So why would I waste any more of my time providing evidence for you? Other members that actually read Douglass' book know what evidence he provided re Oswald.

You demand others produce this and that, but NEVER offer any evidence or proof of your position.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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You ... NEVER offer any evidence or proof of your position.

I say that Lee Oswald was an innocent man who committed no crimes and knew nothing about the assassination until after it happened, just like the members of this forum.

You sound as though you never heard of the concept of BURDEN OF PROOF. The burden of proof is on Lee Oswald's accusers. As his defender, I am only required to show that the accusations against him are bogus. As any IMPARTIAL person can see, I have a very easy job.

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You're speaking from ignorance (again), Ray. Asperger's is not a mental condition.

My wife works with Asperger kids, and I listen to her stories every day. THe subject is endlessly fascinating, but has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the assassination of JFK.

Then you should know better than to equate it with mental illness. Shame on you.

BTW Greg, when you re-post someone else's post in full you demonstrate that you have not yet figured out how to use the forum software, and it makes you look stupid.

Well, I'm glad to see you've finally figured it out, Ray. That college degree didn't go to waste, after all...

Now we can step back from hurling insults for a nano-second, can I get a response from you or anyone else as to why Oswald went to the trouble of obtaining an early out when he had so little time left to serve in active duty? What was so urgent about getting to the Soviet Union that it couldn't wait a few more weeks?

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2. The military knew it was fake, which is why there was no investigation and it was passed through with astonishing speed.

So that explains why they decided to screw up his life by changing his discharge from Honorable to dishonorable.

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2. The military knew it was fake, which is why there was no investigation and it was passed through with astonishing speed.

So that explains why they decided to screw up his life by changing his discharge from Honorable to dishonorable.

Correction: I don't believe it was changed to dishonorable.

I think it was classified as "Undesirable."

I too stand to be corrected, if wrong. But I think I'm right.


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You ... NEVER offer any evidence or proof of your position.

I say that Lee Oswald was an innocent man who committed no crimes and knew nothing about the assassination until after it happened, just like the members of this forum.

You sound as though you never heard of the concept of BURDEN OF PROOF. The burden of proof is on Lee Oswald's accusers. As his defender, I am only required to show that the accusations against him are bogus. As any IMPARTIAL person can see, I have a very easy job.

The Education Forum is not a courtroom. You are not a barrister here. The burden of proof concept does not apply here in the same way it would in a court of law.

Sure, it's an easy job to present no evidence for one's arguments; but ultimately unconvincing, even to the most impartial of observers.

And you know what, I agree that Oswald may have known nothing about the assassination until after it happened.

No one, including you and I, can ever be sure what Oswald knew and didn't know.

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And you know what, I agree that Oswald may have known nothing about the assassination until after it happened.

Thank you Michael.

No one, including you and I, can ever be sure what Oswald knew and didn't know.

Now here I beg to differ, and I believe I am in good company:

Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again;

The eternal years of God are hers;

But Error, wounded, writhes in pain,

And dies among his worshippers.

William Cullen Bryant

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Let's think clearly about this a minute.

"Bill: If Lee Oswald was a spy, as you seem to be suggesting...."

If he wasn't a spy then why would he move from a classified position in the Marines (Navy Department) to Russia, then back to the old USA. Why let a simple enlisted man in the Marines go to Russia (USSR) and then also come back?

Why do you hand out pro-Cuba leaflets (with a call #) in New Orleans? Well IMO it is to develop a list of pro-Castro-ites.

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And why do you and Colby never ask any of these obvious question, no matter how interesting the data is?

And why do you resort to such abuses of facts and logic as with your "points" about the Hurt call, LHO's Russian test and his service with the CAP?

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You know Ray Boy, you have a very suspicious tendency to dodge things you do not want to confront and then insert things that are not relevant to the subject at hand.

So I take it you have no comments on the whole smelly hardship discharge issue?

How about this for instance:

1. Why did the board review process take just four days? When in fact it should have taken months.

Show that at the time such reviews normally took months

2. Why did the WC not really investigate its smelly circumstances?

You have yet to show it was smelly, this is circular logic

3. How did Marguerite know so far in advance it was going to happen?

Have you considered the possibly, the doctor was mistaken or made this up? If LHO was CIA it makes little sense he'd tell his mom about the defection and even less that she'd tell the doctor and evenless that he wouldn't say anything till decades later

4. Was she cooperating with the ruse by shopping for a doctor to give her a phony excuse?

See above

5. Did the WC stay away from this episode for the precise reason they knew it would fall apart upon investigation?

This is a rewording of 2. above

6. Did Oswald go along with this phony discharge when he had just three months to go in his service because he knew his service was not really ending? That it would now continue. ANd in the country for which he was studying the language and being tested for in the Marines? Namely Russia? That he would now masquerade as part of the fake defector program?

I fail to see a point here. He didn't "go along with" it he initiated it.

And why do you and Colby never ask any of these obvious question, no matter how interesting the data is?

Edited by Len Colby
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Has anybody done a study on other period defectors to Russia, in the context of Oswald's trip? There were other defectors.

Jim said they were not "analogous", i.e. the CIA didn't prepare the documents about them he complains they failed to prepare on LHO.

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You know Ray Boy,

1. Why did the board review process take just four days? When in fact it should have taken months.

I suggest they denied him DUE PROCESS just because they really hated Oz, just like YOU, JimBoy!

2. Why did the WC not really investigate its smelly circumstances?

I suggest it was just because they really hated Oz, just like YOU, JimBoy!

6. That he would now masquerade as part of the fake defector program?

Speculation is your specialty, isn't it JIMBOY?

Speculation, plus regurgitating the disinformation of Helms, Marchetti, & Bernard Fensterwald.

Who is the suspicious character here , JimBoy?

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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