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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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Paul Brancato, on 23 Oct 2015 - 11:00 PM, said:


Robert Oswald was having an affair with Marina while she was in secret service custody? News to me...

I first read this in the 2002 book by Thomas Mallon, entitled, Mrs. Paine's Garage.

Which probably says a lot for that book and Mrs. "Holier than Thou" Paine's endorsement of the same.

The rumor seems to have been started by Judyth V.B. and then Martin, Marina's jilted business manager, piled on. All this despite the fact that Robert was seemingly happily married at the time. Vada, Robert's wife described in detail how Marina ended the relationship with Martin to the FBI in April 1964, and no mention of her husband's supposed dalliance.

Show me the "facts".

Well, Chris, the story evidently comes from Marina's business manager, James Herbert Martin, one of the first witnesses in the Warren Commission, who claimed that a representative, "Morris," came to his door on behalf of General Walker in December, 1963.

As it happens, claims Martin, Marina's business manager, he himself was having an affair with Marina at the time. Then Marina broke off her relationship with Martin, because, as Martin told his friend, Gibson Vendettuoli, of the following account:


Marina Prusakova and Robert Oswald had an affair. I witnessed it occurring as my own relationship with her broke down. This was only a few weeks after Lee was shot by Jack Ruby. He must be rolling over in his grave.

Robert was trying to help Marina make herself heard. Marina told him, in my presence, that Lee was caught between two powers -- the government and organized crime.

When she was questioned by the Warren people, as she referred to them, she was a blind kitten. She wasn't saying Lee was innocent, but she wasn't sure Lee shot Kennedy or not, she wasn't sure if he knew about any conspiracies or if he was part of one, but she knew he wasn't guilty of murder.

She said the Warren people told her that they had uncovered Jack Ruby's underworld connections and that he killed Lee to keep his mouth shut. Lee was "professionally schooled in secretiveness" and worked for the American government.

Robert felt that, with twenty different interpreters, she wasn't being heard right. Mark Lane mentioned this feeling as well in his article, published in the appendix of "Plausible Denial," so this isn't new.

In the process of helping her make herself clear, they fell in love. They started having trysts at my home in the afternoon, usually on weekends. It destroyed me to see them doing what they were doing.

I reminded Marina that we had an affair going, too. If she wanted another f***ing Minsk period, she'd cooperate with me and not one second after another little afternoon of fun. Robert's wife and kids would be very happy to hear about this.

Right after that, almost as if on cue, Robert began to be very cooperative about saying his brother was guilty, and even coming up with new evidence. Robert had a wife and little children.

The Warren people found out about Robert's indiscretion (a little birdy named me told them). After that, he was in a bind and had to keep it secret, which is why he incriminated his brother, even after everything Marina said...

J.H. Martin


This correspondence wasn't taken under oath -- but it surely convinced Gibson Vendettuoli.

I would only point out a consistency -- both Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine agreed with each other that LHO "couldn't" have killed JFK, and they told the WC this several times -- and even expressed it later -- although they both succumbed to the WC on the basis of the "overwhelming" Circumstantial Evidence.

In that key point, the account we find in Vendettuoli's correspondence from James Martin reveals a consistency.

If somebody has confirmation that this story is fiction, please share it here.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Gibson Vendettuoli insists he was born in 1990 and that the name is an alias. In 2004 when he posted that he was 14. He posted that in this very forum. I believe it originated with Judyth. So did you edit out the part about Judyth?


Edited by Chris Newton
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I missed this post.


"Houston, we have a problem" could be changed, in this case, to "Austin, we have problem". LOL

"Vendettouli" claimed in 2004 that he corresponded with Martin but, Paul, you are stating now there is a mention in Mallon's book, published in 2002, about the affair?

I didn't read Mallon's book because I respect Bill Kelly and his review is scathing:


This "affair" confuses me.

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Gibson Vendettuoli insists he was born in 1990 and that the name is an alias. In 2004 when he posted that he was 14. He posted that in this very forum. I believe it originated with Judyth. So did you edit out the part about Judyth?


Wait, Chris, are you saying that because Gibson Vendettuoli was 14 years old when this letter by James H. Martin was written, that he could NOT have been an associate or friend of James H. Martin?

Is that the evidence that you have to argue for a forgery?

Yet you also admit that Gibson Vendettuoli was an alias -- so then can you also assure us that his birthdate is correct?

In any case, one needs only determine when James H. Martin died -- or whether he really was on his deathbed around 2011 when this letter was allegedly written.

Just because people use aliases is in-itself proof of nothing. You want "facts" and I showed you what I found -- so, let's hear your argument.

There is more to the story, according to Gibson Vendettuoli, who clearly wants to avoid contact with strangers:

------------------ BEGIN EXCERPT FROM GIBSON VENDETTUOLLI ----------------------

Through my line of work, I got to meet Marina's ex-boyfriend and business manager Jim Martin.

A few days ago, I was looking over Judyth's posts and found her accusation that Robert Oswald and Marina Oswald had an affair a few weeks after Lee was killed and that it was hushed up because Robert didn't want his family to know.

Well, since Jim was her boyfriend at the time this supposedly occurred, I figured maybe he could shed a little light on the situation.

And he wrote back a long missive. Apparently, others have been asking, too.

[Jim added:] "Judyth is right. Whether she was Ozzie's girl, I know not, but she was right about Robert's affair."

Which speaks volumes for me.

------------------ END EXCERPT FROM GIBSON VENDETTUOLLI ----------------------

So, according to this poster, anyway, the story has an origin *other* than the Judyth Baker claim of 2011.

At the same time, Gibson Vendettuolli admits that he approached the dying James H. Martin about the story only after he read it in Judyth Baker's book.

So -- is it a forgery? A fiction? The evidence presented by Vendetuolli suggests that Judyth Baker was not the sole source of the story.

NOW -- how did we get onto this topic in a thread about Ruth Paine?

Oh yeah, it's relevant because people keep asking why Ruth and Marina suddenly ended their 1963 friendship after the JFK assassination.

That is, if Ruth Paine was really such a "Holier than Thou" Quaker Charity Lady, then how could she drop Marina Oswald like a hot potato, unless it was really the CIA that was terminating the relationship?

Evidently, Marina Oswald was under tremendous pressure from the Secret Service, the FBI, her business managers and even her new American family. The typical treatment of widows and orphans among the heathens is abysmal.


--Paul Trejo

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NOW -- how did we get onto this topic in a thread about Ruth Paine?

Nice twist Paul. The answer: because YOU brought it up. it was poorly sourced hearsay that could have been entirely made up for all we know. Pulled right from the Weekly World News.

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I missed this post.


"Houston, we have a problem" could be changed, in this case, to "Austin, we have problem". LOL

"Vendettouli" claimed in 2004 that he corresponded with Martin but, Paul, you are stating now there is a mention in Mallon's book, published in 2002, about the affair?

I didn't read Mallon's book because I respect Bill Kelly and his review is scathing:


This "affair" confuses me.

Well, Chris, I'm glad you revived the question of Thomas Mallon's book -- because it brings us back to our main topic here -- which is Ruth Paine.

By the way, I am also a big fan of Bill Kelly as a writer, and I'm aware of his critique of Thomas Mallon's book, Mrs. Paine's Garage (2002). Let's look at that for a moment, shall we?

You say it's a "scathing" review, but that's nowhere near the word I'd use. Bill Kelly is objective, and his main objection to Mallon's book is that it's an LN book.

At this point, like any CT writer, Bill Kelly allows a free-floating generic suspicion fall over Mallon's book. No SPECIFIC EVIDENCE, but the usual suspicion. Yet, let's look at some of the fallacies on both sides of the LN and CT divide, please. I really like what Bill Kelly wrote about this aspect of two camps, the LN and the CT, as follows:


Alas, the world is not so simple as to be divided into just two camps, as there is also a third group that includes those who keep an open mind about such things as who is responsible for shooting the President of the United States in the head, and they try to approach the case as a homicide detective would.


Bill expects (like I expect) that the true resolution of the JFK murder will arrive late -- like the justice that arrived late for Medgar Evers, the murdered NAACP advisor for James Meredith at Ole Miss. Anyway -- Bill Kelly doesn't accuse Ruth Paine of anything specific -- he just wonders why the HSCA just ignored the Paines instead of making them the star of their show. And even that is an overstatement, because let's look at what Bill Kelly adds:


But it really isn’t Mrs. Paine we should be interested in, it’s her husband Michael, who owned the house and garage and is the principle character worth writing a book about.


On this point again I agree strongly with Bill Kelly. Ruth Paine's story never changes. It's plausible, if one can but respect the reality that there can be Quaker Charity Ladies in this world who take pity on women eight months pregnant when their husbands are riding away to another state to find work.

But Michael Paine's story is far more interesting, in the light of Michael's confession to Dan Rather in 1993 that he actually saw LHO's Backyard Photograph in April of 1963 -- contrary to what he swore to the WC. The fact that Bill Kelly raises this issue, however, has less impact because Thomas Mallon already raised it in his book, Mrs. Paine's Garage (2002).

I liked Bill Kelly's review of Mallon's book, especially his call for a "third group" to mediate between the warring camps of LN and CT. I note again and again that Ruth Paine said repeatedly from 1963 to 2013 that from what she herself witnessed, LHO "couldn't" have killed JFK -- however, the WC showed an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.

Marina Oswald always said something similar. Robert Oswald also said something similar continually in his own book on Lee.

It's not so simple. The WC and J. Edgar Hoover admitted that they withheld the full truth of the JFK assassination from the American People -- "for National Security purposes."

To me, that's the greatest clue of all.


--Paul Trejo

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More coincidence ...

"It appears that someone knew where Oswald would be the night before the assassination, and that he would be accused the next day of the murder. But beyond that, these person(s) also knew that a paper bag would become a key piece of evidence against the suspect, who was accused of acting alone". - Sylvia M.

"But what on earth would postage due from for George Bouhe be doing at Ruth Paine's? And who would attach it to the form due for Oswald's mystery package? Bouhe is the man whose name is placed in Marina Oswald’s testimony to Garrison's grand jury in an odd way. Marina mentioned him as one of her English tutors in Dallas. Garrison asked if she knew that Bouhe lived a door down from Jack Ruby; that they knew each other, and shared a common swimming pool. Marina said she did know that; because right after the assassination, Bouhe came to visit her. He told her that it was all just a coincidence that he happened to live next to her husband's killer." - Jim D.

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More coincidence ...

"It appears that someone knew where Oswald would be the night before the assassination, and that he would be accused the next day of the murder. But beyond that, these person(s) also knew that a paper bag would become a key piece of evidence against the suspect, who was accused of acting alone". - Sylvia M.

"But what on earth would postage due from for George Bouhe be doing at Ruth Paine's? And who would attach it to the form due for Oswald's mystery package? Bouhe is the man whose name is placed in Marina Oswald’s testimony to Garrison's grand jury in an odd way. Marina mentioned him as one of her English tutors in Dallas. Garrison asked if she knew that Bouhe lived a door down from Jack Ruby; that they knew each other, and shared a common swimming pool. Marina said she did know that; because right after the assassination, Bouhe came to visit her. He told her that it was all just a coincidence that he happened to live next to her husband's killer." - Jim D.

Thanks, Gene, for the further objections to Ruth Paine's account of her relationship with Marina and Lee Oswald. Let's take a closer look. First, from Sylvia Meagher, one of the first and most brilliant critics of the Warren Commission. Let's examine her suspicions (not accusations, but suspicions) sentence by sentence:

(1.0) "It appears that someone knew where Oswald would be the night before the assassination, and that he would be accused the next day of the murder." (Meagher)

(1.1) Yes, the objective reader must agree here -- and A.J. Weberman in the 1980's answered this question to my satisfaction by his interviews of Gerry Patrick Hemming (so closely connected to General Walker).

(1.2) According to A.J. Weberman, Gerry Patrick Hemming confessed that while in Miami, he called LHO presumably on some pay phone, to offer him double the price of his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle if he would bring it to the TSDB depository the next day, and drop it off at some disclosed location for some underworld figure to pick up.

(1.3) LHO trusted Gerry Patrick Hemming (according to Marita Lorenz) as well as several others within Interpen, including Loran Hall and Larry Howard (according to Harry Dean). They were all connected to Guy Banister.

(1.4) The existence of ACCOMPLICES of Lee Harvey Oswald was strongly suppressed by the WC, and Sylvia Meagher, very early, perceived this. She is correct.

(2.0) "These person(s) also knew that a paper bag would become a key piece of evidence against the suspect, who was accused of acting alone." (Meagher)

(2.1) This is evidently a reference to the Undelivered, Undeliverable Package we've been discussing, in some bizarre attempt to blame Ruth Paine for it.

(2.2) As I said, I don't have an explanation for the stupidity of somebody sending Lee Oswald a piece of wrapping paper in a box, with a fake address on it. In fact, nobody does.

(2.3) It does sound suspicious, and yes, one can claim that the ACCOMPLICES of Lee Harvey Oswald, who unbeknownst to him were making him the PATSY, had put this package in motion.

(2.4) So, again, Sylvia Meagher's instincts are serving us all very well.

(2.5) Yet all she concludes is that LHO must have had ACCOMPLICES. There is no longer any question of that, however, for those of us who believe that Walker-did-it.

NEXT -- let's turn to the suspicions of James DiEugenio -- again, sentence by sentence:

(3.0) "But what on earth would postage due from for George Bouhe be doing at Ruth Paine's?" (DiEugenio)

(3.1) OK, this is a valid question. Are we even certain of the facts, however? The DPD have proved themselves to be rather poor record keepers.

(3.2) Besides, that, in the Walker-did-it CT, which I espouse, DPD Rogues were part of the plot.

(3.3) This could suggest that DPD Rogues sent the Undelivered, Undeliverable Package (because it truly is stupid), and therefore that they also planted George Bouhe's name at Ruth Paine's.

(3.4) We must be clear -- Ruth Paine strictly denies any knowledge of the very name of George Bouhe before 11/22/1963.

(4.0) "And who would attach it to the form due for Oswald's mystery package?" (DiEugenio)

(4.1) Again, DPD Rogues seem to me to be the likely culprits in both instances.

(5.0) Bouhe is the man whose name is placed in Marina Oswald’s testimony to Garrison's grand jury in an odd way. Marina mentioned him as one of her English tutors in Dallas.

(5.1) Actually, George Bouhe is well-known from the WC volumes -- and was far beyond Marina's English tutor. George Bouhe was a wealthy Russian Exile who flirted with Marina Oswald. Bouhe was a close friend of George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, who testified that Bouhe bought Marina "a hundred" dresses. Bouhe gave Marina a baby crib, and offered to pay for dental work she so desperately needed.

(5.3) LHO, however, was insanely jealous of George Bouhe. He threatened to smash the baby crib, and rip up all the dresses! He even threatened Bouhe physically. This was the period that people reported seeing Marina with bruises on her face, and George DM felt compelled to find other places for Marina to live.

(6.0) "Garrison asked if she knew that Bouhe lived a door down from Jack Ruby; that they knew each other, and shared a common swimming pool." (DiEugenio)

(6.1) As I've said, this sounds incorrect to me, since Jack Ruby lived in a common apartment complex, while George Bouhe was very wealthy.

(6.2) I would like to see some confirmation of this, please.

(7.0) "Marina said she did know that; because right after the assassination, Bouhe came to visit her; [telling] her that it was all just a coincidence that he happened to live next to her husband's killer." (DiEugenio)

(7.1) All Marina admitted was that Bouhe came to visit her to express his condolences, and to explain that he didn't have LHO killed, but it was only a "coincidence" that he lived "next" to Ruby.

(7.2) What "next" to might mean in this context is still an open question with me. It could mean in the same borough in Dallas.

(7.3) We must remember that Jim Garrison could be very pushy, and Marina was still an ESL speaker.

So, Gene, those are the "coincidences" that you wanted addressed. I find no smoking gun there, nor anything suspicious except for those who want to find suspicion everywhere. Pretty boring stuff.

Yet I do have an open question about where Bouhe actually lived -- Jim Garrison implies he lived in the same middle-class apartment complex as Jack Ruby. I strongly doubt that.


--Paul Trejo

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Bill expects (like I expect) that the true resolution of the JFK murder will arrive late -- like the justice that arrived late for Medgar Evers, the murdered NAACP advisor for James Meredith at Ole Miss. Anyway -- Bill Kelly doesn't accuse Ruth Paine of anything specific -- he just wonders why the HSCA just ignored the Paines instead of making them the star of their show. And even that is an overstatement, because let's look at what Bill Kelly adds:

This is what I'm talking about -- conflating the Kennedy Assassination with the Oswald Assassination.

The "true resolution of the JFK murder" is assumed to be found in a study of the Oswald Assassination.

The operating principle of intelligence tradecraft is compartmentalization of operations.

JFK's killers had no connection to Oswald whatsoever.

Oswald's killers were set in the frame up once the patsy survived to be captured, starting with Ruby.

That's my take, at any rate...

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Conflating the Kennedy Assassination with the Oswald Assassination is part of a general conflating of the Kennedy Assassination with the Kennedy Assassination Cover-up/s, which is the dominant feature of much "JFK research".

The study of the head wound/s is another example of mucking around in the lower orders of the cover-up...the inept obsessing over the unknowable.

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Paul - here's the logical inconsistency you engage in repeatedly and which bugs all of us. You demand facts for anything you have decided you disagree with, such as Ruth Paine, and then you repeat as fact all kinds of suppositions, such as Robert and Marina having an affair. You simply can't have it both ways, and you need to start labeling your suppositions as such if you are going to demand facts from other posters.

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Paul - here's the logical inconsistency you engage in repeatedly and which bugs all of us. You demand facts for anything you have decided you disagree with, such as Ruth Paine, and then you repeat as fact all kinds of suppositions, such as Robert and Marina having an affair. You simply can't have it both ways, and you need to start labeling your suppositions as such if you are going to demand facts from other posters.

good luck. he doesn't understand what a fact or evidence is. verbal diarrhea

Edited by Martin Blank
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Paul T _

Here is what Bill Kelly says about Mallon's book:

Mallon wanted to write this book as a fictional novel, and while some literature often comes closer to the truth than the most factually detailed history, this isn’t one of them. It is to Mrs. Paine’s credit that in order to obtain her cooperation she insisted he write non-fiction, but somebody should have explained to Mallon that in writing such a thing he should use footnotes, document his sources and include an index.

Clearly this allowed Mallon to use whatever sources he wanted, including postings by fourteen year olds on the internet.

As to your suppositions above, I note:

(1.2) According to A.J. Weberman, Gerry Patrick Hemming confessed that while in Miami, he called LHO presumably on some pay phone, to offer him double the price of his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle if he would bring it to the TSDB depository the next day, and drop it off at some disclosed location for some underworld figure to pick up.

Can you cite a source with an actual link because this statement is not something I think I have ever seen in Weberman's notes.


Chris N.

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This is what I'm talking about -- conflating the Kennedy Assassination with the Oswald Assassination.

The "true resolution of the JFK murder" is assumed to be found in a study of the Oswald Assassination.

The operating principle of intelligence tradecraft is compartmentalization of operations.

JFK's killers had no connection to Oswald whatsoever.

Oswald's killers were set in the frame up once the patsy survived to be captured, starting with Ruby.

That's my take, at any rate...

Well, Cliff, I wonder if we are really very far apart at all.

Consider my theory, please, and then tell me if you think I'm conflating the JFK murder with the LHO murder.

(1) General Walker (in conjunction with Guy Banister, Joseph Milteer and the Radical Right in the South) plotted, along with his followers in Dallas, who included Radical Right wing Dallas Police officers, to kill JFK in Dallas.

(2) As substance for this, I offer "Power on the Right" by Wm. Turner, 1971.

(3) Turner affirms that all DPD officers in the early 1960's had at least one membership in a Radical Right wing organization.

(4) Various DPD members signed on to Walker's plot (just as they had signed on to Walker's plot to humiliate Adlai Stevenson in Dallas one month before, holding Walker blameless).

(5) Two of these members were Roscoe White and J.D. Tippit.

(6) The DPD had full control of Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963

(7) The space behind the picket fence was a parking lot for Dallas Sheriff and other City officials, including Dallas police. There was only one locked entrance and exit by car -- it was SECURE.

(8) After the DPD and their confederates killed JFK, they turned to General Walker for the next step -- to capture the Patsy -- who had been set-up FOR MONTHS.

(9) The DPD also prevailed upon Jack Ruby -- a good friend of JD Tippit -- to murder the PATSY, who had also been framed as Tippit's killer. (At least two witnesses say Roscoe White was Tippit's killer).

(10) Jack Ruby, who would do almost anything for the DPD, accepted that task on the assurance that he would really be a HERO -- at least to THEM -- and perhaps to the USA. So, Ruby did it.

(11) This is why Jack Ruby suggested to Earl Warren that he could only talk openly when OUTSIDE of the clutches of the DPD.

There, in a nutshell, Cliff, is my theory. Notice that I've linked the JFK murder and the LHO murder into the same plot, manned by the same people.

Notice, too, that Ruth Paine had absolutely nothing to do with it.

May I please have your opinion about my theory?


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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This is what I'm talking about -- conflating the Kennedy Assassination with the Oswald Assassination.

The "true resolution of the JFK murder" is assumed to be found in a study of the Oswald Assassination.

The operating principle of intelligence tradecraft is compartmentalization of operations.

JFK's killers had no connection to Oswald whatsoever.

Oswald's killers were set in the frame up once the patsy survived to be captured, starting with Ruby.

That's my take, at any rate...

Well, Cliff, I wonder if we are really very far apart at all.

Consider my theory, please, and then tell me if you think I'm conflating the JFK murder with the LHO murder.

(1) General Walker (in conjunction with Guy Banister, Joseph Milteer and the Radical Right in the South) plotted to kill JFK in Dallas along with his followers in Dallas, who included Radical Right wing Dallas Police officers.

(2) As substance for this, I offer "Power on the Right" by Wm. Turner, 1971.

(3) Turner affirms that all DPD officers in the early 1960's had at least one membership in a Radical Right wing organization.

(4) Various DPD members signed on to Walker's plot (just as they had signed on to Walker's plot to humiliate Adlai Stevenson in Dallas one month before, holding Walker blameless).

(5) Two of these members were Roscoe White and J.D. Tippit.

(6) The DPD had full control of Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963

(7) The space behind the picket fence was a parking lot for Dallas Sheriff and other City officials, including Dallas police. There was only one locked entrance and exit by car -- it was SECURE.

(8) After the DPD and their confederates killed JFK, they turned to General Walker for the next step -- to capture the Patsy -- who had been set-up FOR MONTHS.

(9) The DPD also prevailed upon Jack Ruby -- a good friend of JD Tippit -- to murder the PATSY, who had also been framed as Tippit's killer. (At least two witnesses say Roscoe White was Tippit's killer).

(10) Jack Ruby, who would do almost anything for the DPD, accepted that task on the assurance that he would really be a HERO -- at least to THEM -- and perhaps to the USA. So, Ruby did it.

(11) This is why Jack Ruby suggested to Earl Warren that he could only talk openly when OUTSIDE of the clutches of the DPD.

There, in a nutshell, Cliff, is my theory. Notice that I've linked the JFK murder and the LHO murder into the same plot, manned by the same people.

Notice, too, that Ruth Paine had absolutely nothing to do with it.

May I please have your opinion about my theory?


--Paul Trejo

pure fiction. not properly sourced. no factual basis. i would have to give it an F if i had to grade it. where's the beef

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