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David Morales

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On 11/5/2015 at 2:19 AM, Thomas Graves said:
On 10/26/2013 at 2:53 PM, James Richards said:

A young David Morales proudly serving his country.

Is that a scar above his left eye?


--Tommy :sun

In this photo, there's a nick visible on the lower edge of his left eyebrow, and it think you can (barely) make out a scar going up his forehead a bit, and at a 45 degree angle, from that point. Could it be an old high school football injury?


--Tommy :sun

PS Why is this important? Because I think I've located grey-suited Morales monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in the Jim Doyle film. And because, according to Richard Billings, someone told Jim Garrison (Bringuier? Cruz? Jim Doyle?) that a dark guy in a grey suit was watching Oswald closely that day, and that this guy had a one-inch scar above his left eyebrow.

See my long earlier post (#14), above, for the Jim Doyle clip and for a link to Billing's notes on "the Spanish trace," aka "the shepherd."

Edited by Thomas Graves
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When was the "martin" film that's in the Sixth Floor Museum Archive shot?

I have watched it from their archive and it has some footage of LHO but it's different than the other color footage in the youtube so I'm confused as to how many films there are.

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When was the "martin" film that's in the Sixth Floor Museum Archive shot?

I have watched it from their archive and it has some footage of LHO but it's different than the other color footage in the youtube so I'm confused as to how many films there are.


John T. Martin filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963. Fourteen-year-old Jim Doyle shot this same leafleting incident in the 700 block of Canal Street (at which Oswald was arrested for "disturbing the peace").

This incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafleting activity in front of the International Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16, during which Oswald, Charles Steele, and an unknown Hispanic-looking guy passed out flyers for about twenty minutes and nobody was arrested.

Thanks for asking!

--Tommy :sun

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When was the "Martin" film that's in the Sixth Floor Museum Archive shot?

I have watched it from their archive and it has some footage of LHO but it's different than the other color footage in the youtube so I'm confused as to how many films there are.


(Probable teenager) John T. Martin from Minnesota filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963, the same day that 14-year-old Jim Doyle shot the very same Oswald leafletting incident (at which Oswald, Bringuier, Cruz. and one other anti-Castro Cuban were arrested for "disturbing the peace.")

This August 9 incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafletting activity in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16 (which was filmed by a TV station), during which Oswald had Charles Steele (and perhaps an unknown Hispanic-looking guy) as a paid helper, and nobody was arrested.

Thanks for asking!

--Tommy :sun

PS Could someone please post a "link" to the John T. Martin August 8, 1963, New Orleans film here? I mean, which is actually watchable?


Edited by Thomas Graves
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When was the "Martin" film that's in the Sixth Floor Museum Archive shot?

I have watched it from their archive and it has some footage of LHO but it's different than the other color footage in the youtube so I'm confused as to how many films there are.


(Probable teenager) John T. Martin from Minnesota filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963, the same day that 16-year-old Jim Doyle shot the very same Oswald leafletting incident (at which Oswald, Bringuier, Cruz. and one other anti-Castro Cuban were arrested for "disturbing the peace.")

This August 9 incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafletting activity in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16 (which was filmed by a TV station), during which Oswald had Charles Steele (and perhaps an unknown Hispanic-looking guy) as a paid helper, and nobody was arrested.

Thanks for asking!

--Tommy :sun

PS Could someone please post a "link" to the John T. Martin August 8, 1963, New Orleans film here? I mean, which is actually watchable?


I believe the same scar (over Morales' left eye) is visible in the photo in the lower left corner , below:



--Tommy :sun

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David Morales in NOLA watching LHO during his FPCC period makes perfect sense to the Jeff Caufield CT well as to the Jim Garrison CT.

Bill Simpich says the CIA high-command didn't know who Impersonated LHO in Mexico City on a tapped telephone call between the Cuban Consulate and the USSR Embassy -- but Bill suspects it was David Morales and his crew. It started a traceable CIA mole-hunt.

This makes David Morales into a CIA rogue, and not representing the CIA high-command with his interest in LHO in NOLA.

In NOLA, David Morales would have been working with Guy Banister -- specifically in the Fake FPCC operation.

It makes sense that David Morales would be part of the sheep-dipping of LHO in New Orleans, and that this same sheep-dipping operation was extended into Mexico City -- where we also find David Morales.

The pieces fit together.


--Paul Trejo

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Is this scar interrupting the left brow a little?

Yes, Chris. In this photo, the big notch at the bottom of his left eyebrow indicates where the scar begins. It runs up his forehead an inch or two, to the right and at a 45 degree angle. The scar is very hard to see in this photo, but it's there Might be more visible in better copies, or in the original for sure.


Hey Tommy - clean up your PM's -message box full.

OK, will do ... Have Done. My mailbox is now only 90% full! LOL

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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On 11/7/2015 at 3:14 PM, Thomas Graves said:
On 11/7/2015 at 0:28 AM, Thomas Graves said:
On 11/6/2015 at 11:09 PM, Thomas Graves said:
On 11/6/2015 at 10:40 PM, Thomas Graves said:
On 11/6/2015 at 10:22 PM, Chris Newton said:


When was the "Martin" film that's in the Sixth Floor Museum Archive shot?

I have watched it from their archive and it has some footage of LHO but it's different than the other color footage in the youtube so I'm confused as to how many films there are.


Possible teenager John T. "Jack" Martin from Minnesota filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963, the same day that sixteen-year-old Jim Doyle and his eleven-year-old sister shot the very same Oswald leafletting incident at which Oswald, Bringuier, Cruz. and one other anti-Castro Cuban were arrested for disturbing the peace.

This August 9 incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafletting activity in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart on August 16, during which Oswald was assisted by paid worker Charles Steele and an unknown Hispanic-looking guy, and nobody was arrested.

Thanks for asking!

--Tommy :sun

I believe that the scar I've been talking about (which is barely visible on and over Morales' left eye in the upper right photo) is much more visible in the lower left photo. If you look very closely, you can even see it in his high school photo, which leads me to believe it was from an old high school football injury, which sport Morales played, according to his old high school buddy, Ruben Carbajal.


--Tommy :sun

The reason I think Morales' scar is important is because a Garrison researcher, Life Magazine's Richard Billings, wrote in his notes in 1967:

"More on Spanish trace... Giant [Jim Garrison] says the shepherd has a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. He was also seen by Bringuier and Miguel Cruz at Maison Blanche when Oswald passing out leaflets."

Note: The "Maison Blanche" was a large old building where Dean Andrews had his law office on the sixth floor, only two blocks from where Oswald, Bringuier, and Cruz were arrested on August 9 in the 700 block of Canal Street. After the assassination, Andrews said he had seen Oswald passing out leaflets in front of this building, and that Oswald told him it was just a $25 "job"


"He [the "shepherd"] was wearing a coat and tie and sunglasses... He was taking pictures of Oswald." [emphasis added]



In Billings' notes, he wonders if "Spanish Trace" might have been the dark-complected driver of the "getaway" Rambler station wagon in Dallas. rhereby suggesting that "Spanish Trace / Shepherd" was both dark-complected and Mexican-looking.

David Sanchez Morales was half Spanish and half Yaqui Indian, and was so dark-complected that his nickname was "El Indio.

The photo below is of Morales and is cropped from a larger photograph taken of him in Chile or Peru in 1966. I have seen the larger photo on the Internet. It shows a 35mm camera hanging in front of Morales' chest. I can't find that larger photo right now, but a least we can see the camera's strap in this one.


FWIW, 16-year-old amateur photographer Jim Doyle, who filmed Oswald's arguing with Bringuier and being arrested, said that the guy monitoring Oswald on August 9 was wearing a grey suit and taking pictures of Oswald with an expensive-looking camera.

--Tommy :sun


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I've always believed the testimony of Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, who claims that after the JFK murder, he saw LHO get into a station wagon outside the TSBD, being driven by a man with a dark-complexion.

The Warren Commission stomped all over Roger Craig's story -- because it contradicted their "Lone Nut" dogma.

As for David Morales being at Dealey Plaza, participating in the JFK murder in some way -- do we really need more confirmation than he provided himself when he confessed to his best friend, Ruben Carbajal, that "we got that sonofabitch Kennedy, didn't we?"

The only question at this point is whether David Morales was part of a CIA plot (which I doubt) or part of a Civilian plot led by Guy Banister and General Walker (which I advocate).

By the way, in that second photo, David Morales could easily be mistaken for a Negro.


--Paul Trejo

Dear Paul,

Haven't you noticed how almost nobody on this forum is interested in what you think anymore?


--Tommy :sun

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I've always believed the testimony of Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, who claims that after the JFK murder, he saw LHO get into a station wagon outside the TSBD, being driven by a man with a dark-complexion.

The Warren Commission stomped all over Roger Craig's story -- because it contradicted their "Lone Nut" dogma.

As for CIA officer David Morales being at Dealey Plaza, participating in the JFK murder in some way -- do we really need more confirmation than he provided himself when he confessed to his best friend, Ruben Carbajal, that "we got that sonofabitch Kennedy, didn't we?"

The only question at this point is whether David Morales was part of a CIA plot (which I doubt) or part of a Civilian plot led by Guy Banister and General Walker (which I advocate).

By the way, in that second photo, David Morales could easily be mistaken for a Negro.


--Paul Trejo

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I've always believed the testimony of Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, who claims that after the JFK murder, he saw LHO get into a station wagon outside the TSBD, being driven by a man with a dark-complexion.

The Warren Commission stomped all over Roger Craig's story -- because it contradicted their "Lone Nut" dogma.

As for CIA officer David Morales being at Dealey Plaza, participating in the JFK murder in some way -- do we really need more confirmation than he provided himself when he confessed to his best friend, Ruben Carbajal, that "we got that sonofabitch Kennedy, didn't we?"

The only question at this point is whether David Morales was part of a CIA plot (which I doubt) or part of a Civilian plot led by Guy Banister and General Walker (which I advocate).

By the way, in that second photo, David Morales could easily be mistaken for a Negro.


--Paul Trejo

Second photo? Which "second photo," Paul?


BTW, can you or can you not see the 45-degree scar I'm talking about on and above Morales' left eyebrow?


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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