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Tom [Hume],

The window sills in the TSBD were very low, as we can see in the photos below (CE 488 and 489). Someone of Oswald's height (5-feet-9), when standing, would definitely reach the upper windows, as seen here:


I beg to differ, DVP.

For height comparison purposes, that's Bonnie Ray Williams on the left in the bottom photo you posted (CE489).

Taking the sharp angle of Dillard's camera into consideration, I think the person captured or placed in CE482 must have been taller than Bonnie Ray Williams in order to place his face in the center of that upper window.

Here is Bonnie Ray Williams waiting to get into a police car, with Danny Arce and Officer Brown(?) standing right behind him. I'm guessing that Oswald was much closer in height to Arce and Brown(?) than he was to the tallish Bonnie Ray Williams.


--Tommy :sun

Thanks, Tommy. That's what I thought..

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Thanks, Robin.

As I thought, some photo-faker has utilized the dirt on the window to create "Oswald's face".

The same connect-the-dirt task can easily be performed in other parts of the same Depository window to create additional "faces" too. Like the one I've circled below. Looks like a woman this time. Maybe it's Dorothy Kilgallen.

So it would seem as if dirt and pixels make very good "face maker" tools indeed....



Edited by David Von Pein
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  • 3 years later...

Good argument Vince. Still, the workers on the fifth floor heard no footsteps which is strange if a shooter was in a hurry. There is still debate about where Oswald was ... eating lunch in a lunchroom, two lunchrooms, out with with someone else forgot the name in Fritz's notes and not out of breath drinking a coke when Officer Baker and Roy Truly confronted him. Now there is some evidence of another face in the far West window in the "uncropped" Dillard photo. Also boxes were moved quickly as sunlight is on a big box in the middle of the sniper window from a long shot photo as the limo turns left. Could Oswald or his look-alike, also arrested at the Theater be standing on a box just moved?

What is fascinating is that the face similar to Oswald is like a ghost in the original Commission exhibit and more. On the original it seems a shadow of the window pain dividers is on the neck and body of the Ghost and seems to widen a bit as it goes from the neck down which may be natural if the figure is looking down with head a bit closer to the dirty glass. I still haven't found definite proof of where Oswald was at the time of the shooting. Still a mystery to me. I am not defending the changed or colorized version as I was surprised at examining the original. Just saying... where was Oswald really? it is still debatable.

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Here I did not change anything, darkness or grainy pixels and found what looks like two faces behind our figure, not on the ceiling. On the left  a women and on the right a man with beard. Strange that these 3 faces ever so faint appear in logical places if they were there. It could be coincidence of the dirty windows, but I am not sure.

Oswald with woman behind on left and man behind on right?.png

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On 11/8/2014 at 5:59 AM, Vince Palamara said:

I have a feeling Pat Speer will be bummed out by this photo. Even though Oswald lost his body, it appears his head is in the window; darn...

Author Leroy Blevins swears this is genuine (!)

Just copying and pasting my old post:

"I was taught the values of politeness, courtesy, respect, - to be fair, and so forth. So I do absolutely not want to talk in a negative way about people in general, - and not either when they are not present, - when they can not defend themselves.

I managed, by mobilizing will, --  to not say anything in the last thread, - where people were endorsing his videos.

But as it is mentioned yet again, I just can not - not express my own view on this.


He has 2.4k subscribers, - videos with nearly 100% "thumbs up",  - receiving donations, - and has comments disabled. Promoting his book multiple times.

Saying: "Other researchers don't show their research."
"I'll answer any questions."
"We are going to go in to reality now." "Not fantasy world." "Like others."
"I'm gonna show you facts, and I'm gonna show you real images."
"What I'm gonna present here is pure facts, - and pure evidence". "Matching with timeline".'

Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.


My thought, is that it is anything but fair, - to anyone wanting to find the truth; - not the people here, - people watching his videos, --- and especially not to the ones making donations to him (who at the same time are prohibited to comment) , -------- to make money on videos that contain so many errors, - that I lost count after a couple of minutes. While making erroneous and contradicting statements, - the way he does.

One example is him, in his colorized photos and films, - having two assassins inside the Pergola - shelter, - "proven" by an animated Darnell - snapshot, -- where the alleged assassins are visible,- one still aiming, - as he just have taken "the shot to Gov. Connally".

So the assassin is transfixed, in his aiming position "just having fired his shot" - in the Darnell - snapshot, - which in the real reality, was taken 30++ seconds after the shots occurred. People running by , only a few feet from two men with rifles, - (one still aiming, 30 seconds after he took his shot.....) , ---- ignoring them....


The assassin inside the shelter, - managed to get into this position , as he is standing on top of another person's back. A human - table.



I wish this person well, - - but I myself, -  cannot understand, anyone, - including himself, - actually believing what he says."


Just try to watch a minute or two.....

Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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  • 11 months later...
20 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

This is a link to the Dallas Morning News - The paper that Tom Dillard worked at. http://interactives.dallasnews.com/2015/jfk-portraits/ .   There seems to be a figure in the windows that looks like Oswald.  Has anybody been able to get a high resolution picture?

That one seems to have been altered as well.




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I think I even found the image used to create the impression he is in the window

Either a reversed image of his arrest photo



or from a Dallas newspaper photo...



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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

I think I even found the image used to create the impression he is in the window

Either a reversed image of his arrest photo



or from a Dallas newspaper photo...





Have you seen the Tom Dillard photograph from the Dallas Morning News website?  It shows a person similar to the Leroy Photograph.  I have contacted the Dallas Morning News to ask to purchase a high resolution picture of the Tom Dillard photo.  I will post a link to it once I get it.

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David and Keyvan, I did not know they had Photo shop for the Commission exhibit and the Dallas Morning News in 1963. Can you show how they did That? You are not showing the original where Oswald or his Look-a -like is looking down so the original ghostly image is not any arrest photo I can believe ..unless we believe in magic?

"Moments after the assassination, this photo was taken of the sixth-floor sniper’s perch in the 

Texas School Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald waited for the motorcade to pass before

 firing the fateful shots. (Tom Dillard/The Dallas Morning News)"

Edited by Jim Glover
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26 minutes ago, Jim Glover said:

David and Keyvan, I did not know they had Photo shop for the Commission exhibit and the Dallas Morning News in 1963. Can you show how they did That?

Hey there Jim...

Pretty sure you can Google photographic manipulation and see many results created from layering glass plates with different pieces of the negative/positive on different sheets to create the final image.... 

With Dillard's negative, one need only have or create a negative of the image you wish to superimpose.  It works exactly like Photoshop layers except it's done in the real world...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=59&v=_2mQsUIc97E  - Watch Konrad Eek work up a print using only darkroom techniques



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Hi David,

The original is so faint it took about 50 years for someone to see it. And not identical to the police mug shot. Pretty sure The Warren Commission wanted to find Oswald somewhere in there and every researcher was looking for something to see so why wouldn't they make it plainer and clearer for the official version if they could do it? Pretty sure people didn't notice the face until it is pointed out to them and the ability of us to catch the image sharply was not until we had computers decades later yet even so this was not noticed until fairly recently long after researchers could work on photos with computers. It is like it took Decades even with computers for some of us to notice the large wound in the back of JFK's head in Frames 371 to 384 because everyone was stuck on frame 313.  Why didn't they doctor those frames? Pretty sure that they were in such a rush to black out the rear head wound in 313 that they missed it or had no time to do a complete doctoring.

So who can prove where Lee was during the shots when there are so many conflicting theories among very good researchers. It could be his Look- a- like in the window and because the boxes were moved around a lot after the shooting there probably were others on the 6th floor watching Oswald if it is Oswald. I'm pretty sure that they would not let the Patsy alone and take the risk he would warn the motorcade and the Plot would have failed. So this does not prove that Oswald fired a rifle or if he did, he tried to hit Kennedy because there were a few missed shots. Another mystery, and You might be right but I am not sure that this case will ever be solved. Some think the dirty smudges formed the image... so who Knows? 

Edited by Jim Glover
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