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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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Back to the topic (I needed to go back to post #1 to even figure out what we were talking about...)

I tried a few things to bring out more of the detail... The pixelation makes this person look wider than he is

He also appears to be wearing a short sleeve shirt, or something multi-colored folded up...



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And rather than reread the entire thread to find it... a Coke bottle was also found in that deep corner on/by the steps....yes?

I personally think the Lunchroom scene with Baker/Truly never happened... and if it was not Oswald who they run into on the stairs - anyone care to venture a guess as to WHO that was and whether Baker's affidavit was also a PLANT given the generic description he gives... this "man who works here" as described by Truly could have been anyone except Dougherty coming down as he was a huge man.

"...a white man. ...30 years old, 5'9", 165 pounds, dark hair and wearing a light brown jacket"

Mr. BELIN. Could you describe the man you saw in the window on the sixth floor?
Mr. BRENNAN. To my best description, a man in his early thirties, fair complexion, slender but neat, neat slender, possibly 5-foot 10.
Mr. BELIN. About what weight?
Mr. BRENNAN. Oh, at--I calculated, I think, from 160 to 170 pounds.

And then we have more of the most supressed testimony we have, that of Carolyn Arnold...

her FBI statement and why she was never called to testify.


One also has to decide if we believe OSWALD was actually on the bus or in Whaley's cab. John Armstrong who has held the bus transfer in his hands tells me it was indeed folded and creased given the struggle at the theater while that transfer was supposedly in his pocket... couple problems with that as well...

This is the transfer as shown in the WCR... see any folds or creases?

and then the book from which it supposedly came.... each of these BLANK TRANSFERS is stamped with the date it's good and the sequential number... the note says "receipt from the book of transfers..." so this receipt (complete with the "Shopper transfer" still attached suggests it came from the book and was removed at the staple.... AFTER the transfer supposedly given to Oswald. There are no clip-outs in this one so we know it was never used.

While not conclusive it does suggest very highly that the transfer #4459 was created after the fact. (one is to remember that along with the transfer was an Aug 1960 American Bakeries pay voucher for the person who lived at NEELY at that time, found by the FBI AT NEELY and taken by them, yet finds it way into "evidence removed from Oswald's person at DPD" )


and whether this is the same person we now call Prayer Man... the man who walks past REID is only in a T-shirt

Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether he had any shirt or jacket on over his T-shirt?
Mrs. REID. He did not. He did not have any jacket on

Mr. BELIN - Could you describe the man that you saw running down toward the station wagon?
Mr. CRAIG - Oh, he was a white male in his twenties, five nine, five eight, something like that; about 140 to 150; had kind of medium brown sandy hair--you know, it was like it'd been blown--you know, he'd been in the wind or something--it was all wild-looking; had on--uh--blue trousers--
Mr. BELIN - What shade of blue? Dark blue, medium or light?
Mr. CRAIG - No; medium, probably; I'd say medium. And, a--uh--light tan shirt
, as I remember it.

Could someone please remind me which image supposedly has the OSWALD figure coming down from the TSBD and is under the sign... maybe I can relate the two visually


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This has been an excellent thread, and I think it has some very (potentially) explosive information. I was curious if anyone here has a high resolution scan of Jack Weaver's polaroid photo. It is quite over-exposed, but that is a good thing for capturing our "prayer man" in the shadows. The only versions I've seen online are highly pixelated. Photo can be seen below, but please post if you have a HD scan or copy. Thanks.


My guess is thats about the best quality you're going to get from a polaroid, but I figured I'd pose the question. Keep up the great work guys!

Also, while I'm not sure what I think actually occured, I tend to agree that the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter could still happen if Prayer Man is in-fact Oswald.

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This has been an excellent thread, and I think it has some very (potentially) explosive information. I was curious if anyone here has a high resolution scan of Jack Weaver's polaroid photo. It is quite over-exposed, but that is a good thing for capturing our "prayer man" in the shadows. The only versions I've seen online are highly pixelated. Photo can be seen below, but please post if you have a HD scan or copy. Thanks.


My guess is thats about the best quality you're going to get from a polaroid, but I figured I'd pose the question. Keep up the great work guys!

Also, while I'm not sure what I think actually occured, I tend to agree that the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter could still happen if Prayer Man is in-fact Oswald.

Hi Michael,

I agree Weaver took a most interesting shot(s) showing both the 6th floor SE Window, and the TSBD entrance, moments before the Presidential limo made the turn on to Elm St.

The Entrance area does show a man in the approximate position of Prayer Man, but as you pointed out, higher resolution might be very valuable. Earlier in this thread, several members discussed some movements on the steps as the Limo approached the turn onto Elm that may have coincided with Prayer Man arriving.

I am not sure who has the original Weaver photo. Gary Mack or Robin Unger might have more information.

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This has been an excellent thread, and I think it has some very (potentially) explosive information. I was curious if anyone here has a high resolution scan of Jack Weaver's polaroid photo. It is quite over-exposed, but that is a good thing for capturing our "prayer man" in the shadows. The only versions I've seen online are highly pixelated. Photo can be seen below, but please post if you have a HD scan or copy. Thanks.


My guess is thats about the best quality you're going to get from a polaroid, but I figured I'd pose the question. Keep up the great work guys!

Also, while I'm not sure what I think actually occured, I tend to agree that the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter could still happen if Prayer Man is in-fact Oswald.

Hi Michael,

I agree Weaver took a most interesting shot(s) showing both the 6th floor SE Window, and the TSBD entrance, moments before the Presidential limo made the turn on to Elm St.

The Entrance area does show a man in the approximate position of Prayer Man, but as you pointed out, higher resolution might be very valuable. Earlier in this thread, several members discussed some movements on the steps as the Limo approached the turn onto Elm that may have coincided with Prayer Man arriving.

I am not sure who has the original Weaver photo. Gary Mack or Robin Unger might have more information.

Richard and Michael,

I've always wondered if the 1955-1957 Oldsmobile that Howard Brennan claimed to have noticed parked strangely near the TSBD is visible in this photograph.



--Tommy :sun

PS Is that another "hard hat man" at the far right of the photo, partially obscured by the motorcycle antenna? It seems to me he appears there in other photos. (Too lazy to look right now...)

Edited by Thomas Graves
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